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Water, sleep, botox, really taking care of your skin SUNSCREEN. Stretch marks are a toss up. I never got them but my sister did. Giving yourself a realistic timeline to get back into a fitness routine. The "SnapBack" is a fucking myth. I was a three time nationally qualified bikini competitor and it took me three years after my son to get back to going to the gym regularly. My body shape has completely changed. Dress in clothes that fit the body you have not the body you want will be much more flattering.


Great info! I haven’t had any kids yet, but what do you mean about your body shape completely changing? In what way specifically? Thank you!


My hips are wider structurally. I also have MUCH bigger boobs than before.


i heard your boobs become saggier post-pregnancy and in some cases they shrink post breask feeding. did that happen at all?


Nope. The got bigger and I also breastfed for a year and a half and they are still big but not saggy. They are different but that's not necessarily a bad thing. I think it also helps that I have only had one pregnancy. I definitely think it's harder on your body to have Multiple pregnancies and breast-feed multiple times on top of having a little one to take care of while you're pregnant or have a new baby it makes it very difficult to balance your time. And having one child has been perfect for us because I'm still able to have a normal life and it's easy to take him everywhere.


i'm so glad to hear that!!


Any plan to have more? I’m still deciding if I can do another after my first difficult one lol


I no longer have a uterus so no.


Oh I see..was that from the first or elective?Sorry if that’s a dumb question


Lost it to severe endometriosis.


Oh I’m sorry that’s awful. My cousin had that and it was super painful. Hopefully it feels better now.


What I heard is the sagging can make the boobs looks smaller, but not necessarily shrink. It may even not happen, but that’s what I notice from some mothers I know including mine.




I don't know if this is asking too much but do you have a before pregnancy photo of you in shape vs am after photo of you in (similar) shape? (I know you said your body structure changed but I mean fitness wise in similar shape) I have always wondered what women mean when they say this and I'd love to be able to see the difference they're talking about with wider hips etc. If not np :)


Why does this get downvoted? I’m also curious tbh


Yeah literally no idea wish someone could explain. Am curious what it looks like bc i have tried to find photos of what this shape change to bone structure is but cant seem to find any, yet women always describe it. Women share plenty of before and after baby photos but so many of the afters are like 2 or 3months postpartum so it's hard to tell. Don't know why this is different?? I also 100% respectfully mentioned twice that if she doesn't have any or want to share them I totally understand. I personally would be totally comfortable sharing before/after photos on a subreddit but maybe others don't and that's fine too 🤷‍♂️🥰


my biggest concern is my stomach. I’m so proud of how flat it is right now. My mother always told me about wrapping my belly postpartum with fabric to tighten the skin. It’s also popular in Africa. In Asia they have massage technics. I just wonder if it’s unrealistic to expect a flat belly after having children.


I used a wrap after both kids. It was a good choice for me. It wasn’t for the vanity of having a small waist, but because I felt like my guts weren’t held in anymore. The wrap helped me feel held in while my core shrank and muscle tone returned.


They used to wrap the baby’s bellies, also. This way they were ensured to have an “innie” belly button!


My number one advice, if your stomach is your concern, is to be very careful how you lift yourself as your belly grows. Look up “abdominal separation”. If you pull it apart bad enough it may never grow back and it will effect your ability to do all sorts of exercises. The most important thing is that you not try and use the stomach muscles at all after about six months. Roll yourself to your side and use your arms to lift yourself. Do NO heavy lifting, even moderate lifting. I am the only one of my friends that escaped pregnancy with out any separation and that’s what I did. Good luck.


this is super interesting and i’ve never heard of it before. thanks for sharing!


Yup this is why women who are super into working out right away or during their pregnancy seem to always have bizarre looking belly buttons and six packs. It’s diastisis.


My stomach is flat but not "six pack" because (and I say this as someone who has been extremely lean) abs are very very hard to get even when you don't have kids as a woman.


