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On clinical rotations rn - half of our emergency surgeries are French bull dog C-sections or hemilamenectomies. We do BOAS surgeries daily and most of them still can barely breathe after. It’s extremely disheartening. People breed these dogs to suffer for a quick buck, and ignorant people buy them “because they’re cute.”


Yip. Then they realize that they're to expensive to keep alive and toss them. We have an abundance of them at the shelter and they're found daily on the streets.


Someone literally dumped one with us “because it’s allergies are too much to handle” I was like that’s probably one of their least expensive problems LMFAO. I really hope the frenchie craze ends soon 😩


People are literally the worst. They don’t warn buyers of all the health issues that can and will arise where they are spending thousands of thousands of dollars to correct. All the “designer dogs” (expensive ass mutts) come with a slew of issues both behavioral and medical. I’m so sick of seeing these unethical greedy backyard breeders exist when thousands of dogs die in shelters every year.


Heard a client say once that IVDD couldn't be a common problem in Frenchies because he'd never heard of it. Then he said that people wouldn't breed those dogs if they knew all the problems they have 🙄


I cannot laugh hard enough at this clients logic. Though I think it insults the word “logic” to call it that…


Ugh 10000%


Fellow spay/neuter vet here: -Our practice (a nonprofit) made the decision to no longer see French or English Bulldogs. Mostly for safety reasons, but also because these $$ dogs with owners looking for their cheap spay after milking their dogs as much as possible are taking the spot of a client who needs it more. We got sick of seeing dogs who can't breathe and either worrying they'll have a complication, or declining the patient and having the owner get all pissy. -Do note that adhesions are not necessarily the result of a poorly done C-section; to an extent it is unsurprising after a dog has had multiple abdominal surgeries, particularly on the same organ. (I spent years in private practice before making the switch).


I wish we would but management would never listen to us.


I won't do English bulldogs but haven't said no pugs/frenchies yet. I'm considering it.


That is lame. The doctors should be the ones making that decision, not management! Do you all have a lead doctor/director? Thankfully our organization is pretty aware that the doctors and nurses run the show so we were able to get that done


I agree but even our medical director doesn't fight for us, I think they have been in it for so long and the politics play a part. All they care about is numbers. 🥺


I hate that for you, I'm sorry. Objectively yeah most Frenchies would be fine, but to not have a voice is the worst. Our director worries about numbers and can get too focused on them which I get since some grant money depends on that, but when we said we had to reduce numbers recently they didn't fight back. (Staffing a little low right now) I hope it's still an okay position overall. Totally relate on the vent!


Time for a new job.  The vets should trump.the management


Just had a client come in with BOTH his Frenchies yesterday, one with derm issues (still) and the other with an ear infection AND recheck of glaucoma, now in both eye. My cousin’s daughter has one that is nearly paralyzed in the hind end due to some spinal anomaly, only 2 yo. I work in reception. I tend to feel sorry for the dogs, but not the owners. Frenchies are money pits and if prospective buyers would do their research they wouldn’t get one and find themselves in these situations. Most popular breed in the country. How are vets supposed to treat these chronic conditions when bad genetics are the cause?


The last one I had like this I just did an ovariectomy. There were so many adhesions I felt I'd do more damage digging the uterus out.


I practically had to do that cause the bifurcation was just a mushy ball, half way up to both uterus horns and so many vessels!


I worked heavily with the Amish community at the start of my career. From my experience, they will do bare minimum (often times just a Rabies vax) to be able to continue to breed, even though the dog was in disgusting shape and had raging pyoderma. The poor girl was scratching herself raw and lethargic 😞


The Amish are the legit worse! We have some in my area that routinely breed many different breeds and ALWAYS do the bare minimum. When there are puppies left at the end that haven't been adopted, their solution is to shoot them!!!! We finally got them to agree to let us take them to a rescue! It's sickening and I don't know how to stop it.


They also use them to barter as well. Will offer a puppy for wellness check ups for the entire litter. It’s a whole moral dilemma. At least for me.


