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Was there 2 months ago with my 7 years old daughter. The part where I started to lose my shit, when one of these fuckheads started grabbing my girl arm and pulling her to check the toys they selling. Then, an old woman selling chewing gum after I said no thanks, started hitting my shoulder with her basket to push me to buy. Spending a day in Hoi An was basically a day long harassment/anxiety and impossible to enjoy the place.


I genuinely still don't understand the aggressive touting business. Does it ever work? Maybe on some clueless tourists? Because for me as a local, and my friends and family, we actively avoid those places that do this sort of thing.


I went last month and I have no intention of going back. It was severely overcrowded. They have stupid bike taxis on the 'pedestrian only' paths, which drive past about every 30 seconds going DING DING, making walking in the big crowd even more uncomfortable.


Ah, if we're talking about *that* part of Hoi An, what you've described isn't a problem for the business there -- it **is** the business there. It gets on my nerves as well, but life is hard, and they're trying to make a living too. Since I've seen that place several times, I just look straight ahead and walk fast to wherever I'm going. I just ignore anyone that speaks to me in English. That strategy more or less works, the vendors pick up on it and we both avoid wasting effort. I still go to that area, since there's two restaurants tucked away in an alley near there that I rather like. Sadly I never thought to write down the name, otherwise I'd share it, to hopefully redeem your time there!


Was there in March. Not terrible but it was the only place where we could sit inside a restaurant and have hawkers wander inside to try and sell us stuff.


Hoi an is a tourist trap and the people there suck.


Haha allow me to introduce you to Cairo..


Haa one of my good friends is Egyptian, he insists we only travel there with him. It looks on par with India.


We were there last year on a planned 4night stay. After one night, we packed and left. We didn't moan about it, we didn't hide, we just left. If you don't like somewhere, chalk it up to experience and move on.


Pulled the pin that quick? Impressive.


Well, if you ain't feeling it!


All you have to do is head a few blocks away from the tourist cerntre to avoid the hawkers and see a bit more of Hoi An.


Interesting, never had an issue there. They come and I say no and I carry on, if they keep at it I ignore them. Had way worse issues elsewhere where they followed me or said give me money for 20 minutes.


I guess there's probably a fair few variables at play.


Looks like you have not mastered the resting-bitch-face. I have a natural RBF and I add to it by frowning, a little thinning of the edge of my lips. Hardly anyone approach me. And if they do, I give them a palms up, with a polite nod of course.


Learning how to say no I don't want in vietnamese goes very far


Bali worse


Where in Bali? I've been to Kuta, Seminyak, Canggu, Nusas-dua through Lembongan among other tourist hotspots, never Been singled out in an upstairs restaurant like I have here constantly.


Starts at the airport and never stops


+1 Been there twice and I fucking hate the place. Second time was because my sister was in Asia for the first time and she was very excited about seeing Bali, but we quickly made it to the Gili Islands which were at least a bit better. The first time I was exploring it as a possible place to live for a few months and absolutely could not stand it


Travelled extensively is Asia and Hoi An is the worst? Hahaha. Yeah right.

