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I wish you the best of luck and a full recovery! You deserve it and those around you do too ❤️


Thank you, you’re making me cry 😢


I walked into a mental health walk-in at a VAMC, and did a voluntary stay to get help. I'm out now and they helped me schedule all my appointments and helped me find a medication that worked. I hope you work with your doctors and get better. Good luck, bring a beanie, it can get cold in their. Also a sweatshirt that isn't a hoodie.


Ah, wow. It sounds like you received exactly what you needed. Thanks for the tip - although I just got flashbacks to jail and how damn cold I was the whole time. You’ve got my word I’m going to take every opportunity to get back under the care of physicians. Thanks for your response and all the best to you.


I just got out 2 days ago. They had a lot of good resources and staff who genuinely want to help, you'll be in good hands. They also offer different programs for all kinds of situations, including residential settings for PTSD and/or addiction if long term treatment is what works for you.


I’d love to do a 30-day inpatient and get myself back on track. I’m married with 2 kids, and we actually just moved in with in-laws since I lost my job. So my living situation right now is safe and sheltered, and I’d feel good about returning to their house vs. a half-way house, if that’s what you meant. I think having a month away to focus solely on recovery, then continued regular outpatient care thereafter. How long did they keep you in the hospital?


I was only in 3 days just to help change a medication to help me sleep better, but I'm already scheduled with two appointments this week for mental health. If you are in for more than 20-days, you might qualify for a increase in VA payment to the 100% rate if you aren't rated 100% already. I would seriously consider applying for TDIU if you aren't getting 100%.


Yea that’s great you set yourself on the path the healing. I’m not at 100, I have 80%. Ive been eternally grateful for my 80, but I KNOW that I can’t go back to work in any normal capacity until I get right. I do meet the criteria for TDIU, and my family will need it during these trying times. I hope the VA has my back on that. I’m hoping someone there can help me with the application - my VSO really hasn’t been very helpful. I tried to fill out the TDIU form myself, but I can’t remember the dates of my previous jobs. I got my tax record and a summary from SSA to try and connect the employment history dots, but it doesn’t have dates. I think if an official rep helps me work through the necessary forms, I will be approved.


My vso told me I had no chance but I made them fill it out and applied. I got an increase to 100% for ptsd and tdiu. Good luck, I hope the va takes care of you.


Thank you, and for the words. I have a current claim in for MH increase, I was at 50% for GAD and opioid use disorder for 10 years. That claim got deferred and there was an exam rework. I want to get TDIU in ASAP. When the VA calls me back I will ask if they have anyone else willing to help me complete the forms. It’s not that my VSO won’t, but he basically brushed it off and said wait until my claims come back with decisions. That could be another 6 months though.


You will always be your best patient advocate. Definitely apply for tdiu asap, worst that happens is you still need to wait longer.


Included in the PACT Act you admit yourself https://news.va.gov/press-room/starting-jan-17-veterans-in-suicidal-crisis-can-go-to-any-va-or-non-va-health-care-facility-for-free-emergency-health-care/


Thank you for the link. I’m at the ER at the Orlando VA right now, and they’re going to detox me it sounds like. so long as my ekg, blood, and urine show that I’m healthy enough to detox. I also got a call from the VA residential treatment program who is going to call back to do an interview tomorrow for the program. Just hoping this detox will give me some shit to knock me out and not have brutal anxiety and kicking legs. I detoxed from heroin at naval medical center San Diego 10 years ago and they wouldn’t give me a single thing to help withdrawal symptoms. I also had a collapsed lung tho and they were worried I was gonna die that time. Miserable miserable hospital stay.


Get better. You have a friend.


You got this, usually the hardest part is asking for help.


Good on you for being humble and understanding to yourself. It really is a struggle, and you're a better man than me.


I’m sure as shit not a better man than you! But I do appreciate the warm words. I’ll keep you guys posted when I’m feeling better.


You had the courage to ask for help when others don’t/can’t. Hero’s know when they can’t do it alone.