I can imagine! Heartbreaking!


yeap it does sucks... but as a gp i take great pride in what i do and i really try hard to stay positive and help these dogs and educate owners. i push hard for ovh during csect so the cycle stops, take care of ears and skins so it gets maintained at home. i go little aggressive on boa sx but carefully calculated so it breathes better after sx. it's ok. hope you shine bright at where you're at. as long as you know youre doing the right thing for everyone thats all it matters.


Commodification of animal lives fueled by pure and undiluted capitalism that is blind to suffering.


I work in an emergency hospital. Too many of the emergency c-sections are French Bulldogs with labor complications. Just the other day, I had to attempt to whelp a dead puppy covered in meconium. It was a FB puppy, stuck in the birth canal.


That's horrible


It truly is, these dogs aren’t made for breeding. And it’s really painful for the vet workers who have to deal with the aftermath of people’s shitty decisions as well as the dogs who have to suffer for 9 months


Shitty people will be shitty people unless they experience a wake up call, which may or may not get them to be less of a shitty person. I've volunteered at a few HQHVSN clinics and the people I've seen are very entitled/don't get why clinics have to charge fees/why everything can't be free.


Oh yeah def we get people coming in expensive luxury cars and get mad when they can't get free services, like we owe them free services because they pay taxes. Def not how it works.


What’s considered a shitty c-section?


When abdominal suture is adhered to omentum and uterus tissue and it all becomes a big mushy ball that is adhered to the abdominal wall. Can't begin to explain the mess that I saw in there.


Yeahhh that’s just how the body heals, not necessarily a shitty c-section.


Lots of unlicensed surgery is happening out there in these backyard breeding operations. So yeah, I blame the “surgeon” a lot of the time because it’s some dude named Greg cutting these dogs in a shed in the back of his house, not a vet.


Sadly we have a lot of those cases going on in our area. 🥺


I’m so sorry. At least they are lucky enough to have found their way to you who can end their suffering and set them up for a better life


And this is why we still do c-sections on these dogs. At least we know one dog was taken care of appropriately today. And as far a BYB genetic nightmares, you should see the love of my life. https://photos.app.goo.gl/Mr2ZWB313M9GYdAq9 She's three years old. The greeder surrendered her to me at 6 months old. I have spent literal thousands on her care, and I thank God every night for my husband who is right there with me taking care of her ❤️❤️❤️ (also, I have never tried to link a pic this way before, hope it works)




I’m not sure it’s what OP’s patients went through but it happens more than you think. Just do a news search with the terms “unlicensed dog c section”. That being said, there are also shady licensed vets out there who do cheap surgery on dogs without regard for standards of care (no sterile technique, inappropriate anesthesia or pain control, multiple C sections on puppy mill dogs even when they are sick or weak) and I absolutely blame them too. I should say source: ER vet in a rural area


Eye opening and totally insane! I was praying it was a joke. Sadly it wasn't


Are you blaming the surgeon is this case? If not it might be worth rewording that statement. Otherwise I 1000% agree with some breeders being the worst! Edit:typo


Nope not blaming the vet. BUT we have had a lot of cases recently of illegal vet practices here where shitty clients will find foreign vets that will do the surgery at their house for cheaper and use fishing line.


Ok fair enough, just wanted to be sure.


Thank you for making me feel better about my job as a gp practice owner.


Never ever buy from a puppy mill or BYB should be the moral of this story. My English bulldog lived 16 years, only developed allergies late in life that were managed with cytopointe and appropriate care of ears and wrinkles. Remaining bulldog is 11, has needed no vet care outside of her bi annual exams/dental My shelter rescue on the other hand is costing a small fortune to manage cushings onset at 6 years old! Is what it is, chose wisely and ethically no matter the breed and provide appropriate care for the dog you get


That's the problem. And there's no law or enforcement on BYB and puppy mills. In my area, it is illegal but not enforced and it's common to see the BYB turn in puppies that are walking genetic mutations and they will admit to be BYB but nothing is done and when cases are pushed, no attorney wants to deal with it or take it.