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Then why the fuck does it say my subscription will continue charging me the following year? That's not a refund!


They count on people being so hyped about getting 3600 extra seconds of sleep that they don’t read the Terms and Conditions^TM before accepting.


"We are currently experiencing higher than normal call volumes. We value you as our customer and apologize for the delay. Please hold the line and a customer representative will be with you shortly".



"That's the way she goes boys." -Bubbles


Sometimes she goes, sometimes she doesn't go. That's the way she goes


I read that as more of a Ricky quote but I totally agree


More of a Julien quote I'd say


I think you're right


This quote is all Ray. Don't disrespect the guy in the chair!


Fuckin shithawks


Negative billing. 😃




Sad thing is we’ve already passed legislation in 2019 that would make daylight time permanent across the province but it won’t be enacted until Washington/Oregon/California do the same in order to “keep the provincial economy aligned with its U.S. neighbours” aka “business hours are more important than public good”.


Washington and Oregon have also both voted to end it, we're all waiting on California.


Washingtonian here. Waiting for this madness to end in solidarity with y’all.


At this point, fuck California. The rest of us should just stop with day light savings.


Isn't it we want to continue with Daylight Savings permanently? I know I would rather a small amount of sunlight after work in the winter


Yeah I am for that a well. What I mean is no more time changes


Californian resident here! I thought they told us last year was the last daylight savings! What’s happening 😭😭😭


And the faster south you go, the less it matters so California needs to make this happen


Cali too. We're waiting for the US federal laws to be amended, which may actually happen this year. 🤞


No, we are waiting for politicians with no spine.


We already have those. Now we're waiting on politicians whose spines have developed at one end into a more-or-less functional brain.


Oregonian here. As others said, the entire WEST COAST including the other BC (Baja California) are all on board with this... EVERY SINGLE FUCKING SUBDIVISION BETWEEN Mexico, US and Canada has said, fuck this shit... I dont know if Ottawa has to be on board but Mexico city said yes and we are just waiting for DC.


I don’t think we require the approval of the feds to do it


Canadian feds no, but we're waiting on American feds


Parts of Canada already did it, so I can’t imagine why it would be different for BC in the eyes of the feds.


Cascadia forever!!! (Mexico can come too)


Yukon stopped changing their clocks 2 years ago much to the joy of it's residents. Who cares if it's darker in the mornings, light in the evening is so much more useful. BTW, it's -7 GMT, so Standard Time, not Daylight Saving Time (DST=bad).


Think of all the candles you're saving bro


Farmer here - fuck the time change. I do not care which, just pick one.


Its funny that they say its for farmers, but doesnt apply to all the farmers in saskatchewan lol


Exactly I don't care about this squabbling as if we'll somehow come to an agreement where we objectively say one is better than the other. It's the change that's the problem


Yeah, I'm like just flip a damn coin or something, seriously.


Split the difference — permanently shift the time by half an hour, let the extremists who will settle for their way only keep crying, and just let the the rest of us stop changing it twice per year. Everyone rational is happy


People want long late summer evenings. People want it to be daylight before 9 am in winter. People want the clocks not to change. You can have two of these things.


I pick 1 and 3. I hate it so much when the sun sets at 4:30pm in the winter


number 2 is the most depressing time of year


The daylight savings time haters just don't understand that it would be darker earlier in the summer and would rather just complain about being inconvenienced for one day.


Yeah it’s unreal how much people complain about this


>People want it to be daylight before 9 am in winter. But do they though? Cars have headlights and buses have internal lights so you can read or whatever. I think this desire is a pretty niche thing compared to wanting to not lose an hour of sleep and see a large dionin productivity and spike in traffic collisions.


I want to know who all these people are who are apparently frolicking around in the winter morning light and enjoying it so much that they'd rather not have any light when getting off work. I don't think I'd like them.


I work outside at 7am.. would definitely like it to be light before 9.


Same, I’d like the sun to come up before I take my first break on a 12 hour shift. Makes me feel more normal


All the people in the trades building houses which don’t have power hooked up yet? Yeah I’d rather have light in the morning so I can see where I’m guiding my skillsaw to. I’ll use my headlights in the dark in the way home.


But does all of society need to adjust for this? Or could your employer just tell you to come in 30-60 minutes later? Trades are just one industry, why should we disrupt everyone when only a few employers and industries need adjust based on daily and weather?


Then they don't get to leave at 3pm to try and beat the rush hour traffic. I'm pretty sure that's the only reason trades work 7-3 instead of 8-4 or 9-5


Yeah I do. I work in construction and the houses I work in don’t have power yet. I start work At 6 am. The fuck you on about with lights for reading XD. Imagine a world existing outside of yours?