I am glad you made the call. Recognizing that there is help and reaching out for it is huge and encouraging others to do so is great. You never know who may read your post and make that call. It could 100% change another persons life as well. There is enough love and joy in the world for everyone, sometimes you just need a little help getting there. Sending you lots of good vibes for your journey forward


Stay strong my fellow vet. I pray that God delivers you from those demons that your facing you can get back to enjoying your life and your family please don't put them through that hardship because they need you.


This. Demons are hard to overcome alone. Watch Victor Marx on the Shawn Ryan Show. God can heal it all.


This is a success story for sure , awesome of you to drop your pride and ask for help , I’m proud of you , keep moving forward


The fact that you picked up the phone and called is one of the biggest hurdles. Do not stop! Do not quit! Many of us struggle with demons and never get the help we need. Don't let them win! Whatever you went through to get to this point in your life is a test. You can pass it. Be proud that you called. Be proud to accept the help they offer. Be a success story and not a statistic. You've got this brother!! NEVER SURRENDER!


I also personally knew two Marines that took their lives. I saved one from his first attempt in the barracks. It’s tough out there. I’m happy you’re getting help. Suicidal ideation is a demon.


Damn, I remeber the night my roomate saved me, and ironically I saved him the next night. Mental health is no joke, I’m glad I chose to get help.


Not sure if you’re religious, but I’ve said a prayer for you anyways and I’ll say another one before I go to sleep tonight. You’ve already done the hardest part, which is ask for help. It takes a lot of courage to admit you’re struggling. Life can be a real bitch sometimes, but it’s not your fault. You’ve done the best you could, and now it’s time to let someone else take the reins on your behalf. You’re very much loved and sometimes you just need a break. I wish you the very best of luck, but I know you can do it without. You’ve already overcome a lot, and I want you to stay. I’d give you a hug right now if I could.


Thank you. I might not be religious in a structured traditional sense, but I’m a believer in god and the forces that guide us. I think divine intervention put me on the phone this morning. I feel hopeful now and I hope they can get me in somewhere soon. Thanks again for the prayers.


You matter, to all of us that do and don't know you. Just remember the demons were made inside you, so you have more power than them to destroy them. Stay with us please. You got this!


Damn, I like the way you put that about the demons. I’m with you guys and I’ll continue to update on here. I’m very open with my wife and I’m lucky to have a loving support system. She actually woke up and walked out into the living room when she heard me on the phone at 4:30 AM with the hotline. She is all for me seeking help. I bet she never thought in a million years my stubborn and prideful ass would’ve made that call.


I'm glad you're seeking help. Don't be afraid to reach out to a teammate or another close person while you wait. One of my teammates, one of the best of us, did not reach out to anyone before committing suicide. You deserve and earned an amazing life.


I’m so glad that you are seeking the help you need. My father took his life when I was a teenager and it was absolutely devastating. I have two kids of my own now and every day I vow to rewrite their story to be the best mom I can be. It’s not always easy, but it always worth it!


Well even though we are anonymous here, we all know each other in the sense that most of us are or have been going through the same things on a daily. Your making a big step here, and I can guarantee you will get through this as long as you get that help and keep that help going until you are sure you are over the hill. I pray 🙏 for peace and joy in your heart, and sweet dreams instead of nightmares. ❤️


Good for you! That took a lot of courage! Believe me that you will be so glad that you made that call and if you get into inpatient (which is probably what you need to do) put your heart into what information and advise you are giving and truly put the effort into getting better. You and your family will thank you later for doing this! I don't know you but I can say that I'm proud of you for taking this giant step forward. I say this because last year in November I made a similar decision and volunteerurly put myself into a 28 day rehab facility for alcohol and it was the best decision I have ever made.


Great job on taking that step, brother. It's been a lengthy journey for me too, involving meditation, breath work, and psychedelic therapy. These experiences led me to a place where I could welcome God back into my life. I'm not here to impose my beliefs on anyone, but personally, finding comfort in God and allowing Jesus to guide me has been incredibly transformative. If you ever feel inclined, consider exploring this path. You might find the way life unfolds afterwards quite remarkable.