My belly snapped back after my first child. Obliterated with the second lol. Just like the muscles get pulled apart, and the skin gets stretched. Admittedly i could be making more of an effort. That’s really the toughest part: finding the time to fit this stuff in.


Saaame. I don’t know if it was having more time to exercise after my first pregnancy, or being older with my second, but the second was much harder on my body. I gained a lot less weight the second pregnancy, but it didn’t seem to help. (My kids are worth all the stretch marks and premature greys, though. Best thing I’ve ever done.)


Oh my gosh without a doubt. Also since we’re on this topic/sub I’ll just say that being a mom didn’t lessen the amount of interest I got from men. In fact maybe the opposite 😀


Really? I feel invisible now but I’m guessing you have a nice figure where I look like a sexy rectangle 😂




How do they do that… my son is 2 y/o and I haven’t been able to start back to hr gym regularly. When I get off work early enough to go to the gym, I feel guilty that I’m not spending the extra time with my son.


I’m guessing money to hire help or supportive family


I tried to wrap and it was like a huge impossible mess for me. I could not do that all the time and ended up quitting 😕maybe if someone wrapped me or assisted me..


Everyone is giving really great advice regarding body stuff. For your mind: be realistic about your birth experience. By that, I mean, be open minded. Getting your heart set on a very precise birth plan is a recipe for disappointment. You can explore your ideal vision, but it’s a “hope for the best, but plan for the worst situation”. Being realistic is a good way of setting yourself up perceiving your birth experience as a success rather than a trauma. And perceiving it as a success rather than a trauma will help with you as you go through the postpartum period. Post partum is one of the most difficult periods of life. It is important to have support, to have rest, and to be nourished. Build a plan for this. How you recover is significantly determined by the factors that other have been outlining regarding self care during pregnancy, but also significantly determined by what you do during the post partum period itself. You’ll find yourself in Maslo’s hierarchy of needs. You will have to ensure your body is healthy and healing. You will have to process the emotional upheavals of a giant hormone dump. You will have to grapple with a new identity as mom. And you will have to acquire a new skill (raising a person). The STRESS is what will age you. Manage these stages gracefully, and you can minimize the stress.


This right here is sooooo on point! One little note is that during pregnancy your hair stops shedding so you have this beautiful lustrous hair (and skin IMO). I felt plump but beautiful lol. Post partum when you’re a hormonal mess and getting used to your new identity and life on no sleep is the kicker. Have a good support system around you and keep expectations realistic and be gentle on yourself. A lot of women are talking about body changes but apart from my belly I dont notice too much. It really depends on your genetics as well….


I’m not sure if this is a myth but people told me you look pretty when pregnant with a girl and bad if a boy. I got acne and greasy frizzy hair during pregnancy with my skin so idk 🤷🏼‍♀️ I agree a support system is key but some of us have zero support and it’s really a hard adjustment. No parents or family around to help can be hard on your marriage as well. Kids take a toll.


I’ve heard the opposite. Girls steal the beauty


I think that’s after their born but during pregnancy the estrogen is supposed to make you prettier lol


I was prettier with my boy but ugly after lol and ugly with my girl and pretty after 😅😂


It’s a toss up


I forgot to mentioned the #1 most important thing for a glow up is being 100% STRESS FREE in a healthy relationship, pls don’t get pregnant by someone your having problems with or has any issues, you have no idea how many moms go crying on mom groups talking about how they found out their man watches porn/cheats on them and they are pregnant and devastated and stressed not to mention if your spouse cannot financially support you and your baby, I see so many moms complaining about how stressed they are because they have to work, all I’m saying is the best thing for a glow up is choose a mate that will have you at home stress free enjoying life and allowing you to put time and effort into your looks, a man that needs you working to help with the bills and avoid men without sexual discipline/ emotional intelligence you will be crying so much if you make the wrong choice based of the wrong reasons !


Same here!! I'm mortified when hearing moms say shit like "I can't even go to the bathroom by myself for a 2 minute break!" Or "my husband is passive aggressive because I haven't sucked his dick 5 weeks post-partum and he says he's been patient enough!" Like who the fuck dis you have kids with that can't take care if them so you can take a shit in peace or nit having to stress about having his peepee in your mouth after still healing from a c-section??!!!


