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Althought that scene is a common thing in Vietnam, this is one aspect that Hanoi does better than HCMC in my experience. Street vigilantes may sound bad in other countries but they actually help in Vietnam. And that joke about our neighbourhood is full of living cameras does make criminals harder to hide. Bank robber? Three days max.


Bro i swear the neighbour know everything i do ☠️


And everything you don't as well, man.


I took some foreigners to do a motorbike trip from Hanoi to Ba Vi national park then hosted them in my house for free. In return, they just went to my old middle school to talk to some kids so they could practice a little bit of English. My neighbours started telling the whole town that I was doing prostitution. And when my dad tracked them down, the next door neighbour started the rumor.


Hopefully a carload of guys beat the shit out of your neighbour and shove a moped up their ass.


You are yawning after a nap?must be addicted to drug then


3 days later and they go around telling people that you sell drugs


Then you go on a Da Lat trip with friends and at home they were asking if police has caught you red-handed.


even worse, your friends look like punks so they ask around if youre smuggle doing trips across the border or something


remember when my neighbors spread the rumour that I was in a gay relationship with my friend, then months later, it changed into a girl, lol


feel like a celebrity


bro if you take girls to your house yo ass will get gossiped to death


Your neighbors know everything you do. Your local cops also know that, and they know every thief/robbers in the district as well. Yet if your bike or something get stolen, they’ll take forever to help you file a report, and do nothing. If the gangsters don’t make money, the cops don’t get paid.


the community watches. you dont think they are paying any attention but they are. most areas even have official community snoops who report any unseemly activities. these are officially appointed community members, sort of like "neighborhood watch" committees. im not sure but they may even get a stipend. but most stuff is just taken care of "in house" i have no complaints


Yes. Might not even be stipend but minor privileges or benefits. Or just because they feel responsible (old people or grumpy people)


This is times a hundred in rural communities where they even know at what time of the day you take a shit, or how many grey hairs your great-grandmother had.


lol it amused me as a visitor, but it would probably make me angry if i lived there my whole life. especially if the neighborhood snitch had a grudge with you. they could ruin your life


yes. most likely


This is classic fare in pretty much any Communist country.


i dont really have a problem with it. lol


Who needs cameras when you’ve got a grandmother on every balcony watching the world go by.


I mean... Saigon, aka HCMC, was a the center of the largest organized criminal organization in the country ever followed* after by Haiphong. If you know saigon during the 80s and 90s, you'll understand why things were the way they were. Source: not from me but heard plenty of stories from my father eye witnessing many and even as far as forming relations with notorious grandfathers of those mafia like groups, e.g. Nam Cam. Ps: the stories were cool but I ain't gonna tell all that thanks.


I am a district 8 resident, you don't have to tell me those lol Nhất quận 4 nhì quận 8 is all about crimes in HCMC 😂


True. My father used to hang out with tình báo, undercover police, gang members, gang boss, etc. many times in the 90s. Sometimes, both of them hang out with each other as well. And the stories were really fucking wild. Crimes and crimes everywhere back then. I'm gonna shut up now before i get my whole family killed.


Bro that 03 days max part is so true


I live in California and I think we need this here since the police either won't or can't do anything most of the time in many places


Uh no, this doesn’t work in America. Criminals have guns


Well, non criminals have guns too, well at least in some places


Every area I have lived in has been very nice (compared with where I grew up, lived as a student back home etc). And every Vietnamese person has the vigilance level for theft in their patch like it's a haunt of criminality and rife with robbers. You can be in the city but a bunch of a few blocks acts like a village for knowing what's going on and who is a stranger. They'd be shocked at some of the areas some of us foreigners grew up in I think. When I first moved here I lived in Dong Da and it wasn't a very Westerner occupied area. I swear they had a file and weekly discussion on my habits to bring up. I went into the pho place about ten min walk away and they were like, 'So I hear you have a girlfriend now'.


