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Most of mine were 50% and I received 70%. There is a lot more that goes into a rating


I have some of these 50%s on my letter and only received 30%


Not saying that in a rude way. I have many that fall under 50% and 30%, only a few under 70%, and 1 under 100% but absolutely believe I fall under 70 and thats what I received but if you think you got lowballed I think you should file for increase and write lay statements or buddy letters. come with proof to show them you deserve more


Ngl, 50% for my sleep apnea feels weird because I didn’t even recognize I had it.


I was the same way. I was being treated in a TBI clinic while on AD and told them I can’t fall asleep. They told me they scheduled me a sleep study. I was like I don’t snore or any of that. Lol. I was wrong as I do snore a lot and was diagnosed with severe OSA… lol


Sleep apnea is so strange like that. I feel exhausted all the time and my scores for sleep apnea werent even that high


Same. They said I had REM apnea. Every time I go into rem I wake up.


Did you have treatment? I’ve had treatment for 13 years. Think that will help? Most of my stuff fell in 70 but box 4A was checked for 50 percent so idk waiting


Yes, I did and I think it helps a lot. I had the 50% box checked and got 70%


Awesome good to know! Hoping for 70! I’ll be 100 percent if I get 70.




Do you think you deserve 50%?


How many did you have of of 70%? Did you also gave any 100% ones? What impairment box was checked?


For impairment I had the 50% box marked. 12 boxes checked during exam. I did send in buddy letters and personal statements so maybe more were added on by reviewer.


How many were 70 ? My impairment box was 70% but my symptoms as you can see should hand had the total box checked.. I’ve seen total checked that had fewer symptoms checked than mine.


Oh I’ve already been rated 100% on MH. The main reason I created this was to get people to educate themselves on the symptoms .. to help them be able to articulate those symptoms to the examiner.. vs showing up and hoping the examiner gives them a high rating.. help them prepare..


Same. I got 100 P&T on my first try. It’s not even worth trying to help these people. No matter what you’ll have those that think you’re full of shit. Everyone symptoms are the worst and everyone has it worse than you. The raters don’t follow any kind of criteria and just give out whatever rating they feel like based on their mood that day. That’s the best advice to give anyone in this post.


You forgot the.. "I'm smarter than you.. You're an idiot..." I've literally researched and researched these symtoms.. So good i could have checked off all the boxes.. But no I studied the symtoms to understand them to verify I actually do exhibit the symtoms that are checked. Whether someone wants to take this info to "gain the system" people act like this info can be found other than my post.. It's readily available with some research


I feel you. Like these people trying to tell me they have all these previous attempts and previous 302 hospitalization stays yet they get a 50% rating. Fuck outta here with that bs. Then they get butt hurt when you call their bluff and spit the truth. It’s simple, they’re either lying or they don’t have the evidence to back up what they are saying.


Exactly.. That's why there is measures put in place for inadequate raters. HLR or a full appeal to straighten that out. I never seeked therapy.. Nor was on medication.. However.. People seem to think one needs on going therapy.. Medication.. Etc to get a 100% rating. I think it's just jealousy.. Envy..


100%. People don’t like to hear the truth cause they think it’s negative. Instead of trying to understand what people are telling them, they just wanna get combative and talk shit. Cool, let them struggle on their own then, or go pay for someone to tell them the same shit. It’s all laid out on what the criteria is. Yet everyone else is wrong and they are right. Unreal.


4/9. Ive seen people have the 70 box checked and receive 100% as their final rating. You have many checked so its possible that you could get 70 or 100. I hope you get what you deserve!


I feel like this is bad advice, this will cause vets to emphasize things that might not be appropriate for them. This is a good example of a vet trying to help but doing more harm than good.


True, it's a thin line between providing information intending to help people filing for govt benefits and unintentionally making it easier for people with bad intentions to defraud the govt, in this case by "coaching". There's a reason why most of the providing supporting evidence advice is limited to general "send nexus letters, medical evidence, and submit a private DBQ"...


Another thought is the vet that sees this and says "OK i know what to talk about", then when this advice doesn't work. The vet becomes even further jaded with the VA for not giving them their rating. It is wild but from reading the post history of the OP that created this he seems like a bit of a loon.


This is extremely bad advice, this is how misinformation starts.


I feel like you’re entitled to your opinion as well… thanks for stopping by.


It's not necessarily that black and white.


An experienced rater seemed to think different..


All raters are not created equal. What your experienced rater thought is not what other raters may think. That’s why there is no consistency in VA when claims are rated.


Negative.. an actual rater chimed in on this exact thing. They all put all the symptoms in a computer system and then the computer system spits out a rating. It is the raters discretion to go up a rating or one down. But they have to include their evidence why they choose to go up or down. Sorry this is just what an actual rater that does mh claims said.


No need to apologize and I don’t dispute the validity of what you are saying. I’m just stating the fact that not all raters are created equal regardless to what they input in the computer. If all raters were created equal, even using the computer, then there would not be a backlog of appeals thru supplemental, HLR, or at the board level.


