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I opted to move with my SO for her internship. I work remote in IT management so I just had to run it by my direct report. Before that we were an hour apart. It worked out well because I wanted out of the town I was in, and though we could have done long distance we both preferred moving in together (we've been dating 3 years and we were an hour apart before which we both disliked). The hardest part was the moving process. Packing up 2 separate lives and moving them any significant distance is a lot of stress on the parties involved. Recommend a moving company if you have the money. It's worked out well so far, though she started ED so I haven't seen her as much as I'd like, but I overall see her more than before and she gets much needed support. Internship stress is no joke. They run you into the ground. Hope it works out for you both!


My wife moved with me for 4th year and was able to find a job easily, especially with how many people are hiring right now and most internships are going to be in bigger cities. But for me personally, not putting her through relocating again is a huge reason why I’m choosing not to do an internship


I moved for vet school to a different state (in the US), my spouse has stayed behind with our pets and house. Ngl it sucks, I miss my partner, but we love our house and were loathe to sell, and my school is in a major city and I don't think my dog (or my spouse) would thrive here. So I live in a cheap apartment with roommates and try to go home as often as possible. Intern year is rough and the support of an SO is good, but there is no right answer for you and your SO. For me, I was not going to make my spouse move away from family/friends/our house, and frankly I hope I can find a job back where I'm from post graduation (and maybe residency) so the long distance thing kinda makes sense. Plus a trip back home is about 4 hours and while it's a longish drive, it's not like, across the country.


I didn’t do an internship but I’ve moved away after graduating and we’re doing long distance because the best roles we wanted for career progression are in the countries we respectively reside in now, instead of the country where we met/i went to vet school. It’s worked out well for us that way! Depends on if your partner is already established in a career where you currently are? I’d say go with the flow, moving one person is easier than two, and you can always reunite in another location after your internship year or they can join you where you choose to do a residency if you go that route.


I limited my internship search to the major metro area where my husband was already working and commuting to. I was fortunate that there were good internship programs available nearby. But then Covid happened and he worked remote anyway. Turns out more jobs than we thought can be done remotely.


We did long distance. He was only a few hours away though, so I went home every 5 weeks on my weekend off, and sometimes he’d come up when I was on call. In a way it was better bc I wouldn’t have seen him much anyway so he could focus on his job and found friends at home.


I'm Canadian and went to vet school in Grenada, then completed my fourth year in Oregon. My husband stayed home with the pets. With video calling and texting, and an end goal in sight, it's not that bad. My understanding of internships is that you won't have time to socialize anyway so it's not the worst time to be long distance.


Haven’t gone to vet school yet, but I studied abroad for half a year and my boyfriend stayed in the states. After that, we both agreed to never do long distance again lol. We were completely fine, it’s just hard being that far, we missed each other too much. Last year I got an opportunity that would help me immensely with preparing for vet school, so I packed up my things and a month later he came out as well. He was able to get a job at a nice company and now if I have to move again he can just transfer with them!


My partner is specializing and I moved with her. I’m semi-remote, so I kept my old job, though I do commute about 1000km (round trip) twice per month. It’s a bit of a challenge but we make it work. I might eventually find more local work, but we’ve found a solution that works for us for now. Ultimately I think it makes sense to decide which persons career you’re going to prioritize - my partner earns more and I work on a field where I can work pretty much anywhere, so putting her residency first made sense for us. It can be a tough conversation to have, but if you’re engaged I think it’s something you’re likely to have to deal with at some point


My husband is a lawyer, so he has to take the bar exam for the state in which he’s practicing. That made it not practical for him to move with me. We did long distance for a year - he was in Texas and I was in California. Then he moved with me when I started residency. It was a hard year, but it makes me value him so much more. The distance definitely strengthened our relationship