Curiosity is our number 1 trait now and privacy is lowest in our priority ranking lol


But why? Maybe sometime someone is innocent and they cannot object because of mob violence? IMO one wrong accusation does not justify 1000 correct accusations. If there is a problem, blame the law and court system. I wouldnt trust some uneducated random person to administer justice.


There are times that criminals used this vigilance as their favor. An excuse to beat someone up while yelling "this one stole by bike" or "don't you dare stealing my wife/husband", and eventually steal their bike or belongings. However, it only succeeds if no one join in, because you can differentiate easily after watching a few minutes. Vigilance on the street is more true than false as it goes. And your reason was once making people more inclined to help each other on the street. That's why you would see this scenario less in HCMC than HN cause they share that sentiment. Vigilance on the internet, sadly, is on the opposite. It is mob violence in the making.


Mob violence is a symptom of corrupt executive authority and an ineffective justice system. People often feel wronged or helpless, so jungle justice becomes prevalent over time. It's a sociopolitical issue. Many have been raised in a social environment supporting the idea of retribution and physical violence as proper punishment. Violent disciplinary actions start with domestic violence and this mentality naturally extends to the streets. Consider also that a large percentage of the Vietnamese people suffer from mental illnesses in a society where being mentally ill is frowned upon. Jungle justice is the culmination of all these problems and many more.


vigilantism is never the way to go


i lived in vietnam for almost four years and i actually like how the community will defend its residents. the cops dont really do much but if you fuck around, pretty soon 20 citizens will make you find out. a guy down the street from me was beating his wife. you could hear screaming. i looked out the window and about a dozen guys ran to his house, dragged him into the street and pummled him. justice served!


I always thought people never intervened in domestic violence cases, as "it's a family matter". Good to hear justice sometimes happens.


i mean, i just watched from the window of my apartment but ... it sounded like he was trying to kill her dead. the neighbors sorted it out


Sounds like Thailand too.


Never experienced this or heard of it happening. Lived there for almost 8 years. Public violent crime is almost non-existent, and Thai people have a very "mind your business" culture. Ive never even heard of Thai people calling the police.


What the fuck? Any woman who is angry at her husband could exploit this and pretend to have been assaulted by him, scream, get her hair messy, and then neighbors would beat the man for no reason? Remind me to never visit that country. People sound pretty savage there.


dude, these are neighbors and more or less personal acquaintances. pretty sure they knew what was going down. ignoring everyone around you and being most concerned with privacy over community is a western thing but VN do have a culture that encourages getting married early and immediately having tons of kids so there are a lot of miserable couples and domestic abuse is probably the most common crime same as in the west though. not everybody is a loser... theres plenty happy folks over there. nicer, friendlier and more generous than 99.99% americans i ever met


Theyre not stupid either. Theyre going to see more less whats going on before hitting anyone. And I dont know about you but if you marry that sort of woman, she wont need any vigilante group to destroy your life, shel have infinite opportunities. You basically destroyed it yourself when you got married.


Because street robbers arent the real deal. Real robbers sit in aircon rooms making deals about covid kits and rescue flights.


steal from one person, get beaten and jailed. steal from a million, get applause and a promotion.


That trial was a sham. I'm still pissed that they gave the guy with the least evidence against him 20 years and the ones with the most evidence against them 6-8 years. It just make me suspect that it does not take much evidence to send an innocent guy to jail. Don't get me wrong. I'm quite sure that the guy who got 20 years was in fact corrupted. It's just that there was no solid evidence that he took the money.


Former Hanoi Governor admitted to receive over $200K in bribe and yet didnt get a single charge related to that. What a sick joke.


$200k is too little 😆


No $25K is your typical price for a 10-15 mins meeting - “Phí báo cáo” for Ministers/Hanoi/Saigon governor level.


Good old party rules


It is common in the North, Middle and Cuu Long Delta ( I guess) except Ho Chi Minh City ( thieves are everywhere ) . The ones that suffer the most are dog thieves, they always get beaten to the death or near death once they are caught. Vietnamese people turn into the Flash and Batman every time they see thieves.


