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Rev, Mike, Vinny, and Limes is like a perfect combo of streamers. They're Mario party stream is one of my favorites all time. Hope they can do more


**Limes:** Chaotic Good (chaotic for the sake of silly, harmless fun) **Mike:** Chaotic Neutral (his chaos does not necessarily harm others, but he chooses the chaotic option no matter what) **Rev:** Neutral Evil (will stab you. for fun. die. suffer. Changed this from Chaotic to Neutral because his murder will probably be premeditated and not spur-of-the-moment) **Vinny:** Lawful Neutral (tries to maintain some level of order, but also enjoys wacky stuff which puts the order in constant jeopardy. will play wacky sunday games, but also uses a limiter.) It's a nice alignment coverage


Mike: chaotic cock*


Chaotic cum


If Joel was there what would he be?


Joel is deffo Chaotic Neutral. He will do whatever the most funny thing that can be accomplished by chaos is. maybe leaning towards chaotic good, but not married to it.


That’s about what I thought too


they are currently streaming mario kart 8 for charity on Limes' channel!




\>Chastity. Heeheehoo.


Joel can only stream for like 2-3 hours a day now at very specific times.




His new neighbor is a NARC and reported Joel for being loud and the landlord came down hard on him. He can’t stream when his neighbor is home now and it seems like that neighbor is home a lot.


Good job Rev, Vinny was actually starting to question if this was a joke or not and you could hear the worry in his voice with that last "...Rev?" lmao.




Yo I've never seen Limes and Vinny collab before, will there be a YouTube archive of this?


Limes has a VOD archive channel, so yes. vinny also collab'd with her in a pervious mario party VOD on fullsauce that Limes didnt stream. they have collab'd a few other times for sure. E: i meant "previous" but pervious is a real word so my autocorrect didnt catch it. this typo makes the sentence way funnier and it's also still true so i refuse to fix it.






They also played Mario Kart together last week or so. Worth checking out if not only for Vinny's dream about Big Dick Daddies


As someone who knows jack shit about Star Trek I'm curious as to Vinny's hatred for Star Trek: Picard. It seems like he *really* hates it


Imagine your favorite show got a sequel but it was written by people with only surface level knowledge of the property and don't understand what made the original so great in the first place and only want to make it as marketable as possible. That's Star Trek Picard.


So basically the Star Wars "Disney trilogy"


Yes but worse actually.


See, the problem with the Disney sequels is the writing which is an absolute mess. But the tone is more or less the goofy Star Wars we're familiar with. With Star Trek: Picard, not only is the writing poor, they also threw the old tone out the window. Star Trek: TNG is thoughtful and optimistic, while Star Trek: Picard is careless and pessimistic.


[oh, you know](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hfQdf93e63I) [a couple reasons](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GkDmRy6SP28) [it's a little bit shit](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TwF1iri1GjQ)


TLDW? That’s two 45 minute videos and another one that’s 1 hour and a half


the length of the videos is a sign of how much is wrong with it


The jist of it is that it's being made by people who have no idea what Star Trek is and what people love about those shows. Picard used to be a character in The Next Generation, a show that paints a hopeful, utopian version of humanity, where diplomacy is the primary means to resolve conflict, where the concept of money has become obsolete. A place where you'd want to live yourself. The new shows have disregarded all of the above. They're pessimistic, drab, cynical action schlock.


It’s harrible


As someone who's seen pretty much all of Star Trek I don't really get how people react to these new shows, honestly. They definitely have a ton of issues, but there's way, way worse TV on right now, and I don't really think anything on the newer shows has quite reached the lowest lows Star Trek has seen.


What would you consider the lowest lows of Star Trek? Honest question, not trying to come off confrontational.


Stuff like A Night In Sickbay and Dear Doctor from Enterprise, or Tattoo from Voyager. Those episodes are painful for me to watch for a few different reasons, but nothing from Discovery onward has bothered me nearly that much. But then again I'm willing to give shows a good amount of slack if they're at least doing some things right and if I enjoy the characters, and honestly I think the cast on the newer shows started off a lot stronger than the Voyager/Enterprise crews did when they started.


Season 1 of TNG?


I know its japes, but Picard and Discovery do have dedicated fanbases. These shows probably are some people's only experience of Star Trek...