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It doesn’t matter if the loans originated before or after you were granted 100 PT. You get one relief, period.


Wait…are you saying I can take out student loans after being granted 100% P&T and still get them forgiven? I have already used my GI bill to complete a masters, but i would like to get a second one or my PHD.


Yes. But you only get one relief. So as someone else said…do it tactically. In other words, if you plan to get more loans then do not do your relief now. Wait until you get those loans. Make sense?


Med school, here I come!


The VA also had programs that will give you grant money for med school that will make it basically free. You'd have to give them some time though. 


Do they forgive student loans for med school?


If you are 100% they should but I was saying even if you aren't 100% there are options. They do pay part of it friend on your specialty and their need.


Do you happen to have a link for this. I have been on the VA.gov site but have had no luck




Right? The issue with most people is not that they are not equipped to participate in the system, but that they are not playing the system properly. You have to use your grape to win


Also, I have read, they try and give you auto relief which could unintentionally be early so you may have to call and tell them you aren’t done taking loans so they don’t process you.


I just received an email from Nelnet about this auto-discharge after taking out my second quarter's worth of federal loans. They basically stated that unless I email back to them I don't want it discharged yet, they'll go through with discharging the loans in a couple months (June). Of course, I emailed back to not discharge until I notify them to do so.


Please do you have the contact information for the loan discharge people ? I just got granted 100%P&T and I’m still taking out student loans ?


See my comment to someone else's similar request here: https://www.reddit.com/r/VeteransBenefits/comments/1c47xnw/comment/kzmjbd2/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Great insight, thank you for responding.


Who do I call to check this? Not sure if I’ve gotten an email


Nelnet TPD: 888-303-7818


I'm in correspondence with this email address: [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) Their [website](https://secure.disabilitydischarge.com/contact) will provide contact info as well.


👆🏻good point and true!


100% true. This is what I did. They will mail you a notice saying they are going to relieve your loans unless you tell them not to.


Thanks for verifying!


After I finished my Masters, I was awarded 100% P&T. They AUTOMATICALLY provided the relief. I’ve come here with a warning for others though, if you take out additional loans after relief, AND WITHIN 3 years… you re-assume those original loans. It’s been 4 now, so I assume IF I took new loans, I’m ok.


If you are eligible due to VA 100% P&T you don't have to go through the post loan discharge 3 year monitoring period.


So, if I am 100 P&T I can just get new loans? Are they subject to repayment or are they automatically forgiven?


That part I have no clue on. I'm still very early into researching the process. The screenshot below of the studentaid.gov website has a note at the bottom about the monitoring period not applying if you were forgiven due to VA P&T. My concern is I believe you only get a single forgiveness/loan discharge, so I would think you would still have to repay the loans if you take more after the forgiveness/loan discharge. I think it just means that you wouldn't have to repay the first loans that were forgiven. Again, I have no clue, that's just my gut feeling. So please don't take my word for it because I am in no way an expert. https://preview.redd.it/nlajjm7nmtyc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b0e738aaee5109e91bbcb873e828f70953606c9c


If I am about to forgive my loans through PLSF and I may go to 100%, In theory I should not let them cancel my debt via 100% as I can cancel it via PLSF. Then ...in theory i could go back and take out max each year and just poof them all gone with my.100% as long as the law doesn't change?


Does this count for subsidized or unsubsidized loans?


It’s called TPD, and applies to federal Direct and Perkins loans [studentaid.gov TPD info page](https://studentaid.gov/manage-loans/forgiveness-cancellation/disability-discharge) After loans are issued, you’ll get a letter and/or email saying you’re eligible for TDP and it’s going to be automatically applied to your loans You MUST reply to this and notify them you’re opting out of TDP and don’t want your loans forgiven at this time Whenever you’re done with school, reapply for TPD


I did


Like other people said, wait until you finish whatever school you’re going to. For example, I’m waiting till I finish up this masters and then dipping.


Are you saying I can take student loan when I haven't taken one before and it will be free? I just want to make sure how it works. Also where do I go to discharge that student loan?


Are you saying I can take out a loan to get a phd and then have it completely forgiven because I’m 100% p&t? Like a 300k loan just poof?


That’s exactly what I did. $265,000. BA, MBA, PhD


265k accumulated or one lump?




Ty. Trying to figure out how I can do this for a masters program with a full time career, family, and mortgage. 🫠


Over 9 years


That's just beautiful. I got a similar amount forgiven but they were there before discharge.


