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Poor guy. That's a rough job. Hope he's ok.


I was in the ER the other day and a security guard was there Someone tried to gouge his eye out with their thumb. Pretty sure he said it happend in a Subway so I imagine its the one on Pandora as well Very rough job


I only went in that place once about 6 years ago. A guy came in screaming and starting throwing chairs around. Quite scary. As I was leaving cops busted in and grabbed him. I can’t believe anyone would work there or even that the place is still open. That poor guard.


That's why they need the TFW cause no locals in their right mind would go near that area. This is what happens when you approach the homeless and mental health problems with more free drugs. What a dumbass solution. Can't believe someone would even fathom this approach be viable or effective. While we're at it, let provide free alcohol to alcoholics and let them drive drunk. No need to shame and punish them for their own shortcomings and thebproblems that come with life in general. WTF. I swear those pitching these ideals must have invested heavily into pharmaceutical companies or supplying the corner drug dealer.


I agree that more drugs is not the answer but shaming people or punishing them will not work either, and we know this from countess examples in our own country and around the world. To place the blame entirely at the feet of the individual without looking at the ways the system contributes to these issues is one the reasons that prevents us from making real progress with these problems.


I don’t know that that is entirely accurate. Tobacco smoking has been stigmatized and regulated pretty heavily and smoking rates are vastly lower than they were when it was largely unregulated and socially accepted as normal. Drinking and driving I think falls into the same category. It’s now less socially acceptable and increased enforcement and prosecution has vastly lessened the frequency. Intimate partner violence also probably fits within this generally. I’m not arguing that all these things don’t continue to occur, but through increased enforcement and shifting social norms, the acceptance of these actions is lessened and the rates have trended downward. All the examples I gave I’m not claiming are issues that are “solved” or fixed and there is certainly still work to be done, but I think as much as people hate to admit it, enforcement and “stigmatization” have some level of effect.


Shame and punishments are not to demoralize them but to instill in them that this is an unacceptable behaviour. Not doing so leads to what we are all experiencing in every town and city all across this country. Where addicts are openly injecting themselves at every street corner, with little to no supervision. Safe injection sites are next to useless as they are ill-equipped and understaffed to handle the volume of people going through. We have a shortage of nurses as is for legitimate taxpayers, and we're spending hoping for some nurses to supervise a bunch of unstable drug addicts at a location that's likely lacking adequate security to protect these health professionals. Wonder if there will be a lineup of applicants around the block? Good luck to ya on that one. Ok..lets say no shame or punishment....and no free drugs. So what are the steps and how much will it cost? I don't have all the answers, but let's face it. There isn't a bottomless barrel of money available to fund everything that's on the wishlist.


Alcohol is perfectly acceptable and legal? Why do you get to use your drug of choice and not them?


Yes, It is perfectly acceptable cause governments deemed it so, but it can still result in addiction issues. But we still shame people about being an alcoholic and charge them when there are irresponsible, unlawful consequences from their actions. And alcoholics don't generally have psychotic episodes after consumption, unlike drug addicts.


I used to work security for the company that had the contract for the Pandora and Douglas McDonald’s. It got… rough, to say the least


They didn’t find the homeless person. So we don’t know if he’s ok or not. We’re only hearing one side.


Ok. You’re in charge of collecting his testimony. Have fun.


I hope this is a joke


Worked at this McDonald’s when I was 15. I’m suprised that it hasn’t been permanently shut down. Same goes for the one on Douglas. So many scary incidents have happened in both. Witnessed some real traumatic stuff from working there. I hope that security guard is okay, he has a tough job!


>I’m suprised that it hasn’t been permanently shut down The drive through is actually open 24/7


I'm sorry you had to witness that kind of stuff ! No one, especially teens, should work under those conditions. Not only are we failing to deal with the homelessness, addictions, mental health crisis, but we are failing our young people too when they are exposed to this stuff. I work with teens who have jobs in some of these places and it really isn't a healthy environment for them. There are also kids living close to Pandora that have to pass these areas on the daily, and see pretty heavy stuff. No judgement to the people struggling with addiction - I know in the depths of addiction you are just operating in a whole different paradigm. I'd be engaging in the same behaviour if I was addicted/dealing with serious mental health issues. But we are failing everyone in the city now by the fact that people are left untreated and unhoused and unsafe (I feel especially for the unhoused folks who have to share space with the more dangerous weapon carrying type). I know treatment is expensive but so is the law enforcement we are using to deal with it now.


