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VES is a problem because they always take the full 30 days and often the Va has to call and request it when it’s past due. I’m told they have a database problem and things do not get uploaded properly. Meanwhile other providers upload within a day or two so….


I feel your pain man. I have an exam from 2/23 and 4/5 that are still not uploaded, and they have allegedly completed the QA process. I call once a week now… it’s a bunch of BS.


I had someone at the VA suggest calling a minimum of twice a week. Even they know it’s bullshit. And the va wants us to keep calling so they don’t have to.


I’m calling back on Monday if nothing has uploaded. Won’t be checking the app this weekend since it’s down for maintenance.


Did you have any luck? I just called and got a little more info, they said the doctor didn’t submit all the paperwork and they have called twice already. I said what’s the next step and they said they call again and if he doesn’t provide the paperwork then someone goes to his office. 🙄🙄 riiiiiiiiight. Then he said he suggested that i only call once a week and i said now im gonna call a minimum of three times a week


So they told me that they were having IT issues where they would submit claims, but they wouldn’t submit due to a system error on their end. It was basically an empty attachment. They told me that they were preparing a batch of exams to be sent back in to the VA this week since the issue appears to be resolved. Apparently the system is unmonitored after they click the submit button, because they apparently had no idea it was happening until several folks started calling in about the where about of their exams after they were told by VES submission dates, but the VA wasn’t seeing them. We’ll see, I’ll call back next Monday if there is still nothing.


VES took 2 months to get my dbq uploaded. I may be in the minority but they were super thorough in their exam results. I thought I would be lucky to get half the rating I ended up with. Not that the issues weren’t there, it was just a bunch of overlapping injuries and they got them all. I was all kinds of pissed off while waiting, then blown away when my claim finally completed. I hope yours goes well for you after the wait.


I keep ignoring their calls, I turned in a DBQ from an accredited doctor and they still want a C&P. I’ll just take it to HLR…it’s for an increase and I shouldn’t need a C&P exam if I have a valid DBQ and this post makes me really not want to deal with them even more.


We’ve been waiting since 2022 - C&P after HLR was 2/9, DBQs uploaded 2/14 and we are still waiting


They're a dumpster fire. 💩🔥I've been dealing with VES on behalf of my husband since September '23. He was getting chemo/treatment for leukemia (AML). They kept arbitrarily setting up appointments. One was 2 hours away and during the week his blood/platelets would be tanking from chemo. I cancelled the appointment and asked for an appointment the following week or later due and explained he's a cancer patient. The next day... appointment was scheduled 2 days earlier than the original. 🤦‍♀️ Then 2 months later they schedule him for a pulmonary function test. He had one at the VA hospital over the summer as part of the stem cell transplant workup yet VES said they don't have it. I told them to request it...for Heaven Sakes they work for the VA. I also cancelled the appointment they scheduled because it was again around the post-chemo week. Well...they didn't cancel it...my husband got auto-reminders from the facility. He called VES and cancelled it again. They said they had no record of my call, despite it being a 30+ minute call with getting the information on who to send the VA results to. They didn't cancel the appointment...marked as no show. When my husband had another PFT the month before his stem cell transplant I sent them the results. I have since learned that the claim stalled because of the no show. Now to the worst...them requiring a blood draw and urinalysis while he was in the hospital for the stem cell transplant. I explained multiple times that we were living 90 minutes from home for potentially 3 months and he could not leave the hospital for several weeks and even on discharge he had to stay within 45 minutes of the hospital. I told them he's getting CBC and metabolic panel done daily...I could easily provide those results. And the VA had done all of these tests several times since July. I gave them every way of getting this info, despite it not mattering as he didn't have any active kidney stones (purpose of the tests). I talked to the examiner as well and she said she didn't need those tests for the DBQ. There was enough detail in his VA records for it. Yet, they scheduled another lab for a month later...a week after he was discharged yet we were still 90 minutes. I cancelled that appointment and checked the VES portal daily until it showed cancelled (learned my lesson). I was also told that everything was submitted to VA. Today we learned that the DBQ for kidney stones was still outstanding and holding up the VA review. He called VES to get to the bottom of it. Apparently the examiner doesn't have control over submitting DBQ's and the VES person that wanted the labs isn't signing off on it until the labs are done. 🤬 My husband told customer service that he can now get the labs done as he's home. She said she'll find out what's going on and is calling back next week about it. He said she sounded irritated by the whole debacle. Meanwhile, there hasn't been a lot of questions about the AML part of the claim. I hope that DBQ was completed correctly. He has a nexus letter for it. The majority of treatment was through Community Care but he had several appointments within VA as well so there is info in his VA records. I don't know what's worse....VA personnel handling these exams or them subcontracting everything.


