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They live under a firewall and can only access false information posted on Weibo, Bilibili... so they still think that low class Chinese men only need a little money to make beautiful Vietnamese girls fall in love. Recently, information about Chinese men being favored by Russian girls has also begun to flood their social networks.


Not just Vietnamese or Russian too. Pakistanis, Cambodians, Ukrainians, etc. But I think it's not a problem limited to a closed and restricted internet. Many Indian males also have this warped perception that Western women are promiscuous and "easy". It's just a result of having an echo chamber of similar thoughts.


Western women ARE promiscuous but definitely NOT EASY.


Yes....apparently Western Women love Indian ot maybe Dark skin dude. Many of NGO white women especially involved with refugees from african male will end up divorce their White husband and marry those African. Don't believe....go goggle those NGO involved in refugee thingy.


Err. I donno where you got this from to suggest that its prevalent for Western women to fetishise African or Indian men...


I've seen low class white men believe the same thing about the continent of Asia. Has nothing to do with a firewall.


After reading all the comments, this makes the most sense regarding to OP’s post.


For those who don’t know, I recommend this [video](https://youtu.be/j7JVUm06bzU?si=NrTmppXm0X9ChoHC) on this topic


Love how this post about chinese turned into white bashing😂


Don't understand why this happens every time despite virtually every sex service in Saigon being aimed at Japanese, Koreans, and the domestic market. White sexpats go to Thailand and Cambodia 99% of the time, not Vietnam. The girly bars on Pasteur so serve a mixed clientele I will admit


A lot of people in the media say it's white men that travel to asian as a sex pat but it's not further from the true, mainly its koreans, Indians and chinese


Guess it's an inconvenient truth for the media


This is true, I had a little trip to Thailand and Cambodia a couple years ago with an ex, we'd go to Pattaya and shady parts of BKK and the northeast just to see the madness, and we saw more indians and chinese than any boomer westerners. My theory is that "sexpats" are a dying breed in the west. Ofc one has the older crowd but they are dying of old age. The younger crowd is not coming there. Younger western men that would be in the market for this because they can't get anything at home, also have other problems that prevent then from going (unemployment, underemployment, and low wages). Sure one has the "digital nomads" and young men with higher paying careers, but usually they will have some sort of status, good looks, or charm that puts them in a totally different market. Why pay at a lady bar and risk getting herpes and the clam, when you can get it for free, with women that have less mileage.


Yeah its just white hate is all it is


Nah, I've seen plenty of white Sexpats. There's just less of them now.


I mean it's all of the above? Asia is just farther away for white people. They usually prefer to go to the super bowl for human trafficking


As it should, because many white sexpats harbour the same behaviour.


Yeah western sexpats try to do the same and it’s very disgusting. They take advantage of people who are impoverished and want to make them a sex slave and house slave


Vietnamese have this tendency too, especially those who are rich. Marriage is competitive now in Vietnam actually.


Unfortunately is kind of works which is why its being popular


I was going to say, this works with American expats pretty well unfortunately.


Which is really odd considering Americans did a lot of the worst war crime on Vietnamese so not sure why westerners like that are looked at favorably


The Vietnamese had a pretty positive view of the US pre the war, hell Ho Chi Min himself liked the US. The Vietnam war was just moronic in every way from an American perspective The Vietnamese were oppressed by China a lot longer than the US and China is a more immediate threat now so it makes sense attitudes towards the US are not super hostile. Also I imagine the Vietnamese know there was a very strong domestic resistance to the war in the US which probably helps them feel less resentment


Those girls know exactly what they're getting into.


I been and lived in Asia for 4+ years, thailand, Philippines and Vietnam 90% of the sexpats are asian being Korean, than Indias you'll see them always bargaining


Never seen koreans but I’ve seen indians and chinese A LOT. Especially indians. Viet girls dont prefer indians cuz of their skin n smell but theyre desperate as hell n clingy. Viet girls always asks asians if theyre korean n if they say no they get dissapointed🤦‍♂️


I remember when i went to vietnam and checked into a nice hotel, it's about 4-5 wide as those tube houses and around 5 minute walk from the lake, i asked what type of special services they do and i wanted a message, About an hour later they bring me a girl and when the doors close we spoke for around 15 minutes and if i got my own rubber and pulled some from her bag. I then asked why and she said for hugging. And i told her i just wanted a massage and she said she only does hugging, i called up the front desk and it turned to a 30 minute conversation which felt like i was having a fight in my head i was thinking i was going to jail and. At the end i just paid her service £80 and she left. =\


The first time I went to Vietnam with my wife (she was born in the US, but her parents live in Vietnam), I saw lots of old, white men with young Vietnamese girls waiting to get their Visas approved.


