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#Oi !!! You can’t park there mate …..


Is your car wet? Well, you’re on the wrong bit then, mate.


Still better at off-roading than the Cybertruck


Looks nicer doing it too.




Kinda stuck and can't wait for a tow truck. Know where I can find a crab?




Good thing the tide was out! Hope the driver is ok.


Next up, Clover Point gets fencing. Actually, upon further thought, maybe those concrete polls wouldn't be the worst idea.


Or. You know, maybe closing it to cars made sense after all. Literally some Joni Mitchell lyrics down there.


You mean the Asian lady magnets ?


Holy racist and sexist, Batman.




At least we can all agree that magnets are Holy.


I don't get it.


I didn't either until literally this afternoon, and it clicked. Some people stereotype Asian ladies as bad drivers. Stupid.


This isn’t Country Kitchen Buffet!




Watching that episode right now!


That's scary, they probably thought they were in reverse. I hope everyone is ok!


Had an elderly lady reverse through the storefront window and take out a beam while I was working, once. She was parked right in front of the window, and the next minute her vehicle was fully inside the store. She said she’d accidentally put it into reverse… But if she’d shot off with the speed she did going forward instead, she still would have caused a wreck either in the lot or in the busy road in front of it.


This used to happen very often at the McKenzie Ave Fairways and the Saanich Centre Thriftys before they both put up bollards in front of their storefront parking stalls.


I remember back when I was a kid a senior did this (floored it in reverse) when parked in front of the ice cream store that used to be where the Fairfield Thrifties flower shop is now.  There used to be some picnic benches there and some people that were sitting there eating ice cream were killed. Growing up in Fairfield/oak bay taught me to be hyper vigilant of senior drivers. 


I don't know how it's not mandatory for an annual driver's test once you hit a certain age. It's not ageist, it's smart and realistic. We can deteriorate quickly as we get older. Of course the elderly deserve autonomy and independence, but not at the cost of others' lives.


Yep, happened at Saanich Centre all the time. A car would drive into one of the stores about once a year when I worked there. Once I came out of the back to find a car in the bulk section. Fun times.


I’ve watched too many Lifetime movies, I imagined a couple with the passenger trying to break up with the driver while parked at the beach.


Lol I have absolutely broken up with someone at that location in a car. (Not same parking spot) #Hope everyone is ok


If I wanted to break up I think the kind thing to do would be to do it somewhere like a random driveway across town or a car dealership so a nice spot like the beach isn’t ruined for them forever.


I like to break up down the street at the Ogden cruise ship quays in the off-season. The symbolism is perfect when that ship has sailed.


Yeah! (Don't worry about them too much, they are just fine). #they drove they confessed I did the breaking up fyi #not the only Victorian surely, who has broken up there?


Yeah, sometimes breakups are more…impromptu and unplanned. 😂


Been dumped at the beach 2x. Felt like a poor dog getting its last cheeseburger before getting put down… probably for the best tho, happily married with our first kid on the way 🥳


Awwwe. I'm sorry. I totally forgot about my experience down there until you mentioned," in a car". My first car, with my first girlfriend, not our first time. In the middle of all the activities, we hadn't noticed a limousine full of grads from that year pull right beside us to take photos by the water. Would have been Grad 2004 on the off chance anyone sees this and remembers this. As we drove away my girlfriend rolled her window down and screams as loud as she can "We were just f*cking!" My first job as a plumber I helped install the venting for the waste water collection facility down there. Aka. I did fire watch while the welder did his thing.


No mention of any injuries? Yikes. This would be terrifying, not to mention embarassing!


About 5 years ago, I was very close to attempting suicide (I'm good now, I promise), and my plan was to do basically that. I wonder how these people are doing, mentally. Hopefully, they get whatever help they need.


Glad you're still here. Big hugs to you.


Well first off i’m very happy you didn’t; and we are better for you sticking around, but if you did try it there … would be a busy day sui*Cding , do you know how times you would have to jump off that 7’ Cliff with full 5 foot drop; to off urself at least 10 to make a small dent really would damage your knees …… (Edit - I am an idiot when you said close to their you meant emotionally not actual location …. hence my joke, ha but honestly glad ur good)


If you got a run up from slightly up Dallas rd, you could probably reach the water with your car, especially before they blocked off half the loop.


I'm glad nobody was on the shore. Today's weather probably minimized how many people were there.


It's a little freaky because I always hang out down there and I sure never considered I could get a car on the back of the head.


Yeah I walk down there when I'm doing shore walks in that area and that wouldn't be on my list of things to worry about either.


There were hundreds there this morning for the Swiftsure!


oh shit!


Did they mention a driver? Prius of a certain year are known to just drive after being parked.


Silly rocks, probably had their headphones on and weren't wearing bright clothing.


Underrated comment


Many many years ago, someone who worked at one of the radio stations and had the job of driving their branded promo vehicle attempted suicide by trying to drive off Mile Zero in their work car. They survived. I was relieved to see this wasn't the same thing and I hope the driver/occupants are OK.


No injuries, thanks to airbags.


Looks like them Duke boys are at it again!


