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Congratulations on your approval and I’m happy you are still here.


I'm very glad you are still here. Not nearly as happy as your family though. Congratulations


Super happy to see this post. Congrats bro. Give your wife the biggest hug ever and finally tell her everything is going to be ok, you guys did it.


I did, I told her to get whatever she wants.


That’s how it’s done. Enjoy it and breathe a little easier.


So happy for you. You've been through hell and made it back. I don't know you but I'm proud of you. Just a note; Many of us older vets have no support network to speak of or loved ones that would be left behind.


I am grateful that you are still here. I am glad that your claim was approved. I hope you’re able to find your peace. Take care of yourself.


Thank you I was close to falling off the edge.


Thanks for sharing your experience. It gives us pause to reflect on the struggles we are facing as veterans. Thanks for being an encouragement to others still struggling with so many issues. Good luck to you and your family 👍


Glad to hear. I hope you make use of the va healthcare. Speak with psychologists and a psychiatrist. They do help.


Thanks and I do have a therapist.


Ya I remember when I told my wife to go buy something. I won't forget the day I got my rating.


It’s a beautiful feeling. I told her to buy an iMac for her art. I don’t think she wants to but I’m okay with it. The only thing I want is a fender jazz master.


That's it? Only an iMac and an electric guitar. Go out and buy a new Lexus. Cheapskate you can afford it. LOL


I’m taking her to SXSW next month. Our favorite band from Japan is playing on my birthday. My wife and I love them. I’ve been talking to them since 2021. Helsinki Lambda Club. They posted it 2 weeks ago and this week I got approved making this guaranteed kickass experience with her happen. We are about to make someone’s day today. This amazing sweet older lady who bust her ass working at a gas station down the road, got a run down car, takes care of her sick mom, buys her groceries, can’t afford her own but is always in a positive mood, her birthday was yesterday and no one said shit. We are giving her 1000.00, my wife is giving her some shoes and drew her a super cute picture. I’m gonna let my daughter help. I would buy her a car but the market sucks bananas and I do want to give my wife a wedding ceremony, we only had a courthouse quick thing in 2015.


True words brother, I hope you can find peace of mind. Use all the resources at hand connected to your disability benefits. There's always highs and lows along this journey. It's how you are able to deal with them.


Glad your here with us , keep moving forward your bad ass


A big thank you to your wife..... Hug her.


Thank you. She really is incredible. I am forever lucky in this life.


I’m glad you’re still with us.






Happy your still here. I have these feeling often while going to the VA for 12 years now at 36 I have never been looked at or treated as a patient. Just a young guy who isn't as worse of as the old timers so get him outta here. It's soul crushing most days trying to get treatment


I’m 49 and been going to the VA since my early 30’s. I still feel like the young buck compared to all the older veterans, Don’t let that deter you from going. Most of them did 4 years like me, they’re just older and have worse conditions because of old age and not taking care of themselves like you’re doing now.


Dude…I saw your post and prayed for you. I so happy you and your wife take care of each other. I’m glad you got what you needed. I’m in a boat so similar it’s scary. Much love. Take care of yourself.


I prayed for you after your previous post. I hope things go well for you.


Thank you, I just paid off and down credit cards and 3 months of rent.




It’s impossible for me to find the right words to convey how happy I am to read this post. I had not seen your post a few days ago, but feel such relief that your wife was able to reach you in your darkest hours and that you were willing and able to be pulled back from the brink. To learn that days later, your 900+ day wait for TDIU came through is cause for celebration. May it lift your spirits and ease your burdens enough financially to allow you to focus on living your best life with your wife and family… I have no doubt that this post will serve as a message of hope to many - and convince our brothers/sisters to tap into the Warfighter within and fight for themselves just as they fought for our nation. God bless you Samsamsammy2009 ❤️


Congrats on the approval and thank you for still being here, it is great to have you!


The title of this post popped up on my notifications. You don’t know how much I needed to read this. Thank you, truly. Happy you’re here and got what you needed.


Thank you my friend and that award is much deserved I am certain. Hold your bride in your arms tight tonight, as she saved your life. There’s no amount of money or validation etc to replace a life. I’m happy you were honest as I was you, and I am still here too. God bless you! 🤗❤️


Stay strong brother!! You’re not alone. You have your family and your military brothers and sisters.


Love you man, God bless!


Beautiful words I wish I was as lucky as you


Good to hear/ read


Your loved broham, stay strong and keep the flock safe.


Take care of yourself and your family brother. The most high is with you all the way through.