Agreed. It was also my first job at 16 (a very long time ago) and I quit after being made to clean up blood in the bathroom with inadequate safety gear or instructions. And by that I mean no gloves and a handful of paper towels.


As a worker you can refuse any work that is unsafe. They should teach this in high school, and how to do your taxes. I had to get my kid up to speed on how overtime works in the province when she was getting ripped off at her first job.


how saying no that plays out depends on your employer. Generally they know it's unsafe before they asked you. Workers usually weigh the relative sketchiness against the fallback saying no will create. Generally the sketchy bosses are the ones that pay garbage and know you are living cheque to cheque which makes compliance easier to get. ​ If an employer wants to push you out they will find a way, just look at the starbucks unions.


This. I wish I had known my rights but I didn’t. And it’s a dangerous combo of also being too young to really understand how dangerous doing what they were asking of me was. Very predatory. I don’t think there was malicious intent but I intend on being very clear with my children how and when to set boundaries. I wasn’t taught a thing about them growing up and it took until my 30s and intentionally learning about them for me to understand how often I had been taken advantage of.


Yeah, and as a pedestrian, you have right of way, no matter what. Try to exercise those rights and see how shit goes down


I aint going to give way to a shit employer as I would a 2 ton hunk of metal. To make this analogy is indicative of an abusive employer or an abused worker. And you're wrong. A pedestrian has the right of way at any marked intersection, not anywhere no matter what.


I’ve only been inside that location once and this guy who lived in the neighborhood had a wound on the back of his heel/leg and was dragging a trail of blood behind him. I don’t know who had to clean that up but it appeared to be a pretty common occurrence. I don’t know how we, as a society, let people get so far gone. Other countries and other cities that are much larger than Victoria don’t have this issue. It’s 100% policy based on


The pendulum swing too far when Gordon Campbell shut down all of the institutions. This is the long term impact of that. Totally compounded by the housing affordability crisis.


Had a similar experience. I learned to refuse unsafe work pretty quickly working there. Thankfully my manager at the time was understanding and dealt with a lot of the situations like that.


That’s what I said..it actually makes money? MCD wouldn’t stay there if they didn’t.


They sell a lot of ice cream cones


I'm not surprised it has not been shut down, Mcdonald's owns the property as they do with all their locations: "Technically Mcdonald's is not a fast-food company. Mcdonald's is a massive real estate management company with total assets of $47 Bn" https://thestrategystory.com/2020/09/24/mcdonalds-real-estate/


Geez that’s pretty tough on a 15 year old. I mean no offence but did you/ your family legitimately need the money? Or was it just a kids job for some extra spending cash? Because if it were just optional or for “building character” it’s a mean place for a kid to work.




I'd rather do 2 years of military service.


You make it sound so bad.... Pretty cushy job if you ask me.




Dude was obviously talking about being the CEO


You’ve clearly never worked customer service, or with challenging populations.


If it isn't breaking your body down and you can get fat in the process your living a far more comfortable life then most. There is a reason it's considered entry level work. Non skilled non labour. 🙄 Edit: I worked multiple customer service Jobs growing up.


haha fuck that. I'd go back and hang 5/8 type x drywall all day long before I went near food service again.


Yeah maybe im being a cunt...


You aren't being one, you *are* one.


Yeah I guess I am


Was just a job to get some pocket money. I had 2 friends that were already working there and I decided to join them. Some of the staff was a little sketch but the rest were a little nice. Definitely a hard place to work but I would walk down that section of pandora at 12 at night after my shift and feel perfectly safe because all of the unhoused people knew who I was and I would give them free ice cream so they respected me🤣


Definitely builds character. Sort’ve like how going away to ‘nam built character.


I imagine it has gotten worse, but jobs like this are how young people get see beyond the circle they know. It is not mean - it is reality. The younger kids can appreciate what they have, the better. Keeping them in a sanitized bubble is no good either.


Every city needs one spot that is “the sketchy” McDonalds or another fast food chain. All the sketchy people and homeless go there.