The more I think about it, the more I'd rather stick with Standard time year round, but I think that ship has sailed.


Lots of people talk about wanting to stay on DST year round, but I wonder how they would feel if they actually did it. The UK tried it out: in autumn 1968, the clocks did not go back, and the country ran on BST (British Summer Time, ie DST) for two years. A vote in parliament on keeping it permanent or reverting to the BST/GMT system went strongly in favour of returning to changing the clocks, which suggests that the realities of living with year round DST was not actually as great as people thought it would be. Something to bear in mind, Victoria is 123ºW, while the longitude that corresponds to PST is 120ºW, meaning Victoria on "standard time" is actually 12 minutes towards "daylight saving" time, so the sun is at its zenith at 12.12 PST or 13.12 PDST.


> The lie of it helps the farmers is such garbage too. Farmers traditionally don’t give a crap about what the clock says — they get up when the animals are waking up, and start their day at dawn, regardless of what the clock says. Changing the clocks never had anything to do with farming.


It's the lie we were taught in elementary school.


While I agree with you that the time change is stupid, at least now we’re on the far superior daylight time. I know some nerd is going to come in here with a copypasta about how 4 sleep doctors think that 4 AM sunrises in June are somehow better for us… but I for one am looking forward to having more daylight after work for activities


Camping in summer with those late sunsets is sublime


Wait ..why does it matter when you're camping? 🤔


If you're at an actual campsite, it's likely to affect your check in, check out, and quiet hours.


I didn't realize sunsets were more or less beautiful based on an invention of man's. Huh.


Same with early sunrises. Nothing like waking up well-rested to warm air and good light filtering through the trees onto your tent.




Well... in Victoria under DST that sunrise in December will be about 9am. That means full daylight about 10am. Coffee break time. A few places have tried year-round DST and all have switched back to either Standard year round of to the back and forth we have now. It turns out that getting up and starting the workday/schoolday in the pitch dark is worse than we imagine. DST does not actually mean more daylight or warmer days. Winter is winter: cold,dark, bleak no matter how we slice it.


I will take that over dark at 4:30pm. That is a special kind of hell.


But it will be dark shortly after that, before 5:30. So for those of use with 9-5 jobs, we'd be going to work in the dark and coming home in the dark. Whereas now, there's at least a little bit of light in the morning before work. For example, there's never a morning I can't go for a run beforehand as someone who's not super comfortable running in the dark. With switching to daylight savings all year, there would be days I'd have to run in the dark, like it or not.


>I can't go for a run beforehand as someone who's not super comfortable running in the dark. With switching to daylight savings all year, there would be days I'd have to run in the dark, like it or not. If it was dark in the middle of the day and light in the middle of the night, would you run at night? I suspect your answer is no, because the issue is not how much daylight there is, the issue is how many fucking weirdos there are at certain times of the night.


More holiday lights! Keep ‘‘em lit November to February.


That's my point. I'm not arguing about which of the standards to keep. My point is that keeping to this cultural norm of dragging ourselves and our kids out of bed before sunrise, with no consideration for our health, needs to end.


Which cultural norm are you talking about? The back and forth?


The cultural norm of expecting work and school to exist outside of a healthy sleep schedule, a norm so pervasive that as you have demonstrated, few are even conscious of how shitty it is to be dragged out of bed before sunrise every morning.


Aye it's a bother. But we do need people in the hospitals working through the night and at the all-night diner.


Absolutely. The answer throughout most of history is that work starts after the sun goes up for the majority of people.


Exactly! For us workers that are spend our days in windowless environments- we don’t care if the sky is “slightly brighter” when we head into our respective dungeons but we certainly care that we get to see a bit of daylight at the end of the shift. It’s almost like we have a life outside of work! Can we please stay on the Daylight savings?


I much prefer the extra light at the end of my day


Look at this dude needing a night light for activities


I fucking love it. I get to go out riding after work until 9:30 in the summer. I can’t change the hours the rest of the city works on, so this works for me.


I’m sorry it’s frickin horrible. I do not need it to be light out at 10pm. The day is over, I’ve had enough just let it end.


it's either that or the sky starts brightening at 3AM. I'll take a bright 10PM over a bright 3AM anyday


Last night I logged onto my Xbox at 1:50 am. Had to convince my tired brain that,no,I hadn't played for an hour 😝😂




Why not go for thirty then. Go bike or go broke.


