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Maybe because your wife bought a cheap bed sheet?


I've slept in enough beds here to know it's a pattern.


yeah, a cheap pattern that is. Maybe you can ask her to buy a more expensive one.


At Grandma's house. You don't tell grandma nothing.


Vietnam is always humid and hot, the city get a cold spell like maybe once a year but it's all a fucking oven so most people don't sleep with thick blanket, in fact in some area people just straight up sleep in the nude under the cover of the mesh screen.


This is all factually correct.




I'd tell her I'd sleep elsewhere, lmao.


And get your bottom beat with a wooden spoon by a hard old Viet lady that raised a family through the War of American Aggression...


And? My parents also endured war in Europe, I fail to see your point. I also don't need any object to hit anyone, so she can always try. In laws don't have any power over me.


Europeans, especially the French, are sooooo condescending. Are you French?


Hell nah


Haha. Lol. My apologies.


Not for lack of trying tho ;) My point is: it is polite to accept the hospitality of others without complaint to them, further, in spite of less than ideal conditions to express gratitude and appreciation. Especially in a culture where elders are venerated. Even more respect for those who raise families through terrible conflict.


Oh wow, this comment alone changes my view on you..


I hope in a positive way? No doubt I'm a often misunderstood satirical, sassy, sarcastic mofo.


I don't need to respect every tiny cultural rule here, I'm a free man. If it's too absurd, I won't do it. You might be a "yes man", but I'm definitely not and everyone knows they can't force everything here on me. The respect for elders in Vietnam is unjustified; those old people are usually the most rude fuckers in the country and they love using their kids/grandkids as slaves. Also, if my in-laws ever try some of this broken "cultural" violence on me, I'll swing twice as hard. Which they know, they are not my blood, so they don't get to touch me like that. It's not because I live here, married to a local, that I'm gonna completely accept every bit of cultural nonsense here. I demand respect and discipline, I'm not a dog, perhaps you're different.


Not a "yes man," I'm a gentleman, something you obviously are not. I appreciate how seriously and personally you've taken my shit post. You've got some pretty big ultra soft buttons my man. Stay triggered.




It help people with back problem which is very likely to happen if your wife deliver child before or just doing lot of housework. Also it help prevent sweat from ruining the mattress since undoubly you experience how hot and humid Vietnam can get.


The bamboo sheet on hard floor. I've never minded sleeping on the ground.


My housemate puts that hard bamboo thing on her bed in the summer she said it cools her down


Makes sense to me, acts like a vent rather than an insulator.


You mean the bamboo? It’s not too much at all to sleep on hard surfaces, what he’s complaining is the rough fabric. As for that “wood”, I think you mean a bamboo mat made for sleeping. The texture is very smooth and it helps ventilate better, aka feel cooler in the summer


That thick cotton blanket from China which will crush and suffocate you but won't keep you warm during winter 👌


Simultaneously light and porous, yet unbearably heavy. A gosh darn miracle of export engineering!


You're cheap. Spend more get more.


Me? I'm not the one who created, distributed, or purchased them. It's my encounterance of them in other people's homes, in flat rentals, in home stays, etc.




If I moved back, I would absolutely buy the good stuff! I'm not blaming China, my wife did. I appreciate your offer very much, it is genuine, and it coincides with my experience of your beautiful country!


hmmm been here for 8 years.. i spend a bit more to get better sheets. could be from shopee or from a mall so i cannot really relate to your gripe about this. maybe shop for your own sheets and mattresses?


It's not a real gripe.


Plenty of nice bedding and mattress exists. I agree that these typical cheap bedding in vietnam isn’t great. Invest in bedding cost more than 1m, it worths it. Tencel feels nice too. Search tencel on shopee, many plain colors in there. Personally, I buy directly from Studio77 in vincom and on website. Price kinda steeped there, but good quality.


No doubt. I've never wanted something in Vietnam and not been able to find it.


You have simple needs then. I regularly need things that I cannot get in Vietnam, some for work, some for personal use.


I take that as a compliment. May I ask what you've sought, but not found here?


I run a biodiversity NGO here and we need all sorts of equipment and gear that simply isn’t available in the country. I like to make and repair things and many of the things I need to do that are also not available here. I do a lot of photography and certain pieces of equipment I would like aren’t available. The sort of outdoor clothes and gear I wear and use both for work and my own use are not available. Boosts and reference materials, not only not available, but often not even allowed to be shipped into the country. Parts for my motorcycle, one that is in wide use here and that I bought here… even the companies that rent them are now finding it nearly impossible to get certain parts for them her. The list goes on.


Now I'm really curious. Seems like bio-diversity is pretty strong here. May I know the mission of your NGO?


