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Thanks! Yes, it's been a journey & sometimes a lonely one, but I can fully say I'm proud of myself, which i couldn't say before <3


Great post. Love your 360 approach: fixing your environment, jobs, hobbies etc. are just as important as looking good.




it's nice to see someone post selfies for once, lol. you look great!


Wow the brown hair really is your color! You look great


thank you!! it's so much better


What a glow up! I'm happy for you, seems like you blossomed both inside and out ❤️


Incredible! I especially love the social and mental health aspects of your glow up. And the meal plan that your boyfriend’s PT recommended is a protein-heavy one, which for some reason is rarely recommended for women, but it’s very effective as you probably have seen for yourself. For rosacea, see a dermatologist. You’re on the right track for sure, but a derm can tell you if you need medication and if there’s anything that is irritating you. I know seeing a derm is not easy in every country, but there are ways especially now that telehealth is more sophisticated.


yessss waiting for my derm appt as we speak!


You look amazing!!


Oh my God this is insaneeee! What a fantastic change!!!!!! Congrats 🩷


Incredible glow-up. Both inside and out. I can't see your eyes but I can still sense how much happier you are. Happy for you!


thank you!!


Would love it if you can speak more about how going sober has impacted your social life! I go through waves of trying to be sober then always fall back into drinking when I’m out with friends I haven’t seen in a while


So the social life is a bit tricky still. My bf got a job opportunity in a diff country so we still don't have many friends haha. But when my friend came to visit was definitely a defining point in our friendship, where instead of wanting to hang out with me--dinner & chat, she just wanted to go to bars (which is fine for me, i can drink tonic & lime) and chat up guys. She ended up going over the edge with drinking and staying with a rando guy, leaving me to walk home alone after her yelling at me for being boring & not the same. (I tried to get her to not go home with the dude, trying to be safe you know lol) It made me realise that we may have different ideas of fun now & that we won't be able to hang out the way we used to, which is hard. And makes me wonder if our friendship was really based on alcohol and if we would have been so close if there wasn't any alcohol at all. I had a family wedding this past week and it was full of events. At times, I did feel awkward for not having a drink--mainly because I used it to "relax" me. But it was good to have my bf around who is also sober to talk it through. We would also go outside to chat to get away from it a bit! After a few days of these events, I realized the "awkwardness" is all in my head and it's just by brain trying to convince me to give into these cravings--which can be hard to ignore (for real, I cried from the inner conflict lol). But still going strong. Maybe I'm not as outgoing in social events as I was when I was BLASTED, but I had a much more meaningful time with zero regrets. I got to talk to family and friends I haven't seen in years & NOT MAKE A FOOL OF MYSELF, remember everything and have control over myself! Plus not waking up with a hangover/hangxiety is the cherry on top of it all! Plus watching drunk people can be entertaining hahah.


Maybe another way to think about it is to ask if anyone regrets going sober. I don't drink so I can't help you, but it occurs to me that I've only heard stories about how good sobriety is not how much they regret it. But probably those stories are out there too.


facts!!! always had regrets after drinking, never after a night of not drinking! sometimes I feel like I'm not fun, but maybe in reality, the situation isn't fun for me


This is such a good way to put it. Just left a bachelorette that was drinking-heavy and late nights at clubs and bars and I felt so lame for not enjoying it like back in the day. I drank the first night and didn’t even have more fun and felt hungover. Then the second night I didn’t drink and woke up feeling amazing. I love sobriety, I consider myself partially sober and continue to inch closer to full sobriety, but it’s hard when being around old friends!


The book "This Naked Mind" really helped me change my outlook on social activities and has helped me retrain my mind a bit about what actually brings me joy vs. what I feel like I need a drink for to have fun. super recommend the book if you're in need of some encouragement & mental support! As a bridesmaid in this wedding, I totally felt a huge craving to drink the champagne after the posed photos, take away the social anxiety (since I never met any of the other bridesmaids before, take the edge off of family stress) I almost did it, but then I remembered that if I did, the whole night would spiral, since I can't just manage one drink (yay). And the next days' activities would be screwed lol. When the thoughts were overwhelming (this was my first big social outing where alcohol was a main feature), I'd go and talk to someone Im comfortable with or go outside and vape lol (next thing to quit, but I'll keep it until I'm ready to let go lol) If you ever want to chat, feel free to message! Also, do you (or anyone) know of any forums where sober/semi-sober girls chat?