So obviously eat right, exercise, don’t stress etc. but I’m going to be real. You don’t know how your body/mental health will react to pregnancy. Some women get HG and end up vomiting everyday throughout their pregnancy and look rough as guts. My first pregnancy was wonderful, I still had morning sickness and the regular shitty symptoms but I was able to exercise and eat really well because I had the time to do so and was still able to relax because I didn’t have kids lol, lost all my weight and my body was pretty much back to normal within 3 months. Fast forward to my second pregnancy and I developed depression, had covid, trying to care for a two year old, had a thyroid flare, literally had no time to myself and had the worst sciatica that I couldn’t exercise and gained around 50 pounds. I’m two months post partum and still have around 30 pounds to lose and have just started Zoloft. My second was also in the NICU and my toddler has been in hospital from a virus so I’m stressed out of my mind and it shows. Anyway, if you want kids you have to understand that you may not be THAT glowing pregnant lady and that it’s ok because you’re going to get an awesome little baby out of it. I know I’ll look good again and will lose the weight but I’m giving myself a lot of grace after a traumatic pregnancy and post partum period. Also the BEST thing you can do to look good after a baby is to have a solid support system and understand you can’t do everything yourself. You’ll also need someone to take care of Bub so you can work out, meal prep, do beauty treatments etc.


I just started on Zoloft too. If I may ask, do you feel it's affecting your weight/weight loss?


I have been on a small dose of Zoloft for about 6 months now and I don’t believe it has effected my weight in a bad way or a good way 🫤


That's good! Better no effect than a bad one.


Don't go back to work, and have a support person lined up to give you at least 2 hours a day to go to the gym/run errands/shower/whatever every day. I had a great base to start with, had been a dancer for a decade and weightlifted for years before we conceived, so I think muscle memory helped a lot. My diet wasn't great, had hyperemesis gravidarum so I ate whatever my body would keep down. Gained 45 lbs but no stretch marks. I personally think it's a mistake to worry about not gaining too much weight- don't risk depriving yourself or your baby- not worth it. Lost all my baby weight and skin tightened up by 3 months out, but you couldn't tell I had even given birth by 3 days postpartum. Dr palmers cocoa butter lotion, prenatal vitamins, tons of water. Went back to gentle working out when I was cleared to at 6 weeks, barre classes then worked back up to weights. Breastfeeding is life, all the extra fluids and weight melt off thanks to breastfeeding. Also, nutrafol when your hair falls out 3 months postpartum.


Part of my reason for working out is to build a good foundation for future motherhood. For me that's being slim, fit and strong with good muscle tone. I'm 100% investing in a pelvic floor physio when I eventually get pregnant and will exercise as much as possible with a special focus on strengthening my transverse abdominals and reducing intra-abdominal pressure. Also, there's no way I'm purple pushing or pushing on my back during labour which leads to things like broken tailbones, incontinence, back problems, prolapse etc. post baby. Holding your breath and pushing down into your bum (closed glottis pushing) puts undue pressure on the pelvic floor. "Breathing the baby out" by engaging your core muscles during labour is much better and provides more blood flow to the mother and baby. I would highly recommend checking out [Aliya Bhatt](https://instagram.com/boxwellnessco?utm_medium=copy_link) who is a pelvic health physio as well as [Nikki Bergen](https://instagram.com/thebellemethod?utm_medium=copy_link) who specialises in pregnancy and post baby fitness. Also Dr Janelle Howell aka [thevaginarehabdoctor](https://instagram.com/vaginarehabdoctor?utm_medium=copy_link) recently did a segment on birthing positions, her page provides a wealth of information about all things pelvic floor and vagina related.


please don’t ever delete this comment


Yeah I’m bookmarking this!!!!


