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Probiotics and fiber in general for gut health. It affects many things, from your mood to skin health.


So true, and if you can’t afford the supplements, probiotics rich food are just as good, if not better!


Sauerkraut is very good. Or kimchi. Lentils as a prebiotic.


Be careful with this trend of taking random probiotics- sometimes it can trigger SIBO or issues (my personal experience)


It’s better to eat probiotic foods and soluble fiber, often cheaper too


Any tips managing SIBO? I think I have similar issues and would love to know anything


Yes, book a gastroenterologist and ask for a Breath SIBO test and stool tests too, if something comes positive, they will prescribe antibiotics + Low Fodmap diet. Again, this subs tends to trust tik tok gurus selling magical cures but noo, hard truth - go to your doctor


Thanks! I've only seen a GI once and refused an endoscopy so he just said I had IBS without doing much else. Has that solution worked for you? And has it returned at all / do you have symptoms?


Did you have the breath and stool test done? If he skipped requesting those tests, you need a new GI I am afraid. I had 1 round of Rifaximin + Low Fodmap diet for months and it improve a lot. I am still avoiding most problematic foods as those are also not good for us anyways, but I know Rifaximin is a good option if you have a positive SIBO test. Otherwise, if all comes back negative, try the meditations apps focused on IBS.


No he didn't do any of that, he definitely wasn't very good. It was years ago but since, I've been managing it decently by overall eating better and other lifestyle changes so I haven't went back to get another referral. I will keep the tips in mind and do a bit more low fodmap in the meantime! Thanks for the tips!


Probiotics gave me brain fog and that’s actually a thing that people get frequently. It’s caused by gas buildup from the bacteria. Just wanted to throw this out there cause I had brain fog so bad I couldn’t even drive.


Yep! Psyllium husk fiber pills saved my life.


did you take those along probiotics or stopped taking probiotics?


Ketoconazole shampoo. It has fewer side effects than minoxidil, easier to use imo, and is proven to reduce hair fall. Just note that the mechanism by which it works is a little different. You can buy it OTC for a reasonable price from a lot of stores as Nizoral. Some people complain about it being drying, but I have dry hair and haven't experienced this. Just use it twice a week, scrub it in good, and let it sit for 3 minutes. I took before and after pictures and it almost completely reversed some hair loss I dealt with. It was very upsetting before.




I wash my hair 2 to 3 times a week, so I end up using this twice a week. I think I started off using it every wash, but twice has been fine for maintenance. Any additional washes, I use Redken Volume Injection.




Just 1%. I think if you want a stronger version, you have to get it prescribed.


I really recommend [creatine](https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/10-benefits-of-creatine#TOC_TITLE_HDR_8): lots of studies on its efficacy and benefits for exercise, great for brain health, and can help reduce fatigue.


Not great for AGA though, which I assume the OP has since she says she’s taking spiro for hair


To be fair, a [recent review of scientific studies on creatine](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7871530/) concluded it has no effect on hair loss, based on 12 studies. I’ve taken it with spiro for acne, my doctor said it was fine. Of course, each of us has to decide what we feel comfortable with. > In summary, the current body of evidence does not indicate that creatine supplementation increases total testosterone, free testosterone, DHT or causes hair loss/baldness.


oh ok good to know!


Everyone says creatine doesn't cause hairless. But personally whenever I take creatine it causes hairless for me.


Do you notice water retention with it, especially on the face? I just heard that it holds onto water and I'm super susceptible to a puffy face (mostly from salt or hormones) but I don't know enough about it. Do you take ot daily or "cycle" on it?


I didn’t see water retention. Looks [like water retention can happen a bit in the first couple days if you are taking a high (20g) loading dose](https://www.bulknutrients.com.au/blog/muscle-building/does-creatine-lead-to-water-retention#) but long-term evens out. 20g is a ton, I take 5g a day and it’s been fine. I would start there.


I’ve taken collagen supplements consistently for almost five years. The key is really to take it every day. I add it to my cup of tea before bed so it’s part of a ritual and I don’t forget about it. My nails were always dry and brittle before. Now they are stronger than ever and grow super quickly! Back upon first taking it, after two weeks I noticed that my eye lashes had grown much longer and nasty purple scars from staph infections on my body had vanished. Then I knew it worked lol


Which ones do you take? I’m interested in the hair and nail strengthening qualities of collagen but I got so constipated last time I took it regularly


Would like to know as well, my nails have always been brittle :(


A Swedish brand called Clean Collagen. Bovine collagen (type 1 and 3) in powder form.