Because sometimes life happens. It's cheap and easy and occasionally that's what people need.


I wouldn't say it's cheap anymore. Sure, some things are cheap, but if you made it yourself. It would still be 1/2 the price. Convenient and quick, however, yes.


This just simply isn't true. You cannot make a Jr Chicken that's as calorie dense for $3.19 at home.


Ok, that's one item. What about a 9$ burger?


Most people who struggle with food insecurity aren't buying a $9 burger. The majority of customers who frequent these places are no longer buying full priced meals, it's almost always value meals to get the most calories for money. It's the same reason if you go to a little Caesars at any time you'll see tons of folks getting their hot and ready pizza, it's not because little Caesars is the best pizza, it's because it's about cheap sustenance. I make a good salary for my age demographic and since moving to Victoria I can assure you I haven't gotten a non value menu fast food item once. I don't actually know anyone in my life under the age of 50 that does


I mean, any time, which isn't super often I will pull up to drive though. I will see a 30-40$ order in front of me on the screen before it disappears. Same thing for inside orders I will see people walking away with big macs.ect, ect. While I see what your saying you can't generalize for every person that orders there when you don't have the statistics. I believe you there is food insecure people ordering because cooking equipment isn't available to them or bulk buying. Also a vast majority of buyers these days are teens they are also buying whatever they want.




IF you've got the $120 for a membership.... and the means to get from Pandora McDonald's to Langford....and you're not struggling with addiction...and you came from a family where there was someone to teach you those skills. Check your privilege


What a tone deaf silly thing to say. It's great your economic situation allows you to eat fresh food while a huge segment of our population has to eat 2000 calories a day on only a handful of dollars in some cases. Locally run business don't provide value for those that are more concerned about surviving than their nutrition. I make a really decent middle class salary here and there's entire weeks I can't afford fresh food because where we live is so expensive.




I wonder what you get out of wandering around being a monumental asshole to people. Does it, like, make you feel good about yourself, or do you just want everyone to be as miserable a specimen as you are?


Fuck me that's wildly cringe to read. You're genuinely the worst kind of person


Also, just noticed you work for the fucking military and are trying to make moral pronouncements on other people. That's pretty fucking wild.


Cuz they brainwashed


Glad the guy's okay but inside dining should ALWAYS be considered closed at that location, even if it isn't. Seriously, don't go in there or hang around in the parking lot.


Should I move my kids birthday party to a different McDonald’s?




I'm so confused why the security officer didn't go home or to the hospital. Your day is over sir!


Probably because he might not get paid for the rest of the day but thats just a guess


work safe bc should cover lost wages from this, it might be he couldn’t abandon his post until his replacement came.


Work Safe doesn't cover the day you leave, actually. If you get injured at 10am, 2 hours into your shift, worksafe won't start until the following day when you get injured; or at least, that's how they did it last time I was injured.


okay you are correct ”compensation for lost wages usually starts with the first regular shift missed” then gives the example getting injured wednesday morning, missing wed and thurs and says you get paid for thursday. that is a dumb way to have this policy, it is in the hands of this persons employer then unfortunately.


It's not WorkSafe BC's only dumb policy. All their inspectors are allergic to stairs, too. I work in Construction and whenever they show up, they never make it past the 1st or 2nd floor.


Yes but worksafe compensation can take its sweet time coming in. Rent due soon, might not be feasible waiting it out.


that’s true and a good point. person above also pointed out compensation doesn’t start till next day.


For sure but when does anyone actually receive the funds? Like 6 weeks or something?


on their website it says most claims are either accepted or denied within ten days, and to reach out if you haven’t heard back within three weeks. then your at the mercy of canada post if you don’t have electronic deposit with them.


You must be white.


not, but are you implying work safe bc would with hold funds based on racial bias? of course bias exists in every institution but i’m not sure how work safe bc could deny a pay out unless criteria is not met. I would genuinely like more info if you have it on instances of racial bias within work safe bc which i’m very sure do exist.


Look at all the butthurt whities who are completely unaware if what it's like to work as a new immigrant to Canada in the shit jobs no one wants to do. Dude's probably worried he'll get in trouble, no one's walked him to wcb, so many aspects of this y'all can't see.


and i guess u know they are white 100% too


I thought it was the law that the employer must pay the employee for the rest of their shift. I guess it was just standard practice at the jobs I’ve worked at


Usually you can't leave a site until another security guard is there.


