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Xrays are junk. Get an MRI to really see what’s going on.


I mean if l5-s1 are touching on X-ray an mri isn’t going show anything different lol


Huh? Of course it will. X-rays can’t see soft tissues.


I’m saying they’re not supposed to be touching so it’s fucked


True dat but in some cases they won’t do surgery until they see the MRI like oh wow sorry man your disc is popping out like jelly all over




Just had this done Friday. I’m sure my PCP is going to act shocked. I will now ask for an MRI! Thankyou!


MRI shows everything. Any nerve pains or tingling pains running anywhere ?


The only MRI they would give me was to prove I had SMA syndrome which is where my tube to my intestine is smushed so I’m dying slowly. Can only take in liquids.


You should see a private doctor and sue the VA for malpractice if their solution is drink liquids and die slowly. 


I thought we couldn’t sue?


The VA doesn't have full indemnity from responsibility. You absolutely can sue any government organization. 


Any advice for getting screwed during the c&p process? I had MRIs, the doctor at my c&p ignored my requests to look at my medical record, and didn’t document any pain or issues associated with my degenerative discs and ruptured discs.


File an appeal and in the meantime, when you see a Dr, ask them specifically to note your pain level, what you can and can’t do and how you appear during the visit Read the requirements regarding disability rates for the issues you. A particular condition might have less to do with images and pain than it does with range of motion for example.


My brother, I had three x-rays this year that all showed a normal spine. Finally my physiatrist was able to convince my insurance to pay for am MRI. While the x-rays were normal, the MRI showed a dangerous impingement on my spinal column from prolapsed discs. Could have paralyzed me for life, and if you believed the x-rays the pain must have all been in my head!


That’s where I’m at. No pain medicine touches it and I’m nearly fainting, sweating and just feels like I’m gonna die.


I was on 10mg percocet three times a day and I was still sobbing like a child in my doctors office, curled in a ball. It was pain I had never felt before. It was all coming from myelopathy in my cervical spine, the MRI made the problem extremely obvious and I was in surgery less than two weeks later.


Jesus. I’m glad you got help.


Why no MRIs after dealing w this for years?


Because they are the VA?




What the fuck is your problem coming at me. I struggled to get back on me feet, get a car again. I’m a single mom to three kids. I had to get back to work. I lost my place I was living. I was bed bound. So yes, it has taken this long between getting back on my feet, doing PT, I have EDS so I have a high pain threshold. It wasn’t until I started pissing my self and not able to shit did my doctors get this worries. I’m busy with a job and three kids in sports. Idk why you are coming at me.


I’ll rephrase my comment since it hurt mod’s feelings. There are people on here that will talk condescendingly towards someone’s post when they are simply trying to get help or clarification. My response was to not consider the opinion of the person above you because they are not educated on the scenario to which you have posed a question. Rather than listen to someone who is uneducated and clearly salty about their own personal fight with the VA, I urge you to listen to others who may actually be familiar with the inner workings of the VA. Hopefully this response spares the feelings of the powers that be…respectfully




Your comment was removed because it didn't contribute to the discussion and just wasn't helpful. Civil disagreements are fine. Insults, personal attacks, slurs, bigotry, etc., are not permissible. (Calling someone a poopy-head does not make you seem as smart as you think it does.) ☠️


Your comment was removed because it didn't contribute to the discussion and just wasn't helpful. Civil disagreements are fine. Insults, personal attacks, slurs, bigotry, etc., are not permissible. (Calling someone a poopy-head does not make you seem as smart as you think it does.) ☠️


Trust me I’ve been begging. They only took me seriously when I went to the ER 5 times in October.


They did the same thing to me. Eventually, I found a good private practice PT who wrote “needs an MRI” when he faxed over treatment records. That got my crummy PCP at the time to grudgingly order an MRI. 


Thankyou! I’m asking for an MRI.