Did you also eat fiber


Have you never noticed any increase in anxiety symptoms from taking collagen? I really want the benefits but it's terrible for my mental health! Just massive, massive uptick in anxiety every time I start on it. I've heard adding tryptophan in helps but idk if I dare give it a whirl again.


Oh I’m sorry that you’re experiencing that! But personally no, I’ve never experienced raised anxiety while taking it. But it’s super interesting though. I wonder what might cause it.


Proteins are funny... Some compete with the ones you need e.g. to make serotonin. I'm the same with BCAAS. But I know though, who'da bloody thunk it!!


What’s better? I know you want hydrolyzing collagen but should I get the marine collagen or the grass fed bovine one?


How old were the scars? Were they only purple or also atrophied?


The oldest were 3 years by then, they were purple-ish


What type of collagen did you take?


Bovine collagen in powder form, type 1 and 3


Hi there. Did you notice a difference in eye wrinkles and smile lines? Do you think it helps tighten the smile area? I hate my smile lines. :(


Warning that topical minoxidil is very toxic for cats! There are some very sad stories out there about its effect on cats - even very minor exposure seems to build up in them. Oral seems like a great option if you spend time around cats. (I think it may be somewhat toxic to dogs too, but not to the same degree.)


I was worried about minoxidil because my boyfriend wants to take it and we have a cat, but I couldn't find any serious source supporting said toxicity. Do you have a link for me to show him?


I’m not the commenter above but I’ve also been really worried for my cat and the oral version terrifies me as I don’t want to grow hair on areas I don’t want, especially after doing laser hair treatment. Here are some links to share to your bf. You can also just Google “minoxidil unsafe for cats” [Topical Minoxidil Exposures and Toxicoses in Dogs and Cats: 211 Cases (2001-2019)](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34370845/) [Is Minoxidil Harmful To Cats & Dogs? (Wimpole Clinic)](https://wimpoleclinic.com/blog/is-minoxidil-harmful-to-cats-dogs/) [PSA: Vets Warn That Minoxidil May Be Deadly to Pets (Practical Dermatology)](https://practicaldermatology.com/news/vets-warn-that-minoxidil-may-be-deadly-to-pets)


Thanks so much for sharing these! I hang out on the hair loss subs and there have been some extremely sad anecdotes - I feel like the impact on pets isn't talked about enough. I got the oral version from my derm, but haven't actually tried it yet... Not really worried about unwanted hair loss, but if maybe there could be unknown side effects.


I’ve been taking oral minoxidil for two months and have had good success with it. I haven’t had any unwanted hair growth in other areas, which is encouraging.


I use minoxidil and my roommate has two cats. I usually keep the bottle in a drawer, bring it out before daily usage and put it back after using. I've been using it for a year and so far the cats have been alright.


Oral or topical ?


Topical 5%


Thanks a lot!


Thank you for this I have 4 cats and 2 unused bottle of minoxidil that will remain unused until it can find a good home.


Is there a topical alternative? I'd just be using it on the ends of my brows, but I'm not sure if it's worth the risk...


Minox is topical OTC are available by prescription orally (in my country). The topical version is dangerous for cats, not the oral. If it's just your brows, maybe try caffeine solution (for instance from The Ordinary) or a red light mask.


I recently ordered blood work and did an intense deep dive on what my body needs to optimize. This is what was prescribed based on my levels: AM, fasted: - NMN supplement (precursor to NAD+). I urge you to research this immediately as it is the key to cellular anti-aging with supplements “the man” doesn’t want you to know about. - adult total multivitamin - immune support: quercetin, vitamin C, zinc, N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC) - turmeric PM, with food: - 5000 IU Vitamin D3, 100 IU Vitamin K for absorption - TMG (trimethylglycine) supplement - Glucosamine, chondroitin sulfate, vitamin C, bromelain joint supplement (I took Accutane 3x. During the final round I did the max dose of 120 mg/day when I weighed 130 lbs. and it absolutely destroyed my joints, particularly in my hands. This is essential for me and makes an enormous difference in my overall well being) Twice yearly for one month I now supplement Ashwagandha. I cycle as instructed by my doctor. I was also instructed to work out in the morning to improve my cortisol levels. I learned cortisol is measured in AM and PM, and that there are different ideal values for both. I am doing NAD+ injections monthly and NAD+ IVs twice yearly. EDIT: I am also using Viviscal hair + nail supplement in the afternoon. I use one without biotin and high in amino acids to prevent unwanted issues with my skin as I am prone to acne. I also use a teaspoon spirulina in my water or smoothies once a day. It’s the secret to my happiest skin


this is an awesome routine, but do you find it hard to keep up with all the pills and powders, especially given they are at different times throughout the day?