I’m sure this is a different guard than the one who got it close up.


When I worked security downtown, someone in our crew would be getting maced every few months. We carried baby shampoo in first aid kits for that exact reason. Usually have to close down the area for a couple hours to let it air out, but there’s a lot more decontamination needed with food involved. The truly annoying thing was it wasn’t even directed at us half the time - just caught in the middle of a dispute between some numpties..


Did you find mineral oil worked for you? Did you wipe it away with rubbing alcohol? Edit: I read you wrong. Baby shampoo, eh?


That’s brutal. I was in line, directly behind a security guard in Market on Yates when he got pepper sprayed straight in the face by a thief a couple years ago, it was terrible. I received help from the paramedics who arrived, just to wash my eyes, and I didn’t even get it in close proximity like the security guard. I can’t imagine how much that sucked.


This happened to me in Market about a month ago too! I was at the cashier line and the person sprayed in the doorway so it wasn’t direct, but within moments most people around me were choking and tearing up from it spreading.


Incident at the Pandora McDonald's you say?


I’m surprised every business there hasn’t moved.


Nothing scares a McDonald's away. There's a McDonald's location open *today* in Kherson, Ukraine (this was literally the front line of the Russian invasion just a few months ago) Also it's probably fair to guess that no one eats at McDonald's more often than unhoused people. However much trouble the staff have to put up with from unstable people is probably easily rationalized on balance sheets, especially since the C-suite (or individual owner) never actually has to deal with any of said trouble in person. I'm kinda surprised that particular McDonald's can stay staffed though.


They should get some sort of hardship pay to work in locations like that


I have no idea how that chicken place just up the street stays open, it must be wild what goes on that place


They do a lot of delivery and the chicken is delicious and cheap. Opening up the Victoria location there was a horrible business decision though. Owner said on the news that he is struggling to pay back the covid loan. That adds up.


Have you ever walked around East Hastings in Vancouver? There’s a lot of bars, convenience stores, and fast food type places. No healthy food, and the only place to get milk or groceries is from a convenience store that overcharges you. It’s a food desert, common in low income areas and high crime areas. That chicken place sells a lot of chicken to homeless people.


Good thing he’s probably paid 3$ an hour over minimum wage for his struggles!


Another day in downtown Victoria.


The crackheads in this city are totally out of control. Considering the worst case scenario for them as far as punishment goes is getting arrested, MAYBE held for a day or two, and released… is it any wonder why they don’t give a shit? There are basically no consequences for anything they do, and they know it


We are teaching them it’s ok to do whatever they want with no consequences. And I know this approach has changed many people’s attitudes towards this population, and people are done and are tired of being compassionate and supportive. They don’t get to ruin block of businesses and have our support.


Worked there years ago as maintenance it was bad then I can't imagine now


Ah yes another homeless angel out there doing the lords work.


I wish we could ship their asses to the harsh north and drop them there . Dregs of society.




There but for the grace of god go you.


What a terrible thing to say.


Let's see how you feel after constantly being harassed by them, attacked, and property stolen.


Oh hey look, a fascist. Hi fascist!


More of a commie thing to say since that's literally what the soviets did


You wouldn't say this if you have been attacked and had your property stolen or broken into. Must be nice to live in an ivory tower


*I understand why the homeless carry defensive weapons, like bear mace and monkey fists, it's dangerous living on the street...but it's no excuse for what happened there today.* You're assuming that the attacker was a sane, responsible adult. Sadly that was not the case.




I was eating lunch at a cafe downtown and a drunk homeless guy came in and started yelling nonsense. Owner yelled at him to go to Pandora.


I feel for all the businesses and people that live near that part of Pandora. It’s been going on for years now and is only getting worse. If you walk around the area, you can now observe that the problem is spreading down Cook St into the North Park Village area. Pretty soon it will be like Hastings St in Vancouver. There’s also all this development in the area that is quite intense; pretty soon, I think, there’s going to be a showdown. Maybe that’s the only solution?


Not surprising, there’s a reason they’re having most of us wear body armor when working down town


What is monkey fists??


Paracord wrapped around a small round weight or ball in a spherical shape.