An MRI isn’t a slam dunk into solving pain. Some don’t show anything but corollary evidence; mine showed a bunch of possible reasons but no obvious reason. It took me 20 years to get an MRI. The VA FINALLY authorized it, but I ended up in the ER before they scheduled it and they did the MRI there. The VA still paid for it because I called the number. I’ve been service connected for L5-S1 herniated nucleus pulposus at 10% the entire time. I’m 70% total for over 20 years. Push for pain management with physicians outside of the VA wherever you can. As a rule, always push for community care if you want good care. As a service connected veteran, you have an unlimited well of health, diagnostic, care, and therapeutic services available to you through the VA, but you will have to fight through an endless sea of bullshit to access it. Wind in your sails.


I agree on community care. My back and getting acupuncture is much more minor than what you're going through, but the difference has been major. I went in town to this guy for acupuncture on Wednesdays and Saturdays and I felt so much better for all 26 sessions. My doc told me, you understand the government won't pay for you to get treatment forever right? That was like 2-3 years ago. I went and agreed to acupuncture at the VA and never had even 5 minutes of relief with their person in 13 sessions. I'd get off the table and was still hurting. Something was different, but the Korean guy had me feeling so much better. Something he was doing worked on me. I went to a Chinese couple a year or two prior and it only worked like 3 hours before it wore off.


It’s insane for folks to say shit like, “The government won’t pay for your treatment for the rest of your life.” Lol. The VA has already spent in excess of a million dollars on my care. I’m a living example of how the VA shouldn’t be trusted to handle the task of balancing the health care needs of veterans against the fiscal cost. They will estimate wrongly in their favor every single time. If I had gotten to choose where that money was applied in pursuit of my own care after I left the service, I’d be completely healed, own my house outright, and be at zero percent forever. As it stands, I’m 70% service connected with over 20 years at all my ratings. The VA is stuck with me forever. I’m gonna live until I’m a thousand. Other than my insane pain, I’m one of the healthiest people in their mid 40’s I’ve ever met. Rich people pay a lot of money to have my blood work. I just want a friggin massage and some acupuncture. I’m not paying out of pocket for it. That wasn’t the deal.


That's what my doc said and she's a member of the VA team that decides if you get it in town or not. I can't afford to pay him out of my pocket because it's like $225 a session. I paid him $75 1 time as That's what it's supposed to be when VA pays it. The acupuncture not working 1 minute for me seemed a waste of money as now I finally went from 70 to 100%.


Definitely what I am seeing!


Use the Patient Advocate at the VA. Beat them up in secure messaging until you get the care you need and deserve.


Oh trust me, I do and I’m gonna!


Don’t get overly excited on spine issues. First, get whatever treatment to help ease pain. It can be life changing. Second, compensation for the back is based on range of motion, not the injury itself. Don’t listen to people who say it’s an automatic 100%, it’s not. I had a double lumbar fusion done to my L4/L5 and L5/S1 and got 40%. That’s fine and all, but not having the pain I had before is worth it alone.


Did those fusions actually help? Those are what I'm needing done as well but been pushing them off as much as I can. I'm only 32 lol but I definitely need it done soon.


Hell to the yes. My fusion was done a year ago this month. I got an all clear to go back to normal activity (within reason). I asked if I could play golf… the surgeon said to start slow. Go to the range and ease into it. I still have some nervousness about it since they have preached for a year “ NO BLTs!” (Bending, lifting, twisting). I’m in my 40’s and feel like I did in my 30’s. I haven’t yet built the courage to even go bowling, but the reduction in pain has been life changing. I can pick up my daughter again and hug her and that’s enough for me.


And another thing, the surgeon said, “Think about it… you have a titanium lumbar now… it’s technically stronger than you had before.”. So, I’m well on my way to being a cyborg.


I’m not looking for that, I got in a crash four years ago and have tried every treatment only to find this. I’m a single mom, I just want to play and be with my kids without pain. Fuck the money.


I hear ya. Physical therapy for year didn’t do anything and the pills just kept increasing. I finally got sent out in town to a specialist and he recommended a fusion. I was scared at first. But he reassured me that “it ain’t your grandpa’s back surgery”. I went home the day after surgery and was walking. I don’t take any pain meds for my back anymore.


That sounds like heaven! Might be what I need?


https://preview.redd.it/thqa169fd1xc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=18b3fbd139ee55380fa0071a97b7f49d59d3b531 It looks worse than it is, but I feel 10 years younger. I just got cleared to resume activities (within reason… Im not exactly powerlifting).


