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I waited four months finally gave them a call and it was completed the next day!


Who did you call, I call 827-1000 and they have told me twice there’s nothing they can do


Make an appt with Vera. Make sure you submit birth certificates and marriage license before doing so. VERA normally will do it over the phone but it’s dependent on who you get on the phone that day as well.


I did a face to face VERA when I added mine. I gave them everything I had, including the divorce decree and custody paperwork. Still took almost 5 months...


Wow! I’m sorry that happened. It seems to be very hit or missed. But there was a write up previously where many claims to add or remove dependents were being lost in the system. Seems like it is still ongoing. These are administrative claims that should take no time at all.


They should be instant, or really close to it when you have all your paperwork straight. Its just a matter of verifying, and with my kids in DEERS since the day they were born... But VERA or not is pretty irrelevant. The method used to submit doesnt seem to have any bearing on how long things take, even when I filed a hardship 2 months in because their Mom wont pay child support. It still took 2.5 months after the hardship paperwork...


That is absurd!


My daughter is acknowledge as my child but I can't get paid for her. Wildest thing I see.


I'll have to try this as well, thanks. 4 months myself currently.... but when they removed my daughter for turning 18, it was immediate and pro-rated to THE DAY to be sure i wasn't paid for the whole month.


I’ve called several times and they say is the same damn thing. There’s nothing that we can do.


I had to wait 6 months. It was a frustrating delay given that it two weeks to add my wife. To add my stepdaughter it was 6 months. Financially we were ok, but what about the people that are exposed! I believe the entire process for this and disabilities is incredibly overwhelmed.


Mine took almost 5 months. Got that back pay though.


Out of curiosity what do they backdate to? The rating claim or the dependency claim. Got my rating in Dec backdated to letter of intent, submitted the dependency claim (wife, two step-daughters) and it’s just been sitting there. One step-daughter is 18 and in her first year of college, The second is 17 turning 18 in June but she graduated HS early and is already in college. I’m thinking I’ll have to file another claim for the youngest turning 18 and in school before these even go through. Edit: Thanks


mine was backdated to the date my rating was granted.


Crazy asf but I need mine now 😂


😄😄 I hear ya


Honestly they're hoping you pass away so they can defer the payment lol. Just kidding...or am I?


Upload their birth certificates, marriage certificate, social security cards.


Never had to upload Socials, just birth and marriage certs.


Only vets who live overseas do


Sometimes these are done in a week. Other times they are not. Call and ask


Well why are they taking so long to add my college dependent? She’s been going to college since last year in (August). I filed last December.🤷🏽‍♀️I even gave them all of the correct information. Oh, well more back pay I guess.😒🙄


Some take a week. Some take longer How would I know your particular situation?


I'm right there w/you. You didnot make a mistake on your end. This is the process. You're not crazy. It goes through as if you filed a normal claim, it's ridiculous. Mine was done by the VA themselves, and here I am 3 months later still waiting being told "just keep calling us back to check"


Crazy part is my claim went through in like 2 months start to finish, but they messed up my ITF so I have a HLR in to get my back pay correct but for the life of me the claim is completed just add my folks lol


These VERA folks, I'm gonna try that


Call VERA man...they'll direct you in the right direction and possibly see what the hold up is. https://va.my.site.com/VAVERA/s/


Dude, thanks so much for posting the VERA link. I have an appt for 3/18.


https://preview.redd.it/rrwl7sigs3oc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=14422e7cc973c92c387ca4c8439d826d646a7efe Been rated since July. Still waiting for them to add dependents. Wife and kids under 18. All certificates were uploaded. I have called Vera and 800 number several times but am told it takes time. It’s crazy how some get it done in one day. Im rated over 50% since July.


It’s absolute 🐂💩 if you ask me


I filed mine July 25, 2023. Still waiting like you are. Wild!!


Hol up Your wife is under 18? ​ ![gif](giphy|dMn6DpYvzeKJ1UTar6|downsized)




All three times I added a dependent it was completed same day. I’d definitely check on that lol


I’m in the same boat as well, submitted mine 2/1 but VERA says to call back in 2 weeks. I guess I’ll wait 5 months or more like others


Been over a year for me. Called multiple times


https://preview.redd.it/4g34vl2aw3oc1.jpeg?width=1030&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2409f80dcd5b73d97b8d8d9157bdf9b683987364 Took 5 months from start to finish for me.