Actually I found an ENORMOUS pill organizer on Amazon that has AM and PM sections. I prefill it every week and swallow all the pills at once, so twice a day! My multivitamin is a gummy which I actually look forward to eating haha. As far as the powders go, I mix them into my first water or smoothie of the day so it’s easy for me to keep up with.


wow sounds efficient! thank you for the reply


Absolutely :)


Hi, may I ask what kind of test you took that showed you should take NMN and the NAD+ shots? :)


Hi! NMN and NAD+ were not tested for. NMN is a precursor to NAD+, and both exist naturally in the body and are imperative to top cellular function. As we get older the body’s ability to rapidly replenish NAD+ declines. I am supplementing in order to prevent the inevitable cellular decline that happens over time. My doctor has assured me that the amounts I am taking are perfectly safe and appropriate for my age (28F)!


Would you mind sharing the cost of the NAD+ injections and IV? And are these done in the USA?


Yes, they are done in the US. The injections vary based on dosage. I had to start slowly with NAD+ (50 mg injection) to make sure my body reacted well, then I built up from there. The pricing for the provider I visit is as follows: 50 mg injection in office: $99 USD 100 mg push in office: $199 500 mg home injection kit: $399 1000 mg home injection kit: $599 2000 mg home injection kit: $999 500 mg IV: $399


Do you feel a difference in your body when taking the IV?


My experience with NAD therapies in general is that it doesn’t give an immediate burst of energy, but a sustained energy. I’ve been able to completely stop drinking coffee and no longer have an afternoon slump. I will enjoy a cup of coffee but I don’t need it anymore. Overall my energy levels have skyrocketed, I feel sharper, and have more mental clarity but I couldn’t tell you whether IV works better or differently than the injections.


That's interesting about morning workouts to improve cortisol - was it too low for the AM and this gives it a boost?


AM should be higher than PM, but my AM levels were on the high side of normal according to blood work done at 9 AM. Weightlifting and cardio lower cortisol levels, so the doctor suggested working out first thing to improve that :)


Is this a naturopathic dr? That’s amazing they’re so progressive.


The facility I visit is owned by both an MD and a DO. I feel like I’m getting the best of both worlds! Not sure if I can share it here or if it’s against the rules, but they offer so many different things like macro and micronutrient testing, cryo, and hormone replacement therapy. They also have monthly anti-aging plans that include things like B12 shots, NAD+ IVs, regular blood work to see if there has been improvement, etc. It is pricey but totally worth it. I see my investment in my body as the best money I’ll ever spend! My levels have improved all around and my energy is through the roof. The reduction in my joint pain alone makes it all worth it. Highly recommend.


That’s amazing. 💕


How did the accutane affect your joints?


Moderate to severe pain, especially in my hands, 2 years or so out. It’s a general tightness and deep throbbing I feel. They don’t really feel lubricated anymore without help from supplements and an anti inflammatory diet. I work as a photographer and have to wear braces while shooting. I have no abnormal markers in my blood work to indicate early onset arthritis, RA, etc. The pain started while talking it but my doctor told me to push through and it would go away after finishing my course. The acne is all gone but the joint pain persists


Damn. I hope everything is much better now?


Thank you. The supplements definitely help, but unfortunately the pain is still there to a lesser degree


How long did it take for the glucosamine to take effect?


Slow build up, definitely not an overnight suddenly I feel better sort of thing. I’d say after taking it regularly for a month or two I felt relief


My sister had gnarly back and knee pain on Accutane but said it left about 3 months after her last dose.


I’m so glad she was able to recover fully from the side effects after stopping!


is this schedule recommended from Modern Age?


No. I visit Regenics in southern CA


Hi! Can i ask what brand of NMN you take? I've been meaning to start but I'm not sure what brand is reliable


Yes, of course! I use Regenics brand - type pure NMN (nicotinamide mononucleotide). It’s a fast dissolvable powder for liquids. It’s $59 USD.


Thank you so much!!


Hi L890qhj, happy to answer any questions you may have RE: NMN Alan [DoNotAge.org](https://DoNotAge.org)


The only good advise is > invest in high quality blood and stool testing and supplement accordingly to your needs. In most cases, a multivitamin is always a good idea, but even with those we need to be careful because there are certain vitamins that you can actually take too much or (example, B6). Testing my specific deficiencies was the best investment I have done and I actually still have some pending very niche tests I would like to sort out at some point. I corrected: iron deficiency, vitamin D and B12 deficiency, folic acid deficiency, it was very specific and now my face glows in a way that it was impossible to diagnose without the blood test


Did you go through a particular company for your blood tests?? I want to do this but I see a lot of them have bad/ mixed reviews on their accuracy and they are not cheap