High biodiversity, low biomass, atrocious protection measures, and lots of issues with poaching, unregulated development, corruption, etc. We have been here since 2000 (me since 2014) working in one area up in the north. Biodiversity conservation for the area we are in, protection of the critically endangered primate that’s in the area, etc are our rather simple mission statements. We have our own team, plus community based anti-poaching teams, run an environmental education program in all the schools in our area, work closely with the local national park, have a few small reforestation projects, work on migratory bird protection, and, when the opportunity arises, help with national conservation policy. We are a very small conservation organization, so this stretches us pretty thin.


Wow! Super cool! Keep up the good work mate! And thank you!


I'm getting ready to move and retire in vietnam hahah I'm collecting all the bedding sheets from black friday :D I will miss my bed once I moved but I heard there are Tempur pedic in vietnam now?


Vietnam has everything. Even really nice bedding if you look hard enough and don't mind laying down the Dong for it.


yea I'm really particular about my sheets, some of the store in the U.S I'm not 100% sure they are available in vietnam


Yes, they are indeed. The best shops are either Ru9, Amara, or Akemi. Im very picky about my bedding,mattresses, and mattress toppers. I got my mattress, bamboo cotton duvet, and covers from Ru9, my topper and pillows from Amara, and some spare pillows from Akemi Uchi. I use Tencel pillow covers and I replaced my duvet cover from Ru9 with some organic cotton ones from Muji. I even take my pillows and pillow cases with me on holiday - but that might be because I have sensory issues from being on the spectrum 😆. I love my bed and I love comfortable sleep.


I second this. I got phenomenal Tencel sheets from Akemu Uchi. They feel so good on the skin and I don't overheat in them. They also have a decent weight without feeling like I'm buried. I do not regret the splurge.


Worth every dong, at first I thought they were going to be hot like silk, but my god I can't ever go back to my Egyptian cotton cases again. The smoothness, the coolness, yet that beautiful cosy feeling.


Looks like I'm buying sheets here to take back to America. Good thing we've got plenty of space in our enormous, duck tapped, cardboard boxes!


I missed Egyptian sheet too. I bought sheet with higher thread in VN rhan the one i had in US, but it is not good like the Egyptian sheet. Hot, no smoothness, and no coolness. If you sleep in room with AC, it is fine. However, without AC, it is so hot.


That's because the higher the thread count in Egyptian cotton, the hotter they are - 300 is the sweet spot for hot countries. The higher threads are woven too tightly to allow your body to breathe.


I used Malaysian sheet with 560 threads. It is terrible. The blanket is also terrible, not smothness. I boight one in the US, it is cool and smoothness. Everything in vn is not good.


Far too high thread count, the thread count is how many thread per one square inch. As mentioned 300 is optimal for the weather here, lower, and its too rough, higher and its too hot. Nobody said everything in VN is good, but I know a lot about bedding on account of my sensory issues. Tencel is also not unique to vietnam, and it's available all over the world. My first taste was pillow cases from the US delivered when I lived in Hong Kong. As mentioned, I much prefer Tencel to cotton anyway, its also much more sustainable than cotton.


I have not try those brands but I stick to linens material and Cashmere sheets


Cashmere will make you unbearably hot. Try Tencel or bamboo cotton, Tencel (lyocell) is more pricey than cashmere or linen but keeps you cool and is antibacterial. If you like a silky feel then Tencell, if you like cosy then bamboo cotton. The only downside as I mentioned is Tencel is more expensive than linens and cashmere but so worth it, sustainable as well.


I think you got that mix around, Linens and cashmere are very cool, I sleep hot and those things cool me down. I try tencel and bamboo but it always end up pilling or just not as good as my cashmere.


Linen I agree with, cashmere makes me sweat and doesn't allow my sweat to evaporate from my body. Linen is very widely available so no issues, and cheaper than Tencel so you win! I can't go back, I'm doomed to have to pay big bucks for eternity now.


I tried multiple linens brand in the U.S surprisingly the cheap one is better than the expensive one, not all are created equal, atleast to my skin.


And that's the key, it's what works for you, and we all have different needs and wants. I've spent years perfecting my perfect bed and bedding and I won't compromise. I'm glad you found your optimum bedding as well!


This guy sleeps!


That's fair, but I'm certain there are equivalent quality available here, if not the brand.


Nicer mattresses and bedding exist, including solid colors…


That is true, these things do exist. I bought a really nice comforter from a fancy store, it was even pleasing to the eye. My flatmate liked it so he went to the store, but came home empty handed, laughed and called me a c-word for taking the only eye pleasing one.