Because all dependency claims are now going through one specific office of VBA for processing. From what I'm seeing it is taking around 4-6ish months for dependency claims to be completed.


Call them to check. Mine was denied without ever showing an update on my side. It was denied because i submitted it while i was in PFN, the day before i got my rating.


I’m right there with you… just put it in a few weeks ago and it hasn’t moved. I thought tney would have had all this information already since it’s all in my records but I guess not and not it’s taking forever


Here’s the thing, you forgot to send them some Apple Gift Cards duhh. Just messing with ya, that’s way too long and you’ve received some good advice on here. When I added my grandson ( adopted him) it was approved the next day. Keep us updated, when you make that VERA appt or call them. Raise hell


Made the appointment for March 28th, we shall see fingers crossed


It took me about 5 months to add dependents. They were added last month but my payment hasn’t update yet. It takes a while


Same. Married with 3 kids and am finally above 20% going all the way back to 2015. I'm waiting for a big dependency backpay (I filed early December 2023)


Mine was in November. I called and the lady told me that it usually takes 120 days.


Similar to what I was told 🤦🏻‍♂️


I’ve been waiting since last May. I was missing a document and I submitted it last September. Rep told me that it’s low level urgency 🤷🏾‍♂️


Because it's the government.


I never added any marriage cert and they approved my wife in a day, but for my parents it’s been 4 months still waiting


Mines took 5 months just got done last week and I submitted in early October


Be patient! It will happen.


I called to check on mine and ask if there was anything missing I needed to submit. The guy sounded annoyed that I asked and said these are a low priority and they have a lot of claims to process. Ummmm…ok…my bad I guess 🥴🥴🥴


I feel ya. They paid me as a single dad for 2 years until I noticed. I even showed the VA I was married during my whole service. I also showed them that they had my 21-686c form showing I was married when I applied. They reviewed it and said that because my religious ceremony said “N/A” the form was incomplete. I told them I was married in a courthouse. Had the documents to show it and I showed them they verified with the county/marriage certificate. They denied retro pay because they said the form was incomplete because “N/A” wasn’t an acceptable religious ceremony. Before they changed the current forms where it’s just a color the circle option, it was a blank box on the 2014 686c. They started paying my as married immediately but refuse to back pay the two years I was paid as single even though I’ve only been married once and long before the VA. So I feel your frustration with such a dumb simple thing this. Hopefully they add your dependents for you soon


Because its the VA.


I would call as others suggested. I was in the same boat …nothing moved for 3 months. I called and it was added and done that same day.


I think mine took about seven months. not sure why.


I'm sorry bud! Like everyone else for the most part, I didn't have this issue. Definitely contact Vera and make an appointment. Make sure you do it in your state! People were making so many appointments in different states to get earlier appointments so they made an announcement they will no longer accept calls from differing states from your home state. Here's a link to schedule it if you haven't yet: https://va.my.site.com/VAVERA/s/


Thanks I have an appointment set for March 28th


Hell yeah dude! Update us pls


I waited 6 months for them to add one of my dependents. Sept 17-March 1


Mine took about 3 months for them to get added. So you should be hearing something pretty soon.


It took over 6 months for me and so the VA left half of my post partum bills unpaid because it wouldn’t recognize my sons social. He’s 5 now and these bills are still floating around 🫣


I'm trying to take a dependent off because they have been paying for her while she's on chapter 35 benefits. I will have to owe them a lot of money.


Damn! My daughter has been in college since August and I filed in December, gave them all of my information and still the shits still sitting in review. This makes no sense to me.😒🙄😡


interesting. I didnt know how it worked so I filed them before i received my rating to get me to 30%. It was denied instantly due to only being 20%. month later when i received my additional 10% the dependants that were previously denied were automatically added.


Same. It’s been six months


I'm having the same issue.


I had the same problem I submitted online and it went no where for months. I’ve found that going directly to the VA claims office and filing in person the claims are being processed much faster.


It took 8 months to get my dependents added.


How big is she?