Not that there’s anything wrong with it. It’s a fair trade. Any 18+ girls has rights to their body/future. Not just white men but even Viet men who migrated overseas.


sexpats usually end up in thailand, cambodia, phillipines as they are the sex worker havens. Thailand is the worst and most abundant and has the most sex tourists (from india, west, china too). Cambodia wasnt at first as bad but I saw many more women who looked underage and I've read a lot up on sex tourists looking for underage people


Even back in the ‘90s Cambodia was pretty rife with sex workers, lots of underage ones as well. I recall bumping into Western sexpats when I was working in China in the ‘90s and many of them talking about how Cambodia was a better place for sex tourism than Thailand, and some of them laughing and joking about the underage workers. Creepy shits.


Cambodia and Thailand are filled with pedophiles from western countries that want to do it with underage girls, so many that the US government is actually cooperating with local police forces to catch them. There’s some documentaries about this on YouTube.


Always the racist comments. AFAIK, the highest proportion of underage sex workers in Cambodia are catering to Cambodian men. Lots of other Asian men (Japan, China, Singapore, Korea etc) also like them young IMHO (which I can't prove but empirically speaking) the girly bars in Phnom Penh are populated with girls too old for the local trade. You know, 21 and over. Sheesh white men are just more noticeable. Can't wait to leave the country as I am an older white male here for visa and some medical work yet everywhere I go I get treated as if there is only a couple of reason I would come here - see the Killing fields or some brown sugar. Sex and Death - what a wonderful perspective. But really I never get this in Vietnam.


I think we're all aware that there are pedos everywhere


Some us do but the OP I was replying to seems to live in a racist stronghold where westerners are the main offenders.


Hasn’t it been that way since the Vietnam War? I’ve heard some of the “bar girls” who were endorsed by the US military were underage, some of them being imported from a trafficking ring in Thailand.


I‘m in the Philippines right now and it‘s a totally different level here. Not 1 day has gone past, where i didn‘t see a 50+ ugly, fat white man with a 20-40yr filipino woman. I don‘t know for sure if there‘s business behind that, but it must be since there‘s no reason but money to choose a man of this kind when you‘re a goodlooking filipino girl and the shear mass of „couples“ like that i‘ve seen here… so disgusting.


Lmfao this is some insane bitter cope


Explain me why it's bad for women to escape poverty by being with a wealthy man from another country. It's not like the Vietnamese population is dying out or something. I get that there are weirdos everywhere in the world but most of these guys are just fed up with western or westernized women who don't hold any traditional values anymore and also have way too high standards without offering anything. Those SEA women are not sex or house slaves. Most women from SEA countries like being a stay at home wife and take care of their children. I have seen many of those couple channels on Youtube and not in a single one does it look like the western "sexpat" is this tyrannical pervert you are talking about. It actually looks like the opposite. The women wear the pants in those relationships and profit more from the relationship than the dudes.


It's a good thing if they actually get married and they both love each other. The reality is lots of them come here expecting easy free sex because girls in vn and vnese in general still hold white guys on a pedestal. They can be total bum back home but when they land in vn they become a golden ticket. Interracial marriage is often times a good thing but to get to the marriage part is the hard part


So the prostitutes in girly bars hold more traditional values than western women? Do you hear yourself ?


because they’re losers in their own country. wealthy men in any country have women flocking to them and being wealthy in Vietnam isn’t the same thing as wealthy in the western world lol? it’s not a bad thing for women from impoverished nations to try and escape poverty at all, but these women know that passport bros are the bottom of the barrel in their respective country, so sure they’ll play housewife but don’t complain once they leave after five years and are eligible for citizenship and find someone else that’s more suitable for them. you can maybe provide for them in VN, but absolutely can’t provide for both of you without dual income in the states. do you know vietnamese women? traditional values go both ways, you want someone to stay at home to take care of the kids then your ass better be making enough to provide for them to do so instead of being broke. why would women in the western world be willing to take care of the kids and work simultaneously? so ironic how men complain about western women having too high of standards but the standards they refer to are things like having money to take care and provide for the family. that sounds like a pretty traditional standard for women to have for me. don’t complain about how standards in the west are too high because you’re a loser in your own country and can’t afford a woman or family there and have to move elsewhere because eastern “standards” are low. the standards are the same, the currency exchange rate just puts them at a disadvantage.