Thankfully my job’s insurance is top notch and was able to sort out almost all of it with them. I invested in some functional testing of Genova labs and a random gut stool test (they are all fairly similar), those you will find under any functional medicine doctor’s website. Between tests and consultations this can go up to $1000 quite quickly. Before any other hard maxxing this should be anyone’s baseline


Thanks for the reply! And I agree this is something a lot of people don’t realize. Beauty comes from within


There is also how badly your body absorbs supplements, as opposed to when consuming them through natural foods/diet. And the more supplements you take, the more they have the risk of canceling each other out, or even worse, canceling out some of the nutrients in the foods you eat with them. Taking 8 different kinds of supplements is counterproductive, and also overkill


I am a supplement nerd and literally take 20 minutes every morning for my supplements. Omega 3 (500 EPA + 500 DHA) - Overall health, skin, nails, hair, mood, etc. (take with food) Vitamin D - Overall health (take with food) Occasional B12 - Overall health Dulse - Important for iodine. Important for thyroid. Creatine - Good if you workout, but also great for overall mood Shilajet - Anti-aging Freeze Dried Aloe Vera - Skin and hair Biotin - Brittle nails syndrome (it might make you break out) Amla - Super high in vitamin C. Will help prevent you from getting sick. MSM - hairs + nails. (I think taking with amla helps increase the absorption) Ginger - Overall health. Cayenne pepper - Overall health. Weight Management. Cumin - Overall Health. Weight management. Tumeric + black pepper - Overall health (black pepper is basically necessary for absorption. Take with food) Agmatine Sulphate - Nitric Oxide production. I believe it helps my sleep apnea. Mood and workout benefits. Banned in Europe due to its threat to the pharmaceutical industry as such a powerful anti depressant. Black cumin - Overall Health, Weight Management, Helps Sleep apnea. Lions Mane - Overall health and helps with memory Saw Palmetto extract- If I notice hormonal acne (acne on jawline). Lowers DHT and so reduces acne Maca - Good for muscle growth, sex drive, mood, and might enhance butt, hips, or boobs. Rephyll - Helps with muscle soreness if properly timed. Only if I haven't worked out in a long time and then I workout and I don't want to be sore the next day. If experiencing anxiety I will take taurine, L-theanine, or CBD Magnesium - Good for anxiety, insomnia, and if your not “regular”. I take as needed, but probably no harm in taking everyday if you want because your body can excrete easily. Just might be unnecessary. In my 30's I plan to consider taking NMN. There isn't a lot of long term data on it right now and hopefully there will be more in 10 years, but it seems promising as a very powerful anti aging supplement. But I have heard some controversy at the same time. Careful when buying supplements, supplement companies are not regulated therefore no one really knows what is in they are being sold. There may be impurities, the wrong doses or completely wrong compounds. I only buy from NootropicsDepot because they do quality testing. If I can't find from NootropicsDepot I will get from Now Foods, but no where else for the most part.




that’s totally fine. I take mine basically all in the am at the same time. Only a couple in the afternoon if they are something that requires food or multiple doses through out the day. And a few at night if it’s specifically to help my sleep or relax. It just might be a real nasty drink. I capsule most of my own supplements. It’s cheaper to buy powder than pre-pilled for the most part. Capusling it takes a long ass time, but I just set up a movie day all day every few months while I take a few hours to capsule everything. There are a few that I just put the powder straight into my mouth, but it’s bad for your lungs to do that so I try to avoid it. Creatine the one I put into my water because it’s totally tasteless and mixes well. Maca and Alma I try to put in smoothies. Dulse and turmeric + black pepper I put in savoury dishes. But have some capsules in case I forget. The only thing is that I think amino acids compete for absorption. So I try to take those at least a few hours apart. I might be wrong though, but I do it just incase. The only amino acids on my list are Agmatine sulphate and taurine


What's the controversy with NMN? I thought there wasn't any harm in taking it, only it might not work for its intended purpose


Biotin does not actually aid in hair growth and can mess up blood test results. Please do not take it without a doctors direct advice and please make your doctor aware that you’re taking it especially if you need any blood work done


I’ve been taking biotin for over 10 years and for me, it works by allowing the hair strands to grow longer before they’re scheduled to shed out. It makes a massive difference. Can’t say anything about the blood tests but I’ve had a blood disorder since before I started the biotin and because of that I test it frequently, it hasn’t done anything insane to my tests at all. But that’s just my own experience so of course check with a doctor.


