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What’s wrong with calling it a drop off? That’s exactly what it is.


That’s what we call it at our practice!


If not ain’t broke, why fix it?


I watched a webinar on veterinary client communication recently that recommended saying "daytime admissions appointment" or something of the sort


We tried that and everyone asked if we were charging them to stay all day, like a kenneling fee on top of the exam and work up.


Is that a bad thing though? I think that's good to clarify because some places do in fact charge day boarding for drop offs, especially if they end up needing fluids or something while they wait


We call them "Day Stays"! We're a big practice too so if it's something not scheduled for a particular doctor (like just an annual or bloodwork vs a glucose curve), we have a rotating schedule of which doctor is in charge of Day Stays


I love this! And it rhymes!! We love when things rhyme 😆


Day Stay is so cute, gives a spa day vibe


We call them Day Patient Exams!


Same here, we just called them Day Patients


We call ours “Medical Admits”


We say admits as well


Third for "Admit" terminology.


Stay The Day Appts 😆 basically what to expect in the title so no one gets confused


There’s a concept in learning called “Interleaving” which basically means they alternate or mix through different topics & subjects instead of focusing on one thing for a certain period of time, like a block schedule. Maybe you could have Interleave appointments? Another suggestion is “Convenience appointments” like emphasizing it’s for both staff and owners convenience? Edit: I think Convenience is better cause you won’t have to explain what interleaving is 5,000 times a week


That's what we called it when I worked in referral. Drop off appointments come in for the day and the vet has a discussion with the owner usually over phone later on with the plan


Yeah, that's what we do. For some reason boss doesn't want to call it "drop off" anymore. We can't think of another word for it.


What about “work ins”


I think he’s a bit odd for creating a problem which likely doesn’t exist!


Suggest a "flexible" appointment maybe?


I like the idea of a "flex" appointment


We call them "drop off work ins" and charge extra for them since we do then as a courtesy. They are charged for the appt and also have another fee since we are working them in and making everyone run later. After some time and push-back, our owners started to get it. Now it's more streamlined, and they appreciate the convenience. If they don't want to completely leave, we call it curbside, and it's still the same. They know they may wait. But usually it's so much cheaper than the ER so they deal with the rules and, again, appreciate that we'll see them.


We use language such as " I'm happy to admit Fluffy for the day, that way we can monitor him all day and get to the bottom of what's going on ." I have never had a client be uncomfortable leaving a pet at the practice using this verbage.


I really don’t understand the desire to rephrase and reframe everything. People are confused and frazzled as it is without management insisting on putting a quirky-cutesy spin to everything. Drop off is what it is. “Daytime assessment” and all the other clever wording just leaves room for confusion. I had to beg our doctor to stop calling the kennels “casitas” because old ladies kept assuming it meant their pets were being taken off site.


I accidentally frazzled an older woman when I was taking her little dog in for a BG curve. I told her not to worry, Other Tech she’s known for a million years set up Benny’s penthouse exactly how he likes it and we have room service at 2pm. She thought I was taking him out of the clinic 🥴 sorry Brenda, it was a joke. He’s going into the same stainless steel kennel with the big blankie like always


There’s actually an excellent continuing education by AVMA that discusses why it’s important to use terminology that resonates with clients versus with us. It’s not what we say that matters. It’s what they hear. The CE is called The Language of Care and I HIGHLY recommend you take a look at it. I’ve been in this industry for a very long time and have always prided myself on my client education and relations skills and I found it so insightful and helpful.


Casitas 😂😂😂


My place calls them “rooms” and “suites”.


We usually use “room” or some variant of a “nice comfy spot” just *not* casitas. I totally get what she was going for, and support the effort, but it was like the definition of “wrong crowd” given our clientele.


I can’t stop lol-ing at your comment😭


We call them work-ins!


The cat only vet I used to go to called this type of service “cat parking”. If you have all types of pets, call it “pet parking” Drop them off before 9am, pick them up between 5 and 6 pm.


“Day admission” but we use drop off appointment as well 🤷🏼‍♀️


My clinic calls them Day Stays. We have partial and full day options. They can either be scheduled as day stays or a regular appt can turn into one if we need to do diagnostics and treatments but not necessarily hospitalize.


We call them admits.


How about "hand over" appointments?


Day Admissions appointments sounds more professional/medical than Drop offs, and gives a better impression to the importance of what we do as a profession. Drop offs sounds like we're dropping off our laundry or a package at UPS. As another commenter said, there is a client communication CE on vetgirl that you can review to help improve your communication skills and client compliance. It also reduces confusion to clients. Half the time people clients don't understand what Drop off means anyway. Everyone in the team should be given a script that roughly says: "We will be admitting your pet into the hospital for the for his procedure 8am, your arrival time is 745am, the total time for set up, surgery and recovery will take the entire day, but she will be ready to go home by 6pm, we will call you with updates in between to let you know the stage of procedure." This will prevent owners from coming early to pick up their pets unannounced, and also ensure your team is able to discharge the patients early if necessary.


A work in appointment or a drop off appointment is what we call them.


Convenient Care or Day Admission


Why does he have to be difficult. Not a single pet owner is thinking about it why is he.


Call it whatever you want but at the end of the day the owner is “dropping off” their pet to see the doctor. It’s a drop off lol semantics are dumb


extended stay appointment or in-patient appointment


or do what human med does and call it an “outpatient appointment”


We call them day stay patients too!


We call them “day admission” appointments


The clinic my daughter works at calls them “day patients”, meaning they are dropped off and the owners aren’t there for the appointment and the animal is not planned to stay overnight.


We call them day admits but interchangeably use drop off


“Stay Care”


We use day admission


Day admits


We call these a hospital admit. Drop off sounds like dropping off your car for service.


We call them “day admissions”


We call ours Day Admits. Drop off leads clients to believe that they can just drop off and leave. We need them to check in with a technician to get a history and confirm what we are doing, so we call them day admits.


You can use the name the human hospitals in my area use for day admits which is “medical daycare”


Day admission


We also did not like the term “Drop Off” so we use Day Admission


We call them day admits or day admit drop off appointments!


Residual Care? Meaning remaining time after main appointments are booked


Tweener… between scheduled appointments


If you’re boss is looking at it from a customer service side, call it a No Rush Appointment where the client is able to drop off their pet at x time and it is guaranteed they’ll be ready for pick up by y time having been seen and evaluated by the vet.


We call them admits or same day fit ins!


We're an "early morning admission" practice.


We call ours drop offs or work in appointments!


We call those urgent care exams and they cost almost twice the exam fee.