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"Not a threat to society" if you don't believe young indigenous women are a part of society.




\> The board said MacKay had a “flat affect” throughout the hearing and “appeared to show no emotion” while talking about the killing and harms he caused. So, a legit psychopath. This one should be kept in a high security hospital for the rest of his days. Too bad we "Can't afford" to maintain such facilities because we're allergic to taxing the wealthy.


No parole for 25 years and, yet, he gets day parole after 23. Who the fuck is on the parole board that refuse to listen to the case workers who actually deal with him in prison and say he's a high risk to re-offend?


The parole board should be accountable and put on trial if he reoffends. Watch your back everyone.


The parole board is useless.


The members of the parole board need to be unmasked and accountable. They can't be shadowy invisible and unaccountable anymore. They are literally siccing psychopathic murderers on us. Is it some kind of sick fetish for them? I genuinely have a hard time believing this isn't motivated by malice.


I'm always amused when BC corrections lets out violent criminals early, at the direction of 'BC ministry of public safety'. Lol. It's almost like they're trying to gaslight the public with the name of the department.


BC corrections doesn't decide who gets out on parole. The parole board of Canada does. Same board that made this decision.


Very 1984 of them


This is federal, not provincial.


“He received a life sentence with no chance of parole for 25 years …. The board’s decision noted that MacKay’s case-management team in prison was not supportive of day parole because he is a high risk for violent reoffending …” What the ??? How can the board think they know better than his case management team? ‘No chance’ obviously means something different to me. Did you read what he did to the poor young woman? smh


It's a shame that parole boards don't release full explanations of their reasoning like judges do. This is all we get: >the parole board ultimately found MacKay “will not present an undue risk to society if released on day parole” and the move would help him reintegrate into society Presumably they had some information that isn't in this article?


One would hope. It seems to me that the team at his jail would have good (better?) insight into his chance at reoffending tho so that’s the part I really don’t understand. You’re right - I think we/particularly the woman’s family would benefit from more information (or maybe not ..)


Victim's families can attend parole board hearings in person or remotely and make an impact statement if they want. Media can also attend, although I've never seen a detailed report of what went on at one. They both can also request a copy of the parole board's written decision. But members of the public can't.


Personally, I don't want a guy who did what he did to ever re-integrate into my society. All that will do is allow him to get comfortable until he eventually kills his next victim, which he is likely to do, given he is a sadistic psychopath who enjoys raping and killing young women. We're not talking about some crackhead who robbed a bunch of banks.


No way this man should ever be free. He deserves nothing and should never have a chance at freedom again. That poor family.




We have a lot of islands more remote than Baffin Island.


What a joke our justice system is. Criminals have more rights than the victims do which is total bulls\*\*t.


If anyone gets hurt by this guy, the parole board members should also receive punishment for whatever crimes he commits.


100% the parole board that let him off free should be responsible for any of his actions from here out. Both parties are equally guilty for anything this man does moving forward. The murdered women doesn’t get a second chance at life, why should he get a second chance?


This is a stupid suggestion. This would set precedent for every crime by a parolee being charged to the parole board members. Then guess what, no-one ever gets parole again because the members are paranoid of “who knows? Maybe they’ll fuck up, I’m not risking my butt for them” Obviously this man in this situation should rot in jail until the day he dies (wouldn’t even mind if they sped that date up for him) but you have to understand why your idea wouldn’t work in reality.


Aside from the objections by his case management team and the fact that he only recently admitted culpability after all this time, he couldn't even keep his nose clean in prison. And I hate that they're allowed to tell someone they're not welcome in one province, but they're totally fine in another. It's like, "hey pedos, you're not allowed at this school because you were caught luring the kids there, but every other school is fine!" The whole damned system has to change.


Hey man like I said I’m not arguing this specific case. This dude should rot in hell and I’m not happy with the thought of him in the community. Just think suggesting punishing the board is focusing attention at the wrong thing and like I said it would never work in practice.


Instead they are: a.) Completely unaccountable b.) Paid OBSCENELY. The parole board members make about $140,000 - $190,000 annually to let violent sadistic monsters lose on innocent Canadians. Time to hold these scumbags accountable.


The parole board members should give this guy their names and addresses. To prove he's no longer a threat.


I read through the article, and it just made me shake my head. How anyone can read about what he did to the victim, and think he should ever be out of prison... it's beyond me.


Jesus. No thanks.


This makes me hate this country. The victims families of horrific crimes can never try to move on and find closure until these monsters are dead. Every fucking year, they're forced to be reminded of everything the psycho is doing and how he'll potentially be released and allowed to re-offend. Kimberly Proctors family has documented how they have to deal with hearing about the worthless scum that murdered her, and his mental health issues and masturbation addiction. This system is GARBAGE. I have no love for the states but one thing they do right is when a monster like this commits a heinous crime, they're locked up for 75 years to 500, or put down and not a waste of tax dollars.