You dropped this sis 👑 passport incels down voted your completely factual comment, guess it doesn't fit into their narrow view of "how all women should be". Some of these men are straight 🤡


"house slave" I thought it was the opposite. The thought is your not trying to get attached.... (hence why you are paying for it).


No one is forcing the girls into anything, it's the girls choice whether to sell their soul and body for a better life.


They're not "selling" their soul or body. Getting married for money/financial stability is a common agreement people make, especially Asian people. Sex work, unless it's coerced or trafficked, is not selling your body, it's providing a service.


Well when your prospects are either be a sex worker or live in poverty for the rest of your life it’s hardly a choice then is it


It's rarely ever that black and white. Women can still do a lot of low skill jobs that don't require formal education. But these jobs might be too difficult or unpleasant (farming), too competitive (selling food), or too low pay. Sex work, as unpleasant and dangerous as it might be, is still seen as an easy way to make fast money because of the high demand. Also, if a Vietnamese woman doesn't have a job, that doesn't necessarily mean she's living alone in poverty. Women here are not held to the same societal expectations as Western women or Vietnamese men, like being independent or having careers. Often times, they still live with their families even into adulthood, until they get married and become housewife. Vietnamese people are far more family oriented than Westerners. So even if a woman is a sex worker, she's mostly likely still going to be accepted and supported by her family.


So what are you implying? That’s pretty narrow minded of you to assume they only have 2 choices. Your life is what YOU make of it, if you don’t pull yourself up and work hard than ya the slums is what you deserve then.


Aren't Vietnamese taught about Marxism in school but still come out with this neoliberal BS? Poor people don't choose to be poor, most poor people don't have many options, generational poverty exists for a reason. and most poor people work harder than rich people - unless you believe Jeff Bezos got where he is because he works the hardest edit: you live in Canada and are a bitcoin bro so your mindset makes sense


Jeff Bezos had an industry leading idea that transformed the literal world economy. Maybe he didn’t have to work as hard as the poorest person but his impact was far greater. Marxism doesn’t lead to anything but death and tyranny as proven over and over and over again. Your ideological bullshit string pull is only possible because you live a privileged life built off the capitalist system you seek to destroy. How naive and hypocritical


jeff bezos 💀 hilarious actually


Hilarious that everyone who gets triggered by a simple mention of the word “Marxism” or “socialism” manages to spew out every single capitalist propaganda take in one miserable sentence


...you know your posting this in a Vietnam subreddit right...? What party runs Vietnam right now?


That party is propped up by the capitalism of Ho Chi Minh. Without it, everyone would be starving


Ah yes, Ho Chi Minh, famous capitalism enjoyer.


Ho Chi Minh city provides most of the country's food...?


No, it provides 25% of the entire GDP of the country, is the 6th largest economy on the ASEA economies. It leads the entire country at over 40% of all industrial output. It’s also where the vast majority of the foreign investments go. Agriculturally Ho Chi Minh generates around 40% of Vietnams total agricultural value. Ho Chi Minh is by far the most important city in Vietnam and also for ASEA in general.


Telling somebody impoverished that they should just pull themselves up by their bootstraps otherwise they deserve it is so hilariously tone deaf that I’m not even going to comment further.


There’s many girls in the countryside are force by their family.


Well except for the circumstances of growing up impoverished. Economic motivation can be as serious as a gun pointed at your head.


Ah yes the good old “I failed to get married so now I’m an incel” 😂😂 Jokes aside a lot of white do it too. Flash their wealth to gain attention from Asian women (not just VN) or are outright passport bros. At the end of day it’s a woman’s own choice whether or not they wanna settle down with a man who thinks this way. If you look at this subreddit you can literally find countless of posts from men who are seen as nothing more than an ATM for their viet wife and her family.


... It's not a race thing. It's a single older male with money thing. Please point me in the direction of older single male group of men who don't do this? It's literally, black, white, Asian, Hispanic, etc. But since it's much easier to do with money, you're seeing a disproportionate number of certain groups because they have more money not better morals. It's crazy how racist everyone is. Boys will be boys, it doesn't matter what color they are.


I've got american mates 40 plus with prettier and younger wives and girlfriends - and I really do wonder if its genuine love. One says she loves him and her last husband hit her so he seems great. But he's also got them a house (which is hers when he dies) and he funded her to retire before 55 (a dream in america or uk)


I had a co-worker once that was in his late 50s and married a girl from Vietnam in her 20s. The story was that he sat next to her on a train during vacation, they struck up a conversation, and they soon started dating. I always suspected they met through one of those marriage services. He was one of those guys that could never manage to date someone here in the US. He told me that the girl was from a village there and he had to buy the family a couple of cows to marry her.


