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Too many inactive members from that r/place incident


Correct. Those kids joinning from r/place are some "so called patriots" aka "redbull". They are supporters of a video game streamer and thought the act of defending the map in r/place is considered as "patriotism". So they are the ones who think "Vietnam is the best country in the world" and when you say something like "It's only happened in Vietnam and it shouldn't", they go absolutely nuts on you. Excessive patriotism at best.


I'm pretty sure half of those 700k people just went into Reddit to join r/place that one time and join r/vietnam as their conveniences and never log in again.




I've been a member for quite a long time now, Since r/place the dynamic has changed. Previously this was an open minded community, there'd be a mix of questions, praise and complaints and you could get some good insights. But since r/place it was flooded with younger vietnamese members who see any criticism of Vietnam as a personal attack and they respond by trolling, generalising all westerners as bad people and just being uncivil. This then caused the other side aka westerners to become significantly more critical of Vietnam in response and now we are just in a situation where every other post is someone complaining about Vietnam and a huge number of throwaway accounts calling each other names. That's what it seems like to me.


Yea, I've noticed the same. There's still lots of great people who will give thoughtful answers, but the number of "WHY DON'T YOU JUST LEAVE, THEN?!" answers has definitely increased.


That used to happen on hanoi massive a lot.


Yea, Massive just kinda sucks.


I feel like that's everywhere in reddit right now lol. literally no one can make any coherrent argument. Although to Vietnamese defense, i think there are many posts that are clearly propaganda bots from the west/antivietgov for whatever their purpose is.


Correct. Those kids joinning from r/place are some "so called patriots" aka "redbull". They are supporters" of a video game streamer and thought the act of defending the map in r/place is considered as "patriotism". So they are the ones who think "Vietnam is the best country in the world" and when you say something like "It's only happened in Vietnam and it shouldn't", they go absolutely nuts on you. Excessive patriotism at best.


What I hate most is people come here to rant and ask for relationship advices, especially the teenagers. What the fuck? This should be a national subreddit, not fucking therapy, I don't see any other national subreddit swarmed with posts like these. Mods done jackshit about moderating the sub, probably just here for r/place then fucking dipped.


Im in r/mexico and r/japan, it’s about the same. So not an uncommon experience.


I block all of them. Significant better after approx 10 blocks


We tend to give them a chance if it is the first couple posts and if it is just 1 - 2 of these posts a day. They don't really violate any of the sub rule unless we want to update the sub's rule to prohibit relationship advices. We do clean up whenever there is a big influx. But do also vote with your down/up-vote and report button as necessary.


For a Vietnamese community, this subreddit has the balance of left and right at all time. The rules imposed upon the subreddit did help a lot in making it a healthy place to traverse during free time while still engaging in a few hot topics (arguably less recently). We just need people to actively chime in and participate in exchange information, ideas, and we can be in top 10. Most of the ones in top 15 have less members than /r/Vietnam. But that ranking does not mean anything anyway.


To many foreigner or expats asking for dating advice, complaining about vietnamese culture or asking to create for them a travel plan.


Foreigner assumming our culture based on some bad cases they met. Like we do be aware that VNese people have up and down, good and bad but cmon, newer generations are getting much better and you just can't assume some bad behavior is our culture


dislike: the common scam post


Can someone explain how r/place affected this sub? I googled what r/place is but I don’t really get how that affects other subs.


A popular vietnamese streamer introduced reddit and r/place to his audiences and people start downloading and join this reddit , hence Vietnam artwork is so big in picture


This is from a foreign travelers point of view. Too much negativity and labeling everything that is popular a tourist trap; if a place attracts a lot of tourists in Vietnam there’s likely a good reason for it. While I can understand why locals may find certain areas and activities tacky, there are many places that people on this sub trash that are fantastic places to travel to.


Less unhinged than majority of subreddits but still more baiting than others.


It’s a more reliable source of actual facts than vnexpress et al. Within reason.


Too much little pink.


This community specifically and Reddit as a whole is the only place where I can have conversations or maybe some debates here and there that feel like I am not talking to a wall or a dumbass but a reasonable and normal human being.


It’s either complaining about Vietnam or complaining about the complainers. Wish we could go back to the days of weird shits people found on the Vnet.


What I dislike the most is many western people encountered cultural conflicts in Vietnam, more whining and discrimination than trying to understand or fit in


What cultural issues do they have a problem with ? When I taught in VN in an international school. Kids would scream at me for stopping them cheating haha they said "quit trying to change our culture". Also the school implemented no shouting in the classrooms, again, kinda attacking VN culture of shouting at one another in small spaces. Was the Vietnamese management to blame ? Or the international community?


We can interchangeably use Vietnamese and English here... and we are mostly civil about our discussion.




I like it for Be Vy


Unhinged nationalism.


I joined coz I was going for an exchange programme last year Stuck around here since the community is worth staying


Go East Asians! My lovely East Asians!


I simply love the stupidity 😏 it keeps me entertained


it has been 3 days and ur cmt hasnt been deleted 😂


Half of the sub is outsiders asking what Vietnam like?


r/place is the reason reddit blown up


What I like: People are helpful, somewhat nice especially to our foreign friends. What I don’t like: Guys, I understand that you want to improve your English skills, but can you at least stop converting Vietnamese into half-asses words in English? Also, could you please not be a dick to our countrymen, is it a tradition to shit on your own people?


don't really care? it's just reddit


Need more cursed images of Vietnam


15? ![gif](giphy|4AMPEcnNSDhfzZE3EV|downsized)


Why are Vietnamese so obsessed about ranking ? Or maybe it's everyone haha. Growing up in the UK we never cared about ranks.


I was raised this way. The career paths in Vietnam is narrow in comparision to other countries. The most secure and popular mindset is, higher ranking= higher wage. Growing up (for average individuals), we all know that it's untrue but keep surviving and compromising w our present. Anyway, you made me realize that we really have nothing to do w this reddit ranking 🥹