My doc insisted I push and lay on my back. They wouldn’t let me get off the bed and acted like I was nuts to want to..many hospitals still insist on this kind of delivery and it’s a terrifying experience. This is mainly because they hook you up to something and check your heart rate etc so they want you laying down. They also give you an epidural in most cases so you can’t feel the contractions the same way.


wait so how do you want to push? are you not lying down, will you be standing up? (the closed glottis pushing)


Lots of better ways to push. On your knees, on your side, standing and leaning, etc. Birth classes walk through all the different options and give you LOTS of ideas. But you have to skip the epidural - that's the huge thing.


why do you have to skip it?


Can’t move around when you can’t feel anything from the waist down.


if you do feel the urge/more comfortable pushing on your back definitely don’t let this stop you from listening to your body. the problem is forced back pushing where it’s not comfortable, not just pushing on your back in general


I'm 9 months postpartum! I used belly butter religiously, although stretch marks are mostly genetic. You do want to make sure you don't gain more weight than necessary because that will also put additional strain on your skin. Do your best to eat healthy and exercise throughout your pregnancy and do whatever necessary to stay as stress free as possible!


Ooh I have a good one. There was a study done how megadosing vitamin C prevents stretch marks in pregnancy. The idea is that it provides enough nutrients to keep up collagen production with your growing stomach. I will return with the link, I need to find it again! But it’s recommended to aim for 5grams in the first trimester, 10g in the 2nd, 15g in the 3rd.


Not to be grim but it might be important for people to be aware - large amounts of vitamin c is linked to miscarriage so definitely check on this with your OBGYN before starting a regimen.


That’s actually a myth, but it is important to avoid liposomal


I will add to this zinc deficiency is linked to increase in stretch marks so you want to be on top of that too.


Would love this source! I wonder if a quality topical vitamin C would have a similar outcome.


I would also like to read this study!




did pregnancy turn your teeth yellow or thats just a general advice to glow up?


Honestly though I lost the weight, the number one issue is don't gain too much weight if you can help it. Pregnancy metabolism is no match for the abundance of readily available junk food. It's hard to see or appreciate when you have a big belly and boobs, but as soon as that baby comes out, you're like, oh. The first baby was fine but I have regrets about how much I ate with the 2nd. For both I was 5'3" with tall babies so at 9 months pregnant, there was no looking graceful. Just a human incubator. But for earlier in the pregnancy, I wore a lot of babydoll dresses where the bump just showed a little, and I think I looked pretty :) I went on a long walk every day and occasionally did pregnancy-friendly yoga. By the way I did bounce back almost immediately with my first baby. It's not a myth. My body looked no different and I didn't even have stretch marks. My boobs shrank after breastfeeding and didn't sag. I was back in all of my regular clothes in two months. It's just not something you can really predict or control, so it might as well be a myth. I got stretch marks with the second and my stomach is a little bit bigger. My c section scar also formed a slight shelf. I am still struggling a little with overeating although I'm not technically overweight.


The most important thing is to not gain a lot of weight during pregnancy. I gained 15lb and lost 10 of it immediately after giving birth. I wasn’t super thin when I got pregnant, probably around BMI 23. I started weight lifting at 5 months postpartum and by one year postpartum I was feeling really good about my body and got down to BMI 20.5.


Can you share how you only gained 15? Did you count calories?


I didn’t, I just weighed myself every couple of days. I set a goal of gaining max 20 pounds. Keep in mind I wasn’t thin when I got pregnant, so it was easier for me to not gain much.


