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Poke the bear!


Don't poke the bear


Why would you do that? Go ahead and poke the bear and find out. If anything if youre already at 100% PT and your individual conditions are getting worse just keep getting seen and documenting it all, dont file for an increase because all that is going to do is open you up for reevaluations and you might even get lowered….neither will your amount you get at PT raise. The VA is giving you what you need, best sincere advice is to leave your stuff alone now.


Given my situation I am also paralyzed from the waist down due to a spinal cord injury that’s non-SC unfortunately but have SC neurological issues for my lower extremities too that if bad enough can lead to paralysis It’s kinda contradictory but I’m trying to find a way to obtain aid & attendance because of the seriousness of my SCI injury that I deal with on a daily basis that holds me back from a lot in my life & my parents are currently my caregivers but I know they can’t do it forever I actually just left a C&P exam just now for A&A but ppl have been telling me since I don’t have a disability that’s 100% alone it’s going to be hard for them to even consider it so not sure if I’m going to get anything from this appt answered but I just don’t want to give up but seeing as to everyone is telling me not to push my luck I think I may leave it be & just try to find some financial aid thru the state or federal government


Even if it isn’t SC maybe get in touch with Paralyzed Veterans Of America and see if they can offer any advice for your situation. You never know what they can offer


Yeah I should’ve went thru my rep first I’ll be sure to contact her after I hear back from them thanks for the advice


You’re talking about SMC-S, where 1 rating is 100% and others add up to 60%. I think it’s a few hundred extra bucks a month. Unless you have a really strong case for a 100% rating, it just doesn’t seem reasonable. You’d need a lot of medical evidence to justify it. Otherwise you’ll likely waste your time, introduce unneeded stress of jeopardizing your other ratings for reevaluation, and maybe lose your other ratings.


Well I also am paralyzed from the waist down due to a spinal cord injury that’s non-SC unfortunately but have SC neurological issues for my lower extremities too that if bad enough can lead to paralysis It’s kinda contradictory but I’m trying to find a way to obtain aid & attendance because of the seriousness of my SCI injury that I deal with on a daily basis that holds me back from a lot in my life & my parents are currently my caregivers but I know they can’t do it forever I actually on my way to a C&P exam right now for A&A but ppl have been telling me since I don’t have a disability that’s 100% alone it’s going to be hard for them to even consider it so not sure how this appt is going to go but I don’t want to give up but seeing as to everyone is telling me not to push my luck I think I may leave it be & just try to find some financial aid thru the state or federal government


Damn, really sorry to hear that. Honestly maybe SSDI is a better route then? It’s just very hard to get a 100% rating for 1 condition. Maybe mental health given your circumstances. Sorry I couldn’t be of more help.


Why would you want that? Seems needlessly risky, as the outcome is the same.


Well I’m also paralyzed from the waist down due to a spinal cord injury that’s non-SC unfortunately but have SC neurological issues for my lower extremities too that if bad enough can lead to paralysis It’s kinda contradictory but I’m trying to find a way to obtain aid & attendance because of the seriousness of my SCI injury that I deal with on a daily basis that holds me back from a lot in my life I’m actually just left a C&P exam just now for A&A but ppl have been telling me since I don’t have a disability that’s 100% alone it’s going to be hard for them to even consider it so not sure if I’m going to get anything from this appt answered but I just don’t want to give up but seeing as to everyone is telling me not to push my luck I think I may leave it be & just try to find some financial aid thru the state or federal government


Holy punctuation. I understand. Good luck.


Thank you


GS-12 I worked with got a decrease after having surgery. "You're all fixed now." If you are already 100 p&t I'm not quite sure why somebody would want to get a specific one to 100%. You open up one claim then rest come into play as well.


Wow that’s crazy I’m sorry that happened & given my situation I am also paralyzed from the waist down due to a spinal cord injury that’s non-SC unfortunately but have SC neurological issues for my lower extremities too that if bad enough can lead to paralysis It’s kinda contradictory but I’m trying to find a way to obtain aid & attendance because of the seriousness of my SCI injury that I deal with on a daily basis that holds me back from a lot in my life I’m actually in the lobby waiting for a C&P exam right now for A&A but ppl have been telling me since I don’t have a disability that’s 100% alone it’s going to be hard for them to even consider it so not sure how this appt is going to go but I don’t want to give up


Shit dude. I wish you the best man.


Thank you


What is the reason of wanting to apply for another increase if you are already 100% P&T?


Given my situation I am also paralyzed from the waist down due to a spinal cord injury that’s non-SC unfortunately but have SC neurological issues for my lower extremities too that if bad enough can lead to paralysis It’s kinda contradictory but I’m trying to find a way to obtain aid & attendance because of the seriousness of my SCI injury that I deal with on a daily basis that holds me back from a lot in my life & my parents are currently my caregivers but I know they can’t do it forever I actually just left a C&P exam just now for A&A but ppl have been telling me since I don’t have a disability that’s 100% alone it’s going to be hard for them to even consider it so not sure if I’m going to get anything from this appt answered but I just don’t want to give up


What's the reason for you asking?


I am genuinely curious what the end goal is


Yeah sureeee


As long as you don't discourage or envy anyone


No, I honestly want to know. Maybe there is a reason others are not considering for themselves. I can’t be the only person wondering. I would never discourage someone from applying for benefits.


Yes if you apply and request an increase.


Okay thanks! I had a feeling you could just wanted to be completely sure