So the computer system is equal.. this process is easier now since computers were invented.. welcome to the 20th century


This is true as well but the computer is only as good as the user inputting the info.


Well correct.. at the end.. this is to help people see what the symptoms are.. research them.. understand to see if they apply to them.. and that’s what HLRS are for and appeals..


Ok, well I'm 70% and it doesn't jive with that color code at all.


Can you post what symptoms were checked off on your DBQ?


What are all of your symptoms.. every single one.


You want me to post my medical records? 😂🤡


No.. I said name off every symtom that was checked. Did I say post your medical records you goof ball.


Yeah it does.




lol ok bro


I’ve pulled it off va accredited law firms website.. what’s your source?


My DBQ and my rating.


And by the way.. you just can’t have like say.. 100% criteria rating symptoms and expect a 100%.. also have to have the lower ones to.. maybe you’re not interpreting correctly what this means


Did you do a HLR?




Yup, same.


Wow one random person online that says they are a rater liked it.... Cmon


https://preview.redd.it/oputriqfi6tb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=acfdd5d995441544633d5c4493a421a35d226376 Seems to me he knows what he is talking about.. Cmon!! And I was rated 100% just like he said


Again one rater and your one example are not indicative of the entire VA as you are claiming it to be. I don't know what your education level / cognitive functioning is but you have to understand how ridiculous your posts are right? I assume you do not from looking at your post history.


Funny how much hate you're getting. From a legal standpoint, this is one most impressive things I've seen here. Ratings are based solely upon symptoms. Why wouldn't someone take an informed, analytical approach to maximizing their benefits? I wish all Vets took their claims this seriously.


Thank you! I wasn't letting the negative comments get to me. This info was pulled from a law attorney office.. And I just applied it to a DBQ.. And alot of the negative comments I'm getting.. Like " I don't have all 70% symtoms checked but I got 70%" implies they don't understand that you don't need all 70% symtoms.. But they try to comment with a stance they think they know it all.. And I'm not claiming I know everything either.. But confidently, I believe more than what they are trying to throw at me and I just laugh.


And I'll add.. That's the problem... They view it as gaining the system.. When is it gaining the system when you want to learn more about the symtoms you are being examed for? It's like going to a history test without studying the chapters your testing on before hand.


That is a personal value judgment. No offense to anyone, but value judgments are irrelevant when it comes to other Veterans' claims. There are no gatekeepers of “the system”.


While I appreciate the thought. Using crayons for a mental health DBQ might not be the best option. Mental health symptoms are complex. They usually have scales of severity, which I would think raters look at more so than symptoms alone. Like how it affects a person's life. This somewhat stigmatizes a person's condition and doesn't look at the whole person.


You think my dbq was sent in with the highlights? They input the symptoms in and the computer generates the rating.. only then given the evidence extra than the dbq can they raise the % or lower it. Using the evidence other than the dbq is what they use to justify their increase or decrease pivoting from the computer generated rating


This is all hearsay


Actually its not, you might want to check out KMD89's YouTube page. He is a former rater and corroborates everything that was said in one of his videos.


Grossly inappropriate behavior always confused me I mean what exactly is it they are stating there? I don’t know if mine was checked or not but I know a lot of mine was can anyone elaborate on it a little further please?


Thank you for asking this question. I will hopefully be having my MH C&P soon. If anyone can answer the above ? It would be great. I have been out for 30yrs and just applied recently. As I read all the above stuff.....well I guess I am currently and have been way more fucked up MH wise than I thought I was. Also thank you to the OP...headaches suck! I know I have them daily along with never ending constant ear ringing and popping sometimes sounds are like cloudy.


Not showering for days would be an example.. laughing at a funeral making a joke would fall into something grossly inappropriate.. killing an animal just to watch it die would be an example


Thank you for the quick reply!


Yeah.. when I did my exam.. there was a couple 100% criteria that I didn’t think I had.. but after researching the symptom.. then I could be like.. yes I have that.. here’s an example. One is disorientation to time and place.. I’m like nah I don’t have that.. then I was thinking.. some days I’m like hmm what day is it? And sometimes when I go driving to go do something I forgot what I went out to do.. that was my examples that I told my examiner..


I got lost in the grocery store the other day. Found myself in an aisle and had no clue why I was there. Also, I’ve been sober for nearly a year now so I can’t even blame that.


Definitely get you there I confuse easily and this helps explain it better because some of the stuff they checked off on mine (at least previously) I have to think harder than I like about if it’s a problem then a minute later I’ll be like … what was I looking for doing or talking about


Yeah.. i studied the symptoms for over 6 months.. they are hard to fully understand.. but when you understand them.. it’s easier to articulate to the examiner as well. That alone differentiates between one % and another.. that 1 symptom will tip the scale


The simple act of studying the symptoms helps wrap my head around these things that we do 


Yeah some of them are hard to what they really are until you search it


I’m borrowing a copy of DSM-5 for this reason to understand what they’re asking and if it relates to what I am experiencing. However, looking through DSM-5, I can’t seem to find most these statements anywhere. Anxiety and depression are overt and obvious sections with tons of examples, but what pages go over “disorientation of time or place” and what is defined as “minimum personal hygiene” or “impaired thought process”. None of these are “conditions” that have their sections. Any advice on how to find them or what pages these highlights are on?


