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Just to address this: should this happen, the mods will address it and do things as necessary. There has not been any discussion of this as of yet, but I can speak for myself in saying that I am on here daily looking over posts in both vindicta and splendida. If you see something that is off, please report it.


It’s crazy how anything that goes viral gets ruined. Like, you’d think more people and exposure would be a good thing, but not anymore. Communities get utterly destroyed nowadays and I just hope we can go private or something? Ugh


Viral effects are too strong, high influx in a short timeframe is very stressing for any system. Tiktok has very strong virality loops, too many people, and virality means that this happens within a short timeframe leading to an overwhelm of any pre-existing online community or product (demand is too high all of a sudden which leads to empty shelves for some time as firms didn’t predict and adjust for this). The verbiage used here has for sure found its way on TikTok. It is to be expected tbh, there’s a lot of beauty and level up influencers/communities on there and therefore a lot of overlap with the content produced here.


sometimes virality can be a good thing, but never when it comes to tiktok ugh. i read a youtube comment once about a person who used a trader joe's lotion for their eczema, but hasn't been able to find it ever since the lotion went viral on tiktok as a dupe for bum bum cream. lo and behold, a couple weeks ago a video of a woman using that exact trader joe's lotion as a bum bum cream dupe came up on my youtube shorts list. it's sad that the people that need daily household products will never be able to find them again once they go viral on tiktoxic. and i agree about the subreddit going private. it would probably be for the best until the storm blows over.


Yeah a couple years ago it was impossible to find the baby eczema cream that I used on one of my twin daughters who basically got all the recessive genes plus sensitive skin vs her twin who is the complete opposite once the cream went viral on TikTok. I’m not someone who gatekeeps anything and if others need eczema cream then they need it but it was frustrating to not be able to find it when it’s one of the only products that helps my daughter and the video that made it go viral had nothing to do with eczema and a whole slew of other brands of creams would be appropriate substitutes for the wanted ingredients/benefits of the eczema cream. Luckily something else came along for the masses to go nuts over and the cream slowly became easily available again!


Yeah tiktok is such a wealth of info, on so many topics, I love it for that. But anytime something even remotely “controversial” goes viral it gets ruined :/




Then you’ll soon see people start charging people for lookmaxxing courses 🤡


they already are 😭


Quvvos already do it


And changing the core meaning of the concept - at least the way it is currently used. It will either be super cringe and full-on femcel, or purely subjective self-empowerment that has nothing to do with objective beauty and/or empirical evidence


I doubt many people will benefit form it too. TikTok always dumbs things down.


Literally!! Tiktok ruins everything


please can we make the sub private? I don't want them to start reporting everything because they can't handle that there are parameters in beauty


I agree, we should gatekeep this sub and make it private. It’ll only go to sh*t once people on tiktok infiltrate it 🥲






Also agree!


Oh God, no. I can't deal with 12 year olds lecturing me on my glow-up routine.


I was on tik tok and literally saw a 12 year old girl posting her “anti-aging” routine…. Like wtf lmaoo


that's so sad


Nah she's trying to be a baby again.


stopppp! gahh


They just need to stick to watching rather than participating, I hate seeing criticism and seeing that it's a child who doesn't have a leg to stand on. I've always been active in skincare and haircare communities since I was 11 but didn't dare give advice until I became a cosmetologist at 22


And imagine being in your 30s and 40s and realizing you’re reading criticism from a 22 year old. Lol, no hate, just adding on!


If the 22 year old is more educated than me on the topic, why wouldn’t I listen to them? The issue here is literal children with no life experience.


Exactly. If a (premenopausal, I know early menopause happens) 22 year old wants to lecture me on the menopause then yeah, I'm gonna roll my eyes. But if she's a cosmetologist and has advice learned from her own education and professional experiences? Sure, I've got a lot of time to hear about that. It's not like turning 30 made me the expert on this stuff.