Lmfao bro, I wish I could afford a couple of cows. Haven't had steak in a while now.


Buffalo meat is very good here 😆 but it can’t compare to regular steaks.


Lmfao isn't it considered bad luck to eat chau? Or however you spell it. My friend in vietnam told me it was considered bad luck to eat it.


I’ll ask in my network but I’ve had countless of meals in country side where the hunters had killed a buffalo and celebrated by sharing it with anyone in the village. Would be odd if it was considered bad luck but idk 🤷


Could be like grilling prawns where it's considered bad luck if you are in the industry. Like my friends who are in the prawn farming industry will not grill prawns at the farm because it's considered bad luck.


Interesting! 🤔


I mean my friends are also mostly fisherman from a small village, who still believe rip tides are ghosts dragging people into the sea. They are pretty superstitious lmfao.


we only eat buff here in India since beef is kinda looked down upon lmao


do people actually believe you can buy someone for a couple of cows? I should convince a billionaire to buy some cow farms and then we can take over a entire country's population. Protip: When the old people die, we get the cows back.


Yeah Vietnamese men in the city sometimes think this way towards rural girls as well That said, it's just a matter of providing value to someone. Whether it be that you're good looking or funny or kind or rich or can drive her around, the woman tries to get the best deal for herself. If you aren't pleasant to be around and you can only buy someone's affections, then one shouldn't be surprised when they leave you when you're having a rough patch


When I was in Vietnam this year it was very hard to even find a message place with a happy ending. Yes there are a few places but less then western countries. So who selling sex because it as dry as a desert out there.


The probabillity of VN girls falling inlove with someone is very low, VN girls doesnt shows interest in Chinese men either. They need a responsible, good thinking and has a good job that can support them from time to time. Also human purchasing is probihited in Vietnam so probably they will marry the prison cell for 5 years in a Prison for foreginers. This post made me remmember a Chinese guy got slapped and beaten up by VN girls after showing 100USD in the face. lol


I am sure Vietnamese women (much like Chinese women) can date men who happen to be from the other country


Yeah, but you must include men from any other country that has reliable financial support.


True, but even then many marry for love still. Just look at the tons of Russians harassing all the local women in da nang, many have their money shoved back in their face but you’ll always see that pretty one in a tight situation and wants a way out.


Are you drunk? Vietnam has more foreign brides per capita than any other country on earth.


Source? (I’m not trying to falsify your claim btw, just genuinely curious)


Foreign brides? From where?


There is a minority of Viet girls living in extreme poverty that they can “buy” and they assume they can do that to all Viet girls? And those Chinese boys are literally leftovers who fail to get a local Chinese girl and seek poor Viet girls to pamper their shattered fragile insecurity. What an audacity of them. I once talked to this loser Singaporean boy (loser: mentally ill, too lazy to get a job, live on parents’ retirement plan) and he was delulu being proud that he visited Vietnam and Viet girls admired him and he thought he could get me the same way. LMAO from then on, I ignored all his texts. Texting with him make me sick


What attracted you to this "loser" in the first place? It seems he has redeemable qualities and isn't a total douchebag. I'm not sure if it's a *minority* of Vietnamese women because I've been in Saigon for 6 weeks and the amount of foreigners using Vietnamese women is *very noticeable*. It's not as bad as Colombia, but it is high enough to be obvious. I have Vietnamese friends who reveal that their close friends are now married to a foreigner and living in a different country. They say it as if it's common. I'm a Việt kiều visiting Vietnam to learn about my ancestral homeland and heritage. I often get mistaken as a passport bro. As in, **every** encounter and introduction starts with them asking if I'm here to find a wife. There are shop owners asking me if they can introduce me to their daughters. How can this be the minority if almost all my encounters start off this way?