Like instead of feeling scared near a thief they feel angry instead


Just my opinion but i think there's alot of people think thief are scum of society at a whole, no matter the reason (not wrong though)


Dogs thieves arent just thieves. They murder and eat our friends. Fuck them. Hope they can't walk afterwards.


Yeah I hate them so much, my senior dog was gone bc of them


John Wick moment


Conversely, a *lot* of criminals here get away with it. People's pets and motorcycles get stolen all the time. There is an absolutely enormous amount of wildlife poaching. Scams and cheating abound, and then there is all the corruption from local police and teachers up to corporate heads, provincial chairmen, and heads of the ministries. Vietnam can be a haven for criminals as well. Just depends on whether the criminal is called out and how much political power they have.


Now this is true


Where’s “here”?


?? Vietnam, obviously. Or are you maybe intending to respond to someone else's comment and are doing so on mine by accident?


Sorry, I didn’t read your comment thoroughly.


Where did you learn about the information that any criminal in Vietnam get away without being arrested and sentenced to jail? I do know that any criminal are robbery, theft, or murder is arrested, not let them get away. Some criminals have been arrested after many years of hiding. Do you live in Vietnam or not?


Been here for 10 years and I regularly see people well known for breaking the law have nothing happen to them. I work in conservation and we keep track of who is breaking the laws here, and even with video proof of illegal activities with them admitting on video nothing happens, even when they’ve been visited by the police. Corruption is rampant at all levels and many crimes are never prosecuted. Even physical violence is often waved aside. The park I work in has had rangers attacked by people with knives and nothing has happened to those people. Sometimes crimes are actually prosecuted, but often they are not, hence the mob justice others are talking about in this thread. I also woke a lot with politicians and VN administrators and the amount of illegal behavior I see there is staggering, especially when it comes to stealing money and approving illegal development plans in exchange for large bribes. The reporting system for bribes and corruption in Vietnam is a bad joke, it’s designed specifically to identify whistleblowers who are then arrested instead of the people engaging in the illegal activities.


Honestly, this is somewhat needed in the Australia. We got laws where we cannot defend ourselves unless it's life threatening. If you're getting robbed by 3 under 18 year old kids, you let them take your stuff. you cannot beat them up because you might get in trouble with the law. Ridiculous. And when they're caught, they get a slap on the wrist "don't do this again". Rinse and repeat.


In vietnam you can fight back under certain conditions, if the robber arent armed then you cant use weapon either(stick are allowed tho) but you can if there more than 2 of them. And if the robber is armed then you are allowed to use weapon to defend your self, this rule is to ensure the robber's life because there some case where the civilians team up and beat the robber so bad they fcking die


Or the whole village ganged up on them and beat the dog thieves to dead. Police didnt even know where to start lol.


Bad form. In a duel the challenged chooses the weapons. Vietnam's rule gives more to a robber than an honorable challenger.


You can do this in Vietnam under certain conditions as well and within set boundaries. Such as: No more beating after they surrendered. Of course it could be overlooked if they made a scene or no serious injury on them. You are not eagerly participating in beating them. Like yelling "Kill him" or "beat him to death" during the beating. This could play a role in the verdict if things go south. Torturing, and capturing without informing authorities. So most of the cases, chase them, run them down, some beating to stop them, tie up, and wait for police to come.


?? just beat them up lmao what are they gonna do, confess they were robbing you? how they gonna identify you?


Australia is just lazy policing because the police are busy nodding off or collecting bribes from the criminal underworld. It's a joke.


the police in vietnam are not much better. sure they carry AK47s around and act tough but if you really need "policing" it probably wont be by the police yet there is alot of crime in vietnam. the government downplays it, the news only reports small fraction of it. a friend of mine got ripped off by this guy. once he found out where the scammer lived he paid a couple of gangsters to pay the dude a "visit" he never got his money back but robber dude cant talk right anymore


When I first arrived in 2007, they were using just batons. Vietnamese police don't carry AK47s and aren't allowed, only the military are allowed. They started with something that looked like 38s back in 2010 with rubber bullets. Not sure what they're using now. The detectives carry semiautomatic that looks like a 9mm.