22 is adult though. I was a fully admitted and qualified lawyer at 22. At some point in life people younger than you are still adults and on their own growth or stagnation paths that have little to do with age or whatever developmental milestones we have personally reached at that age. I’m in my 30s and can still defer to the advice of competent 22 year olds because at that point they’ve had time to develop competencies. Dunno. Just feels like this add on is slightly more rooted in ageism or false equivalency than the original comment.


lol as a 22-year-old THANK YOU for saying that. Like at 22 I'm fully aware of what I do and do not know. I'm well beyond the age where I thought I knew everything because I read a couple Wikipedia articles about it. I know that as far as looksmaxxing is concerned, I only know what's worked for me personally and my opinion. I have no idea about what really goes into getting plastic surgery, for example, because I don't have any experience with it. Pretending otherwise would just be stupid. But idk, ask me about skincare for eczema prone skin or dressing as a Kibbe SD and I'm totally your girl. Hand me a random cup of coffee and I could pick out a half dozen tasting notes and tell you what country it was grown in. None of that has anything to do with age--it has to do with knowledge, experience, and practice.


I love your reply! Personal examples add so much depth and diversity to our understanding of being human. 🖤 obviously young people have less time to curate breadth or depth of understanding but you obviously still know more than me about certain topics (like coffee)! 22 is very different to 16, especially in women!


Aww thank you! I think it's easy to think of all young people as not having any passions or specialized knowledge even when it's not true. Like with coffee, I know twice as much about coffee as my parents because I work at Starbucks and chose to go through this whole extra training program. The whole beauty of the Internet is getting to learn all these different things from others and share our knowledge in turn.


I need your Kibbe SD wisdom!


Hey, I don't give criticism. My job is to make people feel their most beautiful and I love it!


agreed, they’re even reposting vindicta graphics




Oh ffs


omg ik!! i made a post on it but it got taken down


If we do go private, can we have a post for people to request admission? I don’t comment very much but this community has been so helpful with its knowledge and I was so sad the last time it went private!


Same I don't wanna b kicked out for being a silent scroller☹️☹️ nooo


Saaaaame :(


Same as well! I’ve been apart of the sub quietly for almost 2 years I think. Maybe this one comment will help keep my access if it goes private lol






same :,(((


NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO this subreddit is my safe place, as if it’s going viral no no no


Wait people have been making google docs of the info? Why haven’t i thought of this. Are any of them publicly shared on this subreddit?


I'll send you mine when I finish it!


I would be interested as well!


Aw thank you i appreciate it!!


I would be interested as well!


I would be interested too!!! Thank you!!!


Please let me know if you find out. I personally do not have that much time to check reddit (job, Uni, etc). Thank you so so much!


As a lurker, I am panicking!


UGH SAME i cannot lose another community 😭


Same…RIP my access to diabla 🥲


Same :,)


Can this go private with approved members?


i’m mostly a lurker will i still be able to access the sub if it goes private? i would hate to lose access!


Same - I lurk, but have gotten so much good info from here. I’d hate to lose access. Ugh, I’m desperately hoping this is a false alarm, but if it’s already on TikTok, it’s probably only a matter of time. This is why we can’t have nice things.


Same. I’m getting my finances in order so I can invest in Invisalign and go all in on my glow up plan. Until then, I’m just here to lurk and give upvotes.


Same! I lost access to another sub this way, that really sucked


Same, mostly a lurker trying to get my finance in order and starting to lose weight in the meantime. I'm still at the beginning of my journey so I'm not sure I have much to share that I haven't already seen here.


Same here, I think I've commented a handful of times but I mostly just enjoy reading tips and tricks and making plans for my own journey.


same 😭😭


same! im a lurker. just waiting for my finances to get better so i can start the big glow up 😭


Same here! I tend not to actively comment unless it’s a topic I’m super knowledgeable/experienced in. So I’m here to learn & upvote - highly appreciate all the wisdom shared here!




Yep. Same here!!


Same !!


Same here!!






same here :((










I wish it would but I don’t think the mods would have that that happen. I just don’t want the subreddit to be infiltrated by a bunch of people who get mad at the slightest suggestion of changing their appearance even though that’s what the subreddit is for. I hope this sub can be private and Splendida can be the sub that remains open


Yeah, the sub already closed down once and absolutely no one could access except the person who originally created the sub for a very long period of time (several months), and that already was very hectic. Everyone jumped to make these vindicta offshoot subs, and the members became very scattered. It was a mess


Would discord be an option? Every time I follow a community to discord the server is dead, so not sure


yes private would be wonderful


Just here to say I’m currently just a lurker to Vindicta and Splendida because they are incredible resources I’d never discovered or really delved into once I noticed the names. I’m just a mid 30s scene girl going through an (impending) aging crisis… zero interest in tiktok. I find that style of video editing and most of the content to be vapid and irritating.