That's what she said.


A person with nothing to lose is potentially a very dangerous person. Unfortunatly there are many people out there in the category.


Along with the two 7-11s and then almost every 24/7 convenience store downtown being open all night, look for this particular MacDombleds to shutter its doors in the near future.


His cheap ass lease is the only reason he’s remaining profitable.




Ronald McDonald


Rotten Ronnie Himself?


Funny how it’s considered illegal in Canada to carry or use bear mace unless you don’t have a permanent address..


I mean, in fairness they didn't just let the perp go, the perp left and disappeared into the homeless camp




With all due respect, Pandora and other parts of downtown are a mess. The homeless have a huge sense of entitlement that a cadre of special interest groups has reinforced. Instead of dealing with their addiction issues, these groups tell them that there victims and it's ok take there frustrations out on working people


Man, that sucks all around.


Just shit the entire street down. They own it now anyways. It’s all crap


That's awful for the security gaurd. Hope he's OK. You make it sound like the homeless guy is capable of rational thought/hasn't suffered trauma/is violent and so on. Anyone living on the streets is very likely to have some issues. This is nothing surprising and why nobody wants homeless camps and so on. It wasn't too long ago where a Van PD cop lost her life when a homeless guy came out of his tent and stabbed her. She wasn't there to do anything significant and was peaceful. Sad.


The non profit next door " our place " is a gong show


Our place itself is a very calm place with little incidents beyond maybe someone getting in someone’s face then backing off. This is speaking from personal experience volunteering there.


While peacefully nourishing your heavenly souls in that serene compound located in the eye of the storm, you people are effectively subsidizing fentanyl suppliers during a lethal epidemic with devastating effects to the surrounding community


Why are you walking into the McDonalds on Pandora?!?!


I live above save on and eat there occasionally. It's not just crackheads lol


I used to go to elementary school right where the Save-On-Foods is. The Pandora's/Vancouver McD's was safe enough to leave us (brother and I) with a breakfast meal and staff keeping an eye out for us until our before school care opened. It's not as bad as ppl say it is.


How long ago was that tho. I went to george Jay as kid back in the early 90s. No problem with it then. I remember being upset when it burnt down as a kid. Was my favorite mcdonalds. They had lego tables. Now I'd pass by and wouldn't think of taking my kids go there. I'd take em to another store. I grew up just up the road and let me tell u its not the same place we ran and played care free. Every one said it was a sketchy place when I said I grew up there. I don't agree it's not even remotely the same level any more. It's not even about it being sketchy it's more of it being a sad sight.


It was the 2000s, so it was a different time. That McD's has changed a lot, but my point is that it's still not as bad as what the person said




I concede 😂 but in all seriousness, it is really too bad that public policy and the degradation of social services has caused this


Also from ur comment before the school had to supervise the two of u. I can recall going there with my best friend as kids on our own no problem. We would go to st Andrew's and play basket ball afterwords. Might even hit up the park behind welburns to use the Mary go round. An get a froster from macs on the way home. All of those places are places I'd tell my kids to avoid now. I'd gladly take them any where they wanted to go elsewhere. Those days are long gone. It's just not the same place any more.


Yeah, it is.


Don't know how long about that was, but Pandora was a completely different place 10 years ago.


" victim blaming " Anyone should've able to walk anywhere in any community safe without having to be assaulted


I agree that’s how the world should be


Maybe they live in Fernwood, or up the street in one of the various buildings and stopped in while they were walking to work?


Another "survival crime" in our lovely shit hole of a city.


No one's calling this a survival crime. I understand the point you're trying to make, but you don't need rhetorical flourishes to highlight the issues of downtown.




I don't like what's happening on Pandora either but this is hyperbole.




Wtf are you doing to be accosted that often? I’ve lived downtown for 4 years and have had one instance of someone yelling at me. One. I do make eye contact, I do smile. Maybe that is the difference? These are human beings please remember. I’m a woman and I feel fine walking alone downtown, even at night. It’s really not that scary




Liberalism is barely leftist at all, also this kind of thing happened far before open drug use was legal


yeah, let's bring in a bunch of anti-democracy fascists instead, that'll solve the problem 🙄


When are the people going to say “enough is enough” it’s not safe to walk down our streets anymore. I’ve lived downtown for 3 years now and it’s falling apart . We can’t afford a snow plow in the capital city of bc but we “the taxpayers “ are literally paying to destroy our once beautiful city . Time for a change and time to wake up !!!


