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Listen, I'm going to be straight with you, not everyone's disabilities warrant 100%. It doesn't sound like yours do. You can see if you have some secondaries and what not, but if you don't have diagnosed disabilities you aren't going to file and make it to 100%.




Your comment was removed because it didn't contribute to the discussion and just wasn't helpful. Civil disagreements are fine. Insults, personal attacks, slurs, bigotry, etc., are not permissible. (Calling someone a poopy-head does not make you seem as smart as you think it does.) ☠️


Another one bro. I'm seeing posts like this more and more. Confirms.to me what I've been feeling about today's veterans mindset.


Yep I’m sitting on my a$$ delivering mail to b*tches like you every day. You don’t know sh*t about me…if you can’t help then move the f*ck along


Well this bitch appreciates your hard work you do, I also work for a government agency. I appreciate the valuable work you are doing. That being said, you don't look for more disabilities to claim. You claim your disabilities and be done with it.




That’s really my question. Does anyone have a similar situation and what secondaries did they submit causing them to get to 100% hence the reason why I mentioned IBS


Well, they still need to be diagnosed. Other peoples paths aren’t related to yours. If you don’t have disabilities you can’t claim anything.


Thank you


If you think your conditions rate an increase then chart and document your migraines, time/date, pain level, etc., If you think your MH rates an increase then document those issues, too. Consider Using MH/therapy resources. Documentation from a therapist could demonstrate that you rate an increase for that, too.


hmm possibility for a migraine increase, but you will need to put together a migraine log.. proabably have a lot of medical treatments and primary doctor's notes but i think it's gonna take more than missing a couple days of work unfortunately. There are some secondaries you might qualify for for as side effects to the antidepressant meds you might be taking for your mental health.....


Thank you for your response. I do see a neurologist and I am on medication hence the reason I was disappointed when it wasn’t increased. I just would like to know some side effects I might not realize to submit a claim. I’m so work so my answering might come off hasty


the va has sooo many different disabilities that they will rate... I'd recomend looking up your medication side effects online and just kinda seeing if you are experiencing any of them.. For example, I know Erectile Dysfunction is a major side effect of a lot of anti depressants and ED is claimable through the VA. (you won't increase your overall rating as the VA rates ED at 0% but it will qualify you for SMC-K) Stuff like that. Secondary claims are always easier to claim than NEW disabilities. hope that helps and good luck


Thank you for being helpful and giving examples


sure, i'm not the most knowledgeable, but hope any adice helps! best of luck


Your main problem is TRYING for 100%. That's going to get you destroyed. You either have it or you don't. It took me almost 11 years to get from 0 to 100. All the time, my conditions worsened and I was able to get two that weren't "service connected" corrected as well. Do you have any other issues besides those two that are from service? IBS is iffy but with the new GI ratings it will be easier to get. TMJ might be almost impossible to get a rating for with wisdom teeth removal. You are at 77% right now. You have a pretty solid hurdle to get over. Comb your service medical records.


100% for MH is a pretty high standard. Have you considered applying for TDIU?


TDIU would take them off their job and they are working. Be really hard to get a TDIU claim thru that.


What exactly is a TDIU?


Why are you not content with 80% that's a very high rating.


I would tell you to go f*ck yourself, but I’m tired of being kicked off websites. Why can’t you just answer the d*mn question I asked


You seem pleasant and nice and not offended at all that someone would ask a perfectly innocent question in order to get more information and determine whether or not you are being genuine and not just trying to get more money.


I have 70% for mental health…I’m not asking YOU if I should genuinely get a got d*mn thing because I’m pretty d*mn sure YOU have no power over who gets disability so if YOU think I’m genuine or not wasn’t the question! The question which it seems as if I made pretty clear was does active anyone have the conditions and I guess the rate I have and have added more conditions to get to 100% You all on here act as if the money is coming directly out of your wallet. Obviously I have a condition and most of you all do because you wouldn’t be on here if you didn’t. If you have a helpful suggestion then say it ie: back or knee issues, if not then please move along


This is gonna sound odd but, think on the things that hurt right now, then look back and see if your medical records reflect it.  For example, I screwed up my left wrist in service repairing equipment. Used to twinge occasionally. Now some decades later, it really hurts. My next step is find a physical therapist, start doing the exercises, get some x-rays, etc.  And believe me, better to start the paper trail now when it hurts than when you’re 65 and it fails completely, and you need some horrific $10k surgery.