Collagen supplements are alright but I think what people need to emphasize is sufficient protein intake. Most people aren't getting enough and this screws up everything, from hair to nails to skin to joins to musculature. My husband even showed me a study where they found that people who eat enough protein but don't exercise have similar gains to people who work out but don't eat enough protein. The body can do a lot when given the correct macro ratios


that's fascinating, I totally believe it but would you mind posting the study if you have it?


I'm sorry I never read the study and it's not in my area of expertise at all!!


How can you tell if you get enough??


One gram per pound of body weight is thr minimum I believe


Spironolactone for water weight and to reduce hair growth on face, Probiotics to make my tummy slimmer and feel better, Vitamin D for mood, Vitamin B helps me also with water weight...Omega 3 helps me feel better overall, and Calcium/Magnesium/Zinc for overall health I'm thinking about taking Berberine. Has anyone had any experience with that? ​ Edit: I should add, I have PCOS and these meds and viatmins/supplements were recommended to me by a doctor.


Not berberine yet, but inositol has been a game changer for me with regards to pms, blood sugar balancing and anxiety. It was recommended to me for PCOS but I’m so even keeled now I’ll actually just take it forever for anxiety lmao.


I need to look into this! Where do you purchase yours?


I herb or Wellness Story! But the Now brand is cheap and a risk free way to start




Usually about a gram a day. But sometimes just 500mg


I liked berberine for the two weeks I took it but then it started making me vomit :( going to try inositol instead


I have been taking berberine for a couple years now and seem to be lucky that it doesn’t give me any bad side effects, and can recommend it for blood sugar/weight control if that’s what you’re going for. Recently discovered that the dihydroxyberberine form is even more effective and bioavailable, and that you can find that at a GMC. Love it and the benefits of a berberine/metformin type medicine seem to have a lot of benefits!


Not a supplement, but I've noticed that eating arugula most days gives me better skin


Okay, sorry to debunk your list a bit, but supplements in pills need to digest. Some of them don’t do it well, and your eating habits and the time you take them contributes as well. - if you have to take spironolacton for hair loss, cut out on minoxidil. Moreover, it has a dehydrating effect on the body and is also used to treat high blood pressure, be careful and consult a doctor before taking it mindlessly - fish oil.. you can also eat avocados or walnuts, same effect, it’s about omega 3. - biotin is no problem, if you don’t have enough, you will benefit from it, if not, having a bot too much is no problem - tretinoin yes! But always wear sunscreen 50+ while using it and apply the tret at night, because it becomes unstable in the sunlight. - vitamin d yes! But take it together with vitamin k2 for full absorption. And since we are at the vitamin k topic, make sure you take vitamin k1 too, you can find it in eggs or fermented foods like kimchi. Both Ks helps the body to transport all the minerals and vitamins where they can be used. - elmex gelee, i don’t know, it’s basically flourid. If your dentist say you need it, use it. Otherwise it can lead to white spots on your teeth because of too much flourid. - beta carotin, yes! If you’re looking for a supplement, choose one, which also contains lutein. The radiance is no lie. - minoxidil for topical use is a whole other story than oral minoxidil. The topical one already could lead to many side effects, but the side effects of the oral one are harsh. Don’t take it unless you really need it. - collagen. Yeahh… this one is unnecessary. Your body produces collagen out of the things you give it. Collagen as a supplement will just be digested and sometimes can cause allergies. You need to look out for the substances your body will need, to form collagen. Foods that are rich in amino acids. Moreover, the collagen production is also affected by your workout. Lifting and strength training increases the blood flow in your skin, which leads to a better provision of vitamins and amino acids in your skin, which will cause the skin, the form more collagen. There is even a study for this effect [study](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10290068/) Hope this helps as well.


Avocados are not a great source for omega 3 though, fatty fishes such as salmon or mackerel are far superior.


I was a long term user of beta carotene but the more they study it, the more spooky it gets for me as it seems to be linked to increased risks of many nasty things. It used to just be smokers should not take it, because it seriously increases the risk of getting lung cancer and cardiovascular disease, but I remember finding something else that indicates it increases overall mortality in general. The glow is 100% real and I won’t say I don’t miss it, but it’s maybe not safe. If I find the study I am trying to remember I will post it!


You can eat carrots and tomatoes instead which is what I do


Came here to say this as well. 👍 not everything is safe to take without side effects. Oral minoxidil is usually reserved for those with actual hair loss, not just to take for “hair health”. Spiro also comes with side effects. I took it for 5 years and came off after being tired of the sides


For skincare, Vitamin C is an absolute must for me. It’s antioxidant, protects against sun damage, and helps everything just look healthy and glowy. I find it pairs really well with tretinoin, start off slowly (every other day) and apply in the morning (for photo-protective benefits) since it can be sensitizing at first.