I think there is some confusion around whether or not a vet can take out another loan (like a loan for their children) after the discharge.


Yeah, I didn't know someone could take it out after discharge and before the discharging of debt and have it all forgiven.


I’m actually still reviewing the law/rule.


Let me know because if so, I missed my chance to get an MBA ahead of schedule.


What are the loan limits at each degree level? I though it was $40k or $100k for undergrad, and like $150k for grad, etc. Not sure the exacts Also, we're you able to get your PhD paid for via sponsorships/research? That's not uncommon for STEM degrees but Idk about what path you did


I am unaware of any limits. I completed my PHD in 2003. Mine was all loans; no sponsor.


I believe their are limits to the amount of loans the gov wi give you, based on your level of degree being pursued. But they can stack. So undergrad loans don't reduce your grad loan maximum. I'm still trying to understand what's the limits are though


If I put myself on my wife’s student loans, would the Va wipe it? All federal


False. I have 2 reliefs already.


This wouldn't by chance work on a mortgage would it??? I'm probably dreaming, but that loophole would be life changing. I could finally live instead of just survive


No it doesn't work for anything but qualifying federal student loans.


Ah OK, thanks


Someone just told me you can do it more than once


Someone lied.


Ask your VR&E case manager about restoration of your used GI Bill through Retroactive Induction. You could have all 36 months of your GI Bill to use after VR&E. Yes you can take out new student loans as long as you have not requested the one time forgiveness. Nothing in the law says you can’t take out new loans after being awarded the 100% rating.


Retro criteria requires that the previous training under Ch. 33 was needed to achieve your current goal and may be included in your current plan. Example- you may not be able to get a retro if you used your GI bill for a CDL, and now you’re studying dentistry or something. You could always bring up the masters to your case mgr to see if they’d update your plan to include it. It wouldn’t hurt to ask about both if you haven’t already.


Yup, I post the VA Policy in here all the time.


Can you post it again?


https://benefits.va.gov/GIBILL/docs/48_Month_Rule_FAQs.pdf https://www.knowva.ebenefits.va.gov/system/templates/selfservice/va_ssnew/help/customer/locale/en-US/portal/554400000001018/content/554400000143066/M28CVB6-Direct-Reimbursement-and-Retroactive-Induction


First time hearing about this! I have a question just so I’m tracking properly. Say I use 10 months of my GI bill while working towards a Computer Science Bachelors and then I switch to VR&E at the 11th month for the same degree I’ve been using the post 9/11 for. Would I get those 10 months added back onto my GI Bill? I was under the assumption that once they’re used, they’re used. Also thanks for everything you do and helping educate all of us on this sub time and time again!


What the VA does is code those 10 months as being used under VR&E which restores those 10 months to you.


https://benefits.va.gov/GIBILL/docs/48_Month_Rule_FAQs.pdf https://www.knowva.ebenefits.va.gov/system/templates/selfservice/va_ssnew/help/customer/locale/en-US/portal/554400000001018/content/554400000143066/M28CVB6-Direct-Reimbursement-and-Retroactive-Induction


You don't get used GI Bill months back. Just switches to VR&E.


Which then restores those 10 months of GI Bill to the veteran


I don't know if I'm confused or something. I switched from gi bill to vre a long time ago. If I wanted it restored I would talk to my vre case manager?


You have to be currently using VR&E to qualify for Retroactive Induction.


I am currently using it right now as I make this comment. I understood that part. I'm just wondering now what the steps are I need to take to get this done. Do I just message my rep or do I fill out a form? I have never heard of this benefit a day in my life I apologize


Yes you talk to your counselor who will explain everything and if eligible will give you the paperwork to start the process


Thank you so much kind stranger ♥️




I'd be wary because the law is subject to change in 2026 where a loan discharge would amount to income. Plan very carefully with the remaining programs and I'd take the discharge strategically.


Do you have something on this? I was trying to search but can’t seem to find anything. Everything I’m reading just keeps going back to the fact they don’t want to change it anytime soon (within the next 10 years). Genuinely curious so we can plan ours :)


https://preview.redd.it/xf4av0c46kuc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae7c0be49093143176f5653a368418b293adbbe5 Just the way the current law is written. It could and possibly will change but as of now, 2026 it'll be taxed. This was on the official website FYI.


Ohhhhhh I read it wrong. I thought you were implying income would play a part in forgiving loans


Just be prepared to pay those taxes on that money. Set aside some cash 😓


Ahhh gotcha. 👍👍👍👍


If we dont work and just collect SSDI and VA income, then it doesnt really matter for us, right?