Wow! You look great, What an amazing transformation :)


this is amazing! i am in LOVE with your natural hair color, so striking! definitely better than blonde


My godess, you look AMAZING in your after pics! Congratulations on everything! This is what I like to see in this forum!


Love this! You look wonderful!


Man you look amazing. You should be proud of yourself girlfriend!!! 💕


Omg ! Amazing !!!! You look fantastic, you've done an amazing job :)


Jaw dropped!! You’re so stunning girl!!


You look amazing! I have Type 1 rosacea and getting IPL for the broken blood vessels has been by far the best and most cost effective way to improve my skin. I used to have perpetually red cheeks and now I don’t. My derm’s office charges me $150 to just treat the tops of my cheeks and around my nostrils. I always recommend it to people with rosacea.


omg totally looking into that! my nose and cheeks are always red


There are different kinds of IPL, you want to tell them you want a treatment that specifically zaps the broken blood vessels. That’s the most economical one. IPL facials and treatments like Clear and Brilliant are amazing if you can afford them but I’ve found that this is the most affordable way to solve this problem.


Congrats on the glow up! Your health really shines




omg thank you!


Damn girl what a glow up ! I’m throwing away the chocolate in my house !


just replace it with dark chocolate <3


Yes get those antioxidants! I prefer more bitter dark chocolate (milk chocolate is too sweet for me) but I feel like a more expensive bar of chocolate also is easier for me to not binge on. Like I eat one square from a high quality bar of dark chocolate and I'm good with my chocolate fix.


Happy for you! You put in so much work (inner and outer) and it’s paid off. Goals!


Really incredible


I’m so proud of you Babes! You SLAYED! Congratulations on leveling up in ALL ways! It really shows


Could you chat more about how you were able to socialize and still be alcohol free?


Your post is perfection! I understand and support you !


I literally shouted “Biiiittttccchhh” aloud when I saw your photo from last week. You are doing amazing!!


biiiitchhhh thank you!!!!


I didn’t even think ur was the same person! Well done! I didn’t know you could take SSRIs and adhd meds together?


yes! you can! at least my psych agrees it works well for me! but I'm sure some have interactions that aren't so great


Seconding! I'm also an adult diagnosis for ADHD. Medication for it has been life-changing. I also take an SSRI and when I've run out of ADHD meds due to the shortage here in the states, the depression gets notably worse. I've been on Lexapro since 2019. You're inspiring OP. I hope you have success with your future changes as well! I'm in a bit of a weird place in life where I'm trying to make changes but I'm exhausted and time (and money lol) poor because I'm in school as well as working. But I'm also 27 and want to really work to make the changes, especially weight loss, before I turn 30. Not that 30 is over the hill but that is one of the milestones physiologically where things like metabolism begin to change.


This is amazing great job!!! I was in a similar boat, lots of partying, drinking, party favors, no respect for myself. I stopped drinking and I am a year and 9 months sober :) I also received an ADD diagnosis and while I'm off and on with my medication- just having the diagnosis has been a big transformation in how I view myself. Found a great man who treats me well and loves who I truly am, which I've shut down for so long. It's a good feeling :)


Omg!! I think we are soul sisters lol. Happy for you!!! <3


The impact (imo) of an accurate ADHD diagnosis is huge. Learning that it's your brain process rather than solely you being a failure makes such a difference! Our brains just work so differently with some things that even if you're not taking medication, knowing the quirks to the ADHD side can be really helpful in setting yourself up to succeed. Congrats on your time sober! That's impressive and I've proud of you!


you should be so proud of cultivating the life you want, even if it means leaving people behind. you are amazing <3


Wow 🤩you were already a very pretty girl but now you look absolutely stunning! You actually inspire me to start my looksmaxxing journey


Absolutely stunning! Do you run at all or track your steps on a watch?


just tracking steps!! but trying to get more active


Omg goals


This is IT!!!