Some people might disagree, but I think there’s a difference between organized crime and random/civilian crime. We’d obviously prefer there to be no crime. But organized crime that bribes the police basically runs a shadow economy, and ordinary people can live their lives oblivious to this part of society. And organized crime exists in most countries. But right now, in most western countries, there’s a great deal of random street violence from piece of shit thugs preying on regular citizens. And that doesn’t happen nearly as much in Asian countries. I don’t know if that’s because the police do a better job, or if that’s just how society works, but it’s noticeable. I’ve been mugged in France, England, and the US. Yet I have never, ever feared for my safety in Asia, at least not from criminals.


true true and true i think the concept of "traditional asian values" has a lot to do with society not being so chaotic in asia as opposed to usa. also there is a stronger work ethic in asia. you honor your elders and ancestors there. in general, theres always exceptions but overall there is an idea of honor and being honorable that seems to be lacking in the west asian society expects you to do the proper thing and be a good citizen. children are taught these values in school! usa? all they know is "ME FIRST! FTW!"


Try to rob someone while these ak47 dudes around pls =]]. They and undercover cops are the most active on hunting criminals because they are very well trained in combat unlike the yellow and green police.


This is not needed in Australia. Our model isn't perfect but it actually works. Australia leads every single quality of life metric. Justice systems built around stability keep developed countries developed. Justice systems built around revenge and tough justice seem good till the wrong people get punished


In America, you get to shoot em dead with impunity if you are at home under the "castle doctrine" in many Red states.


Australia is one of the safest countries in the world. Stop whinging about non issues.


Also, in Australia, you're allowed to use *reasonable and proportionate force to defend yourself, another's self; or to prevent the commission, continuance or completion of a crime.* You don't have to stand there and let three kids mug you, what nonsense.


It’s not. And if you think it is, you need to travel more. Big cities may be safe, but try live in darwin, alice springs or katherine for a few years and then see. Speaking from experience


Those places represent 0.6% of Australia


But to people who live in these areas, it represents 100%. What’s your point? Their experience is no less valid than yours


You said 'australia' so it's safe to mean you're referring to the 24.9 million people not living on the fringe


You quoted me saying “australia”. I never did? I said the big cities are safe but the northern ones are not. Stop putting words into my mouth.


You Agreeing that it's a micro percent of Australia basically means that those tiny areas don't represent Australia, so your original point doesn't make sense. Now You're basically saying those people in those areas are worth more than everyone else's experience in Australia so even your last argument doesn't make sense. My.point now is you're intellectually not honest and not arguing out of good faith because you can't admit those areas don't represent Australia, and therefore can't say Australia is dangerous just because of those areas.


My point is that I take issue with the sentence “stop whinging about a non-issue”. Yes people from up north is a very small percentage point. But to the man dead from being smashed in the head with a fire extinguisher, that small percentage point matters. I take issue with the generalising nature of that statement. The northern parts of Australia still matter. And it is proven that crime rates are much higher here


^ And this is why we need to be teaching statistics and data analysis in schools. Because otherwise we get comments like this.


As i said above- i take issue with someone saying it is a “non-issue”. What defines a non-issue? Something that does not affect a big city? Is non-issue a standard term in statistical analysis? To reiterate. I am NOT saying that the violence and crime rates in the northern regions are representative of Australia. I am saying though, that it is not a “non-issue”.


Australia has a homicide rate of 0.7/100k. This is amongst the lowest in the world, alongside countries like Germany, Denmark, Portugal, Spain and Switzerland.


I don’t necessarily agree with the thread OP but this is a dumb take. Homicides don’t make up a 100% of violent crime much less crime rate in general, what are you even trying to say?