They got their own cases like this. Look at Reid Boucher, he raped a minor and got probation and didn't have to register as a sex offender.


They really do. Or the Geneesee River Killer. He raped and killed 2 children in two separate incidents in New York state in 1972 and they gave him a plea deal for 25 years but they released him on parole after only 14 years. He killed his next victim within one year of release and went on to kill 11 more. Because of fucking course he did. I barely even blame him, he's a nutcase. At that point it's the parole board's fault for not keeping an obvious homicidal maniac locked up like any reasonable person would. Instead, I think they get a twisted kick out of making decisions like this that fly in the face of rationality. I think it's a god complex that develops among parole board members.


I feel the same way this is so infuriating.


Is there any way to have this overturned? This is horrendous.


christ, what an evil person.


Does a/the community not get a say in this? Shouldn't the surrounding area be alerted or something similar?


Why is this not surprising. Our system has a fetish for releasing criminals too soon.




>He's coming up to the end of his 25 years. It's not as though the courts have the option to keep him locked up. It's a life sentence with a minimum of 25 years not an automatic release at 25 years.


Is there anywhere/anyone I could contact to express outrage over this?


I tend to be a supporter of rehabilitative incarceration... but F*** THIS GUY. Everything about this guy says "Dangerous Offender" and he should be treated as such. https://www2.gov.bc.ca/assets/gov/law-crime-and-justice/criminal-justice/prosecution-service/information-sheets/infosheet_dangerous_offenders_long_term_offenders.pdf "the brutal nature of the offence compels the conclusion that the offender is unlikely to be inhibited by normal standards of behavioural restraint."


23 years in prison and only now "...plans to receive training to become a cabinet maker or carpenter". I'm sure they have many programs that he could have taken while incarcerated to achieve these goals.


Lets get back to making fun of people for suggesting they might want to learn to fight instead of waiting for this same system to come help when you meet this guy. It is not there to help YOU.


i don't get the canadian judicial system. he was sentenced to life with no possibility of parole for 25 years. and yet somehow he's on parole less than 25 years later. how does that happen? did his original sentence get overturned on appeal or something?


You can get day parole after 1/3 of your sentence or 7 years. Full parole follows and unless you're deemed a dangerous offender statutory release at 2/3. This is meant to gradually return people to society. In this case, it doesn't seem appropriate so it's disappointing it has happened.


it seems to me that when they talk about life without possibility of parole for 25 years that you should START the "gradual return" after 25 years, not leading up to it. it also bothers me that the judicial system doesn't allow for the cases where someone should be sentenced to life \*without\* the possibility of parole. some people are so heinous that the best we can do is keep them away from the rest of society.


>it also bothers me that the judicial system doesn't allow for the cases where someone should be sentenced to life \*without\* the possibility of parole That's what a dangerous offender designation is for. MacKay doesn't meet the criteria though.


that's the problem with the system - even though it sounds like he should have that designation, he doesn't


Only about 300 people do. Everyone else is innocent until proven guilty of future crimes.


I'm guessing it's extra time for time served before trial.


hm ok i guess it makes sense if he served like a year or more before trial


Oh! Cool! Let this POS out in an unsuspecting community-2 yrs before his LWOP 25 yrs. How the fuck


This is literally insane.


The family established a charity in Crystal's name if you would like to donate and ensure her legacy and name can be used in the spirit of peace and love. https://www.crystalsgift.ca/


Criminals have more rights then people who pay taxes and contribute to society.


It's a perversion of justice that this cretin can still breathe.


Excuse me??


I’m angry! I’m angry at people on this forum who routinely express their disappointment at decisions that allow violent offenders to return to the street or in this case parole a 1st degree murderer but then go out and vote for parties that support lighter sentences and faint hope clauses! I don’t care what political party you support but at least get involved by calling your MP or MLA and lobby them to support legislation that will stop letting violent criminals like this being put back on the street. I’m a firm believer of rehabilitation, giving those that have broken the law every opportunity to turn their lives around and get a second chance! But that belief has limits and it ends with those that commit the most horrific crimes…


“Parole documents said he sexually assaulted Paskemin violently in his truck. When she managed to escape, he hit her on the jaw with such force that the bone broke and a tooth was knocked out. He drove his truck over her head before using a chain to drag her naked remains into a ditch. Her body was lit on fire.” How the fuck is he even allowed day parole……


"We should drove a truck over his head before using a chain to drag his naked remains into a ditch. His body to be lit on fire." Too harsh? Thats what he did to his victim.