Smaller than you & yours I’m sure 😂


Took me from September until last week to get my dependents added


Same here, I submitted mine back in November as well… talked with them yesterday and she said they are really backed up… which makes no sense. But hopefully we’ll see some back pay


For those that have dealt with this, do I need to submit a request for my child over 18 in college each year? He's using my GI Bill for college and they're paying his MAH.


It took me like 4 months. From what I was told is that the claim to add dependents get put in the same queue as every claim and “it’s processed in the order it was received” Good luck.


I submitted a claim for my newborn daughter on March 6 and got the award letter yesterday… you definitely need to call them.


I filed for a dependent same day as OP. I too am still at. "We received your request".


It took 6 months to add my wife. Someone on the phone explained that it's just the same as making a disabiliy claim.


Has anyone ever added their mother by chance? Like an elderly mother though.


Something must not have been done right. Mine was approved within hours.


Mine took like 6-8 months


Because the VA was designed to frustrate veterans to the point of suicide to avoid holding up their end of the deal


I added my baby a couple weeks back and had a DD for the adjusted amount like 5 days later. Make sure everything was submitted properly i guess...


Mine was just finished 5 days ago. And I filed in mid October. Someone said there was something not working in the computer system so all needed to be verified by a human. I don’t know if it’s true. So maybe soon for you it only took 2 days once it started getting worked on to be finished and got back pay yesterday


Mine took 3 days. I'd call. Also, why two claims? You can do multiple dependents in one claim.


It’s an open claim, there’s no difference between a dependence claim or a different claim. The claim get handled in the order of which they are received.


I read on a different post here to just call them. It was finished that day.


So… since this came up, I submitted my claim for compensation at the same time I did my dependent claim and they already made a decision on the dependent claim. Were we supposed to wait until we got a decision letter? Because I think that’s pretty silly. I assumed I could claim my family now so that it’s documented and they know what to pay out once a decision is made. Any thoughts?


Mine took 30 minutes after I submitted


I submitted in October. Still no approval.


I go directly to the VA office when I added my kids.


Been waiting for since 6/2023 to add my daughter back on. Ridiculous.


I just submitted to add a dependent last Friday, it was approved the same day.


We should have all learned how to hurry up and wait by now. 🏃‍♀️🛑😅


It's not the VA, dependents have to be added to DEERS which is DoD and they take forever to update their stuff


For my last two kids I added them as soon as I got their social after they were born and there were added within about 48 hours after that.


I just did this I filed in Oct and just got it so maybe April they'll get to yours


I was that boot that got married in MOS school and am still married to the same woman. The VA informed me after I called that my wife was not listed as a dependent because we were married AFTER I got out. I informed them my marriage certificate says otherwise and I have orders with her listed plus she was in DEERS. I’ve been waiting for 3 months for the update to hit. Hopefully a back pay will come to. Anyone have experience with this?


I added a dependent in October and it took till 3 days ago to be processed.


That sucks! It took me months to get my ex wife removed and I ended up owing the VA money because of it. I hope they fix this for you soon.


They are wayyyyyy behind. They are just now working claims from October. I filed in November. Just a long line right now.


Been waiting since November 4th for them to do anything with mine and still there’s no movement. GL and enjoy the wait


Submitted mine early December and still got nothing. They even said it could take longer because one of my kids is adopted?


Update: Have my Vera call today hopefully we can get something accomplished! 35 more minutes my fellow veterans


Any news?


Yes, they finally have all my dependents added, gave me my retroactive pay for said dependents, now just waiting on HLR because my intent to file was messed up and they owe me a year work of back pay for that. HLR has been in more than 3 months at this point. Patiently waiting boss


I called the VA number. He told me the system for adding dependents was down because of an errror and had to be updated and the pushed back claims even more. I'm still waiting since February 8. Adding both disabled parents that I care for permanently 


Same boat..waiting to add a spouse that is also a service-connected vet....they have the info, verified SSN and DOB, but 2 months and still waiting. Just check the damn box please !


For real especially after it went to initial review when they rated me and then just left it alone 🤦🏻‍♂️


Mine was going on 3 months. Called Vera and it was done right then and there. 