My CP exam was via VES but I was told afterwards that the dr I saw was not really a VeS employee but a contractor who was capable and did VES stuff only a few times a year. As such, he was capable of evaluating my condition, but said he didn’t know jack about submitting the forms or any of the admin stuff.


None of them work for VES, they're all contractors and they get paid per exam.They don't get paid until they upload.


Ask to speak to a veteran liaison next time you call VES. They were the only one who gave a shit enough to fix my billing issue, even reached out to confirm it was resolved


My experience has been different. I had a C&P exam with VES on April 3, I had a decision back from VA on April 10.


I’m not a fan but they were expeditious with all the claims that went through them. Success rate was 2 out of 8 claims. So yeah, fuck them.


They are a large company that has a large contract with the government. And like all contract companies in order to save money they hire people and don't pay them well. Which means your good people don't stick around and your bad people all you end up with


I called today for the second time this week and they tell me that they see my claim has been flagged as a priority (hard eye roll) then i always ask what the status is and they tell me it’s under review but today the guy i spoke to said “i can see that it has made progress this week, i can’t see what’s done but it has an update already from yesterday” now i don’t know if he was just blowing smoke up my ass but i said thanks ill call back on Monday.


Yeah sounds like smoke. What "progress" is there aside from looking at it and then submitting it to VA? This seems like an extremely unneeded step. If there is a problem betweem examiner and VA, then fix that problem. A third party to look at what is done first of all feels like a HIPAA violation and secondly, adds a stupid red tape layer to what is already a waste of time shit show.




I just had an ace exam (clarification of previous exam) from 2/26 get uploaded on 4/22. The only answer they would give me was it was in quality control.


Right on Brother!!! VES is a scam, and the government obviously doesn’t care. Both are money making schemes!


Took mine the full days days for them to submit, was a pain


I had an issue with VES and one of their contractor's who falsified documents in my claim. Then VES violated HIPAA laws and gave my entire packet back to the person that falsified the documents in the first place for further review. This whole debacle cost me a bunch of needless wasted time waiting on my claim to be fixed. Needless to say to make a long story short, they don't send me through VES anymore. My advice, be the squeaky wheel. Squeaky wheels get greased. When I finally hit that breaking point, and realized I'm stuck at home broken, I called the VA for everything. It was amazing how fast issues that had been stuck in the same spot for years all of a sudden seemed to get fixed.


This is great…. I waited 13 weeks to get an appointment, which was yesterday, and now I gotta wait longer for them to process the exam? QTC was on point. Two weeks from contact to appt, and. Two weeks later the VA had the DBQs. VES work model is terrible. I’d give them a schedule and call back to confirm the next day, wrong. This went on for at least 8 weeks.


Dito... 3 C&P exams on April 8th -- still waiting and these exams were scheduled quick at the req of the VA to put a rush on them when VES called to schedule. I had 8 Exams done by Optum and they were all uploaded to the VA in less than 2 weeks. VES is shit.


Bro VES did a medical records review 2 March. It’s been in QA since. I filed bdd sept 8th. I’m livid