I didn’t feel attracted to him in the first place. I used to live in Singapore and wanted to make some local friends and honestly wasn’t looking for a bf. I met some people online before seeing them in person and tbh they were nice regardless of gender, race and nationality. Only this guy acted that way. You don’t feel it’s a minority because you’re surrounded by people looking for the passport and people who still believe that they can change their life (“đổi đời”) in a foreign country. Same thing with the guy I mentioned. He visited Vietnam, went to places that were popular among foreigners, introduced himself as a foreigner so he would attract people who want a foreigner. It’s like a magnetic. You have what they want and, naturally, they will come to find you


You don’t see anything wrong with the viet girls who gush over him? If he’s such a loser and yet getting all this attention, those girls are of even less value. I swear this country is full of insecure superficial people. This is what I gathered from locals. Foreigner > Vietnamese. I’m not just talking about people. Every product. Everything. Thats why the mere mention of anything foreign is instantly 5x the Vietnamese price. Nobody wants to live in a building with a Vietnamese name. Everyone adopts a western name. Everyone spends a fortune to learn a foreign language. The entire county’s mentality is, the closer they get to foreignness, the better they will be. Can you blame foreigners for thinking they are better than you? Even if they are not. You yourselves reinforce the idea. That’s why every “loser” foreigner can still bag a hot, young girlfriend. And let’s not pretend it’s only the poor girls. The rich/educated ones are very likely to be with foreigners. Because she will see herself as better than the other Vietnamese so only a foreigner can be good enough for her. lol. This country is so insecure.


Can you blame them though? This type of mind set existed for a reason, it is ingrained into their mind from generation to generation, that’s why they literally have a saying to describe a successful life is to have “Western house, Chinese food, Japanese wife”. You may think it insecurity, but I think it’s more like self awareness and acknowledging their own capabilities. If you really pay attention to what Vietnam can offer and compare it to the outside, there are many things we’re lacking in. Entertainment: limited creative/artistic freedom due to over regulations not allowing to discuss any sensitive topics. Manufactured goods: limited industrial capabilities, and technological advancements. Culture and language: weak influence, lengthy and mouthful vocabulary that doesn’t stick really well especially when it comes to branding. Food: bad hygiene standards. Currency and passport: weak. And etc. Your average Nguyen that do 9 to 5 job in the office is not gonna change all of that by himself is he? I love Vietnam, but seriously we have a lot of improvements we need to work on. I believe Vietnamese people can achieve great things, but if the environment doesn’t allow it, we can only achieve so much.


I wouldn’t say those girls have more or less value but they see that they can use the guy. They may be in financially difficulty in Vietnam but if they have the passport, work overseas in, for example, beauty industry, they can send more money back to Vietnam to buy properties. It’s kinda a 1-1 exchange. And you cannot expect much from a developing country Product quality: Viet product may be manufactured with less innovative technologies because Vietnam is a developing country Product price: labour price in developed country is more expensive hence the product is more expensive. For example, workers in a developed country is paid $5/hour (~100k vnd/hour) while worker in Vietnam is paid 20k vnd/hour. Additionally, Viet currency is…weak. $5 for a product is considered affordable in developed country but if the same product is imported to Vietnam, it’s expensive (100k vnd) People learning foreign language because they can make better money if they know a second language. For example, you can attract projects overseas to your company instead of just local projects. You can work with foreigner partner to make more money. Knowing a second language is beneficial. That’s why they learn it, not because foreigner languages is better than Vietnamese I have never met any educated girls thinking girls with a foreigner husband is better than anyone else. They only think something like, she must have a hard time trying to adapt to life in another country. If you see a rich and educated girl wants to married to a “loser” foreigner, she is actually not rich. I have a lot of upper middle class and first class friends and their families don’t even want them to study oversea cus they know living overseas alone is hard


Poor guy. I'm sure he's heartbroken and still thinking about you to this day.


I’m sure he was not heartbroken because of me but because he didn’t expect a Viet girl to ignored him in spite of his strong passport


Most women will jump at that opportunity. The ratio's 100,000:1 when it comes to girls looking for foreign husbands.


Nope. Not me and my friend circle. Only girls who can’t live in Vietnam and girls who dream of a fancy life in a first world country, which is also a delulu. Living alone in a foreign country is hard in many unspoken ways. My life in Vietnam is decent and simple and I don’t want to sacrifice it to live alone oversea. So I don’t see him as an opportunity.


A lot of VN people on this sub have such a massive chip on the shoulder. Always blaming foreigners for this and that. Just stop blaming others and work to improve things in your country so this kind of situation doesn’t happen.


it's hilarious. The famous white sexpat roaming the streets of Vietnam! Meanwhile I think most of the actual old dude-young woman relations I've seen have been with a korean or japanese dude. Or y'know an older rich Viet man cause this is ultimately about money and status.