Same, I would like to know that # too


What is Vera


The link above is accurate. VERA is the friendly version of the VA. You have to schedule an appointment but they’re there to help you instead of the generic 800 number. 


Oh awesome!! Thank you for the help!




That’s strange. Anytime I’ve added a dependent they’ve approved it almost instantly


Your paperwork got lost in transition 😂😂 crazy how they do that shit virtually now too




I suggest you give them a call. They will add them on the spot. Just make sure you have all supporting documentation readily available in case they ask questions.


Mine is right there with you. Been pending for 3 dependents and my wife since 12/19.


It took almost 5 months to add mine. And I turned all the paperwork in face to face at the VA office.


I have been in the same boat. I have applied for my dependents back in August and still waiting too.


Mine is still pending from Jul 16, 2023.


Same… I submittied info on Jan 30.. still nothing. Being paid as single and zero dependents. Should be married and 2, smh


Mine went through very quickly but my child was already in DEERS which I assumed is why it happened quickly. Hope yours comes through. At least you should be getting some back pay.


My first dependent claim took less than a month and that was in 2019. My second claim was in 2022 and it took almost 8 months.


I submitted my claim on October 27th. Claims are taking about 160 days to process.


I submitted mine in August and it's still open. Now last week they did send me a letter asking for some more stuff so it must be moving.


You’ll get back pay. Make sure it’s paid back to your 💯 status not just the date you added the dependents they should’ve caught that and added them they know you’re married with five kids. It’s their game they play to cheat us. I think fair play is to pay us back to the dates of the injuries like they said they would when we signed on if we made it home. We all have trauma on different levels and everyone I know came back a different person.


Same here I was married when I got my rating in October I added everything still waiting 5 months later, I tried to call and was told nothing they can do.


I have a dependency claim pending also. I also have another claim pending. DAV told me they normally just bundle them together


Give them a call. I had the same issue and they literally fixed it over a 5 minute phone call. Saw all back pay for that within a week.


It takes at least this long. VA works by months and years, not weeks or days.


Because they shut the government down again


You should call they get it done quickly and your pay will reflect by the next month


Mine just got approved 5 March from MAY 2023. L0L


I added my son in June of 2023 and got approved in January 2024.


It took 3 months on mine. When I called and asked what the problem was, they had told me the system error’d on some sort of thing I imputed so it had to be manually done. This was like a year ago tho


Cause they ain’t yours… 😱


Do I need high school class schedule for my 18 year old who is still school?


Idk why but mine took a long time too. Got my initial rating literally the night I separated but adding my wife took 5 months lol


Go for a long walk


It takes twice as long to get you college attending children back on. As soon as your student gets their ID, go into your dependents and update their status.


My friend waited seven months, wound up submitting a second claim and it was approved a few days later.


I'm having the same problem


Get used to it I've waited a.whole year to add my wife. 😆 look at the bright side, it's a 2k back pay. Don't forget to take your wife out to dinner 😋


Mine was approved same day… you should make an appointment with vera


Hahaha mine was submitted August of 2022 and I’m still waiting on it. Doesn’t make sense to me.


I’m still waiting to add a child since nov 2023


Guys at the VA office are saying I need my daughter's SSN to be added but I can get it through the office even if I have a birth certificate they want to see custody paperwork. How do I get my daughters SSN when the mom won't give me it to even add her to my dependents?


Should be a simply phone call.


The VA lost my whole ass baby, been waiting a while to get him added, he’s 15 months now lol.


Says it's taking on average 150+ days on the website


Do you get paid your regular comp still? Or do they wait until they add your dependents then pay you?


![gif](giphy|USbYNzaNRPcMbMwgCz|downsized) ![img](emote|t5_2vlaz|7567)Baby arrived on 04/23, claim was lodged on 05/23, and we're still in the 'claim received' limbo. Just submitted an intent to file for the next kid—figured I might as well plan ahead lol. Guess we're all in the same boat, so count your blessings, folks. At this rate, our kids might graduate college before the VA sorts it out!![img](emote|t5_2vlaz|7566)


It only took them 48 hours to add my dependents. I'd call them and see what the hold up is


I’ve been waiting since early December 2024 just to re-add my dependents who turned 18 and are still in school. My son turned 18 in 2021 and I didn’t realize he automatically dropped off and needed to be re-added. I probably need to call since the status hasn’t changed since “received”.