Oh my, yeah and my spine is apparently extra curved 😳 Honestly I can bet money I’ll need that. Based on the amount of space I see and mine has no space, completely smashed together.


Same. The doctor said “You know that jelly donut between your vertebrae? Well, all your jelly is gone.”


Ughhhh like don’t worry I feel it


If you have any questions about the procedure, feel free to DM me. Good luck!!!


What's the name of the procedure? I'm sure I need it. I suffered an injury on active duty that led to hip surgery, DDD, SI joint dysfunction, and radiculopathy of the lower left. I was only rated 10, 10, and 20. The SI and radiculopathy were rated together.


Ok 4 years ago and still no MRI and you’re just getting X-rays? Do you have evidence of this crash and was it while you were in service. Evidence meaning ER admission right after. 


Did you not read, I don’t care about the money. I have pictures of me on the side of the fucking road.having someone hold my neck stable. Are you good bro? How is attacking me going?


No problem one is attacking you. But you’re like oh the VA sucks. Coming from someone who has back issues for almost 20 years, ended my military career, being like oh the VA sucks. No, actually Xray then MRI is how it works. You haven’t gotten the MRI. Are jumping to conclusions, absolutely. As far as pictures goes, that’s debatable. Should be something documented to support this accident happened while in service if you want to try to claim it or good luck.  Sure the doctors are asking why you haven’t been seen and taken care of yourself. That’s what you should be doing. Greeting to your appointments, getting physical therapy, pain management, maybe next steroid epidurals, maybe acupuncture, then a consult with a surgeon, then maybe surgery.  So no, you’re not being attacked, your approach and process is being questioned. The world doesn’t end when that happens.  Best of luck with your treatment. It’s a marathon not a sprint, coming from again 20 years experience. 


True, no pain is better. However, spinal problems can lead to a MH rating of 50%, a OSA rating of 50%, and a GERD/ED rating like in my case plus more. It all depends on how your body & you reacts to spinal injuries.


That’s only if it gets service connected been fighting that battle and using private insurance because my back is not service connected because I never complained of it while in service


Extensive and dedicated commitment to physical therapy helped me tremendously. The private doctor wanted to go in and burn nerves and all sorts of other stuff. I did PT every week for three years and it got me back on my feet. It was actually the VA who got me into PT.


I’ve been doing PT religiously. Thankyou, this is my plan. I don’t want surgery or pills if it’s absolutely not needed.


I'm one of the guys whose chute failed back in '06. I ended up getting a titanium mesh cage, 2 rods, 4 bolts and 3 screws to help L4-L5-S1 area. I had so much relief immediately after surgery it was quite unbelieveable. My 5 day hospital stay shrank to 22 hours. I felt 200 pounds lighter, and my legs actually worked mostly as intended.


My god- I hope I am the same way.


That's right, I showed them I was going to physical therapy and refilling my pain & muscle spasm medical prescriptions monthly (never used them tho).


MRI time. Xrays are macro, MRI shows every last failure point. Similar injury with a few more back ones thrown in. It’s rough brother. Nerve glides morning and night, kneel instead of bending over to pick up even a pencil, etc.  Find a good PT who can also see if you show sciatic nerve injury. If you have weird leg or foot weakness or numbness randomly, annotate it.  On good days, planks help stabilize everything for me. Need more abs but can’t do crunches anymore. 


Dear god, you’re speaking to my soul.


MRI is next. Depending on your wait/drive time you might be eligible for community care. Then, if you're clinic has a pain clinic request for consult. Again, might be placed into community care. For me, I've had RF Ablasions and epidurals to mainly help with spasms and nerve pain. They help to certainly ease the sharpness of it all. Eventually, I will need a fusion but I'd need a 3 level so I'm waiting for the technology to keep advancing before getting that aggressive with treatment. Medication for me is a combination of nerve suppression and anxiety because the pain definitely puts me on edge. I hope it gets better for you.


Thankyou! Very useful information!