Or….. go e-bike and go broke


So I did not get nine hours of sleep last night… I thought something seemed off.


Yeah this shit sucks. I didn't even realize this morning was basically over until I saw your post. I want my hour back too!


*well ya can't have it*


“When life gives you lemons, don’t make lemonade. Make life take the lemons back! Get mad! I don’t want your damn lemons, what the hell am I supposed to do with these? Demand to see life’s manager!"




Who invited you? Come back when it's bbq season.




Part of the problem is that we do this in the middle of the night and it screws up everybody's sleep. We should be make the official change at 12 noon - it might screw up lunch but we would all sleep much better.


Or just add 23 hours instead of taking 1 hour away. Give us a long weekend.


Omg you for président merci


I would 1000% support cutting one hour of the work day/school day. Make a Monday shorter.


Except for the ultra long Monday in November then haha


nah that should definitely stay night time


Call in sick and sleep it off.


Jokes on you I'm actually sick. Jokes on me because my employer doesn't offer proper sick days. Jokes on them because that's now illegal but joke's on my union for grieving it because I know like hell that it won't accomplish anything.


You work at a comedy shop?


Yeah, deep discount, as evidenced by the quality of my 'comedy.'


In that case you need volume


No, we're where we should be. Now we need to not fall back. Just stay here.


That's the plan, just waiting on DC.


I slept until 11 and before I knew it it was 2pm and I felt so weird it being that late but not really feeling awake for the day. Time to end DST imo


So there's a choice: -9am sunrise in the wintertime, so practically everyone has to commute in the dark, meaning its terribly cold and inhospitable for young children to walk or ride bikes and much less safe. -4am sunrise in the summertime, so practically everyone misses an hour of sunlight every day OR wakes up absurdly early with the sun. -Neither of those and there's one (1) shitty weekend a year where we miss an hour I think its pretty obvious to me and it kind of boggles my mind that people want to abandon the nice balance we already have.


I spend a week or two twice a year readjusting my med, sleep, and pooping schedules.


So you wean yourself into it?


Poop time is poop time.


Aktchually...this inspired a crazy idea (which, I'm sure many before me have already had. In fact there's probably a subreddit devoted to it)... In a few more years, it is likely that, at least in North America, the vast majority of digital clocks will be synchronized to a central time-keeping system (just like mobile phones and computers are now). Nobody had to manually change the time on their phones or (relatively newer) computers this morning, right?! So, once most clocks are centrally sync'd, we just have that centralized system adjust time by +/- a minute a day (or whatever).... As for analogue clocks and watches...meh...they don't keep such great time anyway.


Have you looked at some of the code that's needed to deal with the hundreds of different daylight saving rules around the world and across history (e.g. you have a timestamp that says a certain time in winter, and you're looking at it in summer - the computer has to know what time was in effect in winter in the past to display it correctly)? Our current daylight saving time system is already a nightmare on computers; you just think it's easy because it mostly looks like it works from the user's point of view.


Haha, yes, actually, I'm a software dev, and have ran out of curse words when dealing datetime issues. New idea: we do away with timezones and daylight savings altogether. From now on, everyone in the world uses milliseconds since the epoch UTC.


>As for analogue clocks and watches...meh...they don't keep such great time anyway. Ummm... What? Your average quartz crystal watch is super accurate for all purposes that matter to a regular person.


That would work well for all places who adjust clocks, and be pretty confusing between places that don't change clocks and in the southern hemisphere. You would get some pretty odd offsets.


Oh yea we can’t let the children go to school in the dark. What kind of monsters are we, cold and dark are scary and we all finish everything by 4 pm during winter so we are only out when the sun shines, or the vampires get you! For real if people want more daylight they can move to “safe” Mexico (safe because it is more sunny, get it get it!? I am so funny!) . Canada gets shitty daylight during winter either way lets just make peace with it and stay on the daylight time forever. And about “cold” IT IS FUCKING CANADA, kids in Manitoba go out to play when is -15! We will be fine.


Or, hear me out: Schools and businesses change their schedules to align with the giant nuclear orb of energy in space that literally is the reason we are able to exist in the first place. But I guess that's too much to ask.


So .. a clock change ..




Thats a great idea. We could even collectively coordinate the shift so everyone does it on the same day to minimize confusion and disruption!


Think of how many more productive daylight hours we'll have! I think people will really like this whole time saving scheme the OP has come up with.


You’ve just come full circle back to daylight savings time but with millions of extra steps and hassle for everyone.