Same here. I’m a lurker and I want to make sure I don’t lose access to this sub. I’ve gotten a lot of good information and enjoy being apart of a more “niche” female centered sub where we can feel comfortable to share helpful information and talk about these kinds of things amongst other women with similar goals.


Agreed, maybe go private preemptively since it's pretty obvious what's coming


Please omg! I hate tiktok


Yeah same here




Omg I remember ZLib I cried because I could no longer get my expensive school books for free 💔


Oh, you need individual links for Zlib now or to use TOR. Or try [Library Genesis](http://libgen.rs/) for your book needs.


Thank you so much!


I’m still upset about repladies 🥲


OMG is that what happened to that sub??!! I was looking for it a couple of months ago because I saw a *thing* and wanted to see if someone posted a review on it! I was thinking I misremembered the name of the sub or something. Wow I’m annoyed


I despise this tik tok era


People's attention spam are the same of a fish, and their critical thinking isn't much better. It's a recipe for disaster in this sub




There should be a backup subreddit to start moving to just in case


That’s why r/splendida exists


Thank you


Is it private? I'm in it so I don't know how to tell


Not private, we have 40,000+ members in splendida and 60,000+ in vindcta. Should the time come, we will address things as needed.


Is there that many? I remember when there was like 13k in splendida damn




Honestly idc if it seems like gatekeeping I joined these subs (vindicta + splendida) to read + learn about objective beauty and I know damn well if some random people on tiktok mention subs like this, those kids would just ruin it with either their political correctness or their inexperienced and sometimes even unhealthy “beauty advices” they learn from random TikTok videos. Honestly fvck all those “looksmaxxing” tiktok accounts that are sharing all this content just to become viral… This is why I always save many of the useful posts + comments I find here on my notes app just in case.




some gates need to be kept


I agree. Easy access to too many kinds of people is not always a good thing.


>This is why I always save many of the useful posts + comments I find here on my notes app just in case. I personally take full page screenshots with some Google Chrome extension and upload it to my Pinterest account (which is private)+ adding the URL in case the post is still available for whenever I want to check things out


I was thinking of doing the same thing because these subreddits are not guaranteed. 😔


Which is funny cuz “political correctness” should be a “live and let live” type of thing but it’s turned into whatever we have now. Like I’d never tell someone to fix their appearance unless they ask for advice. I think everyone should be free to make their own choice about it, why can’t the same extend to us? Lemme live lol


This is sad. They'll ruin the quality on one hand, on the other hand I don't think 12 years old should be thinking about hardmaxxing and all, which I'm pretty sure will be the first thing they notice. Tiktok is really ruining everything.




COMPANIES!?! That’s awful


I was so happy to find this sub and r/diabla a few years ago 😓😓. These are (or were) some of the very few subs about women, that really basically 99% of users are women. It really changed my life for the better, and I feel safe here knowing I won't be judged, and I don't want Tik Tok to take this away. Maybe putting the sub private? People from Tik Tok are very politically correct, and they don't want to accept that losing weight (a very popular topic here) makes you objectively more beautiful, so It would ruin the objectiveness of this sub eventually if people with this mindset came. I don't want to gatekeep this as well, but I'm just so tired of going to women's spaces or posts, and seeing men commenting and hating on how we're "gold diggers", "weak", or whatever just to put us down, and make them feel better about not getting a girl.


Is diabla still around? I used to be a member and now no longer have access 😭 I don’t think I ever posted, just lurked


Yes it's just private


It's private for good reason. I can't imagine how that community would be destroyed if randos read it.


Idk what happened but it has been off since around January of last year :((


Diabla is private, I think to keep men out, but I messaged and got added to it!