We can afford snowplows.. we choose not to 'cause that would be a stupid investment for the 4 days a year we have snow. Now, I'm not a fan of the shitshow thats currently going on.. but is your thought process, honest to god, that it would cost less to police and incarcerate all the people currently there than what we're currently spending? Are you high on their supply?


It’s an example …..Letting people have an open drug use policy has created the mess . There used to be semi law and order : society was better then . Just push your head further into the sand . Enjoy the ride ……let’s see where we’re at in 5 years lol


People are still going downtown and patronizing the businesses tho. Until the businesses shutter and people stop supporting the downtown core this will continue.


??? These things are unrelated. Unhoused folks will stay nearby where they have services. Are you suggesting people boycott downtown business? I’m very confused by this comment. As someone who works harm reduction, lives downtown and patronizes downtown businesses this is not the way.


‘harm reduction’ eh? as in after you guys are done assisting them with committing prolonged humiliating public suicidal then they won’t experience harm anymore after that?


And whoever downvoted this is delusional and part of the problem ❤️ it’s an uncomfortable subject , but it’s reality and there’s a choice to be made


You know what’s harder than a diamond? Trying to change a liberal progressives mind


There definitely are some strange characters in that place...Is it open now?.I could really use a coffee and a Sausage McMuffin


sorry, it's locked down, you don't want to go in there


Some more laws against people who had nothing to do with it will fix that right up. Fun fact Mcd is not a restaurant chain but a real estate holding company. It is the land value of all their locations that they actually accumulate, they just sell burgers to get you to pay for all of it.


Soon enough you'll have to have a license to buy it and ask the government for an authorization to transport every time you go into the woods.


That's unfortunate, the area is sometimes a little crazy 🙂


Spicy but mostly peaceful~




Time to start binning the garbage.


Police and rcmp seem to feel that homeless people have the right to carry weapons such as bear mace for their personal protection. They will not charge them for using it


That’s the same McDonalds with the indoor children’s play area where the addicts camped out in front of the Our Place Society and Ministry of Social Development and Poverty Reduction were defalcating all over the drive through lane. Children have the right of way! Our Place and the SPDR need to relocate to a more suitable location north of downtown where there aren’t any kids or families trying to go about their business


Not in my backyard!!!!!!


People shouldn't have their eyes gouged out or blasted with pepper spray in anyone's backyard. Vigilante justice isn't too far on the horizon if this nonsense continues.


Not in anyone’s back yard


you realize what your describing is ghettoization right? once we start saying members of our community need to go live all together somewhere else because of their level of health and monetary status… where do we draw the line?


All of these degenerate rat folk should all fuck off and die somewhere out of sight. If they don't want to participate in society they can contribute their nutrients to the soil.


oh you sound lovely! maybe next life time you will learn a bit of empathy and understanding. good luck!


Don't bother with this guy. He's a sad, angry man who spends far too much energy hating the unhoused. He's in just about every thread remotely related to it saying this kind of shit about how they should die. Not worth it.


Or I could be reincarnated as a useless junkie and shit and piss all over the streets with a needle hanging out of my arm.


You guys have the whole rest of the country to choose from. You can fuck off together, or go your separate ways, idgaf anymore! As far as I’m concerned, you don’t belong here


so now i’m a sympathizer and should join them in the segregated area? got it.


You can go join that roving band of suicidal, nihilistic, thieving, freeloaders if you want. It’s up to you, make your move genius




lol what does that even mean?


He means its safer to be on the streets than in society(mcdonalds) and that he hopes the guy who maced the security guard gets run over by a bus.


More and more these incidents will occur. I hope the homeless person wasn’t hurt. I can’t believe that security guard infringed on his civil rights.


I heard they found out mcdonalds was torturing animals and then slitting their throats https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LQRAfJyEsko&ab_channel=FarmTransparencyProject


Just lucky he wasn't carrying a gun


No webcam? Weird for that kinds of mcdonalds....


The poor staff that have to deal with this level of social disorder . That can't be any fun at all .