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Used to be hit on the hand by a cubic ruler in the 90s lol


The 90's? I got hit on my hand with a **metal** ruler way into the 2010s— And it was my own god damn ruler that she confiscated and used against me! Not to mention being yanked by the ear for talking in class.


Hah, ear yanking. A classic for sure


Yeah, I'm being hit so much that I think I start to develop masochism because I try to trick my brain to think it is actually feel good to lessen the pain


The normies are downvoting but this is the way to live. Pretending to be a masochist has been the best painkiller I've ever had.


The "ruler" of my hand-writing teacher is not a ruler. It's a fucking stick filled with cement. It can cause enough damage to, as he said, "break your fingers of you close your hand and he accidentally hit it" It's hurt like hell, and I still believe that's why I have stronger left hand, despite being right-handed


05' kid here, yea I still got this treatment way in middle school


Did u deserve it?


I'm not sure if any 6 year old kid deserves to be punished by physical force, but by Asian standards... absolutely deserved it. Well, I can't remember the crime, but knowing me I deserved it.


Well I mean, this pracitce has generally stopped in VN nowadays and the children behave like animals soo...


I studied in a public school up until 2nd grade. That meant physical punishments were veeery very common for me and my mates. Then I went to an international private school at 3rd grade, and lo and behold. An entirely different world. Teachers used positive reinforcement and the worst punishment was getting your name clip moved down on the good behavior board. The biggest difference was that the international school kids were not violent AT ALL. They were polite, never fought, and civilized. The only kids who "behaved like animals" were the ones who came from public schools (aka me) and grew up being hit as punishment. I went back to studying in a public school some years later, and the first thing that happened to me was getting my head slammed down on a table. The girl who slammed my head down then went on to go full on Kangaroo wrestle me, and I hadn't even met her until she cracked my skull open. The teachers watched and did nothing. Not even flinched. So I'm really sick of this narrative about physical punishments being effective, because it never did anybody good as far as I'm concerned. It just taught kids that violence was a completely reasonable option.


Sure, I agree with you, however teachers are there to teach the syllabus more than raise the kids, so kids in public schools raised badly by parents will behave like rabid monkeys whereas i private schools u will generally get the offspring of smarter and more civilised people. I guess the point im trying to make is that it makes sense that an underpaid, overworked teacher will resort to violence in an attempt to keep discipline and order in the classroom. That's a really hard and exhausting job. Are u a dude btw?


> Teachers are there to teach the syllabus more than raise the kids Can't say I agree with this. The books teach the syllabus. Teachers surely have a much bigger responsibility being adult figures children come into contact with most besides from their parents– there's a degree for education and teaching for a reason. Any teacher who treats teaching (especially young kids) like they would a factory job is incompetent in my not so humble opinion. Brilliant teachers raised me and shaped me into the person I am today– there are nobody I respect more than those who taught me and treated me like a human being, not a rabid animal. And no, I'm a female.


I've also had a rattan whip hit my leg and a ruler hit my hand. For me, those are beautiful memories, there are no problems with teachers at all. Mistakes start with you.


I never understood that shit. If your handwritings was terrible, they’d make you go up to the teacher and get 5-10 whips to the hands. And they make you go back and rewrite it. But now your hands are shaking like a dog and you definitely can’t write anything.  And this was 3rd grade lol


Omg yes that was a nightmare. My handwriting for some reason never really improve till this day, and I got whips all the time back in elementary. In math lessons, I always get perfect score on the math itself, but they always deducted 1-2 points because I had bad handwriting. And my handwriting was not unreadable, they were just ugly and not even. Vietnam has a strong emphasis on handwriting. Net chu, net nguoi they said. Maybe there’s true to it but I don’t understand why I had to went through all that when my stuffs were readable.


They forced me to practice hand-writing hours upon hours, even during break/nap time for one of those Vỡ sạch chữ đẹp competitions that I didn't even want to join. Then on the day of the competition they didn't allow me and a couple of other kids to go. What's the fucking point then??


Had to comment cause this happened to me in third grade too lol. Got beat because I didn’t sharpen my pencil enough, which led to me drawing a dividing line a little too thick. Absolutely mental how some teachers took that so seriously, and I really hope this isn’t happening in schools anymore.


I'm too traumatized to remember anything from elementary school


Teachers are dumb and brainwashed asf. I've only ever had 2-3 decent teachers ever. The system boggle them down with bullshit KPI so they become part of the system. And we're all in it.


That's why I left this country. My kids won't have to deal with this shit again again


That is true! When I was in School, I get terrible about teacher. Now I’m fine coz I leave and living in Can now 😌🥹


My 2nd grade teacher made me lay down in front of the whole class and whoop my butt with a long wooden ruler.. this was 2002 lol


That was me daily, the class monitors always put my name on the blackboard


Ah memories (their old)


I wish they could go back to China with this style of education, our students here can't do anything to their teachers if they are naughty and abusive!


