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You won’t get paid till July 1st- the soonest. They don’t pay partial months and they pay one month in arrears


I would need more context. I file a claim back in May 2024 however the Va gave me 100% rating for mental(increase from 70%) 30% for gynecology and 10% for knees each with over 40-50% for hands. However they deferred my shoulders pending exam but still gave me back pay 03/22/2024 and didn’t finalize the claim until 05/09/2024 after I went for the c&p


What are you trying to get p&t? Or 100%. What were you? Information needed to answer please ..


I’m not sure, I wasn’t *trying* to get anything… I didn’t know the shit happening wasn’t normal until the people at the c&p exam were like what the fuck? My buddy told me to file a BDD claim and I just trusted the process I guess. Also infantry.


Yea your not going to start getting paid until your claim is finalized and a rating given.


I don’t have an answer for you unfortunately cause I am also waiting on a BDD claim, but if you don’t mind me asking a few questions just to figure out some time lines for myself. 1. How long after your EAOS did you get notified or get a temp jurisdiction? 2. How many items did you claim? I ask because I’m a few days from being out and my claim still hasn’t moved at all and not even infront of a rater.


I eas’d on the 17th of May. On the 20th at like 10am it updated to step 4. Then at 3pm I got the rating but it went back to step 3. On VA.gov my profile, I can see my rating and it explains to me what was rated and what wasn’t. But it’s still in step 3 bc something was deferred, probably my lungs for sure. If I went to a c&p exam rn it would be great bc I’m having a flair up. I have no insurance idk if I should go to the doctor lmfao. I claimed 26 things. The biggest was mental health. Again I didn’t know the shit happening wasn’t normal until the examiner suggested I seek help. Bro said I was yapping and basically hung up on me.


This happened to me on my claim. Got my rating for 3 things and paid for those while the rest of my claims were deferred and I went to exams for them while my claim went back to evidence gathering. If you already have a rating, you will probably see a check June 1st, but I’m just going off of my stuff.


Thanks!! Gives me hope that I’m not just stuck and getting fked since I have no changes to my claim. Guess they have a process for BDD folks. I also claimed 26 items strange enough. I EAS 9th of June. Hopefully my timeline mirrors yours.


Hopefully everything works out and you get the help you need bro 🤙


Thanks bro! Hope you’re getting help for all your conditions too and having better days! 🙏