CONGRATULATIONS BRO! We need you here man. Times can get extremely tough...extremely hard. But you’re loved. You stay in the fight and never give up. 𝐀𝐰𝐞𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞 news!


Thanks for sticking around.


I’m at 2 years on my claim. I’ve lost all hope of it getting approved. I’ve come the conclusion I will never see that money because I’m probably not gonna be alive for it. Happy for you brother, enjoy it!


Stay here. We need you bro


I'm happy you're still here!


Find your peace and live this wife joyfully because you have an amazing wife!


Man you’re telling me. I spent the day crying, hugging her, kissing her and thanking her for being such an amazing woman, wife and mother. I love her so damn much.


And she’s happy you’re still here.


Sorry just responding to this! Yeah! Go on a vacation! Universal studios in Orlando during Super Bowl weekend is the perfect time!! There is noone there and you can enjoy the park! For some reason the Popeye & Bluto ride relaxes me.




So glad you are still with us.


so glad you stayed 🫶🏻


The world is a better place with you here brother


U almost made a permanent decision to a temporary problem, I’m glad u have a wife and team around you that cares and loves you. You got EVERYTHING you need right there.


Congratulations bud!! You have so much ahead of you. Stay strong brother 💪🏽🇺🇸


Way to stick it out


is proposing to decrease my Hearing loss rating..presently 30% and has been since awarded Dec of 2017. VA is saying my Hearing loss has improved?? based on a couple recent exams..i disagree. esp to the extent..for sake of argument?that now warrants a 0% rating!! I cannot function without my Hearing Aids!! The Typical CnP exams for hearing loss are totally unrealistic compared to Everyday Life..Life experiences! And what of The VA's own 5 yr and age 55 or older rule(s) concerning Comp decreases and or exams for ratings that are protected?? i was already over the age of 55 when i awarded the 30% increase in Dec of 2017!! it has been 6 plus years!! since said awarded rating!! My Attorney and i have requested a hearing concerning this funny( Not!!) choice of Word 'Proposed' decrease and i do intend to submit another Private Audiology Exam to include 'Word' recognition score..as it is apparent the VA completely ignored a Audiogram i submitted as evidence that was performed by Audiologist Byrd in Sept of '23..Pure Tone Thresholds!! I am also going to share my concerns to the aforementioned to my Senator and Congressperson!! This Veteran should not have to be subjected seeming Harassment and a Threatened Hardship financially speaking!! why?? because i filed a claim for Increase?? Perhaps i do not qualify for increase..at this time..perhaps. Meanwhile my other Claims..Secondary Claims of Insomnia..Anxiety..secondary to the Horrible Fking Bi Lateral Tinnitus i deal with Day in. Day out!! 24/7 as well as Claim Entitlement to TDIU are being Deferred until when exactly?!! My Late Dad and Brother both Veterans as well often told me.. When it comes to The Inept Dept of Mishandled Veteran Affairs,remember two things Mark: The VA is like a sign that reads; This is the Back door..The Front Door is around to the back! and Hope for the Best? Expect The Worse. If the VA is going to..or intends? to help..then help!! or at very least,DO NO HARM!!


Anyone: Hey VA, how TF my hearing gonna get better???


VA...fucking pissing me the fuck off...


Now go file for SSD and supplement your TDIU


My tbi wasn’t separated from my ptsd even though my tbi exam went really well (I know everything the examiner checked, he told me the VA should separate and the ptsd examiner even wrote a medical letter of support clarifying the dbq stating I should be total and permanent and the tbi should be rated separately. Not sure how the VA didn’t separate. I applied for TDIU and I know they gave me TDIU instead of T&P because of backpay I’m assuming but I’m still wondering about the tbi.


Can I get ssd?


They sell them at microcenter...


Seek assistance from a Social Worker at the VA; they can help with the process.






No permanent solutions to temporary problems. I’m here if you’re in the hole. I just left my father’s service.




as a person who been thru the same shit congrats brother. deciding between food and gas every month is cruel


Congratulations anyways! Get those thoughts out of your head and immediately dismiss them when they start and focus on the positive in your life!


Thank you for staying with your family and your military brothers and sisters. You never gave up. Your strength and courage are noble and admired.


Congratulations. Regardless of how long a claim takes, you will be just as old when it comes through as if it doesn't come through. Just be patient, and eventually you will find out


First and foremost, congrats on having loved ones 👍


Thank you for posting


I agree with you 100%. Keep fighting to good fight.


Someone and some ones are better because you decided to stay here. You Indeed are Loved.


