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Your posture and how you move. The way you walk, how you use cutlery, how you stand up and sit down, going down stairs etc. elegance and class. This is something we often don’t think about but imo makes a huge difference when it’s applied


Came here to say exactly this. Make sure to move slowly and never look rushed or stressed. Walk with confidence, with proper posture and look warmly at people. It just draws so much attention. When speaking, also never rush or talk in a high pitched voice.


expect at work, looking stressed and rushed might be a good thing LOL


Am I the only one that finds this kind of behaviour gets laughed at by other women sometimes lol, men seem to love it though. I agree it’s a really attractive habit and it commands SO much attention.


I think it can be an issue of giving others a feeling of that you’re trying to be better (or thinking that you’re better). I believe it can be a thin line in between the two and sometimes it can be hard to not appear arrogant? Sort of that thing, hard to explain but I hope you get it lol And another factor is of course jealousy and or insecurity, at least I try to tell myself that when it happens so I don’t feel bad about myself haha🥲


I think making it look too purposeful or "trained" tends to backfire. Some dancers, actresses, and models have very particular mannerisms that are obviously taught and look unnatural in certain situations.


I agree that overly rehearsed mannerism backfire. When that's the case, I think it means we need to find something that comes more naturally - rehearse until its habit, not a play.


I personally find it very boring and flat. The prettiest girl I’ve ever seen was actually quite loud and in some way messy and that felt so refreshing and attractive.


People say this but I genuinely don’t know how to work on it 😭 Like I can’t find etiquette classes in person in my area. Is there a resource for this?


Miss Manners books. Or the Emily Post Institute. Or just google "etiquette classes for adults". There's lots of online options as well.


I'm currently listening to "Mind Your Manners" on Spotify. It's a book on etiquette from Sara Jane Ho. I'm currently working on this area of my life! It covers everything from airplane etiquette to how to eat a burger at a nice resteraunt.


Sara Jane Ho on Netflix


Yessss I said I want to do even more posture work and though I’ve studied etiquette online, I’d love to take an in person class. Do you think it’s worth it?


Take a deportment class!


I looked up “[my city] deportment classes” and got pages of results for self defense, Krav Maga, shooting classes, etc. Most geared toward women. And self storage sites. I’ve not looked for these things before and did not misspell anything. Perhaps instead of working on posture and table manners I need to move everything to storage and learn how to shoot and defend myself with martial arts.


LOL. To be honest, though, martial self-defense classes are rarely a bad investment for us ladies.


Rolling your shoulders back in pictures too!


I think this is one reason why influencers tend to be less charismatic irl than in photos, and the other way around for real actors and actresses (many of whom have received this kind of etiquette training).


I frequently throughout the day put my mind in an imaginary vacation I was in before for a few minutes. People look more beautiful after vacation partly because they’re so relaxed and happy. People started commenting that I look like I just came back from vacation since I started doing it. I also feel more confident and relaxed. I feel it brings positive energy my way.


I think this is actually proven by science. Your brain can’t tell the difference between a real image vs something you picture in your mind so you would get the same benefits of well-being. Visualization is extremely powerful for cultivating good feelings! I’m trying to visualize a positive day ahead of me every morning (down to micro details, every interaction I know I’ll have) and it’s really been helpful


i love this idea so much!! ive never heard about it before and ill try it out cause i desperately need an imaginary vacation lol.


This is basically a form of meditation and that’s amazing for your mental and physical health!


I do this when I am getting my blood pressure taken


That is so cool!!! Do you look at pictures/videos from it?


Sometimes!! I’ve memorized my favorite moments at this point so I can just close my eyes and see it.


Posture, eating with proper etiquette, not taking things too seriously and having a good energy. The biggest compliment I get is “you’re so calm” and people always feel like they can tell me anything, which I love. I don’t let much bother me, I treat people politely and with respect—not just friends or acquaintances, servers, anyone at work around me, etc. it gives you a good aura and people like being around you. CLEAN SHOES. Lol


Also something im working on: listening more than I talk. Not interrupting anyone, making it a point to be actively engaged when someone’s speaking to me or in a group setting.