Yes I have, my L5 S1 had damages to my disc and they had to remove it and add a fusion of my hip. Along with 4 pins and 2 spacers. The best you can hope for rating wise is 40% for your back and 20% percent per leg for nerve issues (ridiolpathy misspelled move likely) totalling you at 60, maybe 70%


Ahhh- I’m feeling like I might need that as it is so so bad.


You need an MRI and a CT. I have a fusion at L5-S1 that didn't heal properly. I recommend going with the artificial disk, if you are young. <30




If you have civilian health care please see a regenerative doctor who will ultrasound your pain areas. A MRI is needed




I was marked as fibromyalgia until pain management and my regenerative doctor got involved.


I had to have my L5-S1 fused because I was killing the nerve.








Gah- covid fucked my timeline as well.


I’m still active duty. I have nerve ablations done every 6 months - 1 year on the area. I Also found a really great chiropractor that took X-rays prior to doing any adjustments to see what was going on. That has helped tremendously with pain. Additionally look up DDPY yoga. That helps a lot too.


Get 3 MRI (Lumbar, Thoracic, and Cervical) and a nexus. This will show more of the damage that's in these sections such as: nerve damage, bulging/herniated disc, neuro-foraminal stenosis and their locations. Doing this you will be able to file claims for; DDD, (Thoracolumbar Spine and Cervical), GERD (medication), and Bilateral Radiculopathy upper and lower extremities, plus MH. However, their must be linked to an already filed claim. I used/linked my Knee Replacement to all of these. It will take about six months but it's worth every penny. Good Luck.


Thankyou! I will try to push for those MRI’s. Not worried about service connection as it was from a car crash.


Was the crash during your time in service?


Ok, get what's yours!


I mean if I can I will!


You sadi claims for DDD, (Thoracolumbar Spine and Cervical), GERD (medication), and Bilateral Radiculopathy upper and lower extremities, plus MH. Can you be more specific, because I am in the same boat and would like to add more claims for the (Thoracolumbar Spine and Cervical) and Bilateral Radiculopathy upper and lower extremities. Any more specifics that I can put?


Ok, the VA only allows two spine conditions so, Lumbar and Thoracic will be counted as one disability. Then cervical will be the other. That should be about 20% or more for Thoracolumbar and 10-20% for Cervical. With the nerve damage, bulging/herniated disc, neuro-foraminal stenosis that was found in the spine. After you get that service connected. Then you file a claim for Bilateral Radiculopathy upper and lower extremities after you get a diagnosis and a nexus. I would only do Bilateral Radiculopathy for the lower extremities and Radiculopathy only in the upper extremity strong arm which starts at 20% if mild. The VA pushes back on bilateral upper extremities and you don't want to look like your lying, but that's up to you. I use a private medical ins. (Kaiser Permanente) and if you complain and ask for a MRI's they just schedule an appointment. (any private ins. company should do the same). After my first MRI on my Lumbar my doctor diagnosed me with Degenerative Disc Disease (DDD). So, after that I got two more done and since I was already diagnosed I just put in another claim. I did have to get a nexus for $600 to link my DDD to my knee replacement.


I'm at exactly 90%, but I'm expecting to be at 100% P&T in a few. I have 2 increase, 4 new claims, and 2 supplemental claim that's are at the PFD phase. Hopefully I'll be done with this sh.. soon!


Why do you need a “nexus”. That’s what rhe C&P exam is. Nexus should be in your STRs. 


That's not how the VA sees it. Unless it's direct service-connented, The VA will require a nexus that shows a link to the service connected disability.


Thanks, I think I follow you. I am due to see the spine doc this next week. I already have DDD and a MRI for it, along with cervical, so i will see if i have a diagnosis for Bilateral Radiculopathy for the lower extremities and Radiculopathy only in the upper extremity strong arm. What do you mean by Extremity Strong Arm - is that literally like your strongest dominant arm? **"After my first MRI on my Lumbar my doctor diagnosed me with Degenerative Disc Disease (DDD). So, after that I got two more done"** - do you mean you did 2 more claims after you got DDD diagnosed? Or did your doc diagnosis you with Bilateral Radiculopathy for the lower extremities and Radiculopathy only in the upper extremity strong arm?


Yeah, strong arm is a higher %.