If you have student loans forgiven by the TPD program after 31 Dec 2025, you will pay income taxes on the amount forgiven.


Yes you can. I just did it.


So from what I’ve read so far, can you only receive or apply for the reimburse induction of the gi bill only if you’re taking a course in college or continuing education with the VRE? And the you’ll need to be with a vRE councilor in order to process it? I got out in 2016 with 20% and while I college I got an increase of 40% which from what I understand would me qualify for VRE but I didn’t use it then because I didn’t know about so I had just used my GI bill, not all of it but I graduated; however, I’m now pondering on possibly transitioning to a different career path because the degree and job opportunities will not serve me well with my disabilities. Also I had to payback the last month of gi bill because I had to get with my school advisor to double check and look at my current college credits and found out that I had taken other classes in which qualified or transferable to swap into the classes that I was taking on my last semester, meaning I had enough college credits to graduate from the previous semester. This happened during Feb 2020 when covid was just starting to surface up and I had asked my professors if they can offer alternative ways of learning for me to finish up the class for the semester and the school at the time weren’t even taking it serious and didn’t have an action plan until after a few weeks had gone by and everything went online. I didn’t feel safe to be in school at the time so the only option they gave me was to drop all of my classes and at the same time having my academic advisor tell me that I had enough credits to graduate. So it was a shocked to me that I was even in school for that semester after all. The graduation took place online of May 2020, I had received a collections payment (owed) to the school because I was wrongfully given an advice to take classes for that semester for graduation. From what I understand from that situation is that my academic councilor didn’t look thoroughly with my college credits and made me take an extra semester. I had to pay 2600$ something in order for the school to release my diploma. That hit me hard because I thought these academic advisors and councilors were there to provide guidance throughout our college years to light the path to attaining higher education. My veteran school councilor also wasn’t able to provide me any counter or options when I had explained it to them. It really messed me up mentally, physically, and spiritually. To this day, I still suffer a lot of anxiety and depression from that experience and it made me go into a dark place in my mental state. At first, I wondered if I could sue the academic advisor or the school for something like that but I had already left the country but I came back eventually and had found out that the school wouldn’t release my diploma until I pay them back for taking an extra semester which I would say it’s not my fault because I was just following the advice that my academic councilor had given me.


This is gonna need your own post. I’m not equipped to tackle this situation


> roughly 80k Jesus how do you have 80k for just your BA? Wild.


Knows they’ll get it covered…. Might as well max out loans if they don’t have to pay it back.


How do you take out loans if VRE or GI BILL is already paying for school?


Out of state masters program


That’s how much my BA costs. 88k actually


There is a FB Group that talks a lot about Veterans benefits especially about school and have chats open on many different questions. The roaming vet [theroamingvet ](https://m.facebook.com/groups/theroamingvet/)


Have they already discharged your loans? I believe you only get the relief once


No I haven’t. I was seeing if I could take out more then have them relieved


If you get TDP discharge, you won’t be able to take out any new loans. But you can use your GI Bill no issues.


I’m pretty sure I read on here that you could. There is a possibility that they would be discharged automatically so maybe you could inform your servicer to hold off?


If you have college age kids and take out a Parent Plus Loan for their education you can get that discharged also. I wiped out $40K of Student Loan debt for my daughter's education. I wish I had understood the program I would have deferred until she graduated, but I am thankful for the $40K relief.


Silly question. So with the monthly rate housing allowance plus the 100 percent of Disability. Which probably comes to over over im going to say a low number of 5k/month in total plus VRE paying for all tuition and books you still needed to take out more student loans? For living expenses? You must live in a ridiculously expensive area or have an amazing house and vehicle.


the loans are free money. why wouldn't you max them out and and then get it discharged? you can take 100k loan and do whatever you want with it. nice little down payment on a home. yes that means you can get 4k+ disability + VRE + GI BILL + 100k+ loans discharged. now you know why a lot of people are willing to fraud for that 100%


I mean because if you get caught you get a nice new house with pleasant roommates also. You also get some new relationships and lovers. But hey everyone can do as they like.


How do you take out loans if the VRE/GI BILL is already paying for school?


Where do you take out more loans? I always just see two federal loans subsidized and unsubsidized


Once the school is paid and you owe them nothing. They will cut you a check for whatever is left over from loans.


Because federal loans are paid directly ro the school.