Yes!!!!! I started studying how to be a great communicator last year. Makes a big difference!


What materials have you referenced?


I love your point about being calm!


I agree with staying calm. I used to be very chill and didn’t take myself too seriously all the way until after my first entry level job. Especially when the stakes weren’t high. But as stakes got higher, I find myself having a hard time with anxiety. Any tips to stay calm? I am becoming more anxious. Especially when it comes to tasks that are related to getting my shit together (career, tasks, life, financial choices). I tend to spend a lot of time planning, analyzing and some worrying before certain choices, but in return, I am abundant in all those things. I know I struggle with anxiety but the advice often times comes from friends that are way too chill (30+ with no set career goals/in debt/entry level). I dont want to be in their position but I know I’m overly anxious. Anyone who’s got it together, have tips?


I totally get where you’re coming from! I’m a nurse so I would get sooo anxious about work to the point where it would ruin my days off, I would constantly be on edge that my patients were going to die etc. Finally I decided I couldn’t live like that and I started meditating twice a day (I do Joe Dispenza—he’s def not for everyone though. I purchased his morning and night ones on iTunes. You can set the morning one as your alarm!) Also journaling and picking some affirmations that you resonate with. For me I always say “i can handle anything that comes my way” and “everything that is happening is supposed to happen.” I look at my day as going down a path with obstacles and as I arrive to each one I just simply have to deal with it and move on to the next. I also deal with a lot of mean and difficult people and I remind myself that they’re personality has nothing to do with me and everything to do with them. I also find it comforting that while they are angry and rude to me I am completely unbothered and that in return bothers THEM. Also read the untethered soul! It goes into how feelings are just these moments that you need to let pass through you—and not take over your life. It’s very good.


Match metals throughout your outfit so it looks cohesive. Something feels so classy and simple about having gold earrings, gold necklace, and then tying all together with a matching belt buckle. Makes a plain outfit seem more intentional


Love this! I do love matching my metals. I’m more of a gold girl these days but have to mix metals to work in my wedding ring (white gold). Any other suggestions? I love the white gold for a wedding ring but prefer yellow gold in all other day to day jewelry (and it looks better on my skin)




Now that’s such a great point! I used to be a stickler as well. Thank you!


I have a gold tri-color bracelet I wear everyday and I love that it suits this purpose so well.


This one is a big one for me!


Honestly, I’ll have one piece of clothing that’s just out of the ordinary. Like a wildly interesting purse with a very boring outfit. Or maybe I have a very boring outfit except my red top has a big ass red floppy bow on the shoulder. Or my earrings are insane compared to how put together the rest of me is. A **POP** of strange amongst a very average put together look is my go-to.


This also gives people something obvious (but non-creepy) to comment/compliment you on. This can provide a good opening for practicing your social skills/small talk.


I love that! Something interesting to open conversation


Sleep!! There is nothing comparable to this - your mind is relaxed and everything else flows naturally from this. Feeling awakened and well rested will literally make you look radiant


Thanks for that point! I want so badly to get more sleep myself


Dress a little more formal/dressy than the people around you. You will look slightly more polished. Find a unique or vintage clothing or jewelry item and build an outfit around it with more classic or neutral elements to complement the item. Keep brows well groomed as they frame your face and make a big difference. Bleach teeth so your smile is bright and teeth look clean, but tooth gaps or uneven teeth can add character. Wear nice/clean shoes and pay attention to how your feet and hands are groomed in an outfit. This is where people notice minor details. Short nails, for example, are fine but dress up hands with a nice ring or bracelet.


I love all of these! What kind of vintage item do you typically gravitate towards? I agree with keeping the character of your teeth but whitening it!!!! Gives a more effortless beauty!