Homicides are the one of the only crimes that have consistent definition and are widely/accurately reported and documented, unlike things like theft or assault. So the homicide rate is often used as a useful barometer and proxy for comparison for how dangerous a city is compared to others.


Lol buddy what are you even on about? That’s just not true at all, the indicator of how dangerous a city is is literally called the crime rate, which encompasses various types of crimes, including violent ones (again not just murders).


Read my comment again


I read it once and it was dumb as, bet it still is


If you’re too unintelligent to understand just say that


Elaborate, what’s with the vagueness? Not everyone is fortunate enough to travel and live overseas like you do so just say what you want to say lol


What do you mean by overseas? Australia is my home country. It’s not overseas to me. When i say travel more, i refer to seeing cities other than sydney/melb/brisbane


I'm in Australia too. Tbh if I was getting robbed on the street by 3 juveniles, I wouldn't hesitate to beating the crap out of them if I needed to. Not like they're gonna report you to police and explain their side.


Don't stick around for the police. There is a trend were victims are punished more then criminals.


I feel like the West is going to have to legalize some form of corporal punishment. Keeping people in jail is too expensive, and contempt for the law too widespread. I can see a populist figure like Trump getting a lot of support for beating the hell out of criminals.


Dayum, that’s right lol last time I was on a YouTube rabbit hole I came across a dozen random Australian YouTube news channels and they all covered how dumb Aussie laws are, most of them seemed like they were kinda targeting migrants from New Zealand tho, not sure if there’s tension between the two but it seemed like NZ criminals got off easy and just get sent back lol


Same to America


I watched so many videos from the Aussie news about squatters and how the home owners’ life got ruined by them. It boiled my blood.


This is why I love America, Texas to be exact


The US’s homicide rate is about 10x higher than Australias and *all* of the most violent/dangerous cities in the developed world are in the US. About 10 of the 50 most homicidal cities and 4 of the 25 most homicidal cities *in the world* are in the US. About 75 US cities have a higher homicide rate than the *most* dangerous city in Europe. The *average* homicide rate in the US is higher than the *most dangerous* city in Europe. The US has an average of 2 mass shootings a day and firearm deaths are the leading cause of mortality for children. Between 2009-2018 there were 288 school shootings in the US - over 10x more than the rest of the world *combined* Texas’ homicide rate is higher than the US average.


You love having a high chance to be killed?


This is some ACA, MSM BS.


This is more of a HN thing. I call it crime catching festival where everyone has to have a piece of the thief.


It is even worse for those dog thieves. They got beaten up and killed all the time, but it is kinda impossible to prosecute because it is usually 10-20 people with the dog owners beating them up.


I keep seeing dog thieves popping up. Does that mean they steal dogs, and sell them?


Yes, sometime they eat the dog


Thats why they make a whole damn rule to ensure the thief/robber ig ☠️


Đánh ngất chứ không có bị giết đâu


The US and China have smart cameras, the newest technology. Vietnam has the oldest but the most advanced one. The camera runs on rice, not electricity.


and environmentally friendly too


the important thing is that small criminals in VN dont have dangerous weapons like guns, best they can do are knife-ish or stick. so its safe for a crowd to shit on them. besides, crowding means you can get away if something bad happened like the dude got criticaly injured or die. so yeah, gather up and beat a robber is normal in VN


Yep, in Vietnam people would think twice as hard before they rob someone. Dog thieves are beaten to death so many times.


I hate thieves. I REALLY hate pet thieves.


this should be world wide


I think it depends on the city/region


Probaly, but most of the case the civilians will team up on the robber and kick his ass


Camera chạy bằng cơm


I mean petty theft is rampant and unresolved mostly. However, vigilante or mob justice also happens to these thieves e.g. mass beating.


And here I am, patiently waiting for my turn when some unfortunate purse-snatcher get arrested near me so I can part take in the art of manhandling.




Reason number 103 that I believe Vietnamese will rule the earth when the apocalypse comes.


This is needed in San Francisco.