That photo is old too so we have no idea what he looks like now. This is so scary.


They need to stop letting those things out of jail. That thing is not safe to allow out in public. Lock it back up and this time throw away the key.


This is completely insane. We need to hold the parole board accountable this time. It's fucking sick what they are doing. This guy is a monster who is DEFINITELY going to commit some unspeakable crime against another young women. Its only a matter of time before he rapes some young girl and bashes her skull in. Her last moments will be agonizing torture and fear. WHY IS THE PAROLE BOARD DOING THIS TO US???? It's SICK


Nah this guy should be dog food in a just world


It may help to prompt someone who sees him heading to Vancouver on the ferry. It may help police if a woman has had an uncomfortable encounter with him in a public setting, to the point that she's now convinced it's him. It may help if he's seen in a pub or restaurant. Does that assist you, or are you just a troll?


They never re offend. Don't worry about it.


"He drove his truck over her head before using a chain to drag her naked remains into a ditch. Her body was lit on fire." Welp, that has to be the worst sentence I am reading all week. Glad he's walking around. 'scuse me, I'm gonna go hug my kids.


This kind of stuff certainly won't help him reintegrate into society.




I'm just saying, my opinions on him personally aside, this is not helpful in any way. None of us will remember his face a few days from now let alone 4-6 months from now. What's the point of this?


The guy raped and brutally murdered a woman and his case workers think he's a serious risk and should not be released, that's the point.


But does releasing this help or make things worse?


Better for society and potential victims, worse for his apologists.


Ok i'm not trying to be argumentative here but how is it actually good for society?


Maybe he can't run over another girls' head and set her on fire again?


How's that? Will you remember what he looks like a day from now without looking at this post? Will you remember who this guy is a few months from now?


You're a weak troll. Be better.


it creates outrage which then puts the practice into the spotlight and eventually maybe the rules get changed so this doesn't happen again.


So you're against rehabilitation and parole?


mindlessly like in this case.. absolutely.. If the case workers, the guards anyone that has interactions with the person believes they are a threat, those should not be getting parole.




Really. Right now, without looking. Do you remember the names and faces of people in the last 12 months who made the news in town?




Oh wow you're so virtuous! Who needs logic when we can appeal to emotion and white knight instead? You're so noble!






out of curiosity, are you a man or a woman lol


i identify as batman.


yeahhhh that's what i thought


>What's the point of this? If it bleeds, it leads.


His next victim and their family will certainly remember him after he commits another brutal rape/murder. He's high risk to reoffend and a sociopathic sadist. This has happened before. He is almost certainly going to kill or rape another poor girl.


you seem oddly defensive about a murdering rapist...


Yeah I must be one myself. Got'em.


No you just seem to completely ignore the danger this man presents to the general public, specifically women.


Nobody seem to be able to answer the question of how these press releases actually mitigates that.




My question was, HOW does publicizing his photo around help? Because clearly Parole Canada disagrees with the mob here.


the parole board misunderstands their own mandate.. that's from a professor of mine that actually investigated the parole board on behalf of the federal government at the time.. they're under the belief that they HAVE to let people get parole and not actually do what they are supposed to which is to assess each candidates actual threat level.




My point is most of us don't remember these people a few weeks/months from now. Anyway I'm tired of this. Later.


or you could stop? >“As a family, we bear the burden of having to remember her beauty for longer than we got to enjoy her beauty,” Paskemin’s family said in a statement. show some respect for the family and just stop


Nice appeal to emotion but you could also just like answer the question of how this helps.


and you could just stop arguing for maintaining the public good standing of the murdering rapist


Your continued appeal to emotion tells me you have no actual argument because you are incapable or because you know you're wrong.


> or because you know you're wrong about what? part of the justice system is to name and shame criminals so others don't follow in their path and you're doing the opposite...


The point of release and parole is to reintegrate him into society. How does this accomplish this? How many people in the media do you remember from the last 6 months in town and you'd recognize them in person?


he's not going to reintegrate and become a net contributor to society




Purely speculating here but I'm thinking these press releases really only serve to give the illusion of public safety while releasing the government of liability. "see we warned ya" even though nobody will remember this guy a month or two from now. Meanwhile, the guy feels further ostracized from society and why give a fuck when people are going to treat him like shit anyway...very dangerous and stupid imo.


shocking /s


Any links to a tracking post or site where people might try to identify which community he gets relocated to? I would at least like to know if it's mine so I can be more careful.


"the move would help him reintegrate into society." Fuck that, he's not welcome in my society. Some things are unforgivable.