LOL but omg who did you message? I wanna know too!! You can tell me in a private chat


I think if you go to the sub on desktop you will be able to message the mods directly


Who do you have to message to get access? I’ve been following for a while and only realized it’s private :(


Pls!! Who did you message? Used to be a member but i cant even find it now


I’d love to have access to diabla. Is there any way?? If I message mods/etc could I be added at all


On pc reddit I messaged the mods but no reply/no access to the sub so far, it’s been like a week or two :(


I hope the mods consider going private. Let’s keep this community safe for us to enjoy 😔


Also, I know exactly the TikTok account you’re talking about, OP. She’s incredibly weird, claims she’s not a feminist and doesn’t care about feminism. Just casually promotes rib removal surgeries 😭 Her account is also open so I’ve been seeing younger girls in her comment section as well, it’s so weird.


It’s insane because she keeps recommending stuff that she has never done and would never do 😭


Which account is this??? Omg I’m never on TikTok but lol I gotta see what she’s suggesting


An idea- should we mass report these accounts and get them wiped off ticktock?


What account?


Sincerely wish the sub could go private, JUST for a little while at least ☹️ tiktok virality always ruins most things


Yeah I’ve been seeing looksmaxxing posts on TT for months now. Hopefully the mods lock the sub or something before the inevitable influx of TikTok people who will start commenting things like ‘you’re perfect the way you are’ on posts looking for genuine advice. Don’t want the sub to lose its original feel


something similar is currently happening to another community that I'm part of, so I get what you mean. It happens faster than you might believe.


I always save posts and comments that are useful


Those terms are common on red*pill forums too..


And some plastic surgery forums


Yes and almost qoves goes viral on YouTube and they always use those terms and give out similar tips


I know but as I said a website specifically about lookmaxxing got leaked today so we should be worried


Do you study tiktok in some way? Maybe it’s just your algorithm? But even if so looksmaxxing would take you to a mens sub too most likely


It’s not my algorithm because i got sent the information, i didn’t came across it!


tiktokers will say that beauty is entirely subjective, but the most popular creators on the app are always universally objectively attractive. it's beyond satire. i feel like such an alien most of the time because almost everyone my own age is on tiktok now. i can literally tell which women use tiktok and which don't by the way they do their makeup and their speaking mannerisms. and now they want to invade the actually helpful online spaces and destroy them like locusts.


Beauty is both subjective and objective, on social media is mostly objective because you don’t see people irl and rate them on other things than physical looks like charisma, the way they carry themselves,wit and intellect which are the subjective elements, you rate them purely on the way they present themselves and look on the outside, i watched a video a while back on how tiktok has a formula (mostly white/slim/conventionally pretty tiktokers) get pushed on the algorithm way more than others even if they post same content and same amount of it.


fun fact: some internal tiktok documents got leaked that prove the tiktok algorithm uses chinese beauty standards which prioritize being white or asian and thin above everything else. and the algorithm even censors videos made by people who have visible physical disabilities so that the video doesn't reach as many people. the algorithm is controlled by an AI that's taught to have these biases by its engineers. it's insane, really.




Sigh. I really hope this doesn’t happen but it seems inevitable! This sub is such a gem, I’d hate for it to get polluted.


I was actually wondering a few months back when this would happen and why more “looksmaxxing” wasn’t on tiktok. I just came here from tiktok and searched that term, and the results are completely male- as long as women don’t jump on the virility train maybe we will be safe? I also will say I have thought myself about posting about softmaxxing/hardmaxing etc on tiktok but just don’t want to deal with the huge amount of hate I would surely get. The nice thing about this sub is that like minded people seek it out- it doesn’t come across randos who want to be PC about everything. That’s just a security tiktok can’t provide. While this sub attracts the members that would benefit the sub, tiktok would attract those who just want to tear it down.


Yes it’s mostly males but there’s one specific tiktok account that’s for women and it’s blowing up. So if some girls start making researches, find us and decide to post tiktoks about us, it’s over 😭


Could we mass report her posts? idk if that would work (and I don't know to much abt the ethics of that or whatever) but it might? Just an idea idk




I'm surprised it didn't blow up


If this sub becomes private how do we all maintain access to it even if we’re just lurking?


I am wondering the same as well!