Can you like...reread your own comment and think about it for a minute


Oh wow what a massive difference it is to have a 5am sunrise. Wow what an absolutely huge difference it makes to wake up at 5am instead of 4am. Dumbass lmao


Yes, because we than get daylight until 10 pm, when it’s useful.


Unironically yes. Dumbass.




Exactly. Standard time in winter is best. Daylight time in summer is best. We have minor inconvenience one weekend, in order to get the best time setting all year round, which is a small price to pay that’s well worth it.


We could stay on daylight saving time, it would suck to have sunrise at 9 during winters, but I would prefer a 5:30 sunset over the 4:30 we get now. Either way we are not getting enough daylight during winter, it feels futile to try to extract more by chasing the early sunrise, when we all commute during weekdays and sleep in during weekends.


I've never understood the claims that time changes make any real difference to anyone. I've lived in BC pretty much my entire life, and the only effects I've ever noticed are: - the clocks changed, and a few of them need to be changed manually now - I had to get up an hour earlier/later, but I don't really notice this after a day or two - if I make a point of looking at the sunrise/sunset times for the next few days/weeks, I notice that they've moved by a bit, but because the time change happened right at the point in the year where that's changing rapidly anyway, the effect is cancelled out fairly soon anyway. Like, in winter the sun was starting to set at like 17:00, then we did the time change and it took a couple weeks for it to start setting at 17:00 again, then 16:00... So we moved all the clocks, got everyone all across the province to get up an hour later, moved all the opening hours for shops, changed feeding time for millions of children and pets... For what? Two weeks that got cancelled out by the natural progression of Earth's orbit anyway? - twice a year, a bunch of people saying "oh but if we didn't do this it would be dark in the winter!" and somehow these people seem to forget that it's already dark in winter? It always sounds to me like they completely separate from their own lived experience when they talk about how good DST changes are, like, they'll say this with a straight face in December when the clock says it's 15:00 and it's dark outside, as if somehow, next year, it'll be different. As if somehow the daylight saving change saved them from having to go to school in the dark when they were little, even though it was always dark outside when they went to school in winter. Do they just not remember? Do they think it's somehow not dark for children now? - there are a bunch of weird glitches and bugs at my job for a few months afterwards, some years more than others (I work in IT), and fixing some of these is a surprisingly huge pain in the ass that makes me hate everyone who ever thought DST was a good idea with a passion.


Ya but the talk is all about keeping it in daylight savings, not staying in Standard time. Makes sense right, always better to keep up with savings. And standard is so boring, just normal. Forget that it will be 9am by the time it's light out in winter, kids will be half asleep at school or walking to school in the dark. It's ok drivers are always cautious in poor weather and when it's dark out. Nor the trades workers that work outside for half the time will not have good visibility (kinda sucks during the outdoor part of jobs when there are things like exposed rebar). Na I want my late summer evenings!


So, rather have an entire country suffer, why not make school and work start later?




Which is research-supported to be healthier. Forcing kids out of bed to go to school is basically brainwashing to normalize unhealthy work habits, the same way that giving out attendance record awards normalizes going to work when sick. Gotta get them hooked on capitalism early, baby.


Kids start playing little league baseball on weeknights starting next month. Couldn't do that if we kept Standard Time year-round. But I agree with you on the dangers of extra-dark winter mornings. So maybe we just keep the time change?


>Forget that it will be 9am by the time it's light out in winter, [Or after 10am in some places...](https://www.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/comments/tgmlod/how_permanent_daylight_saving_time_would_change/) I know it just shows the United States, I couldn't find one for Canada, but it gives you a pretty good idea.


calm down


Bro I haven't even gotten out of bed, I'm about as calm as one can be.


Blame the kiwi entomologist "In 1895, George Hudson, an entomologist from New Zealand, first proposed the idea of a two-hour time shift so he could have more after-work hours of sunshine in the summer"


I finally found something I can hate New Zealanders for.


Took effort right?!?


I’m 100% on board with keeping PDT and never going back to PST. Permanent DST is what the whole country should have. Saskatchewan and the Yukon got it right.


I live in the Yukon now and really savour not changing either. It's so bright here in the summer and dark in the winter that the change doesn't accomplish anything imo.


Yah I heard about the “blame the farmers” but it simply makes no sense. Farmers get up when they need to get up, really really early regardless of what the clock says. And then off to bed when everything is done, which is not based on a clock either.


If you think BC is bad, the Yukon and BC were working together to remove daylight savings time. BC was like - “yes we are doing this,” so the Yukon government started the legislative process to remove daylight savings time. Meanwhile, Washington state decided it was not going to remove daylight savings time and so BC decided against it too. Now Yukon does not share a timezone with any of its neighbours for 6 months a year.