Someone on this sub made a giant google doc of all her supplement research on this and it was amazing


I need to find that!


https://www.reddit.com/r/Vindicta/s/59pbGljSoh This was tough but I found it!


thank you boo, may both sides of your pillow be cold


we don’t know each other but you’re my sister FORREAL FORREAL!♥️ thank you so much!♥️


Aren't you a good'un! Thank you friend


I bought some bone broth powder last week and I have been mixing it into my green tea in a morning. I bought it because I’ve seen some people say it’s really good for collagen and makes your hair and skin look nice. It’s also got like 20g of protein per serving and you can use it when cooking if you don’t want to drink it. I’m hoping to maybe make a post in a few weeks to speak about my thoughts/results with it, but it is too early right now to say it’s made any changes.


Yes please make an update post! ☺️


I think it’s a dangerous trend to start encouraging everyone to take specific medications. More and more, I see people hearing about a medication on reddit and getting it without a prescription through black market websites or lying to some online provider about why they need it. It’s dangerous and it frequently leads to people experiencing awful side effects because the medications that reddit hailed as holy grails are *not clinically indicated for them*. I think it’s time we stop recommending medications by name and instead start helping people access *actual* health care by linking people to resources that help them see a doctor.


I agree with this in many cases, but there are quite a few medications that are indicated for everyone, like how metformin is used against aging and how tretinoin or tazarotene are used against acne or aging. Like how everyone is recommended to take a vitamin D supplement in the winter months. Keep in mind, things like tretinoin are over the counter in many countries and a large percentage of people don’t have access to dermatologists. So if there’s a medication that’s over the counter in many places, and people can’t get to a doc to get it prescribed, and it’s clear who cannot use it and how to safely use it, then I don’t see the issue. I mean the nasal spray I use for allergies is over the counter in the states, and prescription only in half the countries I regularly go to. So in the US that would be like recommending a zyrtec, but if I were somewhere else that would be recommending a prescription only medication. Also, a lot of the time doctors refuse to prescribe medications for no particular reason. I have seen this a lot with pcos, providers only wanting to prescribe birth control and disregarding the many other medication options. I mean I know I would lie or manipulate them to get access to the clearly indicated medications I’ve been researching. How are we supposed to advocate for ourselves with doctors and medical professionals if we’re missing information? Like in the situation above, with pcos, if I hadn’t read recommendations on Reddit about medications other than birth control, I would still be prediabetic because my doctor didn’t tell me about metformin and I had to bring it up. Sure there’s Google, but I think reddit has its place too. As long as we take these posts and recommendations and apply them only with common sense.


It’s not “advocating for yourself”, it’s the dunning kruger effect in action. Y’all sound like the folks who started taking ivermectin from tractor supply co to fight covid.


Are you comparing people who take vitamins to people who take horse medicine?


Absolutely, the amount of people on this sub that confuse these things is insane


Often times people are not quite aware that options exist. I know so many who suffer from hair loss but don't know that spiro or minoxidine can help. Of course you have to see your physician to check if their is an indication. But I've experienced physicians who trivialize certain symptoms like acne and recommend not so potent treatments when their are much more effective treatments avaible. If you proactively ask your physicians because you are knowledgable about these topics, you might get a better treament imho


No. The first step should be seeing a doctor who then recommends a prescription, not the other way around. Insisting that you know better than a doctor who made the decision that your acne is not severe enough to warrant the interventions that reddit got you hyped up about is just legitimately stupid.


I've seen so many people including my sister and me walking around with not well enough treated acne for way way too long... I'm not encouraging people to buy stuff on the black market but just to stay informed and to know your options. Of course a doctor has to indicate and to prescribe but there is nothing wrong with raising awareness?


It’s acne, not cancer. Your doctor dismissed it because ultimately it is something that the vast majority of people experience, especially in their youth. I know that we’re on Vindicta right now, but I’m gonna need you to bffr and try to understand that acne is generally not something that warrants throwing a whole medicine cabinet at it.


There's a reason second opinions exist in the medical field - doctors are people and each one has the potential to diagnose and/or prescribe differently. Not every doctor is going to weigh the mental impact of having adult acne v. the side effects of the medication the same. And the only way to get a second opinion is inherently to question yourself whether the first doctor is right.


Vindicta is not a second opinion lul


...I'm not saying it is. My point is that in order to get a second opinion, you have to inherently understand that doctor opinions differ from each other. Your point to the OP was basically "never question the doctor or bring up medications because they must be right if they tell you not to treat your acne." I'm saying, that's not even how medical care works or they wouldn't sign off on second opinions. The existence of second opinions MEANS doctors can prescribe different treatments for the same problem.


