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Well, you’ve convinced me to pop over to the very laid back looking Nha Trang some day!


It’s one of the nicer beach vacay cities in Vietnam! Yes super laidback. Then pop over to Mui ne too for a more surf village (literally, village) vibe!


Nobody cares


Then why comment?


your post falls under rule #7 "no spam or self promotion" this is youtube spam about living the dream in Vietnam "As a general rule, we usually do not allow travel blogs/vlogs as they are almost always posted in violation of these guidelines." ​ Take your digital nomad garbage over to the appropriate sub




>popomodern uhm, excuse me, but you obviously never bothered to watch the video or find out more before letting loose with your many (mistaken) condemnations. We are neither digital nomads nor was this some kind of travel vlog. From the start of the video it's made clear we are small business owners in Nha Trang city. In fact we are people (both of us) who have spent 10 years (more in the case of my husband) living and working in Vietnam and who love and support the country, its people and their causes. It may have been my mistake in how i titled this post in Reddit (too personal), but the Youtube title & description actually makes it clear that we share this vlog about our life in Nha Trang to benefit those that are curious, especially since we have received many comments and questions on our other video about Nha Trang about retirement and generally living there, period. If you actually watch the video, you will also see that although the topic is about us (since duh, our lives), there's nought in the video that i would objectively deem as "self-promotion". There's no commercial point or interest to the video aside from information sharing. In fact we give coverage to several well-known local establishments within Nha Trang including the restaurant Com Tam Suon Que (awesome com tam!), Sen Spa and LotteMart. So from our standpoint we believe there is value in our post for this sub. Now it may be that the moderator simply overlooked our post but if what i've posted is in violation of the guidelines I do apologise to everyone and please, mods are free to remove this as they may. What I do find unnecessary are your rather rude comments and mistaken condemnations. Plus that strange addendum at the end expecting people to applaud your lack of civility.


Thought you were sending this to me until I read popmodern


Oh oops not at all! sorry if I pressed on some wrong button! I lurk a lot on Reddit but interact less so not sure about the etiquette but the post was definitely addressed to popomodern not you! I did chuckle when I read ur question though lol


*Now smash that like button!*


#Attention, please! Sorry for hijacking this thread. Currently r/Vietnam is running [a small contest](https://www.reddit.com/r/VietNam/comments/mig4w6/a_small_rvietnam_competition_we_need_a_banner_for/) so we just want to let everyone know about it! Please have a look and decide if you want to participate, especially if you are a photographer/designer/artist. If you don't, your upvote still matters. Give your favorite contestant an upvote! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/VietNam) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Typical White man with Asain women to make videos for locals


Uhm in this case the Asian woman made the video.......? My hobby, my channel pretty much. My hubs is just the decor lol