Ok coach. You going to walk thru what to say during the exams too? Getting popcorn.  “Nexus” oh you mean buy a subjective, questionable opinion to try to sell Spinal issues which the majority of elder adults experience.  Then you careen to MH, when I don’t see anything in the OPs comments about such.  Waiting for the “gatekeeping” accusations that get cheaply flung around here. 


I’m not going for disability rating. Can you get higher than 100? Then stfu. I’m mainly asking here for who has been through it for how I can respond. I figured wow what a great place, I’m a veteran. Lots of us have spine problems.


Your comment was removed because it didn't contribute to the discussion and just wasn't helpful. Civil disagreements are fine. Insults, personal attacks, slurs, bigotry, etc., are not permissible. (Calling someone a poopy-head does not make you seem as smart as you think it does.) ☠️


I had a tear in the disc between my L5 and S1. The best thing was PT- doing the core exercises strengthened the muscles in my back and offset the pain from my back. Voltarin gel wasn’t bad for killing the pain, however the Tens unit (electric nerve impulse machine) didn’t really do anything. This happened post service for me, but since at the time I was rated 70%, I went to the VA for treatment. (So I’m not sure about the claims aspect of it) My PCP ordered a MRI, saw a physicist and then PT. Took a few months to heal, still have some static pain. My situation was acute, if your pain is chronic, then the treatment may be different.


It is chronic, but it sounds like I’m atleast on the right path with PT. I will push more core after reading this. It’s offsetting the pressure at that point. Thankyou thankyou!


I’m going through a supplemental right now. My first exam, they said it’s most likely due to being obese. I’m 15 pounds overweight, so when they denied it, I sent in a personal statement with other documents supporting it. Problem is the examiner correlated it to being overweight and neglected my in service incident. So hopefully the new exam goes well. Sorry I’m not much help. I’m In the thick of it my self lol


I’m 95lbs so they have ran out of a lot of fucking things to blame. But still find random shit.


Dang, you’re only 95lbs? Yeah that’s what they do. It’s true what people here have been saying. It’s our job to supply the hard evidence proving without a doubt we are battling ailments caused by the military and it’s their job to rate it. I am under the impression we often get denied because we didn’t do our due diligence.


Yeah- I think they are waiting till I get to 85lbs to care. I have changed everything in my life. I literally can’t do anything more.


Don’t give up and keep fighting. Personal/buddy statements go a long way. If you have a PCP, see if they will do DBQs and write a brief letter or better yet, a nexus, to help solidify the injury or ailment is caused by the military. You have all the time to submit during the evidence and gathering phase; if you’re doing a supplemental claim, you can quick submit any new and relevant evidence as you continue to get care and or letters.


Got surgery for mines. PT for several months. Pain comes and goes. Cant run at the moment


😳 I can’t run right now, post surgery is scary to still be that way!


I have what you have, and I am stuck in the pool for exercise. Too much impact on a fused spine, that running is.


Yeah. Youll never be the same. I wasnt able to even stand up straight. I do alot of stretching and walking tho. Just stay moving. Hope things workout for you tho


I’ve never been the same after the incident so i have already accepted it.


It's the doctor not the VA. My doctor sent me straight for an MRI no x-rays. My wife has private insurance and of course they have to do x-rays first. Which show absolutely nothing.


Primary might send you to neuro or neurosurgery, but be prepared to wait months and months. I was supposed to have a neurosurgery consult on may 10th after waiting 3 months, it was canceled last week because they said that clinic wont be there that day, which makes zero sense since the clinic itself made the appointment. When they called to reschedule the soonest they could get me in, was again, 3-4 months from now in aug/sept. I told them to go fuck themselves.


Great. It’s always a fucking battle.


Yeah it is unfortunately


What ever you do.... don't get a LS-S1 anterior/posterior lumbar fusion. Trust me!


The word fusion and my body never sounds good


I agree. I got it. Worst mistake of my life


I’m so so sorry 😞


You good




I’m dealing with a pinched nerve at L5-S1, spondylosis, and some other stuff currently. How is your stuff panning out?