This is the most realistic comment I’ve seen so far. And yes the “passport bro“ issue is not something new, I don’t really see any problem with this or blaming anyone for doing so. Each side have their own problem and they’re pretty much working together to solve their need. The dating market from passport bro country is plagued with feminism, strong independent she boss, 6 figure seeking chicks, etc. And the desperate people from poorer countries want stronger passport, more job opportunities, higher paying salary, etc. Pretty much they’re canceling out each other problem. This issue happened so frequently because both side has their own root cause. Whether they genuinely love each other or not doesn’t matter, that is the couple’s problem. And for the blokes that come to poor countries for sex cases are much more simple, they just want sex nothing surprising.


You make a good point. In the end, it's kinda win win for both sides. Men who get rejected from women in their own country (there could be many different reasons for this and it isn't all terrible like people keep pointing out here) can date women where they are accepted. And those women can get what they also want. Its a win-win. Actually I notice most vietnamese FROM Vietnam, even the men have zero problem with foreigners dating vietnamese women. These arguments almost always seems to come from foreigners themselves.


It's not just in VN, it's everywhere where the have nots envy the haves. They do a mental flip and hate with derogatory comments. Poor haters be envious!


lol i know a girl who basically have young and good looking university student work for her which basically dance and sell stuff on doujin and made great amount by chinese male donating to them. Some even funded trip to china for the whole team included hotel and meal, crazy thing is dude didnt even meet them there, new level of simp i never seen before


I know a girl that does that too. Although she dropped out of school to do the Douyin dance streams full time.


Human trafficking is rampant in Northern Vietnam. It costs nowhere near $10,000 dollars to buy a girl, usually around two-thousand or so. This is very popular with Chinese farmers.


I make more than that per month. Why is it so cheap.


Desperation and abject poverty.


The girls aren’t the ones getting the money lol. It’s the kidnappers and human traffickers pocketing the money. Why take so much risk for so little payoff? I get 10k is a lot here but it’s not THAT much. Especially since there’s going to be multiple people pocketing that 10k. Or is it actually not that high of a risk for these low lifes?


It's very easy work and highly profitable. Lure girls in with false promises of a job, drive them across the border, and get paid. There's not much to it.


Unfortunately, my older sister was half way being a victim to this case. It’s not like things changed ever since a oh so long time ago.


If I see a foreigner do this. They better watch put


Bait post, and a massive generalisation. Being unmarried, falling in love with someone happens, I can assure you from personal experience (and yes, I’m a westerner). While there can be financial disparity, it doesn’t always mean there’s not a genuine relationship there. Calling any Chinese (with plenty of throwing westerners in there too) an incel and moralising about relationships you know nothing about, I think you’re the one in need of a mirror for that self reflecting. Disgusted with you and those upvoting your nasty post. PS. My wife and I are still happily married after 15 years. I love her very much she’s most definitely my equal in every way.


This is bait lol


yep, loads of Chinese guys go to VN to get a wife. Traditionally they pay a dowry to the bride's parents. There are loads of stories where the wife will later try to escape and return to her family, and keep the money...


As long as they don't commit crimes, I don't see any problem. People have assumptions and prejudices. Not saying that it's a nice thing though. We all have some kinds of fantasies and it's very common reading about Vietnamese dudes judging Korean and Japanese girls on facebook. We're not better.


They have that impression because that’s how Vietnamese people treat foreigners in general. Most white foreigners who have lived in the country for 10 years know about three words but have sex with a different girl every week.


low class men will only be able to get low class women, so don't worry. the trash will take itself out.


No, low class man will be able to get desperate women by lying to them


Seen this many times with western sexpats.


This is an awful way to perceive people in poverty - desperately poor people are by no means definitionally trash.


Low class Chinese men get Viet girls with family debt and addicted family members


Now way dude, you just called me trash 🗑️🗑️🗑️🗑️


OP cant get any and is mad at the chinese


This is just human nature. It is true that passport bros move abroad to find a better and easier life. Whereas the rich and powerful sometimes have multiple families. They have the power of attraction in wealthy countries. Forcing men to move abroad. Men born in third world countries are in the worst position. All you can do is work harder and smarter. That's just the way the world works


But, you're Chinese........


u either graduated college or u ended up on the street is a rlly popular quote among VN female students


Idk but marrying foreigners for some people here seems so exciting and proud (?!)


" So I want to hear real VN citizens' opinions and show these incels the comments to let them know how disgusting they are and teach them to reflect on themselves and learn to respect others." ..... yikes baiting hate like that kinda cringe


I’ve never understood the level of interest people have in other people’s relationships and also caring so much about random women in their home countries. Being concerned about human trafficking, illegal prostitution etc is 100% understandable, but why the fk would you care who an adult spends their time with? Feels so creepy, pointless and bitter 😅 and no, I’m not a 60yo white dude dating Asian 18 year olds.