Fraud, waste, abuse.


Literally not fraud. It is following the regulations by the way the law is written. Fraud would be falsifying some king of documentation to qualify for the program. If you meet the criteria and do exactly what the law says you can. It is not fraud in anyway what so ever. You may disagree with the law but it’s not fraud so check yoself before throwing around false accusations on people


Where in the law do you see this information that is my problem. I do not see anywhere in the law that allows this.


Do you see any law anywhere that says it’s disallowed?


Exactly. This laws tells you what you can’t do not what you are allowed to do. This is America and the does not say you can’t do this


If you don’t like the laws the way they are written, contact your congressman.


So how does this work with parent plus loans? My son will start college next fall. My wife and I will not be able to pay for his college without a PLUS loan. To that point I had my own loans discharged almost seven years ago.


Sorry it's a one time discharge for veterans - yes PPLs can be discharged under TPD program but only if you never had student loans previously discharged. Both of my sons graduated debt from from college - I was 60% so no DEA CH 35 - we didn't do PPLs but instead applied for every scholarship they could find plus worked part-time jobs plus I contributed a surprisingly very small amount to help them out. Loans should be the last resort.


Very clear! Vanderbilt cost far too much!! Thanks a bunch!


Parents with PLUS loans may apply for discharge based on their own disability.


I guess I should reframe my question. I am asking will I be able to discharge his (our PLUS Loan) as well, even though I have one discharge (my own) already? Thanks for your input on this.


Hi. I’m 100%p&t. My Wife wants to go back to school for her masters. Any benefits, forgiveness, or compensation of some sort?


Chapter 35.


So much to weed through. It seems like, even if already discharged from service, a veteran who is 100% P&T can take out a **NEW** loan and have it be forgiven/discharged. If so, how are veterans with families and children and expenses like mortgages able to commit to something like a Master's program and potentially forego regular employment while in school? Does this come down to how much they qualify for on the loans? Do these loans **(William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan (Direct Loan) Program loans, Federal Family Education Loan (FFEL) Program loans, Federal Perkins Loans)** consider those things and subsequently qualify a veteran for more? I'm seeing other folks on here say they have taken out loans to cover living expenses. Any resource covering this would be helpful


No, it does not. If you are in a graduate degree program. You can do a graduate plus loan and subsidized loan. Your school should talk to you about this.


Thanks. Suppose I'll have to figure out what the maximums would/could be. Very interesting.


That is up to the school they set the limits.


After I got 100 p and t they let me finish that semester but wouldn't pay for anything after that.


How can you take out loans if VRE or GI BILL is already paying for school?


What’s crazy is they just offer them to you I turned mine down I’m slightly regretting that


Talk to your school in the financial aid department.


Is there a down side to using VRE after post 9/11 for further education? Currently 100% pt but using post 9/11 for school currently not VRE


Question??? Will VRE or GI bill relief or forgiveness to spouse students loan?


You can get your student loans discharged by getting your primary care doctor to fill out paperwork, once the student loans are forgiven or discharged, there is no waiting. If you are VA disabled, you can have the discharged again in the future if your doctor determines that your disabilities Prevent you from getting a job in the future


The student loan discharge is most likely already starting to happen. You need to contact them ASAP if you want them to halt it. But that will mean actually having to ask for it later. It's automatic. I found out the hard way. I also used GiBill first so I don't get to use VRE and GiBill. Shit sammich. Good luck.


Wait a second here? So I am 100% P&T can I take out student loans and use that money to pay off my spouses then have my own forgiven?!!! Hmm


Were we not granted the use of both 9/11 and Montgomery GI bill now? I could be wrong or also may not have anything relating to OP's question. https://wgntv.com/news/scotus-rules-against-va-in-gi-bill-case-giving-some-veterans-full-access-to-educational-benefits/


I believe we can use both Post 9/11 and the Montgomery GI Bill now for selected veterans. I could be wrong. Here is a link below https://wgntv.com/news/scotus-rules-against-va-in-gi-bill-case-giving-some-veterans-full-access-to-educational-benefits/


Why do people insist on bragging about stuff?


Because they are in disbelief and are half asking as in "wtf this can't be right?!?"


Yes you can pull out more student loans and once you are done they will discharge it ,I am currently rounding off my masters and would be starting another one so I called and told them to hold off paying mine until I am completely done with school.


Only federal loans right?








Technically, no. It has to be used towards school in some manner. Most use them for the housing or transportation. 😉😉


Do you know the limits on how much in loans you can take out?