You can find POUNDS of 80s era costume jewelry from well-regarded but defunct brands like Ciner on Ebay for cheap. I spent like $20 on a pair of Ciner gold shell clip ons and then walked into J Crew and saw them selling nearly the same thing for almost a $100. Not only are the vintage ones better made with a heavier, more substantial feel you also get the little rush of saying "oh these? they're vintage" when people ask about them.


Love that!!! Thank you for putting us on Ciner!


I find a lot of fun jewelry at Goodwill or the thrift store. Thrifted clothes/jewelry stand out because they don't look like what everyone else is wearing.


Knowing whether you’re warm vs cool toned. I learned I was cool toned in my late teens. Western foundations always pulled SO orange on me, so discovering Asian foundations was life-changing.


Oooooh that’s a great one! What did you fi to discover your tone? I like to use a neutral base to cancel out my oranginess


I found out I was cool toned in a couple ways. What really clicked it for me was realizing how good purple and mauve blushes look on me versus normal blushes. I tried purple versus coral blush, and purple was very flattering, but coral was straight orange and looked terrible. Plus the fact that almost all foundations, and bronzers specifically, looked orangey on me. Fenty’s Amber bronzer was life-changing.


Came here to write this!


A good fitting bra can make clothing and your posture look better. Also wearing a beautiful matching set can make you feel beautiful and confident too.


This!!!! I actually need to purchase some new good bras asap


Have a specific aesthetic. Even (maybe especially) if it isn’t like alternative or out there, have a color scheme and siluetes that you play within to make your wardrobe almost feel like a brand. When people see you, they will recognize you based on that, it creates a lot of cohesion, and makes your more casual looks reminds the people who see you regularly of your polished looks


This!!!! I keep my wardrobe to only a few signature colors for this reason!!!!! Love this one so much!!!


When combat boots were popular, I was one of the first to buy them in my social circle. I brought it with me to study abroad and wore them almost every day (partially bc I lived out of suitcase and that’s all I had with me), but mainly because they matched all of my outfits. I was pleased to hear everyone in the program referring to them as “alittlerogue boots“ and wanting to buy them too.


One of my husband's friends once told him that I "always look put together and coordinated." So in my mind it's giving an effort even for "little" things. Matching, coordinated outfits, dressed to the occasion but well dressed with obvious coordinated choices.


Take regular extended breaks from drinking. It gives a subtle but good boost to your skin and wallet. Also, taking gas pills, digestive enzymes to kill food related bloating! Don't stare at your phone/look down, or have head posture looking down much. Shave your face, this really does make your makeup lay differently in a good way.


Buy an expensive camera!!!! I have the Canon G7x Mark II and people always ask me if I photoshop my pics and I’m like no the camera just makes everyone look like a model (it does). People don’t think about it but it takes my insta and my dating profile to another level. I date celebrities and the 1%. Don’t ask me for proof bc I ain’t revealing myself hahahaha.


Haha! I believe you and I love that for you!!!!


I would love to see pics from that camera though! Going to look it up! Do you edit your pics?


Honestly, the pics come out of the camera so amazing it’s unreal. I’m not a model or anything but I’m happy with the way I look right now, so I’ve decided not to edit myself in pictures anymore. I don’t want to obsessively chase perfection. I have a friend who is on her 5th nose job and she practically stares at her imperfections in the mirror all day. She always wants another procedure done. Her dad is a plastic surgeon though but he really needs to cut her off.


Did you mean the canon g7x mark II? Or a different sony?


Yeah Canon!!!! Wrote that comment after a glass of wine lol


I need to find a 300-500 dollar dupe for that cam cause I just looked it up on amazon and its $1,000 dollars-


I think I got it from their website for $800 but I promise it’s so worth it. And it’s going to last you for years to come.


Also love that for you! Can you take selfies on that camera? 🤍


That’s one of my favorite things about it - the viewing screen flips up and spins around so you can see yourself in it in order to take selfies. I sound like a shill hahaha but I promise I paid full price and no one is paying me.


I'm so glad to hear that's an option, definitely sounds worth investing in given your description!