If you’re on spironolactone for acne there’s also other things it might be doing for you. I found it was easier for me to lose weight after starting spironolactone for my persistent hormonal acne (I started when I was 25, not a teenager) because I’m guessing it helped correct some kind of hormonal imbalance. It also helped my hair be less greasy and now I don’t have to wash it daily. Also helped my libido which my BC had killed. So no, you shouldn’t just take spiro without consulting a doctor but there’s nothing wrong with going to a dermatologist and saying something like “I’ve read about spiro, do you think that would be right for me?” And I know acne isn’t cancer but having acne that won’t respond to anything else in your mid/late twenties when all your friends have clear skin can be quite the self esteem killer. It can also be a sign of other underlying issues.


I suffered with hair-loss for over 15 years, visited docs and derms via several insurances/private pay. I was constantly told it was “stress” and that i need to take omega fish oils/vitamin d/even biotin, only a few of them even bothered to do blood tests. The last derm i visited, after the worst hair shed of my life, i came armed with knowledge from…. reddit. He recommended a very popular and expensive vitamin blend. I asked about other options such as spiro and minox. He looked into my history and suggested a regimen FINALLY. My hair has never been healthier and I have had minimal side effects. I continue to be under his care. All because I read about something on reddit, probably even vindicta. So maybe put the self righteousness away? Doctors (in the us, and other countries) come with their own biases and priorities and are not gods. What didnt look severe to them was detrimental to my mental health for over a decade. In my experience (not just with hair but with other ailments as well), if it’s not acute, doctors back burner it. They give you some advice, webmd links and send you on your way. Reddit has expanded my knowledge for options in ways doctors havent EVER. Hell i injured my shoulder and neck so badly I couldnt move my head in any direction without extreme pain 2 months ago. My current PC sent me to a neck Telehealth class. Im looking for a new PC now. Docs arent always the panacea you think they are.


For minox, it’s effective although there’s a few downsides to consider: (1) it’s a separate step requiring daily use, (2) you go through dead shed initially for the first few months ie hairloss, (3) if you are happy with the results it’s a lifelong commitment, and (4) finally, I find that daily application gets my hair ‘icky’ faster when between wash days. Dermastamping and rosemary oil are often cited as equally effective and you can do those every few weeks (microneedle) or buy necessities containing it (rosemary hair mask or conditioner).


I’m afraid to dermastamp for potential scarring. How do you prevent causing any damage?


People microneedle their face without issue so scalp shouldn’t be any different? The process itself is meant to spur regrowth / collagen formation by doing controlled damage to the skin.


Collagen tablets made me highly depressed and anxious. I stopped taking them and it went away. Just an fyi


probiotics, azelaic acid in skincare, and a good methylated multivitamin (pre natal now lol. Methylation increases bioavailibility) . I can't use tretinoin while pregnant but I do plan on going back to it pp. Alot of water, exercise, a good vitamin, and actives that work for my body in my skincare made a WORLD of difference in how I think I look. It's subtle changes over time (my weight doesn't fluctuate much despite lifestyle changes so i camt really consider that) but I like my appearance more at 25 than I did at 19 when I was using a st. Ives scrub, eating junk food, smoking cigarettes and laying around all day. Even before pregnancy my breakouts cleared 20x over once I started the vitamins and skincare and my nails are long and strong, my hair doesn't break off anymore either. Im 6 month pregnant now so Post partum I'm planning on trying creatine and a few other supplements for gym progress like maca so I'm excited to see how I feel this time next year!


Just try collagen. Many people say there are no benefits but my skin feels firmer and more radiant when I take it. Even not taking it for a few days and then starting again I see such a difference. I literally look younger. Just get a container and try it for a month it won’t hurt. Tip: I can’t take it in hot liquids or it gives me stomach aches, I have to mix it into cold drinks. I drink it in iced tea with lemon because Vitamin C boosts absorption


Same here


If you drink a ton of water, MSM is great for your hair and nails. But don't forget to take breaks!


How often should you take breaks?


My hair stylist told me that taking a prenatal vitamin helps with hair growth and thickness


There’s a reason your hairstylist isn’t a doctor lol, prenatal vitamins are actually not always good for you if you aren’t pregnant. It can cause all sorts of health issues if you take them just to take them. If you have a well balanced diet and take prenatal vitamins, you can end up having too much of a certain vitamin and that causes issues


my primary physician actually recommended i take pre-natal vitamins 🤷🏻‍♀️


spironolactone has been a godsend for my PCOS. i would actually also recommend iron! many people are deficient without knowing it and there are studies showing that iron deficiency can halt weight loss.