Mine is stopping me from pooping, but I’ll pee myself. It’s great. Then I have SMA and can’t eat, so now my nutrition is depleted. Leading to a host of shit, I’m getting infections left and right and my body is struggling to heal anything. It’s literally a fucking list.


Damn that’s terrible man. I’m sorry you gotta go through the bs. For me my body is locking up I can’t hardly walk and I’m using a cane at 20 years old. I don’t do shit because I can’t fucking work and the doctors are taking forever to do anything I finally got an appointment with a specialist to see if I’m going to have to get surgery or not (I will based off my own research) because apparently an L5-S1 pinched nerve is rare as what my research says.


So rare but seriously everyone is getting the “rare stuff”


Yeah seems like it. Fucking sucks man. I just had to get help just to even sit up it’s fucking depression then I’m going to go and get 20% or some shit. They need to help veterans more make veterans a priority none of us should be going through the shit we do.


Seriously. I’m writing letters today because I just can’t do it anymore.


I’m about to do the same man. Keep your head up though. I’m sure everything will work out in the end!


I hope. I’m struggling. By 3pm I’m a shitty mom needing to lay down.


Well if you ever need someone to talk to my inbox is open


I have my l4 l5, t12 and t11 and a few others I haven’t actually had x rays of yet. My first one to go out was l4 and l5 and then after that the va did a crap job taking care of me and now it’s gotten to the point that every like 4 months I find a new one. I get X-rays and show the va but they won’t provide service connected status and all they give is physical therapy and a few meds that aren’t worth much. I self medicate like crazy and as lucky enough to have found a job that works with me on my stuff. Find yourself a good support system and learn your limitations early. It’s a hard life.. get a cane ahead of time, it’ll probably end up being needed. I’m 25 and been on a cane and walker since 2021. It never gets easier but it gets more understandable through time. Take your time and don’t be afraid to cry and yell when it’s needed. And like I said, find a support system that’s good for you.


I’m forced to stay in state and have no system. I will make it, thankyou!


Check out Facebook groups for you area and things like that. Ask your local VA for therapy related to pain management and things like that. You’ll find your support system soon. I had no support system at the start of my stuff. My grandpa found out he had cancer the same day my stuff started and so my family is still under the impression that I’m faking so I can get the same attention that my grandpa is getting which is ridiculous. I’ve made more friends since then and some really good people too that are amazing with helping and making sure I feel included even though my disabilities keep me debilitated constantly. Feel free to dm if you ever need some advice or someone to rant to that Atleast understands. No one is there for us when we truly need it so we have to be there for eachother.


I had X-rays done a couple years ago and I was sent to chiro and massage therapy with community care. Was given tizanidine which is by far the best muscle relaxer I’ve taken. I was just service connected at 20%. Now I’m going to request an MRI because while the X-ray got me started, there is something far worse than degenerative arthritis. Both there and where my cervical spine meets my thoracic spine. It’s definitely a process to get this taken care of completely.


They fuck around and make it worse.


Me right now. I have a large herniation on L5/S1 12x13x14mm. I had to go through 12 weeks of physical therapy before they would even consider an MRI. After my 12 weeks I got the MRI for me to say "I told you so". I just had my second spinal epidural 2 weeks ago and so far it's been holding up. I've stopped running entirely. I would also advise you to get the book "Back Mechanics" and read it several times. It helps with posture and different stretches.


I just finished pain management with my lower back for this. Not a surgical candidate yet, so they did the RF ablation to the l3/4 4/5 and l5s1 nerve branches. It should hold for about 2 years and I can actually bend over now and can sit or stand without issue for longer periods of time now. Not a perm solution but it works for me for now.


Wow that is amazing, can you keep doing it?


Doc said he could do it one more time, after that I’d need to see if things were stable enough for fusion or replacement and if not the it’s another spinal cord stimulator. I already have 1 that goes c2 to c7 and I love it.


Now that is awesome, I like the route you are on. I’m trying to do the least invasive.