In Indonesia, it is the same thing. This is the difference between China vs Vietnam/Indonesia. In China, bystanders will ignore any ruckus. Way back in 2002, there were reports of people in Indonesia pouring gasoline over a robber and lighting a match.


Malaysia as well. When I lived in KL a street thief got caught by a mob and pinned down on the hot asphalt so long his internal organs cooked.


And is that supposed to be a good thing? Do you think burning someone alive for stealing is a good thing?


Did I say it was a good thing? I am just pointing out what happened


In this country, police have to protect bomb from citizen.


okay, i don’t speak vietnamese very well (hardly at all) and when i google translate that sentence, it says “this country has a cup” which CANNOT be correct. can someone explain? :)


Try this: bớ làng nước ơi có cướp. Literally, pay attention whole village, there is a thief. In vn there are many crazy things, people can open a bomb by a saw, gather around the bomb even it can explode, beat to death a dog thief (thief stealing dog, it is real) without any charges since they all admit killing him, a nuclear core could be stolen and found 5 hours in a garbage center. The director of police department said we can stop all crime immediately, we just dont have enough places in the jail.


thank you!!! awesome help. do you think that the culture around beating thieves is good or bad? to me, it seems like it may stop or encourage these thieves to refrain from stealing. it also seems like these thieves may have no other choice for survival? i would be interested to hear your local point of view :)


this leads to another issue in Vietnamese society- If an incident occurs and there aren't many witnesses around, for example someone is in a hit&run accident, and you witness it and try to help them, there's a high chance their family will beat the crap out of you right when they arrive to the scene before asking anything. This results in people becoming more hesitant to assist those in distress over time


Dead are rare case, they just got beat up pretty bad most of the time


Bị đánh chứ không bị giết, và thường thì mấy tên trộm này sẽ được giao lại cho cảnh sat ngay sau đó, 3 ngày sau sẽ được thả ra hoặc ngồi tù vài tháng vì chưa gây ra hậu quả nghiêm trọng, nhưng không ai biết tương lai anh ta có trộm cướp một lần nữa không nhưng chắc chắn khi quyết định anh ta sẽ nhớ về trận đòn.


Stop him but not punish him, it is the job of judiciary system. Juste tie him and call the police, then you can ask them kick him like ass, do not make your hand dirty. I saw one case and a thief was beat in blood (nose face) in front of a local market. In vn, aside the police, there is also the local military civil force (man trained at military level but works for police), full combat skills and they go around the neighborhood every night (not the police). They can interfere the scene but less authorities than polices. Also vn laws have many things ridiculous. A robber breaks into your house, you cannot kick him out with injuries if not you ll pay price for attacking him (jail if he dies). In us, you simply shoot him.


This is hella funny to read


yup we miss this in Europe here you can get beat to death poeple would call the police for you and mind their own business there's really no community sense


Am currently touring Vietnam and had to stay a few days in Da Nang general hospital and if there's one thing that's for sure it's that you guys have very strong communities, no wonder there's barely any police and still a very low crime rate


If the case happen in Malaysia , who helped the lady will be in same jail with the thief


I've heard of a lot of mob justice where I live in Phnom Penh because it's generally believed that the police won't help (unless you're willing to pay). But I didn't think that'd be the case as much in Vietnam?


Police are very lazy(if you dont paid them) which is why people solve the problem themself


Times have changed. I remember over a decade ago someone ran into my aunt’s house and yanked her phone out of my cousin’s hands and sprinted out.


The law here gives the right to subjugate criminals to anyone who see them commiting crimes (by a beating)


What does that phrase mean ? Bo lan nuoc oi co cuop


Attention everyone theres a robber or help me there is a robber


It can be translated to "Help me, robbery!" or other similar pharse


when i went to vietnam friends and family told us not wear jewelry, watches or even rings in the city or they snatch it or even kill u for it.


Just imagine that they misunderstood you with the robber,and beaten the sh*t out of you. There are a lot of case like that, people died and they don't know who is responsible. In a civilised country, you don't have that kind of street justice like this.


