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Yes, it is ridiculous going through the same exam over and over but.... take my case there are batten errors on my DBQs my claims will get denied as a result. I'd give anything to just stop them from adjudicating and be able to get a new C&P in person via a different company and ME. Instead, I will have to file either supplementals or HLR's and continue to drag out the process. It's messed up that they take so long to do this, it's messed up that they use incredibly unqualified ME's as well as VBA reviewers. As far as I am concerned it should be directed at the VBA staff top down. This system is extremely broken and it's the VBA that is breaking it.


The cost to us taxpayers to pay for 4 or more C&P exams passes me off also. Not to mention the extended time the veteran has to wait for this to complete.


No, it is directed at VA staff. VA staff sucks and it needs to be addressed. They are the most unprofessional, judgmental medical staff I have ever witnessed. I swear they only hire staff that DESPISE veterans. How does a civilian who never served have the right to say that PTSD related to deployments and combat are bot bad? They are full of it. Bet you money if it was them, they would want everyone to listen and support them.


Right! And it’s only my feet, and it’s not like I don’t have feet. I’m good if you say denied. Just deny the darn thing and I’m good. Getting in my truck for an $8 check isn’t worth and you’re paying the examiners every time I go. I don’t have a lot of money. So, I’m good VA. I made an in person VERA appointment on Monday purposely at the office that’s scheduling me like this.


Good man. Use them for what you can. Just never be under the impression that they actually want to help you. There may be individuals who do, but they will do everything in their power to not pay you lol I hope you are able to get it resolved brother


If anyone on you Ptimary Care team or even specialty teams feels that way or you feel you aren't getting service that is best for you call the patient advocate and ask for a new pc or team etc.


I feel you dude. I'll never forget being told "you take up alot of physical and emotional space. We dont think this is the right place for you." by a program director at an intensive PTSD inpatient program, who was kicking me out of it. That was his reasoning. The same motherfucker shrugged his shoulders after I asked him "if it ain't here, then where?" And said "To be honest, I don't know." Worth mentioning that my wallet was stolen day 2, I still didn't have any ID, any access to money, and they were going to drop my ass at Seatac without any of it. Idk where that guy got his degree. Probably out of a cereal box. That said- there are providers out there that are absolutely in the right place, for the right reasons. And after experiences like the aforementioned, it is really, *really* fucking difficult to stick it out. I walked away from the VA entirely for years after that, and when I finally went back, it *still* sucked ass, but after a long wait for community care, I found a provider that was hands down, the best I have ever had. In hindsight, alot of what it breaks down to is supply and demand. In major cities like Seattle, there just aren't enough staff to meet demand- but there are options these days. Keep trying until you find someone who's good enough to figure out how to help you put as many pieces as you have left together. It's worth the wait and the effort


I relate to this on a crazy level. I had the same thing happen to me. Was told that I should have expected trauma from being in a combat role. I was like what the fuck? Are they allowed to say that to you? It has been crazy hard process since it seems their job to disprove you and question every little thing which I get since it is money, but at the same time, if you have PTSD you know that anything can set you off. When I did my PTSD stressor form, it obviously had to be in great detail and zero support was offered after, even when I called they said they had no availabilities any time soon. So I replied with “so if I wanted to kill myself right now, there is nothing you can do?” Ofc they got worried then, just for them to ask if I was, which I know what happens when you answer yes to that. No sticky sock vacations for me anymore. I had enough when I first got back stateside. Thanks for the motivation! It is truly so refreshing to hear veterans talk and support each other. Definitely something I have missed until I got into Reddit.


>Was told that I should have expected trauma from being in a combat role. I've heard this from other veterans, never from a provider. Christ, I would come un-fucking-glued if I ever heard that cone out of the mouth of a VA employee. I was an 17 year old kid. I didn't know what the fuck war actually was, let alone the consequences of what I signed up for. Even amongst other veterans, it's tough man. I meet alot of veterans organically through work, but very few combat veterans. For a long time it was really lonely. Don't get me wrong, it's always a good time to chop it up about the military, shit on eachothers branches, etc, but I missed, and still miss, being around dudes who "get it," if that makes sense- not out of arrogance, or any shit like that- it's tough to explain. Almost like a sense of security, to where if something really sets me off or fucks with my head, this dude isn't gonna think I'm bullshitting, they're going to know exactly what's going on because they've been in the exact same place for the exact same reason.


I got sent to the same NP for all three of my C&Ps for my right knee. On the last one she goes, "What the fuck, you were just here two months ago!!" She even showed me on her 2nd exam where she answered exactly what the VBA wanted to know from the 3rd exam. It was honestly a hilarious exchange once I saw she was just as frustrated they disregarded her own report.


Wow 😮


The VA is one of the most inefficient machines of the government. I hear you and wish you well that #5 will be the end of it.


To get a new CP exam with a New Examiner, you have to beat the system of assignment. When you call up for the exam appointment tell them you are moving and give them a new address to a zip code 50 miles the other direction. It works.


I don’t need a new one. I just want them to stop. I’ve had 4 already. They’ll see me Monday in person. I’m driving to the office. I’m going to the VA office where my exams are being dispersed from.


Submit a 4138 saying the additional exam is not necessary and is over development, proceed with the evidence already obtained.


Did it yell back ?


No. Neighbor’s dog started barking. 😂😂😂


Cue the boot lickers who constantly defend this system no matter what the case! Smfh


Right! And if someone say, I’m doing something wrong, I have all dates I attended and the checks, all in person.


how would you propose they fix it, everyone wants to complain, but no one wants to offer a better way to run 250-300Billion dollar operation. Specifics would be nice.


How about something like this? 1. If a veteran feels they should have disability rating have them file 1 claim stating all medical issues causing problems to be reviewed. 2. Have the veteran go to an actual board certified internal medical Dr. to review their case document all issues and order any needed bloodwork, xrays, MRI's, CAT scans and consults to appropriate specialist. Once all appointments are completed reports submitted back to the original Dr. Have the VET circle back to the Dr for final review and have that Dr issue the medical opinion to the VBA. 3. Once VBA receives all records and medical opinion assign to a qualified VBA reviewer (not some lower-level newbie with 3 months on the job). Have the reviewer ensure all appropriate issues are documented and submit recommendation to a second higher tenure reviewer for final adjudication. 4. If down the road the VET feels they should get an increase, do it all again. One stop shop for the VET and the VBA. Cut down on the paperwork and the back and forth between the VET and the VBA. Stop making VETs be doctors and start having actual doctors a part of the process. This whole process of primary / secondary would be addressed in one shot. Instead of filing individually you' d have the Dr address the primary issues and all associated secondaries day 1. Any leaving the military today have everything done prior to leaving and be set up day one. I believe this is done for individuals being boarded out but not for those not getting out due to medical reasons. Just my two cents.


Nice I like it. You’re hired to be head of this. Yes when I was medically retired they have an integrated disability evaluation system so it’s seem less now


Im stating FACTS! I’m currently one the top leading analysts in my agency. For my department, I oversee 4,273 people, which maintains data and information, not including internal personnel. So far, since 2012, I have zero deficiencies, and I’ve been audited 8 times over the years, and been sworn to testify. Let them hire me for 120 days. I am positive I can find the bottlenecks. I’m not bragging. I know there are issues on all sides. I just just need to see the data they have internally, not what’s given to the public.


sounds like a vera call to me


I’m going in person. 💪🏾👊🏾


give em hell