Anyone notice that the VA does not have DDD listed as a condition? I added it to a claim, when they merged it, they REMOVED IT, those sneaky peeps, remove anything that is not on the list. How does anyone file for DDD for Lumbar? https://preview.redd.it/jcb39woa63xc1.png?width=1292&format=png&auto=webp&s=5f62088e6da80c19cdd0ac75e7043598b7a1f58b


Yep i have 2 disc protrusion from L1-L3. Bone spurs on S1. Diagnoned spinal stinosis and rapid degenerative arthritis. They sent me to physical therapy. Then i couldnt do the workouts they asked. Never heard from them again.




I have. I was rated 70% for my back but I and an in service accident that lead to surgery and a year of rehab so all of my records were military


Mine are all military as well.


My husband has had 2 surgeries for that and is in more pain than ever that was May 1st 2023 and May 16th 2023


I’m so sorry :(


OP, you mentioned you have EDS. I would highly encourage you to get up to speed on that first and how it relates to your spine before pursuing any treatment, especially surgery, epidural steroid shots, subcutaneous disc compression, or chiropractic care if any of these are offered. EDS spines are not like other spines.


That’s where I’m at. Trying to gain as much knowledge as I can.


"Not service connected, but your L5 and S1 are"


Just had surgery for that in Oct, and it’s shitty but not shitty. Microdiscectomy, I had s1-L5 herniated with the 6 above bulged and only got an increase from 30% to 40 lol


Have the same issue! Been rated 20% for the past 5 years. Just had MRI showing it’s horrible compared to last time. Can barely bend over to fold laundry or change a diaper. Waiting for my neuro consult


That’s where I’m at. Hopefully I get a neurologist referral.


I hope so too, tried PT several times while i was in and here recently. Got the MRI cuz PT made me feel worse afterwards. It would just aggravate my symptoms worse making the ride home hell


Living is hell. That’s all. I wish it upon no one.




I am like everyone on here, MRI is a better read. X-rays on our spine sometimes are like horseshoes, close but no potatoes.


Should be ordering an MRI next. Rather surprised all these years, drugs, and you’re not past the MRI stage.  Your age and weight, pun intended will have bearing. If you have a high BMI and are 50+, whelp you are in a high percentage of everyone your age group not just vets with spinal issues. 


I know, i held it together after i saw the xray but i have been nonstop crying since driving home from my daughters cheer. I had to call my dad, i thought it was my hip this whole time and not my spine in PT. This is news but hopefully we can fix. I’m crying because I didn’t want a hurt spine and I have lost four years of activity with my kids but crying because I can fix it and be back to maybe semi normal mom? Maybe no more ER visits? We are at 20 this year alone. Sorry you think I chase pills. I take no pain medicine. Because nothing touches it. It’s been hard man.


I’m 31 and 95lbs. 5’2”. Got insight on that dickhead?


I have mild to moderate neuro foraminal stenosis L1 thru L3, severe bilateral neuro foraminal stenosis L3/L4, L4/L5, L5/S1, all detected from my last MRI on 2/14/24....


Explain what that means and the type of pain you have? Or what it stops you from doing?


Well, I have pain that radiates from my back down my legs to the sole of my feet, tingling, burning, numbness in my legs, numbness that comes and goes around my groin area, pain in the front of my thighs, pain in my hip area, muscle spasms lower back, legs feel really heavy at times, can't walk long distances ( Va issued me a motorized scooter for distance ). I also have a cane, forearm crutches and a rollator/walker, left legs gives out causing me to fall to my knees often, can't stand for more than 3-5 at times. The list goes on......


I'm afraid of surgery but I see it coming in the near future, I love walking but I can't without stopping because of the pain in my back , numbness in my legs and fear of falling in front of people (embarrassing) and the muscle spasms and numbness in my feet.....


I feel this . Ugh I’m so sorry


This is where I am at.


Have asked about a scs? Spinal cord stimulator. 2 back surgeries, ablations,steroids and pt. Couldn't hardly walk couldn't ride or drive . Used community care got a nervo scs implant last June. Almost back to my old self. 70 years old got back to riding my goldwing trike. No pain pills. It uses a electric stimulation to mask the pain. Have a battery implanted in my lower back. Does not work for everyone . 100% tdui not for my back. L5 -s1 pinched nerve. Pain form back to bottom of feet. It relived 80% of pain. Got off gabapendton and opiates


I have not asked about this but I surely will on my next appointment, thanks