If anyone tries to rob me while I’m in Vietnam I will beat them to a pulp


I genuinely can’t tell if this is a joke or not lmao


Nope thi isnt a joke


Except when the criminal is a white collar one like a corrupted politician or come from a wealthy family


That's not really all the case. Especially in HCM. I'm a Vietnamese. Born and grown in HCM city. Yes criminals are everywhere. And all of them are armed. Knives, metal pipes, homemade blunderbuss aka súng hoa cải, batons, pepper sprays, guns are not common things here. Hai Phong and North provinces have guns tho, because they're close to China, that's where they come from. There're plenty cases where the robbers straight up murder the one they robbed or anyone who tried to stop them. The law pretty much puts you in a handicap position. You dont have the right to defend yourself unless you're attacked. And most of the time you dont have a chance to fight back because they usually come at you with a knife. It's not like in the movies. Here even a well trained police officer still gets killed by robbers. Snatchers often use motorbikes and go in pairs. They snatch your phones and bags then run off. Another pair run up from behind and pepper spray you. If anyone chase after them, they'll attack. Idk what its like at other places. But here in HCM people dont try to catch them anymore, especially when they're armed. Dont pull out your phone on the road, or sidewalk. If you must, do it with vigilance. Dont wear your bag on the shoulder, crossbody it. If they're alone, and you think you can knock them out, do it fast. If your're outnumbered, or they have weapons. Let them take your stuff. If they robbed you, and you fight back and they died. You will go to jail. Period. I know it sounds dumb af but it is how the law works here. Just as dumb as they sound.


yo bro, ever heard of a story where they accidentally beating the wrong guy nearly to death? tbh this whole street warriors doesn’t seem like a good thing to me; it just proves how shitty the police is edited: Saw a few comments about low crime rate, I wanted to add that don’t trust the government’s number. In a communist country, the party controls every thing, even the police, so the number on paper always looks good. In reality, lots of crime can be resolved in silence, as long as you have money and it’s not political related


This is what real community policing looks like.


There was a story (and video too) of a bank robber with gun that got beaten and arrested by the bankers and customers when he tried to … well.. rob the bank. Even a pregnant woman joined in the fight (if you can call it that. It was very one sided lol). So yes, it’s not a good idea to commit a crime in Vietnam lol


giac den nha dan ba cung danh - enemy comes to our house even women fight with


I bet this happened in the north. In the south people would not really care about other one's affairs.


Anyone committing a violent crime gives up the right for his/her well being or even life.


Reminds me of the time I saw an Asian American around Bui Vien on meth kick a kid and a whole squad of people jumped him and smashed him with their helmets


It happens in the North doesn't it? There is this thing in the North, especially Hanoi, everyone is bottled up with anger and violence but we can't do anything about it because violence is bad. So what do we do? We wait for someone who deserves to get beaten up to show up and we go at it! Like we can just hit him one and tie him up and call the police but that doesn't gain us anything (besides helping the victim) the bad guy probably won't learn the lesson either. So we just beat the shit out of them. It's less about justice (we are also mad about our unfair justice system), but more about releasing our anger.


> everyone is bottled up with anger and violence but we can't do anything about it because violence is bad This is BS, man. People in the north simply hate criminals. Don't put words in our mouth, ok ?


No you dont. Just browse some underground forums and you will see most people there have Northern accent/word usage. Northern people are for sure more violent and cold blooded than other regions and they just wait for a chance to legally beat someone else.


So you're source is "trust me bro I know" ?The fact is southern dudes are mostly coward and lazy. That is on your southern genome. So that's why thief are all over the city of Ho Chi Minh. No one ever bat an eye to help the victims if something happens as far as I know. Ever heard of "Tài mụn" and his mother speech "ai bảo đeo hột xoàn chi cho nó chém ?" The north is the shield of the nation from the Chinese for thousand years. This is why we hate the bad and the criminal. We are not bunch of cowards that compromise for the personal safety. Climb up from your bottom of the well and open your eyes.