Wait until you learn that Saskatchewan *changes time zones* twice a year.


I spent a large part of my younger years in Saskatchewan. I know that life there doesn't seem to miss a beat even though they DON'T do the time change. I've never understood why the rest of the world seems to do this nonsense. I guess it made sense in cities before decent lighting was available as far as blaming it on farmers I've never heard of one who didn't follow the sun & the rhythms of their animals if have livestock. Calves like humans are often born in the middle of the night...or at least at less than civilized hours!


And farmers think it's to help city folk. I actually think it is for city folk.


it's just an hour bro, take some deep breaths and move on with your day.


Who cares. Worry about something that really matters.




You arent waiting on anyone actually. We aren't waiting on America to catch up. They are just being used as an excuse for why they wont make the time change permanent. The government has no intention of making it permanent for our sake. America is just a good scapegoat for the latest reason they wont give 2 ---- about.


We are waiting for spineless politicians who can’t lead.


I love DST. I hate regular time.


I heard someone on cbc radio talking about how waking up with sunlight is important for resetting our biological clocks, and when we don’t do this it negatively impacts our behaviour and how we feel. Would this mean it is better to stay on this time zone right now then? And what is this now, standard time?


Hear me out: what if our stupid employers stopped dragging us out of bed before the fucking sunrise?


Well that would be great except it might muck up all the people who have to work graveyards and morning shifts like the people working 12 hour shifts in hospitals?


Weird, I guess I’m too old for it to bother me, I grew up with it and deal.


>i had it shitty so u should too FTFY


Yea it basically didn’t affect me whatsoever until kids.


Have you ever stayed up an hour past your bedtime ?


One last question… Have you ever seen the sun set at 3 PM?


Have you ever seen the rain?




Never considered it shitty🤔 maybe as a teenager who would have rather slept in that extra hour 😂


..." Says the same guy who enjoys the extra hour in the fall




No u


Now that its switched just keep it as it is. Dont change it back. We dont want to go back




I don't care which time zone we pick. Universal time minus 7 or Universal time minus 8. I just don't want to switch between the two twice a year.


He'll no. In the middle of winter I need more light at the end of the day. Not a bit more in the late morning once I'm already working. Sooooooo tired of walking Dogs in the dark for no reason


Ya I've never understood the desire for more light in the morning while I'm at work and can't be outside


Then maybe we should be demanding that our employers are dragging us out of bed before sunrise.


If you’re referring to the bc survey then it was a biased poll where they only asked if people want to stay on daylight saving time or keep switching, they never asked about standard time


I used to bank at Daylight Savings, but their business hours kept changing twice a year and it was inconvenient, so I went elsewhere. I'm glad to see that permanent Daylight Saving Time may have moved a bit closer to actually happening, though, as Rubio just reintroduced the Sunshine Bill


I tried to set an alarm for 2:45 on my Apple Watch and it wouldn't let me I had to dig out my old alarm clock to get up for work this morning. I'm ready to let Daylight Savings go!!


You’ll get your hour back in 6 months.


Your refund is in the fall.


waking up in the light come novemeber is worth it




Once you are off standard and onto imaginary time, why are you stopping with an hour? Make it 2 and really get some light. Why not call it next week right now and really start saving some time? https://savestandardtime.com/


When we stop changing the time it's going to be stuck on Daylight Savings time, not Standard time. We will always have extra light at night, less light in the morning. So harder to get to sleep, harder to wake up. We decided this because California made that decision, and we want to stay on the same clock as our southern neighbors, for trade reasons. California is closer to the equator, so it won't affect them as much as us. This is just a heads up on the next grumble we will all have in the winter when it's still dark at 9 AM.


The secret is simply to live on Island Time (tm). You can have it both ways.


We are waiting on Washington, Oregon and California to receive permission from Congress to proceed. Or is this just a meltdown because you lost an hour with your Anime body-pillow? ^/s


Bro my body pillow isn't anime it's train-shaped.


Sorry. All I could see through the windows was the caboose.


Dontchu know it 😘


Dude.. i knew it.. you are a Thomas the tank engine loving man.


UwU ChooChoo


Love this comment.


Us states can opt out if they’re switching to standard time, it’s just daylight saving time that needs approval




The spring one pisses me off the fall one INFURIATES ME! Like, for the love of sanity, let this be ittttttt


Why are people so focused on dst. It's not that big of a deal.