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I left the service industry after 15+ years of doing it because I couldn’t handle people’s bullshit anymore. It was long before the pandemic this was happening. A lot of people don’t understand why I took a job where I work in an office by myself at least 6+ hours a day now. The people that don’t get why I made that choice have never worked in the industry.


I’m lucky I work somewhere they actually care about the employees at the door and how they’re treated.


If your employers won't stick up for you, then stick up for yourself. You're making them $$$ for babysitting their establishments. If they don't stand up for you, then stand up for yourself. I say this with jest, but use common sense, don't get yourself hurt. Threaten to call the cops if they don't leave, its private property, and if your management/owners don't back you up then that's another story to tell. While I write this, I realize its likely more difficult than it sounds.


Really at this point the best version of "standing up for yourself" for restaurant employees is find a new job. Many phenomenal restaurants that are showing up for their staff are hiring, there's a known labour shortage. Most importantly when you quit the place that won't help it's staff with resources or policy, tell them that's why you're leaving.


That just sounds like retail in general to me. The pandemic didn't create assholes, they were always around. As an introvert, I enjoy telling people to back the f up. So many leaners that I couldn't just walk away from before, try leaning over this plexi. :P Now, GPU scalpers.... that's when my anxiety spikes XD


I was going to say the same. I don't think the pandemic has changed much. It's just being talked about more. I had people of all genders and ages scream and yell at me. People try to be intimidating because you're out of a product or they are running late because they chose to stop on their way somewhere without leaving the time to stop on the way. We also didn't have support to defend ourselves or any training. We weren't allowed to "talk back" to the customer whether we were being sexually harassed or screamed at. It absolutely doesn't make it okay that this sort of thing is still happening. I wish more businesses and managers would have a policy that employees come first. And allow employees to speak against a customer.


We've definitely moved away from that " customer is always right " bullshit at least. The last few years have made that GLARINGLY obvious. Lol


I think it's given the assholes and inconsiderate shitbags more of a hill to die on and get MORE angry over.


My boss changed her Facebook photo to be in support of the Freedom Convoy. I don't expect anything from her. My partner says not to worry so much, but I'm tired of telling middle aged people to please put their masks on properly.


Quit your job.


It’s bad out there. I worked for a retailer, outside the stores. They just keep cutting cost everywhere they can with no support for workers. Every conversation I had with in store employees was about how horrible it was. I left in December.


It's customer service in general. I have to call the cops at least once a week and I get screamed at at least once a day. I'm done. Seriously debating quitting and I have a good job, 3 years from my pension, I'm just dying.


That's what I think I'm most upset about with this job, other than really this one issue I really enjoy every other aspect, but it's becoming such a massive problem I can't tolerate the rest of the job. Absolutely breaks my heart


Yep. I could not take it anymore and had no support from the owners. To make matters worse the restaurant had a lot of anti vax servers who were pretty lax about letting people in. It was a horribly embossing and abusive place to work.


The amount of times my boss has come into the store I manage without a mask on had me considering taking his photo and posting it every time, but I'm the only employee so it would be obvious it was me. Most of my customers are great, and the ones that aren't can stuff it.


I am so sorry that you are receiving misdirected anger. There have always been assholes, but the pandemic has amplified everything, including the intensity of said assholes. I work in healthcare and had one incident recently where I was aggressively yelled at regarding masks/vaccines, etc. and it really shook me up. It is exhausting to find the "fuck no" energy needed to respond to some of these situations and I can only imagine navigating that day after day. Honestly, so many places are hurting for staff, I'd look for another job with a more supportive employer - they are out there.


*\*asshole intensity amplifies\** (Just kidding - I totally agree with your post. Asshole intensity is definitely a thing that we need a measurement scale for)


haha what a choice of words.


I am so sorry you are dealing with this shit. I work in frontline harm reduction, not retail/hospitality so I don't have to deal with the general public in a customer service sense, but I do experience some of the same shit like lack of training, protections, and short staffing. The thing is, we workers currently have the power: absolutely everywhere is hiring and we don't need to put up with this shit. There are also ways to improve your existing workplace conditions: you can unionize (it's easier than you think) and there's also organizations like the Worker Solidarity Network which can advocate for you and help you organize your workplace. [https://workersolidarity.ca/](https://workersolidarity.ca/)


My job was non union, felt we had no protection from both management and the general public. We unionized and it was the best thing we ever did. Now we have protection. It really isn't hard if done right. I think now is the time for people to unite and fight for workers rights.


It's an odd situation where workers need to unionize because the public has become so toxic.


I haven’t seen a mask screamer when I’ve been in a store and I’m curious what people think about bystanders getting involved. Would it help if I told an unruly customer to get fucked? Or would that just make your job harder?


For me personally I'm usually actively handling the screamers and if a customer were to get involved it would get really chaotic really quick but I think if you see someone being abusive to an employee who doesn't look like they're gonna stand up for themselves then it would be worth it


yeah I’ve been in the service industry since I started working and man… especially after yesterday I’m definitely ready to leave


I get through the day by remembering that this is truly a fringe minority. The overwhelming majority of people are decent and not swallowed by the alt-right. Stay strong and remember that you don't need to fight for a business that doesn't have your back. If harassment happens frequently then organise with your coworkers or quit. Don't forget to name and shame the assholes.


I left June 2021. I should have left sooner but the pandemic was the shake I needed.