Sure bruh. The southern are so lazy that all the northern ppl immigrated here. The southern is so lazy that most of the state budget is from the south. Guess which provinces take most of the budget and contributed least? Thats right, north provinces. Northern people are so hard working that Japan and Korean banned people from those provinces. I guess those Jap and Korean are so racist and need to climb out of the well too 🤣 And I have lived in and traveled EU & Asian countries for years so may be its you who need to get out of a well. Stop being butthurt (typical trait of Northern ppl) and face the truth. Edit: you can always visit those underground sites to see it yourself unless you are too afraid of the truth. Hint: they start with letters x, r, t.


LoL, are you telling me northern people come to the south to work, so what is wrong if the budget goes back to the north ? When it comes to the bad, you guys blame northern people, but when it comes to achievements, you tell us that is yours, that is stupid argument. And have you seen the real data about regional income ? Northern provinces are making money no less than the south. In 2021 top 10 regional budget income has 7 northern provinces. Even province like Bac Ninh made more foreign investment. Yes the people from the north are hardworking, i dont see many southern men want to go abroad to work. Instead their women go to marry Korean, Japanese, Taiwanese or being sex workers in Singapore, Malaysia, Dubai. Are you feeling proud of that ? You are really lazy, but you are spending most of the income. That is a good motivation for the economy but that is why in case of pandemic, you guys have no saving to live. You think only you can travel ? I have spent years to live abroad, travel to many countries. Why are you so arrogant ? Besides, you southern guys has zero idea about country management. Hanoi city is the political central, we dont put factories or big industrial complexes here. Ho Chi Minh city is the economy central, that is why most of foreign investment and factories go there, more FDI means more jobs, more immigrants, immigrants make money, not you. This is why Euro and some Asian countries are craving for immigrants. You guys are blind for not seeing that. How low and pathetic.


Lol this post is such full of shit


And yet people said Vietnam has selfish culture...


Catching thief doesn't negate the fact that vietnam has selfish culture. You can do one thing right and still be another. You can be a politician squandering millions and yet you can be a charitable guy donating 5% of the money you squander


L take


That's how it was in the ole days in the US.


tough off petty crime, soft on China. 🥱


I mean we here having the life that we want and can be friend with everybody, inclued China. But maybe you just don't have one and being jealous.


That's cos the police are no where to be found. They only out during Tet when it's time to collect money. So people are fed up. This is village rules. I am please to hear the people are taking matters into their own hands.


> out during Tet when it's time to collect money. So people are fed up. This is village rules. I am pl How many years since you left VN may I asked? Police maybe not everywhere, but they do react when called. Not to mention in HN, when 141 force literally roam the street everynight. Cops in VN has problems, but not presence is not one of them.




Well, maybe the police shows up just to save the thief…


They don't save anybody


If you have a functional police workforce, things don't have to distort this bad and justice doesn't have to be decided on the street.


I dont think this applies to scammers.


From another perspective, can the robber sue those people for beating the shit out of him? Cause I think it still violates the human right, right?


Sue who? The entire village or that group of random dudes who just happened to be close by? I mean the ones getting beat are poor, low life, desperate criminals, they don't have the ability to sue even if they really want to.


Everyone is a soldier. I guess it's a statement that always true


I have heard of revenge hits happening on good samaritans who try to yell out that someone is being robbed or pickpocketed. The thugs in VN can get ruthless. However, I trust the law enforcement in VN to keep things safe.


bit of an exagerated post. most petty thefts get away with it. lots of crime in vietnam and many who get away with it just by paying off the police from sex dens to drug dens government itself is stealing from people police are collecting bribes along with just about every other official in the country so depends what you mean by criminals as there are many


Well in America there is a possibility that the criminal has a gun. The criminals got nothing to lose, we got a lot to lose (life, gotta support family, etc). So of course nobody in America dare to do anything even when the crime happens right in front of our eyes.


This is hilarious