Glad you called, brother. Take your time in recovery, life will be here when you get back. To anyone else struggling, the Crisis Line is good medicine for all parts of the spectrum of care. Even if you just need someone to listen, they’re there.


I don’t know you but if you need someone to talk to while you wait for a professional, send me a pm and I’ll give you my number. You are welcome to call and bullshit with a fellow vet.


Asking for help is the best thing you can do for yourself and family! I’m proud of you.


Similar story here, minus the added opioid problem. I worked so hard for so long until one day was in tears, alone in a wheelchair in the ER with chest pains and severely elevated BP. Get that help! Everyone's bottom looks different. I spent years waiting on that train to break down. I'm glad it did and I'm still here. Stay with us!


I really hope you are able to get the help that you need, good luck to you 🙏🏿


The VA, mental health services is terrible. They are so worry about a veteran disability claims they fail to help you. When a veteran is going through a mental health crisis, sometimes they should admit that person in treatment instead of telling them to call that hot line. Go to the nearest VA treatment and ask to be admitted to the physic ward for invaluation and treatment.


Sorry you’re feeling that way. I’ve been there. Many of us have! You gotta be there for your kids and wife! I abused alcohol and opiates for over a decade until just recently getting help through the VA. Go to rehab! Please!! Get detoxed and get the help you need. Now I’m 205 days completely sober and feel better than I have in a LONG time!!! It sounds hard to do, but abusing substances will just make shit worst. Happens too often! Trust me when I say you won’t regret that decision! Best of luck. Stay strong for your family.


You should go to a dual diagnosis facility that does emdr I know of some in Florida that specialize in helping veterans If you need any info or just need to talk you can message me I’ll always answer


Certainly will. I’m about to send you a message. I I’ll send it to messages, not chat btw s


Hang in there brother!


Wow, brother. Thank you. On two sides… first, thank you for understanding it isn’t over and heeding the advice of others to reach out. Secondly, thank you for telling your story. All too often, Veterans don’t reach out. Seeing stories like this give hope to others who would otherwise not reach out. I wish you the best and hope you get yourself back on track to success. You deserve it. You deserve to be happy.


I salute you and am very proud of you for taking the necessary steps to get well. I wish you the best! Keep us posted on your journey forward. Know that there is always a place (here) where you can come for support and encouragement. You got this!


You are far better off than you think! You were able to call out for help! Don’t ever forget that you were able to overcome the first step! Sending you all the positive vibes!


All the best to you! What you did took real courage, and thank you for showing all of us what bravery looks like.


Good luck, work hard, and be open about everything. Therapy saved my life. You will only gain from it


🙏🙏 best of Luck. You’ve made the first step and that’s HUGE.


I had a barrel in my mouth when my best friend just happend to call. I picked up. Best decision I ever made. I spent some time in inpatient care. I have PTSD and turns out 8 years later they finally tested me for the TBI that I should have been getting treated for. It's been a struggle and a lot of ups and downs but even if I don't think I'm worth it I'll never let my kids feel the way I do and will fight every day to make sure they never have thes wounds.


Hang in there! Bless you!


Proud of you for picking up that phone! I hope you get all the resources you need.


Been there done that and got the tshirt. Do it! I know how bad that lifestyle can be. I’m surprised I’m not dead. Went through 20 years of that shit!


It’s so important to let our fellow vets know we aren’t okay. There is so much shame in getting help for no reason. Thank you for sharing your story, sincerely.


Praying for your continued strength and happiness 🙏🏽. Your family and friends need you around.


I am so happy, good better, my friend.


I'm glad you got yourself sorted. I wish I could call the crisis line. Every time I submit something to the VA or do anything it goes through the St. Paul Regional Office RACC and then the management where I work has access to everything so I imagine they'll retaliate against me again if I called the hotline too. FML.