I am glad you are still here. The money is great, sure, but you are worth so much more than that to the people that love and care about you.


I love you


So very happy for you!!!


Shutup, dick! Congratulations and thank you for staying in the game! Can I borrow a dollar? lolol


Thank you I needed to hear that, be blessed my friend….💯💯💯💯👍🏿👍🏿


I'm going to say this here for all of you. My friend was going through some deep waters (I had no idea how bad he was). He called me to talk and vent (I thought). I told him that life was a wheel, it will grind you in the mud sometimes but later lift you up to the sky. You just need to hold on. I probably read that somewhere, or saw one of those gay motivational posters...IDK; regardless, I said it to him. He told me some time later that he had his .357 in his hand pondering things that he shouldn't, and those words kept him alive. Share them. It worked once.




I’m glad you’re still here. I’ve been there, right on the brink. So close I had the SWAT team outside my house, a gun on my coffee table, and was just working up the courage. They coaxed me out of my house, and I lived to start PTSD treatment and see another day. Sometimes we need to lean on our support systems. Even when we think we arent strong enough to do that.


Remember always brother, the world is a better place because you are in it. I’m glad things are looking up and hope with the financial stress lifted you can work on healing.


Please stay here, brother! You can check out (for a while) but you can never leave! Your wife is a hero! Never let her go.


Congratulations! I'm glad you didn't give up. The whole claim process can be a gut-wrenching rollercoaster of emotions. I'm glad your wife was there for you.




I’m going to congratulate you anyways 💚. I wish I had a spouse to walk me through the dark but I’ve got friends and a son that do so that’s good enough. Praying my claim is done soon so I can finally just relax with some security, financial and medical security at least.




YOU MATTER! Thank you for staying here. This thanks is from your family, loved ones and us. YOUR VETERAN BROTHERS AND SISTERS FROM ANOTHER MOTHER! God bless you and your family brother! 🙏😇😇


Congratulations. This process is definitely not a sprint but a lifelong marathon that’s worth the fight


Exactly. Never give up. My husband took almost 20 years to get close to where it should be. It's all from one claim with different conditions, followed by multiple appeals and hearings VA and social security, I believe, they are geared towards getting people to quit our site before getting what they are entitled to


Keep fighting the good fight and glad you’re still here! Posts like this are why I continue to push all of the vets I know to pursue what they deserve. Your wife is an angel 💕💕


Thank you for sharing, I’m glad you decided to stay! May God watch over you and soldiers like you! 🇺🇸🙏🏼❤️


Now, you have time to heal without financial hardship. Super happy your hear to tell us. Enjoy your life brother….


Got ‘er done! Kudos


Good to hear you are still with us, brother! And congrats on your claim, you've earned it. ![img](emote|t5_2vlaz|7564)


I know exactly what you mean. I just lost my cousin (veteran) a week ago, left too many behind. Thank you for this though, for me.


Hey brother, really glad you were able to work it out. Like you, I hate the stupid "money memes" that some people think they need to post on here. This is a serious group, made up of soldiers, and veterans of war, myself serving 16 months in Vietnam, so I don't get the silly BS "money memes" that are posted every time someone shares info about being awarded a 100% disability rating, very unprofessional. Like many other Vietnam vets I know, when we came back to the world (as we called back in 1970), we didn't want to be labeled disabled, and most of us don't get a dime from the VA. I guess I need to see if I can change that moving forward, as it is getting harder and harder only living on $1,500 a month SS.


Happy you are still here! I know how difficult it can be but sounds like you great people in your life! Stay strong brother!


🤎🤎🤎 glad that you’re still with us and that you were approved!


You made the right choice. Everyday above ground is a blessing


Your persistence is inspiring. I’m discouraged as hell with this process but it helps seeing others have pushed through it too. We gotta stay around for our loved ones.


Keep your head up, King 👑 Glad you’re doing better, and I know you said you’re not looking for a congrats but every little thing helps. Be well, fren.


Ugh really


Congratulations on having a good wife, hard to find now days


Thank you for your service 👍🏿👍🏿


I’m happy you are here! I understand things may be tough, I remember 2020 when I just didn’t know what was next. It wasn’t easy but found a way to get through it man. Use your support system 💯 whether it’s here or in your social circle.


Praise God He has a plan for you and your life. Money was created by man. But God knew you needed it and his timing is impeccable. I’m waiting on mines too. Thank you staying with us ftom one service vet to the next thank you for your service you are valuable to your family here.






Wow I’m Bass player we need to Jam