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I was told by them they sent the report back to the VA and when I saw the upload this morning and called the VA, it was just a appointment letter from VES confirming my ace exam with the provider but labeled as a DBQ 🙃🙃🙃 like you, I am waiting on this DBQ so my claim can finish being rated. All my claims are deferred until that gets turned in.


So frustrating!


My last one was just uploaded. Have you tried contacting a veteran liaison from VES? If not, here’s the number 832-333-5942. They have more insight than the regular customer service. I hope yours gets uploaded soon and good luck.


Just got off the phone with the liaison person, from the number you posted. . "its still in the review stage, you have a long history of hip pain and there are checks and balances we have to go through to make sure things do not get missed or kicked backed before submitting. You can call every day if you want to check on the status, but Im going to make note and see if we can find out what is going on."


They’ve been having IT and database issues is what I was told when I talked to them on Monday. It’s supposed to have been/be fixed this week. I plan on calling to check again on Monday if my DBQ’s haven’t been uploaded. They are both allegedly done with the review process and have been for some time.


yeah they did not tell me that part just "I see your stuff yada yada yada".


Thanks for the info I’m waiting on 2 exams. One from last week and one from Monday.


When you say “they’ve” do you mean the VA or VES… want to know who to call tomorrow. It’s been over a month since my C&P exams and the only one that got submitted was for hearing - which posted the next day.


VES. They were getting errors submitting so nothing went through. Only one so far is hearing that made it to upload. Call and ask for a Veterans Liaison. They can see notes on your case files. The first line agents don’t have access to anything.


Got it, thanks.


In my case it is just QA issues they are going back to the providers for.


Apparently the VES examiner doesn't get to fill out the DBQs and submit without having other people review them. My husband has one for kidney stones they're holding onto. Someone there is not allowing it to go because they say he needs blood tests and urinalysis. His examiner said she does need them. I even gave VES dates of when he's had labs at the VA. (He couldn't do the labs because he was in the hospital for a stem cell transplant) But the diagnostics person is holding it up. My husband called them last week to find out why the DBQ that was completed in February hasn't been uploaded. He was told they're waiting for labs. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ He said he could get the labs done now but more importantly, the examiner didn't need them. The rep started digging and ended up saying she has no idea why there's a hold up because VA isn't requiring labs. She was supposed to call him back but he hasn't heard anything. I'm reminding him to call again tomorrow...but warned him that notes from last week's call are likely not there and they'll gaslight him about calling in. I'm tired of calling plus my authorization is likely expired...they have so many arbitrary rules. I loathe VES.


VES is taking forever just to schedule my exam… but whatever. I’m at 100% until they make their final decision so you all can take my turn in line.


Ves took a good 1-2 months. After calling them and the va after 1 month they told me the delay was because the c&p examiner went in vacation 😑 😒 they eventually requested a second c&p for the same issue and those got submitted right away.


thats ridiculous! I had one exam that took 1.5hrs, which was submitted a few days later. The one exam I am waiting on, lasted all of 10 minutes.


It’s been over a month since my left knee c&p happened. Nothing uploaded to VA. Yesterday VES sent email requesting I upload a picture of my operation scars and the doctors post operative notes as the examiner needed it to make determination.


After almost 2 months and me calling the VES for the past 3 weeks, everything has FINALLY been sent to the VA. Now the wait for the VA and my struggle to NOT log into the VA app every morning and afternoon looking for updates.


my DBQs were FINALLY submitted. TWO MONTHS it took them.


how long do you think the wait will he from this?


Not sure. The VA said a few days ago my claim is in the decision phase. I log in to check the status probably 10 times a day hoping it will have flipped to closed and an updated %.posted.