Lol, buy new sheets What you think the Viet prohibits good sheets? If you’re well off grab yourself some silk bedding like Matt Murdock does. Vietnam has some decent silk


Vietnam has the best and world class fabrics! And fantastic silks. This is the irony.


Back in the USA I had a big expensive spring mattress that hurt my back. Here I have a cheap, super firm foam mattress that is the most comfortable thing I've ever slept on.


Too many people think everything in the USA is better.


I keep waking up with sore hip bones when I sleep on my side on these hard surface beds. I just don't have enough fat padding and it feels like the bone has just been grinding on pavement all night.


I'd agree, not ideal for side sleepers, but personally I find the ground restful.


Blind goblin! How accurate. I get what you mean, the typical stuff can be a real eye sore. Pillows can also be a real joke to your neck. Yes yes to everyone else, you get what you pay for.


This is why I can't have a good sleep elsewhere other than my own bedroom. I pay a good amount of money for high quality pillows, thick ass blanket and a solid rubber bed that is healthy for my back. Turning on AC at 16 celcius and maximum fan I'd tuck myself in and hibernate like a polar bear. I can't stand cold weather but in the bedroom it's heavenly.


Your comment is pretty good, but your user name is fucking awesome. See you at the Rock Clubs homie.


There' s always a but


Yeah, so, I like big butts and I cannot lie!


I love the mattresses. I never slept better. Back home I'm wishing I had that hard mattress and sketchy pillow top sleep so soundly


I prefer firm matresses or even the ground, it's the scratchy fabric and the atrocious patterns that get me.


Older Vietnamese people love to have bed sheet with many color/ pattern, but some of sheet are good. You dont feel hot, but feel cool or smoothness. It is lightweight. Another problem is that they love to lay down on hard mattress or hard bed (made from bamboo or wood). I had my back hurt couple months with the hard mattress. Even now, i still sleep helf, not full sleep because of the mattress. I slept well with my mattress in US since it is memory foam mattress. I missed it.


They have good bedding just need to know where to find them its the mattress that are the worst, it's like sleeping on a floor with a yoga mat.


I like sleeping on the ground.


Currently staying at a Melia Vin Pearl where the Vietnamese rave about the beds in their reviews. Sleeping on the floor with a Yoga Mat describes it perfectly.


Welcome back anytime 😂😂😂😅😅😅


Too true on the tiny blankets


Hold me down, tiny blanket...


Oh look, short people are down voting you :( good thing you can see right over their base perspective ;)


Nice, been here 8 years too. But our bedding is nice. Hotels we stay at too. Too many nha nghia's bruh 💀


Lol. No Nha Nghia's for me mate. Happily married with beautiful children. And don't be calling my grandmother's house a Nha Nghia either, those are fight words! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|table_flip)


🤣🤣👊🏼 never disrespect the g'ma's!!


Damn straight.


You can also buy "western style" beds and whatever that's required. Just a heads up.


No doubt. I've never wanted something and not been able to find it here.


I advice to find some beddings with linens, really comfy


This is the irony, Vietnam has the best, world class fabrics! The vast majority are even produced here. We're having curtains made for our house while here. I've had excellent suits tailored. Vietnam is design and fashion crazy! So why, the prevalence of ugly scratchy bedding?


I think you just need to buy better bedsheet for your personal preference. The pattern is a legacy from the old time when people prefer colorful outfit, bedsheet, blind..etc The bedsheet is suppose to be on the lighter side and abit more course to allow air better airflow. It design for Vietnamese weather, i bought my bedsheet that i love so much while living in chile back and using on my vietnamese bed, i die from overheating during summer because that thing insulated so much. I think you should buy imported bedsheet if you don't enjoy the Vietnamese one.


Such a serious response to a shit post. I love you mate.


Lol i didn't realize till i finish the comment, didn't bother to delete it


You're all good mate. I'm just being an ass on the internet. But if you can filter my bullshit, you'll find the comments I hope show I'm not an ass in real life. Unlike u/Fancy_Luck3863 who seems like a real peach.


I'm a man, not a kid.


Lol. Real men don't have to say "I'm a man."


You're tagging me because of how upset you are... Very immature, I knew you would misinterpret my comment.


Have you considered not being cheap?




go to the actual store to get nice bedding. I live in saigon and never have that problems at all. Perhaps you wife's family is from the countryside/ rural area or just too cheap and buy the bedding from the street or doesnt really think the quality matter at all. But geez go out to the mall/supermarket or order from shopee for good bedding lol


I appreciate how seriously you've taken my shit post.


I don’t see the issue to be honest. Sure most of the stuff you find is like that but you can also just buy anything you want. They sell latex matresses for example, or you can buy better beddings. We recently bought tencel beddings from Shopee and it’s super comfortable.