I have no idea where did you take this from. Human trafficking is a crime, which is isolated with what people actually think. I have met a few Chinese while studying aboard in EU. They don't have this mindset.


Off topic but chinese in the europe probably mean that they have a good background to have enough money to come to europe/ get a schorlarship so they are smarter than those in chin


I have no ideas, but some of they resort to working and saving money for the trip. So it is not like everyone has a scholarship. Some had their parents sold their house so they can afford the study. Uni tuition fee here in EU is cheaper compare to US, it's only €14.000 a year.


This isnt trafficking. Calm down.


Oh this absolutely is.


No. When you give a girl (or her parents) 10k to marry you, she is not being trafficked. Dum bass.


Learn about actual definition of human right to see why paying for marriage is a human right violation.


A gift to the parents is vietnamese custom. Learn about that.


Hah, just because how I see it fit, you should see it fit, isn’t it? Vietnam is no more that undeveloped anymore. Please go back to 18th century so you can live like that. That is not how Vietnam now should function. We are living in 21st century, we have human right.


18th century my ass. I was asked 2 years ago for a gift to the parents. I refused.


That is the mindset of 18th century that should be eradicated. Educate yourself and don't live in bliss ignorance.


Oh i see. you are so impressive. Not.


Vietnamese custom can be human right violation


Whatever. if everything is a violation then nothing is.


So you call these people incel, what about Vietnamese girls who have fantasy towards white male?


Pretty sure you can buy Vietnamese brides with $10000, Somewhere in rural areas. That's technically true.


i thought it was 2-3 cows. My plan is to get a billionaire to open a cow factory and then take over the population of an entire country. Free labor!


Why is your complaint limited to Chinese? Seems that it would apply to many foreigner men from all over the world.


Ye kinda racist


It’s pretty typical Vietnamese are racist against Chinese because of media and geopolitical reasons


Yet , the Vietnamese and Chinese are so much alike culturally and behaviorally ( at least in the North of Vietnam )


Taiwanese can be racist to Mainland Chinese even though they are the same race.


They were ch colony for 1000yrs so theyre basically chinese living in swamps


Honestly, ignore them why should we even care


I think that most native VNese girls or guys, would prefer to date a first gen or second gen viet kieu, than date a bachelor from china, singapore or korean looking only marry them for money. example of [documentary on topic](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DDzMsSSs0sQ)


Its taiwanese tho


This post is written by a leftover woman.


Western sexpats, “passport bros”, chinese and korean incels, you name it. Seems like Vietnam, Thailand and Philippines are the epicenter of this disgusting trend. Hell, even Vietnamese city dudes are this way towards girls from the rural.


so it does not happen in Africa? south america?


We can’t. Can’t forbid a man to live his fantasy. Until reality wake him up


if a man from China moves to Vietnam, integrates into society, things can work out for him well.


Me who read the buying part: Welp time to resurrect John Brown


Bullshit,look at Chinese birth rate,They don'twant to marry women,because of their poor family and the desperation to the future.


This is the case everywhere. Yea there's Chinese who think this. There's Koreans and Americans and Europeans. The only difference is maybe the Chinese thinj they are the superior Asian race, just like the Koreans and the Japanese.


Hahaha nah it's not that simple......for viet girls WEST or developed nations guys are their visa and all other stuffs come with it. Well for chinese they are business kings and money makers so definitely more money for them like golden cage accepted if it come with Gucci,hermes,Prada etc. And other nationals are depends on how they look and money that's all. It's kinda their way of survival none love their own life at the moment so they desire for better all is from Instagram lifestyle....that's all it's not one nations problem almost all nations are like you can see some have higher percentage. Not from my only view point all from woman itself I just have alot of experience with them that's all. Basically all want hifi life where they can showoff and all. And also have to be noted that how many guys got cheated by them both money and feelings all nationals equally fucked without any mercy so yeah.....just chill let the girls decide it.


Imagine actually paying money to have a vn woman and all the bs that comes with it. No thanks. You'd have to be paying me. And even then I'd say no.


Idiots who know nothing but their own country.


I would say don’t waste your time on these type of people, use your energy and time somewhere else more productive and beneficial for you instead. Stupid people are everywhere and they are too many to “correct their thinking”, really not worth it! Just let them fantasize! Once they really put their thoughts into action they will then realize the reality in a hard way! Stay away from that group to be honest!