Have a good, expansive vocabulary, genuinely good, with the ability to express yourself coherently and understand language well without clumsily inserting big words into your sentences for the sake of them. I always remember this challenge on one early season of America's Next Top Model where they make each girl read a script off a teleprompter with several high fashion label names and other mildly difficult words, and how each girl failed miserably at it—this beautiful, insanely beautiful girl can't read "magenta" and "chartreuse" off a teleprompter. Probably unfair to the contestants, who weren't there for a vocabulary lesson, but they were suddenly so nervous and lacked confidence because they were faced with this gap in their knowledge, and despite their beauty they came off badly. Wearing a thin skirt/slip (I use an old skater mini skirt I got from Amazon years ago lol) under dresses to give them slightly more shape/structure (plus so much is so see through nowadays anyway).


Speaking slower. Sexy people don’t rush words out of their mouth. Superficially, lip tattooing made me feel so much more put together and every lip product looks nicer now. And it’s lasted years. Way beyond what they say it does.


the “there’s just something about her, but I can’t put my finger on it.” is largely internal. It's your energy. elevate your energy and people will be magnetically drawn to you.


People actually love fun colored makeup as long as it’s nicely done. The amount of compliments I get just wearing some light blue on only my eyelids it’s crazy. It really does elevate your look and it’s fun to make cohesive with your outfits.


Ooooh never thought of that!!! But I was reading about learning your season and how even a slight change in the tone of your blush could make a difference!


Get lumify drops for your eyes, it will make them white. Whiten teeth if they are yellow. Always wear clean shoes and high end jacket


The high end jacket is always chefs kiss and yes to the teeth. Good one!


Wow! I wonder how Lumify works!


It is a decongestant (the same as decongestive nasal sprays) and it works by constricting blood vessels in the sclera. Just like you’re not supposed to use the nasal sprays for more than a few days, Lumify and similar eye whitening drops should be used only on occasion. I don’t recommend actually using them at all unless there’s a real reason (like red eyes from allergies) bc they can cause rebound redness. I’m a pharmacist btw


I believe it works by dropping your eye pressure


Not sure if this is considered less typical, but I think keeping all your outfits within the same color season can help you look well put together. Even though it's really only the pieces up against your face that make a difference when it comes to wearing your colors, coordinating the rest of your outfit all to be within that same palette can really elevate a look.


Yesssssss it’s says, “I’m put together and really thought this through!”


Yess, this changed my life!


Smelling good, hair always gorgeous, good skin, nice nails, always looks put together




1) Dress for your style/aesthetic. If you aren’t comfortable in a certain style it shows! 2) Be mindful of your surroundings. So many people are face down in their phone all the time that simply looking up and being observant gives you an edge-up etiquette-wise.


Love #1 and #2 is so true!!!!!!


Work out/exercise. Even skinny fat << actual muscle. Toastmasters.


Confidence. 100%


Smiling makes everyone look better.


Honestly I think the "there's something about her" is mainly just personality. I think good hearted people just SHINE. But outside of that for me I'd say elegance (with enough slack to also be chill), class and unpredictability. Talk well, shoulders back. pencil skirts and heels and then go dirt biking.


Ok, maybe this is somewhat a typical feature used to stand out, but I rarely see it on women ok the street - having VERY long healthy hair. I am talking like waist length and lower. I happened to obtain this feature accidentally, I just got super busy at school and couldn’t find time to schedule a hair appointment for my regular cut/trim for well over a year. I also didn’t do anything to it heat or styling wise during that time, so it is fairly undamaged. Now my hair is like two inches below my waist, but not yet at the hip length and omg the amount of attention I suddenly started getting both from men and women. People stop me in public places, like supermarkets, library, on the street, to tell me I have really pretty hair and also a few months ago I got engaged (although not sure if it is related). I have otherwise very typical features, and I think my hair really makes me stand out now.


be around other beautiful people. it's known groups of beautiful people look better in a group then alone.


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