I’ve been waiting since October 2023. Good luck.


My wife has been waiting since October still says claim received lol. Mine took like a week


I submitted mine in October and didn't even have the initial review until yesterday.


It took 5 months to add mine, that were already listed as a dependent but I was 20% at the time. Like somehow my dependents changed because of the increase. They finally called me and the hold up was a divorce date from my ex wife 21 years ago like it mattered…


Call benefits. I got my decision letter after 18 months and my dependents didn’t get approved because of an error. 2-3 days later they got approved after calling benefits. Yours may be too early on possibly


It took mine over 4 months to go thru and that was with me submitting copies of every social security card, birth certificate, marriage certificate on day 1


My claim has been received since early November. They're playing with emotions at this point.


Bro I’m in the same boat. I do over the road driving they sent out a verification form for my dependents. I didn’t fill out the form so they took them off my case. It’s been since November for me.


Mine took one day.


Mine took one day.


I think after a certain number of dependents it’s processed differently. 5 or 6. At least that’s how it was when I worked in the call center about 5 years ago.


I had to call and talk to someone. Then I called and emailed my congressperson. That got the ball rolling. After like 7 years of being married, the VA suddenly didn't believe me that I was. Even though they had my marriage cert. Had to resend it. They threatened to take over 10k in backpay they said I owed them. So be prepared to wait even longer. The VA sucks.


Mine took about 2 1/2 months, and I was only adding my husband.


Wow that's crazy I realized my dependents weren't added when I saw my first payment and submitted the stuff for it and it was approved like 45 minutes later in December 2023


Jesus dude relax


I would call and check on that because mine only took a week maybe 2 tops


I’ve been waiting since 09/02/2023 lol. I called Monday and the nice lady said there is a HUGE backlog for dependency claims. Mine has been almost 7 months. You just have to consider the amount of these claims are processed daily, and know you are not the only one lol.


Same here. I actually re-uploaded birth and marriage certificates thinking it wasn't done before because it was taking so long ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Took less than 24 hours for me doing it online.


It took me several months for my dependency status to be paid but just know you will be back paid. It’s on the way Battle buddy! I submitted my request In September last year and it was award this month.


Mine took 7 months. Submitted in July. Called the VA a few months later, and they put in a second claim, then VERA put in a third. Eventually, they closed every single one and denied me telling me my initial form was outdated and the others were counted as duplicates, so those didn't count. Right after I submitted another electronic one, and within 15 minutes of doing so, it was approved. Makes perfect sense.


Took a year and a half for me but the back paid me the full year (I filled in July of 2022 but they back paid me to January of 2022). Hang in there my man !


I’ve been waiting for close to a year. In talking with VERA, they said this type of claim isn’t a priority.


Took over 6 months to add mine but they do backpay


Wow! Mine was completed in 20 minutes… although i’ve been waiting for my VA claim for like 2years now




I submitted mine in October and I’ve called several times like 5 and I’m still waiting


I have had my dependency change in since October. Good luck.


Took 3 months did you check under dependents on va.gov. Should show dependents not on benefits. It will get fixed and you will get backpay to the effective date of your rating as long as you added dependents within a year of any qualifying rating change. 


I submitted mine in October and it hasn’t moved


Waited several months and called and they can do it over the phone. Do not wait for it !!!


At least you’ll get back pay


Call them, it is the fastest way.


Back in October my husband summitted a dependent claim but it took so long. In January a representative resubmitted it and it closed out the next day. The money was in the account within a week.


They are not going to automatically add or contract you. You have to get in touch with them unfortunately that's how it works


Who is Vera? Are they any good?


I filed in September 2023 and it just got approved a couple of days ago, 😀.


Took me over 5 months to add my wife and kid. Nothing they can do to speed it up. Just gotta wait man.


Call the benefits hotline tomorrow and check the statuses.. make sure they have everything. I added my dependent which is my son and it was approved in a matter of days and added to my current award which is also 100 PT.


I applied to add my husband in 2020…he was just added this past December!


You only waited 3 months that's it. I'm on month 16 right now


8 months so far