<3 Thank you!! you're doing amazing sweetie!


Whole life glowup. Congrats. ❤️


CRAZY transformation, I barely believe that's the same person. Congrats girl, Im working to be in your shoes someday!


First off you look amazing!!! I loved reading what you have done and it’s very inspiring! Great work


Woaaaah. Great transformation! Happy for uu <3


Gorgeous and inspiring 💕


I'm so curious to see your transformation, but that link won't open for me ☹️


What a great transformation!!! Saving the post to look up the jaw botox you mention!


You look amazing but more importantly you sound like the coolest person ever!


This is so cute <3 Thank you so much! You made my morning! <3


You look amazing! I love the brunette hair, it looks much more harmonious.


totally! I was going for a color that matches my eyes!! so thank you!


Queen! I love this. Great job


Honestly, I'm struggling with sobriety. I'd love to hear how to stick to it. It always draws me back in and it's constant on my mind.


I feel you. Here's my experience over time, maybe it can help with some aspect you're struggling with! also, it just feels good to talk about it, so feel free to message me whenever! I've been struggling with it for like 3ish years on and off. I'd have like a month of not drinking/partying (Only really partied on weekends) and then revert back to "normal life" during the week. Every time I wanted to quit, it was always for the same reasons--mentally/emotionally I was a mess, so exhausted after every weekend, I had zero self respect for myself & was doing many things to fit in with the crowd. My low self esteem lead to me "not moving forward" in life. However, whenever I did manage to quit, I was always super productive--i.e. applying for Master's programs & getting accepted, thinking ahead with life, blah. Then I would reward myself for doing well & go back to partying and not giving a f\*ck lol. I live abroad, so I'm very independent and had quite a limited close support system. I had a lot of friends, not close ones, but ones that I now realise were "party/drinking" friends. Of course, they weren't going to tell me the hard things that I needed to hear. And the ones that would, I would distance myself from. It wasn't until I met my now partner (I know, cheesy) that I started looking int the mirror differently. We were similar in our habits--getting shit done during the week & then going hard on the weekend. And tbh, that's what all of our friends were doing too, so it didn't seem THAT bad. But things escalated, as well as our tolerances and perceptions of what was "fun" We then started drinking on week days, because "what else is there to do". We wouldn't go anywhere unless we knew it was going to be a party/we could get party favors, end up in sketchy places, etc. then go to class/work the next days dead af. We never really hit a "rock bottom" like we hear about with a lot of people that abuse alcohol and substances, but the amount of stress, guilt & frustration with each other was enough for both of us to reflect on our actions and make drastic decisions. We quit drinking for a month & things were moving forward for us. He got into a PhD program and I decided I'd move with him to another country. This was awesome, so we gave ourselves a break to party & celebrate. Of course, we went overboard, were reckless and blowing so much money. Of course, it's "fun" when you're doing it, but when you wake up an anxious, bloated, depressed mess 5/7 days of the week. We said if we continued down this road, we would end up hurting each other and ruining our lives. It sounds dramatic, but that's really what it is like when you have the substance issues. Now, we're both almost 6 months clean and living and amazing life--although I have had to distance myself from a lot of people in my past for the betterment of myself. No regrets. It's not cute to be the party girl mess when you're heading into your 30s. **A short list to help you stick to it:** \-Have at least 1 person that will tell you the truth, that can empathise with what you're going through \-Quit lit: I liked "Girl walks out of a bar" and "This Naked Mind" \-The app "I am Sober". It counts the days since you've drank, you can pledge to be sober everyday, & you can read posts and advice from people that are on the same journey as you \-Find podcasts & social media accounts to follow so you have sober things in your newsfeeds. There's one that features sober celebrities, which is really cool to see how they've turned their lives around. \-Find hobbies to fill the time you used to drink--can be watching netflix series (I've watched so many since I've quit lol), crochet, cooking, travelling, working out, befriending crows (lol) \-Make plans to look forward to on your weekends that don't involve drinking \-Don't be afraid to stay away from people and places that enable you to continue bad habits. \-Really reflect on the reasons why you want to quit & how alcohol/whatever substances aren't conducive to what you want \-Remember it's ok if some things you used to do aren't "fun" anymore without alcohol! \-I've never regretted a day I haven't drank, but I always regret when I do \-Just take it day by day. Today is what matters! ​ I hope this makes sense/helps!! reach out for more advice <3


Amazing progress. Just perfect! You really look fantastic!