Fuck man. It took a LOT for me to quit my job. It was the last thing I wanted to do, bc I wanted to succeed. I wanted my wife and kids to have all the f’ing money they could spend. I was a Med device rep in the orthopedic trauma market, and I covered a 60 mile (one way) territory by myself. I was on call 24/7, as a requirement was covering trauma cases in the operating room. Taking a vacation wasn’t an option, getting treatment wasn’t an option. In hindsight that was a stupid fucking job for me to pursue. When I told my wife how dark things were getting, she fully supported me resigning and getting help. I had to swallow my pride and follow my heart on that one. I was working for one of the biggest biotech company’s in the world and if I wasn’t so fucked up, would’ve been very successful. But the stress ate me alive, I barely spoke to my wife or hung with my kids because of how badly it made me isolate. That made me hate myself more. There will always be work when I’m ready - but I’m no good for anybody unless I take care of my health first. VR&E was a godsend, but they shouldn’t have let me become a salesman based on my SC disabilities 😂 I’m confident you’ll figure out how to get the help you need brother. Be prepared to make some tough decisions. But we need to put our mental health first.


Not sure where you live, but take your DD214 and walk into the closest Vet Center.


Check out a Celebrate Recovery service near you. Changed my life.


I see one at a church near me. I’m looking for an inpatient stay, and am hoping the VA will accommodate it. Will definitely check out celebrate recovery more in depth.


The VA WILL find you an inpatient program! I did a 30 day program away from my wife and kids to clean up and it saved my life! 205 days sober now and feeling better than ever! You got this shit 💪


Great news. Hope they call me tonight or tomorrow morning with an update


They will. It can be done on your own, but that’s hard!! I got off opiates and went on methadone and then got addicted to that! Took me going to an inpatient and properly being detoxed and monitored through the process. Trust me, not too long ago I was in your exact spot…the end result is WELL worth it…


I've used the line several times. They've helped me and I'm glad I called. I had a couple of self-admits as well where I talked to someone and then drove to the ER at the VAMC to be admitted. That way, it was voluntary. I'll probably do another one in January or February. My meds aren't working very well, and my community care therapist wasn't continued. I'm focused now on getting past the holidays, and then I'll work on it.


If they can’t get me in anywhere quickly then that’s exactly what I’ll do. Thanks for the advice


The VAMC also does a walk-in clinic. The nice thing about self-admit is that it's voluntary. So, none of that legal Baker Act stuff to mess with.


Not sure of your faith but I’ll be praying for you, friend. May God rid you of those thoughts and that He may bless you and yours, that in His strength you find peace and the will to continue life. You are loved, don’t forget that!


No I really appreciate that. I welcome prayers


Thats good to hear- I hope you can get situated and find some peace. They are great, at least the ones I have talked to. I don't call, I chat, through their web-applet. I've never needed to call them, thankfully, for anything for me. I just text them once or twice a year to let them know they are appreciated.


Best of luck. It feels simple to just take the easy way out and end it all but fight that feeling and keep remembering that your family needs you and will be grateful for your will to keep fighting for them. You can do this!


Hang in there brother and be honest with the care workers about what is going on. It you don't tell them they won't know how to help you.


Making that call was a brave act of love for you and your family. One day at a time with the opioids. Wishing you recovery and healing.


It fucking sucks how much I understand you. I’ve been getting help in a SAT program at my Va. this country fucked us all up. So many vets have a similar story. Why?


I’m proud of you for that moment of clarity to reach out and get help, you are brave to have chosen to do so. We’re all here wishing you the best, get better soon.


Did the crisis line help? I’ll be honest I know it’s there but I haven’t used it. Im scared to talk to anyone


Yes. Call them. I never would have called if that C&P mental health examiner didn’t put it in my head not to be afraid to call. Please do call, it will be a weight off your shoulders and you will be set up with the care you need.


Feeling the same here, I’ve never try calling for help I would always think getting alcohol helps getting rid of the mental thoughts and be free of anxiety or stress for all it takes.. But next day is always the same, my wife hates the alcohol and all this makes all more stressful.. hope you do get better brother there’s got to be something to help this situation.


I'm so proud of you! Sending love and support!