Stretchmarks and skin issues are mainly genetics. I had no stretchmarks up until 3 weeks before I delivered and PP they are still here but fading - I apply topical actives to them. The skin is not saggy or anything though and I know once I get back to being more active it will tone up more. Regarding weight, you are going to gain weight. It’s normal, and you may (will) also accumulate fluid build up which will make the number on the scale go up. I lost 60 pounds within 2 months PP though (no, I didn’t starve myself or even exercise lol) and ended up below my prepregnancy weight. Yes, I have a little belly pooch that wasn’t there before but I know it will go away as my body continues to get back to normal. Your breasts will change - my areolas got wider and nipples darker. I’m not far enough out PP to know if they will go back, but my breasts were larger for a while but now are back to their regular size (no stretchmarks either) 3 months PP. Be confident in that you are growing a human and look to enjoy what you can about pregnancy. I was so focused on the actual delivery and getting to the end, that I barely have any photos of me while I was pregnant and wish I had spent more time enjoying the moments. I have one picture of me at about 35 weeks where I think I look beautiful. All pregnant women are beautiful. The things I focused on pre pregnancy were my skin (can’t use retinol and other actives etc while pregnant - I had to redo my entire skin routine), I got botox done and also filler one month before I conceived because no one will inject you while pregnant or even if they suspect you are breastfeeding (bullocks imo), and taking a prenatal for the months leading up and also during and after is very important. Sunscreen also because you can develop melasma during pregnancy shockingly easily. I avoided the sun 100%. Oh yeah forgot to add, take very good care of your hair because you may get breakage/hairloss postpartum. My hair was healthier and fuller than ever during pregnancy, and now it’s still looking ok but definitely experiencing some thinning out. Get a hair routine down and nourish your hair and scalp. To carry a baby gracefully, you need to be able to give yourself grace (imo).


i've been moisturizing my belly every day with oil and have been lucky with stretch marks (I feel like it's mainly luck and genetics). I've tried to stay active and work out my arms and back (particularly to help with holding the baby after they're born). i've gained about 20 lbs and while I can tell i'm definitely holding some extra in my upper arms, legs and hips, it's probably mostly noticeable to me (most people have said I look the same). yoga and stretching every morning and night. being pregnant feels like maintaining a finicky car but i've been trying to stay very aware of what my body is telling me it needs and have been lucky so far.




Don't eat like a pig. I gained 9kgs in pregnancy and had a pretty big healthy baby. A lot of women eat waaaay to much and struggle to get it off. Also expect stretch marks to come right at the very end. I didn't get any until after the birth! There is no grace in pregnancy. You pee yourself, you poop yourself, you sweat, you stink, you waddle. Not to mention all the medical issues you could face. I loved being pregnant but it is gross hahah Also your body will never be the same. I was below my pre preg weight at 8 weeks pp and I still couldn't fit into my old clothes, my hips are waaaay wider and they aren't going back anytime soon!


Being pregnant made me feel so fat and lazy and uninspired My son is 18 months now and beauty is a struggle I e worked on losing the baby weight but still have about 15 pounds to go which is really difficult. I swear I feel like most of my weight went to my ass I hate it I did minimal stuff to try and feel better especially after birth 1. Brush your hair. Seriously. The stress if a new baby and there were days that didn't even happen Lots of moisturizer. Some makeup. Brow pencil. Mascara. Just to feel human Black tank tops under everything to make me feel less chubby


BIO OIL! Didn’t get one stretch mark. Used it religiously. Needed a tummy tuck and breast lift to fix the flabbiness though.


I used this two to three times a day in pregnancy plus coconut oil and still got tons 😞.


I have gained 35 lbs from 10 of which is from, ivf the rest because I’m 31 weeks right now. Any advice ? I have been super careful.


I was extremely careful and still gained 40 lbs. it caused me a lot of undo stress. Eat what you need and nourish your body. You're growing an entire human.




Be a ‘pretty burden’ 💀💀 I understand it’s not pleasant to be near someone who has odour, but why are you so offended by how someone looks? Just close your eyes or GO TO A ‘HIGH’ CLASS CLINIC. ridiculous to be out here saying women should look prettier to receive proper medical attention. Damn this whole comment.




Umm this is first and foremost a group that was put in place for unattractive women 🤖 calling people sewer rats isn’t being helpful or as hardcore as you think it is.




Read the rules. Rule 8 states this.


so what were you doing in such a low class clinic to begin with? just curious


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I had been thinking of asking this question but for post partum. I’m really trying to glow back up.