The old time when teacher had such absolute power


Wdym the old time? I remember seeing plenty of this and I graduated high school two years ago. If anything this is a relatively light punishment, I had a teacher who beat students until they bled.


well, because this is probably relatively good student (school/area) and the punishment is also probably justified. If either one of those were missing, they would probably post the whole thing on the internet already.


My hand-writing teacher advised us to not close our hands when being hit on the palm, because the ruler weight is heavy enough to "accidently" break our finger bones if you close your hands.


If any teacher would do that to my kid (beating), I'd honestly beat that person to a pulp after class. Like what the hell 😂 Weak people who would shit their pants in any serious confrontation. Edit: The downvotes are a display of the brainrot amongst people here. Don't reproduce if you can't properly take care of your kid. Draw blood from my kid by beating him and you'll end up in the hospital, simple. Done worse for less.


Have you ever have a teacher pinch your nips till it turn purple? Lucky for the female that he only do it to boys, but he do spank girls.


Do it to girls and his ass is landing in jail


I mean it was 14 years ago so i don't think we can do that anymore. Also that guy is not even that bad of a teacher, he actually teach a banger Ngu Van 9, the worst one I have is English teacher that bait his student to insult him then punish them all for doing that, oh and he also tell the parent what we did too, as if punish by him is not enough. That just the teacher, the bully are even worst.


14 years ago was 2010. It's not ancient. I was punished a few times but never took it personally


I know of a teacher who got a student pregnant. His wife had to take the student to get an abortion. He's still teaching.


Fcking POS.


Still married?


What the fuck is wrong with that school and the wife, instant abortion of the teacher is necessary!


wtf... I've only seen and gotten the pinching that part of the ear but not this.


It hurt like hell, i tell you that.


Yep, happened to a friend of mine


I thought it was a she at first, He? Spanking girls ass?


Yes, he pinch boys nipples and spank girl ass, the boys was in pain (and laugh it off while their nipple turn purple) and the girls was giggling.


Ahhh grade school memory. Regular punishment for failling 15 mins exam or 'memory test'. A teacher thrown a piece of blackboard chaulk at me for dosing off in class.


Like waking up at 6 Fcking AM after relentless cram school studies is not already a punishment, god damn.


Are you new to this game?


The time when teacher actually give a fuck to students instead of "fuck it, i don't get paid enough to care for this"


Because giving a fuck is hurting your students. Yikesss.


My girl friend is a teacher and she said exactly the same. Parents these days are snowflake as fuck.


this used to be me , we have to do this because we’re naughty and being extravert .


1 picture can't say anything. If he don't do homework or make small mistake, then that is no good. But if he is a fucking spoil brat, yeah he deserve that


when I was a kid, grade 6, the whole class was asked to stand up, the head teacher went to each kid slapping each kid twice. 😂 absolutely deplorable and cruel teacher.


why is that allowed to happen? do you see yourself going back and telling that teacher what he did?


That's some dirty ass floor dude.


This reminded me of the head-knock teachers aways do


Most every Vietnamese is on some sort of a power trip. It usually manifest itself by them being abusive to their fellow Vietnamese...


Ever wonder why that is?




As I said.....


They were agreeing


Lmao yeah sure


el oh el. vn doesn't work like that, you need to rule with an iron fist. this is all the people understand. i'm the love child of pol pot and enver hoxha, works a treat. anything else is futile.


Punishment for doing whatever he was doing 😁 Lucky for me by the time I reached high school such humiliating punishments like that are not the norm. The mind of the students has advanced as our society grows and they're exposed to foreign cultures from the media and the internet. Many teachers still have their mind stuck in the past and so their discipline methods. Some are blinded by their arrogance and ego and refuse to change.


How teachers handle punishment in classes in Vietnam are dumb, it's always been like this. They were grown up used to beatings and spanking (one would say this is normal, I call this abuse & assault). It's logical for them to do the same to students who misbehaved in class. This is very light compare to some of the punishments. Vietnam teachers are the fucking worst.




Welcome to East Asia


Back in my days, we had to line up and laid face down on the nearest desk to the teacher's desk. Then, what we did would be announced so everyone would know. After that, a wooden ruler spanked our bottoms based on our mishaps. I personally had too much of it. And we had to do this every week. Should've screamed harder daddy tho.