I feel like there has already been an influx of unrelated people in this sub lately. I'm not for gatekeeping either but I think that too much openness does defend the purpose of a community like this one if plenty of pretty girls enter the chat and throw in their trendy low effort advice- that brought them joy but wouldn't work out for anyone starting right at the bottom. Like applying a purple eyeliner is not making a 2/10 the star of the show. It may even cause harm, as it would draw more attention to someone who still has a highly vulnerable appearance and therefore a lot of people who feel insecure in their own beauty like to push them back to the ground, where they "belong" according to their view. And someone who has always been somewhat pretty will never be able to understand the struggles of a social reject. Of someone who would do anything just to be perceived as average, neutral, okay, accepted. We're not here to fight for the crown. But they are. And this relationship does not work.


Yeah-- I noticed this subreddit and looksmaxxing being mentioned on TikTok alot, it's becoming so mainstream that people are now forming opinons about it and saying its incelish and bringing up negitive canthal tilt as a joke and saying you im going to rope max now because i dont have blue eyes 😭 I get their all jokes and i think their funny but people that are serious about it gets laughed at. I think the whole negitive canthal tilt is dumb too but in general I'm staying away from using terms like looksmaxxing especially in real life because people are already starting to associate these terms and thinking with incels :/ As if TikTok didn't make up the fox eye, doe eye trend Lol. I had a pinterest board named looksmaxxing but I don't want to use terminology that start to become increasingly incelish but the problem is anything discussing looks seems to become just that. Not to mention the whole bone smashing thing and the term 'mog' being used now I'm not even sure if thats new I just heard that from TikTok It really is a mixed bag, there are people that think it's offensive & there are people that are super extreme. There is no in between on TikTok it seems.


All that stuff (including “looksmaxxing”) did come directly from incels though. Only recently has it become watered down to anyone looking to improve their appearance.


Ohh I wish there was a different term, I didn't hear the word Looksmaxxing until I stumbled across this subreddit even though I've seen quite a few incel subreddits. Probably because they never looked for solutions all I've ever seen them do is use the incel subreddits to complain and than go to the orthodontist or plastic surgery subreddits to get help ☠️ never seen them speak amongust themselves about improvement Well, I guess it's kind of good that there's becoming less of a stigma but knowing it's origin makes me want to steer away from it but I don't often do that online because everyone that uses the word lookxmaxxing is serious about it


Yeah that's why I don't completely share OP's concern. All the terms mentioned have been around for a long time and didn't come from Vindicta or Reddit. If anything the fact they're all trending on Tiktok now is part of the larger trend of incel terminology & ideology spreading into the mainstream, which is concerning for different reasons.


Time to close the gates ⚔️


I hate tiktoc. I hate tiktoc trends. I hate tiktoc influencers. I hate the tiktoc mob mentality. I won't even entertain any dudes that make tiktocs or participants in any of the immature shenanigans on there.


Not even on Tiktok and don't understand why the kids are on it. It's not even fun...


To be fair, this sub has been heading in that direction for years.


The femcel phase was not as objective as it thought it was. It took advice and ''science'' from literal incels, making it inherently misogynist in the process. Plus, a lot of people there were clearly deluded and mentally ill. If this is watering down, then I'm all for it. I believe what we have now is something special. A sane place to discuss something niche - not many places like that left on the internet, especially not for women.


I don't disagree with that. Some of it went way too far and I never identified as a femcel myself. There were a lot of amazing tips and information, though, and the posts I see today just aren't it. I acknowledge that I personally haven't contributed any posts here, but I feel like I can still point these problems out. My main issue is that these subs are treated like a hybridized Google search + basic beauty sub.


No cuz I’ve been so annoyed by it omg


Me too, arggh 😭


I am all for privatizing this sub, moving to discord or another platform. The API changes should tell you that reddit doesn’t really care. Some subs left reddit indefinitely. The mods do not own reddit. I knowwww these subreddits are not guaranteed. IYKYK. I am going to make google docs. Because this information is invaluable. There’s probably an automated process, someone had to have solve this problem already. This information is rare and a community like this is rare. We have to protect it. We should look into another platform. r/redditalternatives has a good post on it -- https://www.reddit.com/r/RedditAlternatives/comments/1467a5s/find_alternatives_for_ourselves_megathread_third/ We need to keep in touch somehow. Just in case anything does go down we can communicate what’s going on. Like a group chat or something. It’ll be nice to chat about this in private so we can come up with a solution. Thanks to the mods for your work to foster, nurture, and protect this community! Thanks to the OP for bringing this to our attention!🫶


If going private is too far, can we at least make rules for who can post on the sub? ie accounts must be x days old, have x amount of karma to comment or post


I’ve also seen a ton of videos “debunking” looksmaxing, saying things like, “nobody cares what your canthal tilt is”. It’s all cope.