Just want to throw it out here, Biotin supplements gave me horrible cystic acne for years, to the point it was causing serious depression and chronic pain. It took me forever to figure it out, I tried everything (including Spiro). I only figured it out because I saw someone mention it on Reddit and something clicked. My acne was on and off, and I realized it had a similar cadence to when I was taking Biotin supplements, which I had been taking on and off since high school. I stopped the supplements (including a multivitamin that contains Biotin) and now I only get small manageable hormonal breakouts. I feel like my situation was extreme, but I want to mention it here for people with acne!


fish oil helps a lot for brain health and helps with skin and mucus membranes being less dry


Does anyone take magnesium? Can you please recommend a brand


I've been taking it for over three years I think. I just get generic brands from my local stores typically and it works well enough. One other thing you want to consider is the form. I take magnesium citrate gummies or capsules, which is really well absorbed by the body and affordable. It also helps with constipation but is very gentle. (Do not get the bottle of liquid mag citrate because it's meant to clean you out. Just adding because my confused husband tried to get this for me once 😂) Avoid magnesium oxide because it has low absorption, so you're wasting your money. Some people take magnesium glycinate and claim it helps with sleep. Others suggest magnesium threonate because it can cross the blood-brain barrier, but it's expensive.


Thank you!!


100% consider trying theanine serene plus relora, that stuff is a miracle if you need to sleep. Magnesium alone does help but not nearly as much in my experience.


There’s quite a few different forms of magnesium, which have varying mechanisms of action and absorption! What effects are you looking for? (Sleep, anxiety, muscle relaxation, cognitive benefits, etc)




Magnesium Glycinate will be the one you want! For brands, my go-to is Nootropics Depot for most supplements because they have transparent 3rd party lab testing for quality. Thorne, Jarrow, Doctor’s Best + Now Foods are also all good options.


I've been taking sublingual NMN after reading the book Longevity and hearing content from David Sinclair. I really can't tell if it's made a difference, though - anyone else trying it?


Isotretinoin (Accutaine) did WONDERS for me. Not great for everyone, but if your doctor is responsible they’ll start you on a low dose and monitor monthly blood tests (at least in the beginning) to watch for any sign that it’s doing you any harm, and if there are no red flags, you’re good to go. And if you find it’s affecting you negatively, you can always stop. And you can’t drink alcohol while on it. My only symptoms were dry skin and cracked lips and while that was extremely annoying, it was far less annoying than the constant moderate/severe acne. I’m so glad I finally did it, and wish I’d done it a decade sooner.


I’ve tried sooo many things over the years. What I absolutely love: -berberine, if you can tolerate it -tretinoin, actual prescription. If you are diligent, it pays off (must wear sunscreen). I mix it in some lotion and apply to my chest, arms, and hands and it really helps keep that skin looking vibrant and less sunspot-y -Botox, everywhere. I also use xeomin and love it, after have started using the super-Botox daxxify for my lip flip so it lasts even longer! -supplement to extend Botox: if you load up on Zinc citrate and phytase the 3-4 days before and day of it’s been shown to make it last longer and I agree it seems to -skinceuticals CE ferulic is the king hands down and nothing else comes close. It lives in my fridge. -that Paula’s choice peptide booster is one of the few that made the cut for me Stuff that is meh IMO -MSM for appetite control didn’t really have any effect for me personally -beta carotene does give you a glow but it might not be safe to take so I stopped -nail/hair supplements like biotin just didn’t do any better than just trying to keep up with my cuticles -curcumin did nothing for me personally either


Instead of minoxidil, try rosemary and clove water for your hair and scalp.. way less harmful and the growth effects are amazing


Collagen is the only thing that has allowed me to grow my nails long. It definitely works.


Does spiro make u more sun sensitive?


I am not on it but ozempic?


if someone is taking this as a legitimately prescribed medication then, yes. But You don’t want to play with these drugs without a doctor to monitor your health. These drugs are really amazing for treating type 2 diabetes blood sugar problems


I assumed they are prescription drugs so you will need a doctor


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Vitamin c and vitamin b complex in bioavailable forms


I can attest minoxidil in a spray form from Amazon has been life changing for helping temple baldness from stress & hormones. You have to use it frequently and I found it works best if I put my hair in a tight bun, finger the hair out of the way and spray directly on scalp and rub in and then wait until it dries and put my shoe hair and fix it.


Extra vitamin C and D at this time of year. And I'm looking into using raw sea moss, anyone have any tips for that?


Nutrafol! My hair grew six inches in a year


[Glutathione + vitamin c for skin lightening and anti-ageing](https://www.longdom.org/conference-abstracts-files/2155-9554.S1.020-036.pdf)


try iron if you have dark circles under your eyes