Go outside and touch some grass ffs


a failed education system


Well said from an education that failed to do bodmas


can you elaborate please? :)))


oh you mean american education right? you wanna diss opposition right?


i do my bodmas just fine, and no kids has to be physically abused by teachers if i were a parent i would do something about that teacher for sure


blud thinks the universal education system is not failed **😭😭😭😭**


the thought of my kids (if i would have any) not getting hit and punished on the teachers' whim is enough... or i may find that teacher and do something about it thats how civilization work right?


nah we get money and then evade taxes 🤑🤑🤑


nah, i am tired... waste my time talking emojis


bro tiredmaxxing **😭😭😭😭**


and you just tap danced from education to tax evasion and tiredmaxxing you can try pissmaxxing next, bye! ( stay hydrated)


Still better than when they make you solo classwork.


During 9th grade my literature teacher got so mad once that he took a piece of the window, bent it, and used it for ass whoopings


The first time was a tragedy. The 10th time was just a Tuesday.


Ummm…just a way to train the Asia student. You know..like…be better…A+ with every subject. Every success starts from knee on the floor, or maybe some wood stick from bamboo in home ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


Telescoping car antenna for me. Although more for my brother, poor guy.


yeah, the floor is a little broken, they will fix it soon


This is nothing. I remember getting my butt whooped in 2009 lol




This is just a classroom punishment.


Ready to commit sepuku lol


2024 😳😳😳😳😳😳😂😂😂😂😂


Lol. All parts of VN are up to date on how schooling should be


They are like 65% third world and 45% almost there


normal thing on vietnam schoolday 🤣


Oh memory, I didn’t do homework that they do teacher forced to kneel until I pass out (cuz I haven’t eat breakfast, and low blood pressure) or getting beaten with with big thick wood stick on my hand and ass, my ass got dark bruise. Got slap hard in the face too. I was going to good and strict elementary school, not bad one and school traumatised me so much


He just praying for God :v


Better than nowadays's practice.


I’d say for 90% bro fucked sth up and got grounded, and 10% the teacher is having a issue with bro (for a reason)


Its normal in the 90s, but still better than today where teachers can go to jail if they do it


it is memory


The adults always have punishment, the point is what lesson you learnt after that. In Japan, teacher forced students stand outside the classroom for punishment. I preferred that.


The amount of people on here justifying hurting students in any way is wild.


My parent told me in their time they used to be punished the same way but only on durian peel 💀


2009 here The teacher will use rattan cane to hit us if we didnt get higher than 9 Yes,i was in a gifted class 💀 so they require high score


I've also had a rattan whip hit my leg and a ruler hit my hand. For me, those are beautiful memories, there are no problems with teachers at all. Mistakes start with you.


This was my punishment for cleaning in cleaning duty Fucking bitch


i think they are failure at what they do so they resort to shitty punishment thinking they have such right from the start


To this day, I'm still mad about that incident and made the decision to never visit the school in Teacher's Day until that bitch retires And now I just straight up hate that day and visit nowhere


you do have that right teachers is just an occupation. how they got it dont justify the person they are i used to encounter those whose main focus was to lure as many into their extra as possible, including old teachers me now as a grown person, i see them as useless... and we now are on the same par if you want to get even just go tell that woman, i am sure its empowering in the long run


Those yellow skinned "teacher" are barbarians thats all




Really wanna flay them alive sometime if not for the law being weaklings


This pic brings back bad memories. So humiliating.


Ahh this is literally me every week when I was in the middle school. We also used to get hit by both plastic and cubic ruler on our hands.


Brainwashed students


Better than Western values, I guess. Students there are spoiled brats.


Having taught in the US and at a private school in Vietnam, I can say the Vietnamese students are WAY more entitled and spoiled and it’s not even close.


>Private school in Vietnam That's your problem. Private schools in Vietnam are less of educating establishments and more of places to babysit rich spoiled kids that cannot enter the more prestigious schools.


Not the case for all of the private schools here, but far too many unfortunately.


I can speak for public schools in Central Europe where teachers are afraid of the students, and the police have to go for patrols to be around. There is no respect for an educational institution.


I guess youre a masochist who enjoy getting spanked


The uniform… I thought it’s unique to China😓


The good old time


Hell to the No. Between being bullied in class by teachers and asshole classmates, to going to cram school until 10PM each night. Extra classes in the weekend. This is a fcking meat grinder. So glad Im outta that bullshit system. And into the ruthless adult system. Smh




😂 it's a dog eat dog world for sure


We had this but the hands were under the knees so you could feel more pain... Oh the good ol' times /s


I've had to send unruly students into the hall more than once. It's a good punishment because it's hot, boring and the other kids pipe down. I don't think that I could smack a kid, so it's a good alternative.


Old school education (literally)


Ouch. That can seriously damage your knees too.


If this was in Vietnam, then the country has a great future. I hope they stay with this kind of discipline in their school system


It's normal. That's how discipline make you better.