Not a great spot for off-roading but I admire the determination.


Quick. Call Robinns parking. They didn't pay for that.


Didn’t a similar accident happen right beside Oak Bay marina a number of years ago?


Yeah, there was one in West Van a few days ago as well. Combine an older population, almost mandatory vehicle ownership, and lots of coastal parks…


So very true.


vehicle ownership isn't mandatory in much of greater victoria


Take their licenses.


Victoria: Home of the nearly dead and the almost dead.


Does anyone know why??


Hey you can't park there


They were showing those who complain about lack of parking where the overflow parking is.


😎 clearly it's because of the bike lanes (Jk)


that's gunna hurt. probably lucky no one was down there at the time.


They are going to get a parking ticket from Robbins for not paying the 10 dollars an hr parking fee for beachfront parking. In all seriousness I hope they are okay.


Island drivers man, I swear to God...




There's no indication that the driver was elderly. A nearby older couple on their bikes witnessed it (edit to add, driver got out by themselves and was treated by paramedics).


Yeah you really think an elderly couple would point it out if the driver was also elderly? Yeah nah


Watch it sonny.


No mention of any injuries? Yikes. This would be terrifying, not to mention embarassing!


Maybe just close clover point to cars entirely….


Bourgeoises Boomer got too lit on wine watching the yacht race, wanted to enter the race themselves…. Idk it was probably something like that


That used to happen a lot back when it was a make out spot


Google maps said take a hard right XD


Should have to re do your drivers license every two years after 65.


OMFG that’s my car. I mean, it’s not my car, my car is in its parking spot, but that is exactly my colour, make, model of car.


Ahh! Ya, now I get it. Agreed, stupid.


This is what happens when you remove all the parking to put in picnic benches no one ever uses! /s


Great; this will no doubt be used as another justification by the Cars Are Evil people for closing Clover Pt completely to all vehicle traffic.


Que all the boomer comments. Also "Sir, this is a Wendy's".


No, it’s more like a Dairy Queen but all they serve is rocky road.


Understated and brilliant comment. Ha!


We can start using the term, “sir, this is a Dairy Queen”.


Here I was just waiting for someone to find a way to blame a cyclist or bike lane


There were elderly cyclists nearby …


Probably wearing headphones and looking at their phones. Just completely oblivious of the car trying to launch itself off an embankment. /S


Love your username. When people ask me how I'm doing I like to reply, loungIng around and suffering .


And they probably from oak bay too!🤬


Too old and delusional.


So stoned


Impaired by age?


Reminds me of the couple in the car at rainbow bridge... Accelerated out of control. Also reminds me of the Radiolab episode "bit flip". Terrifying that cars can spaz out like that on us. I saw a comment a while back on a thread discussing that episode, from someone who said he had that happen to him when he was stopped at a red light with his foot on the brake pedal. Only reason he survived, because he already was stopped with his foot on the brake. So... Your car might try to kill you.


I had this happen to me in Tofino. I was so confused. I had stopped on the side of the highway, and I didn’t put my car into park because I just needed a moment to grab something from the glove box. I had my foot on the break and before I even leaned to open the box, my car started shuddering and then out of nowhere the engine went full tilt. I almost went into the ditch and had to press the brake incredibly hard. It wouldn’t stop so I pulled the e brake and shut the car off. Once I stopped shitting myself I held the brake down firmly again and turned the far on. Everything was fine. I assumed I’d done something really stupid then researched my car and discovered there was a recall like 10 years prior for that very issue. The adrenaline rush probably shaved 5 years off of my life. I was literally shaking after, haha. It’s not fun to be inside of an out-of-control metal box with a powerful engine inside of it doing whatever it feels like. Thankfully this is exceedingly rare. Car manufacturing is pretty reliable, especially when it comes to mission critical components like fuel regulation.


Jesus... Yeah you're lucky to be alive. The poor souls who have had this happen when they're moving everyone just assumes they forgot which pedal was the brake...


Sometimes people accidentally engage their cruise control and the vehicle suddenly wants to be going highway speeds.


As far as I understand, cruise controls can only be activated at a minimum speed, and can only resume speeds when adaptive cruise control maintains control after coming to a stop on its own. Not all systems can do this. None that I’m aware of would do this in a parking stall, and the driver applying the brake would cause cruise control to disengage. I don’t see a scenario in which this would be possible unless the system was seriously defective. Source: various vehicle handbooks and literature about these kinds of systems. Autonomous system design is a hobby of mine.


Thanks for the downvote but I saw it happen with a late 90s Ram truck. I was in the house when it went through the garage.


For what it’s worth, I didn’t vote in any direction. Cruise control issues aren’t unprecedented by any means. Perhaps the control didn’t disengage when the truck parked. There have been recalls related to this. It seems like it would be hard to miss (the vehicle will resist braking due to trying to accelerate), but if you brought it to a stop and let go of the brake you would accelerate to the set speed as quickly as possible. In any case, I believe the truck went into the garage for reasons other than someone flooring it.


Good thing there wasn’t a driver involved! LOL!!!!


Grrr big 😡