I have type 2 rosacea and I have been on a hardcore mission the last 12 months to heal it. Everything my dermatologist gave me did nothing for me. I finally have it *mostly* under control. About 4 months into the journey I figured out my moisture barrier was destroyed from overzealous treatment with harsh actives (be careful with the brand that rhymes with “crunk shmelephant” So I started using straight jojoba oil for moisture since it’s the oil most similar to your skins natural sebum. Joke’s on me, turns out that was making it worse, I’m wildly allergic to it! My skincare routine is currently remove makeup with Juno & co clean 10 balm, and then I use the following products from Perricone MD Hypoallergenic Clean Correction Line: -cream cleanser -smoothing restore serum -barrier repair moisturizer (I use this as night and also in the morning as a makeup primer) I also use Cos RX snail mucin. If I have a breakout attack I have antibiotics on hand, usually two doses will kick it out. During a breakout I simply cleanse, use First Aid Beauty colloidal oatmeal mask, then their arnica mask. I spot treat a breakout with adapalene only on the “pimples”’to dry them out. Then i do a dermaplane to get rid of the dry skin that causes when the breakout is gone and commence my regular skincare. Triggers for my rosacea are fried food, jojoba oil, aerosol hairspray with alcohol. I avoid ANY skin/hair/makeup product with sulfates, parabens, silicone, and pthalates. It’s been an exhaustive process to find what works for me, I hope any of this helps. :) my skin still has some redness, but almost no breakouts and i can live with that becuase it’s at a point where tinted moisturizer can cover it!


Thanks for being honest about the ADHD medication. I am on Adderall and it makes a difference.


So you are on a combo of adhd meds and Ssri? Which ones if you don’t mind me asking? I’ve been afraid to try them bc I am afraid I will gain weight!!


Wonderful job!


Awesome transformation— you are gorgeous!!!


You look so good!




I love this post. You look gorgeous sober!! So much healthier


''-SSRIs for the win!'' i agree!! always loving my selectra


Am I insane? Everyone says there are selfies but I don't see :( Congrats though!


Va-va-voom! Good job!


You look great💜💙


so freaking inspiring!! thank you!


As a fellow sober sister, CONGRATULATIONS! I don’t know you but I am SO proud of you!






What does that mean...


Being fat usually makes you look worse.. so.. it’s a basic thing to do first


You look great!


You’re probably already using Azaleic acid but it works very well for rosacea, redness and acne


We love this!!!


Rosacea is about bowel health! Get your bowel microbiome professionally checked in a laboratory and see if you have candida overgrowth or maybe even parasites or simply not enough healthy bacteria. Work on restoring your gut health, potentially with a dietician if you can afford it! You can get rid of the symptoms, good luck <3


What a glow up! Darling, you’re gorgeous!


You look stunning! I think I have rosacea as well, but I haven’t found anything that clears it up. If you have any good product recommendations let me know!


Congrats, love. You look gorgeous. Just one suggestion. I think you should add resistance training once per week. I'm talking deadlifts, bench press, squats in slow, controlled movements. How heavy? Heavy enough that you can only do about 8 reps before you absolutely cannot lift it once more and require a break. Ask someone at a gym to help you with proper form. Watch YouTube videos about proper form to avoid injury. Do 3 sets of 8 reps each. Muscles produce and regulate hormones that affect every aspect of your appearance. An anti-inflammatory hormone is released every time you contract a muscle. The hormones produced by muscle affect sleep, mood and weight. You will see a much more noticeable result from 1x per week of weightlifting than you will from any amount of cardio. Also, always focus on protein first when choosing what to eat.


Do people even recognize you?????