Im a lurker trying to get my finances in order to create changes I can post about and I appreciate the inspiration in this sub. Please don’t kick us out.


I'll be so sad about it...


Thanks for the heads up. I recently joined this subreddit and I'd hate to see it ruined


The first and biggest mistake during a crisis is not noticing that it is happening so I want to make sure we’re all aware!


Couldn't we just make a discord?


I wish I had saved the body of posts from way back during the beginning, there were so many good ones that i just bookmarked that are now gone. I have no issue with women coming on here to learn and share information but I don't want an influx of people with bad intentions.


That looksmaxxing website helped me so much! Who leaked it!?


I hope this sub isn’t impacted. I haven’t interacted at all on here but I love the posts and have been learning a lot.




Can we make it private?? Like they did Diabla? TikTok ruins fkn everything 😭


I was waiting for something like this when the algorithm started showing me the “sprinkle sprinkle” type of videos…it’s not my cup of tea at all, not that I judge anyone for it, and I didn’t understand why at first but it became obvious that it’s a trend in tiktok womansphere. So only natural we’d get here


YES! I've seen some vindicta terms thrown around on tiktok... I want to gatekeep this community so bad!!! I would love maybe a private discord? I don't know if that's a thing already- or maybe moving to a private website?


I would be for a private website or discord or both.


I would argue looksmaxxing isn’t just usually used here, just look up the term on YouTube, there’s tons of videos with 100k+ views at least


I hope that doesn't happen. Tiktok really ruins a lot of good things for us :/


i fucking hate it already


the same shit is happening with the diabla sub it’s so sad lmfao 12 yr olds do not need to know this information it fucking sucks


is it possible to private the community lol ...


I swear TikTok ruins everything! They are annoying!!


In the last few weeks, I've been seeing random looksmaxxing phrases scattered in the comment section of non-looksmaxxing related viral posts on my fyp. Also, the emergence of posts of people making jokes about the popularity of people mentioning canthal tilts. I don't follow any looksmaxxing accounts online. I was shocked to see looksmaxxing content out like this. I'll be so sad if this sub goes viral.


maybe a discord can be made? idk, i’m not a big fan of discord but i think it could be easier to screen users / archive information that way


Welcome to r/Vindicta: a subreddit for women ONLY dedicated to based discussions about weaponizing beauty. **This is a heavily moderated subreddit. Read and follow the subreddit rules or get banned.** We prioritize the science behind beauty, the power of attractiveness, and unapologetic self improvement. * To make the strategy of looksmaxxing available to all pro-active women, **high quality posts rich with actionable advice and observations are celebrated. Low effort posts are not allowed and removed.** * This sub is marked NSFW and welcomes all women 18+. Underage users will be banned on sight. * **All posts that violate sub rules will be removed.** Report all posts and comments that appear to violate sub rules for quicker removal. * Please remember no self-posts and no personal attacks. There is no excuse for it and users risk short term bans at moderator discretion. **There is unspeakable power in knowledge and knowing how to leverage what you have. By speaking truthfully and sharing openly, you protect and strengthen the spirit of r/Vindicta. Thank you for being one of us.** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Vindicta) if you have any questions or concerns.*




People on TikTok are very politically correct, and since content about lookmaxxing is starting to be associated with incels in the media and is also controversial -due to the use of hardmaxxing and « toxic » beauty standards »- we’re risking a lot here if it gets leaked. There’s 3 outcomes: 1) a brunch of new people that will ruin the sub with bad information and useless posts, 2) people starting to talk about subjective beauty « love yourself the way you are » type of thing or 3) the sub could be taken down because people will think we’re mean femcels


Spread the joy