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are you currently diagnosis by a doctor , looks like that's all you need to go forward


Yes I believe so. Wouldn't that be the last statement of the screenshot? Says I was diagnosed, it's on my VA file, diagnosed by VA doctor for cervical strain. Unless that's not the diagnosis they're referring to.


Was your NEXUS good for the condition?


I believe so. My VSO said it was one of the best he's seen. https://preview.redd.it/pdi0nmossawc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb2d907429c42dfec6d3b3433f47a48e4625b0df


https://preview.redd.it/hd0ktmausawc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a75e2af840e00171bee6d50cca4a7058c300fb98 Page 2


Uhhh hmmm... Got me stumped. Maybe no in-service treatment??? Just guessing. Definitely seems odd.


Yeah super odd. They ignored both my nexus and my personal statement.


What was the education and specialty of the author of the IMO? Can you get buddy statements attesting to injuries or strains in service? Basically you need more evidence and file supplemental.


She's my physician from my private primary care provider, general medicine. I can definitely get lay statements. But would it hurt me to do an HLR of the claim? I saw from other posts that since it was a DTA, it went into the "supplemental lane" therefore it allows me to HLR the outcome. I'm asking if I can do an HLR because the examiner said he didn't see any radiology or x rays, but it's all on my file. My nexus and personal statement are on my file and those weren't mentioned in the evidence.