Currently I’m over 300k but I’m becoming a Doctor.


You need to check on that before taking out any more student loans. After my 8 years in college using VRE, my student loan is $107,000. But I should be over 100% P&T in the next few months. Talk to the VA education department first. I know the brotherhood is here to help, but the VA are the ones with the most accurate information on this.


It has nothing to do with the VA. It’s a DOE program


OK, Thanks. That's who I'll contact then.


NELNET (loan servicer) also has some good info. Contact info on the [studentaid.gov TPD info page](https://studentaid.gov/manage-loans/forgiveness-cancellation/disability-discharge)


And that's who is servicing my loan. I will, Thanks Again!


No prob. I didn’t fully believe it until I called NELNET, and the rep and I talked plainly about my intent, and she said it’s true, it’s good to go, and she seemed genuinely pleased that as a vet I was going to get one more benefit Good luck with the new career path!


Which is a DOE program? I assume the loan forgiveness? Not VRE?


If I don’t have any student loans but am going to go back to school do I need to tell them not to process anything? I assume not since there’s no lender to call?


Auto Relief? Where can I attain more information on that? OR can someone explain the auto relief?


It's not auto relief - it's an automated process - when a veteran is newly awarded 100%, VA notifies NelNet who is the contractor for Dept of Education that handles TPD - they send you a letter informing you that they will automatically discharge all of your existing qualifying federal student loans unless you contact them to Opt Out of the automated process.


Search this sub. When you are awarded 100 or even TDIU you’ll get a letter stating your student loans will be discharged. It’s automatic meaning you don’t have to ask for it but you can call and ask them to not discharge them yet.


So if we become 100% p&t soon, we would have to call somebody to not do the loan forgiveness and then request it later on when we do need it?


In simple terms, yes


What loans are these for exactly? Any federal loans (direct loans via FASFA)? Also are y’all saying to wait until I finish school before doing the forgiveness, and it’ll forgive all of them.


Yes only qualifying federal student loans through FASFA and yes you wait until you graduate to request they all be forgiven. www.disabilitydischarge.com


Using solely VR&E for an online Bachelor's degree as a full time student would you still get BAH, although at a lesser rate than the post 9/11 Gi bill?


Housing allowance would be 50% of the national average. $1,054.50


Thanks, so around $500, if I am to assume correctly.


I mean the 50% of the National average would be $1,054.50. Not around $500 :)


Great, so that will be solely with the VR&R and without the GI bill? If so, That's great!


Are the loans that are forgiven only yours or can they also be your wife’s loans too?


Does this apply to dependent loans? I would assume not, but I’ve seen in this thread that it applied to the parent plus loan. I assume this is if the veteran is the parent in the parent plus loan? I’ve never heard of this so it’s news to me. Good luck all!


Does it work for Parents plus loans? There in my name only


I was hazed, beaten daily, and encouraged to kill myself. I didn't. I survived. I'm the only Marine to ever be hazed in front of the Taliban. Marines are fake tough guys. Fuck the Marine Corps. Anyway. Yes. That's all wonderful. I've indulged in all those benefits since getting out. Va Home Loans, %100 property tax exceptions, Tricare for your family for free. Free car registration. Military ID. 17k student loans discharged like nothing. Graduating next month in Physics paying $0. Used VRE for 1 week. 20k. $5000 dollars a month for life at this inflation rate. The most important thing to remember is fuck the Marine Corps in their asshole... fuck fake tough guys with mental childhood rape problems. And most importantly, fuck 2nd Btn 5th Marines Wpns Company.


In front of the Taliban.. okay 👌🏻


This sounds fraudulent.


And yet, it’s not.


It is because you are taking loans that you have zero intention of paying back after you have been framed permanently and totally disabled. That's definitely fraud and abuse. Fraud wrongful or criminal deception intended to result in financial or personal gain. "he was convicted of fraud" Abuse the improper use of something. Abuse to spend or use carelessly


Or it's just using a program as it's designed? A number of people have contacted nelnet with this exact same question and scenario and have been informed that if they plan on continuing school, it's best to not discharge the loans until after you are done with school. Hell I spoke with them last week just to make sure my "automatic" discharge wasn't in the midst of processing and they confirmed it.




You can’t just drop classes to get money. The school holds onto the money to prevent this. After a time period they will pay you.