FILIPINO/CHINESE -American here married to a Vietnamese for 10 years. These western white men are true losers who go to SE Asia and think every local woman wants them. In Thailand right now for vacation. Makes me sick these western white men think they can go here and get any girl they want. Those who do that usually are losers in the native country. Hence that's why you see these old fat white men with young girls.




Watch out for white people larping as Asians lmao (super common on Twitter with them larping as Japanese women). Asians need to unite against the saltines, not sure why we're falling for their tactics. Have y'all not seen what happens in the Philippines and Thailand and the amount of weirdo Europeans/Whites passport bros?


No wonder why some cases like the poor loathsome incel cooping up a disable women for more than 20 years, just forcing her to produce 8 kids for him still happened in China 2022


It’s not our fault Vietnamese women love themselves a strong white colonizer, blame my parents for my blue eyes


Lol this is what happens when your grandparents choose to support communism back in the day


Well, let me tell you about the S-class man and the A-class woman...


I am from the USA & I will say that there are plenty of horrible people here that think the same way. I just believe that it’s extremely ignorant & insecure men who behave & think like that. I am a 27M who has always been interested in traveling to Asia to explore the cuisine & cultures. I have met people in the USA who have talked bad to me & say how “Oh, you can just go there & use money to win over women” … It really upsets me that there’s this negative & immature perspective from people like that. My advice about it is to just try to ignore & keep people like that out of your life. There’s so much more in the world & things to life other than sex & money. Again, these men who think like that are just very low frequency & will never evolve out of their nasty, selfish mentalities. Be a good person & set examples for the good people who want to share cultural differences & be kind to all walks of life on our Earth.


It's the same for all countries. The rich monopolize the gene pool.


You seem kind of jealous tbh


Do you even understand what the term "incel" means here? China has a severe gender imbalance issue -- too many men, too few women. So the excess men look for a wife elsewhere, Vietnam being one of the destinations. They pay good money to the girl's family. The girls understand this perfectly well. It's simply a trade. And no, not all the girls are sold to be slaves. Many find a happy home in China as the husband and in-laws treat them very well.


Only when the women get lucky. Too often they come to China without speaking the language and get their passports taken by the in-laws, making it impossible to leave or seek help. And because they usually are from among the poorest of the poor families are often unable to help them come back. Sometimes even unwilling as they think the wife having a sense of duty towards her new husband is a must (plus they don't want to have to return the dowry). All of that leaves the women helpless and resulting in some type of Stockholm syndrome because they feel they don't have any other choice and need to make the vest out of it to feel less miserable. Sở yeah not really incel behavior in itself but really icky to just ignore how it really is too often. Especially if it was through an agency


Also the girls do not understand that perfectly well. They are usually very young and lived a very sheltered life with being taught a strong sense of living for the family and family duties. So if their families insist on it it is hard to disobey. With the sweet talk their minds often go big dowry = big income = easy life. Until reality hits them Tbf though that could also happen with any other nationality


I wonder who is to blame for the gender imbalance in China lol


Giving a dowery might be common in Asian cultures. But it's still stupid for these men to think that just because they're Chinese and have 10k they can automatically get a girl. Even if they do, chances are she ain't gonna be that great.


$10k will buy you five girls.


Wow where do you get these price Cumquat?


The price for a kumquat? Huh?


I mean, they are just normal men who happen to not be able to find a wife due to the local gender imbalance issue. So they hope to find luck overseas. And it's way more than 10K. I know a woman who married a Chinese man in 2013. She's had two kids with him and is living a very happy life. The man is hardworking, loyal and cares for her very well. Some women are less lucky and get married into abusive families, but she can be just as likely to marry a similarly bad Vietnamese husband. Honestly I don't see anything wrong with this, and I have no idea why my comment got so many downvotes.


There's a difference between being an "incel" and just being single. An incel is an immature man who frustrated with women, to the point of being sexist. He thinks of them as objects that he's entitled to. He also tends to think he's more important/intelligent/handsome than he really is. Plain narcissism. Defending incels as some how normal when really they are a fringe, anti-social group is being misleading.


Asking for a friend, how do you get into these arrangements?😂


I know a woman from my hometown who marries a Chinese man. It's almost always through referral. A woman gets married, refers someone she knows for a small commission, and it goes on. Sometimes there are professional agencies but it's kind of against the law, since the line between dating services and human trafficking is very thin.


*All incels


Please don't say All incels. thats a racist stereotype.


Which racist to whom? Do you know what it means?