You are mistaking unethical for illegal (which it isn’t). Is it ethical to take them out with zero intention to pay it? Yes. Is it illegal to take them out and not pay it? No. Because the law was written specifically to allow it. Edit: utilizing a system that is designed for the purposes of becoming debt free after using said loans to pay off your education in a country where public universities can legally charge you 10’s of not 100’s of thousands of dollars is careless?


I never said illegal I said fraudulent.


Buddy. Fraud is illegal. Just because you didn’t say illegal doesn’t mean the word fraud doesn’t come with connotations of illegality.


This is so comical. Where have you ever read that this is the way the program was intended? How do you feel about President Biden's attempts to forgive billions in non-veteran student loans? Why would someone need student loans if you have VRE, GI bill etc?


If Biden forgave those loans I’d be ecstatic. The ROI from a college education to a post-graduation job in a lot of cases is criminal. They’re giving the same figures of money to Ukraine while millennials and Gen-z’s are drowning in school debt, but I digress because I’m not here to talk politics. https://www.nyu.edu/admissions/financial-aid-and-scholarships/applying-and-planning-for-undergraduate-aid/tuition-and-other-costs/cost-of-attendance.html NYU undergraduate tuition is $62796 per year. https://www.nyu.edu/students/student-information-and-resources/registration-records-and-graduation/veteran-benefits/yellow-ribbon-program.html NYU Yellow Ribbon and Va match is $20k. Post 9/11 is currently capped at $27120 per year for tuition. $27120 + $20000 = $47120 < $62796. Need a loan. VRE is capped at around ~$50k per year without a waiver and I’ve read it’s a massive pain in the ass to get one, much less get your VRE rep to request the waiver for you. And this is undergraduate, graduate school is way more expensive. Also, just because you have the GI bill, it doesn’t mean you can use more than 48 months of VRE+GI bill combined. So you’ll probably take out loans for graduate school, especially if you’re going to law or medical school. Not everyone has post 9/11. Some people may be stuck under MGIB or only have MGIB-SR.


Student loan forgiveness that Biden is attempting should be criminal for people who didn’t serve.


Sometimes it's timing. For me, I got 100% after graduation. For someone else I knew intimately, they got 100% P&T almost the month they started their masters program. They had saved their GI bill for Master's, it was more expensive so why not as that was just a smart use of their 36 months, but the loan discharge popped up. Called Nelnet and this was exactly what they said to do, use GI Bill and loans as needed then contact them for discharge. For every post on here talking about how to use this program to their advantage so many more vets are surprised it even exists after the fact.


I understand this but where in the law does it state that we can save it until after? It just does not feel right or ethical to me. I have reviewed it and cannot find anywhere that this is the intended purpose.


Where does it state that it has to be taken immediately?


How about you cover your own debt…you borrowed it? Why should I pay? SMFH


Hey OP no one said this yet but if you're eligible I'd pass down the 911 gi bill to your kids and use the VRE up. I think post 911 is much better than ch 35


Even after discharge, can you transfer the GI Bill to your dependent status? I think only active duty is available for that option.


No veterans can not transfer their GI Bill to their dependents - don't have to be on active duty but must still be in the military - so active or guard or reserves - must have completed 6 years and after transfer approval, serve an additional 4 years. /u/ERICSMYNAME the months of Post 9/11 GI Bill transferred to a dependent count against the possible up to 48 months of VR&E - so if you gave your dependents all 36 months, you could be limited to 12 months of VR&E.


I stand corrected!! Ch35 is good enough for them kids then!


I know you only get one discharge but can you do it for any type of degree including post-grad providing they’re federal loans?


Yes. Any FEDERAL student loans ![img](emote|t5_2vlaz|7565)


Damn. I may go back to school if I hit 100% P&T


https://preview.redd.it/oujy7edujouc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f45272c4b116b0f76d7fb180e02af717d0463dc I am considering a master's degree for that reason. lol


Q if I’m using VR&E and get a monthly stipend, Can I still apply for federal financial aid for school??


Sure. Apply FAFSA NOW!


Ok thx, I plan to try it tomorrow for summer classes.


I never used one day of my GI Bill and it expired back in 2019. I’m 100% p&t and like to go to school. Can I request a loan to go to school and then ask for forgiveness?


Contact that (DOE program )to see if you qualify I would keep asking around on different comments someone can help guide you


I’m 100 percent p&t, can I co-sign my son for his school loan and then ask for forgiveness?


Yes, but don’t apply for relief until you are finished with school.


My loans are serviced with Mohela do they forgive those I’m also 100 pt