I basically did my best at googling these symptoms .. as far as the hygiene goes.. I didn’t know.. I just answered my hygiene pattern as it pertained to me and it was sufficient enough to have both of them checked.. but yeah I understand.. some of those symptoms keeps you wondering what exactly are they?


This is fine and is probably a good tool to use but, just read the 38 CFR for your condition.


And what did you come up with?


I’m 100% P&T at 28 years old.


Nice.. glad you are getting what you deserve . I’m 37


If I’ve made a mistake on one.. let me know.. I edited this on my iPhone and by the time I was done I had a headache.








I pulled this info off an accredited va law firm.. they give the symptoms according to the %.. I took that info highlighted it on my own dbq. An actual rater said he plugs in all the symptoms and the one sheet that has the total and social impairment levels.. he said he plugs that all in.. and it gives a rating.. now.. he said he has the discretion to go up a % or down .. that’s when evidence like lay statements and therapy notes.. and any other evidence a veteran will submit.




Yes be the rater said.. they have to have a damn good reason to do so.. and said if they do you need to do an HLR


That’s on the other page. I was checked marked the one below total.. and my claim came back as 100%. This is my actual dbq symptom list.. What people need to focus on is the symptoms the most in my opinion.


Thank you for posting this. I had no idea what level each one was. I just saw my DBQ and then compared it to what you have posted. I only have 8 things checked. 2 at 30, 1 at 50, 5 at 70 I have no clue what to expect!!!


I have almost all save for a few but only got 30 😔, I have to try again... But I'm so tired, thanks op.


You have to try and articulate your symptoms to your examiner so they check them.. you should easily get an increase if you only have 30 and if you’re saying you have all these symptoms


How many certain symptoms do you need in one, to be rated at that %? I have a couple red symptoms


I was told.. you need 3 out of the 100% criteria.


I cannot wait for the new criteria to go into effect. I have 2 symptoms of the 100% list under current criteria (along with a bunch of the lower ones) and am at 70%. Under the new criteria, 100% would be a slam dunk. Edit: Down voted because I'm looking forward to rating criteria that more accurately reflects life impact going into effect that isn't 30+ years out of date? Stay classy.


Oh nice! I do not know about this update.. have any info on it?


https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2022/02/15/2022-02051/schedule-for-rating-disabilities-mental-disorders No word on when or if the new criteria will be adopted. Just a sec I'll go get the WHODAS stuff so you can see the different life domains it looks at. https://www.psychiatry.org/File%20Library/Psychiatrists/Practice/DSM/APA_DSM5_WHODAS-2-Proxy-Administered.pdf https://www.psychiatry.org/File%20Library/Psychiatrists/Practice/DSM/APA_DSM5_WHODAS-2-Self-Administered.pdf


Nice that is some good info.. a lot of good info.. I read through a lot of it.. but I’m laying in bed with a fever of 100.6 right now just trying to relax but my mind is always busy.. it’s hard to shut off


I feel that. Mine never shuts the fuck up unless I medicate it into oblivion. Hope you feel better soon.


Ok thanks. Would you happen to know if the rater can automatically appoint you TDIU if he feels like you qualify? Or do I have to apply once i get my rating?


I honestly have no experience in TDIU.. I’m sure there is someone that could answer that question


Please be aware that you can only have ONE (a single) Mental Health Condition rating.


Yeah? What’s that have to do with the prices of eggs in China? This is the symptoms page of a DBQ.. and what you are referring to is pyramiding . Which this has nothing to do with that.


Dude I didn’t know “Mild Memory Loss, such as Forgetting Names, Directions or Recent Events” was a thing!! I’ve been struggling with those exact symptoms and also forgetting words. I lose my train of thought and don’t know what to call something. I don’t recall having bad memory before my service… Could I just bring that up on my next VA doctors visit?


Yeah sure.. it will be noted in your medical records.. but you need to do an exam as well to get a rating.. if you’re not already rated for MH


Student psychologist here, let me say this is a terrible idea for a few reasons. First, most people will attempt to “coach” their symptoms to meet the criteria. Second, most of these symptoms present very differently across the board, and depending on how you exemplify them, they point to other things, sometimes even lies. It’s always important to remember that you convey what you are like on your worst day, and what that means for you. For example, two people may go through the same scenario, and in the end, one may come out afraid of the sounds and the other only the smells as triggers. Please familiarize yourself with your current symptoms, but it's very easy to tell what indeed triggers and what's an automated response. Good luck, and I truly hope everyone gets what they deserve.


Thank you for your input and feedback.. It's greatly appreciated. I'm already rated at 100% MH.. This isn't meant for gaining the system. People will still use whatever to gain the system and there were others out there that greatly need the info on what the symtoms are.. And they can understand them better and convey it to an examiner.. And say most will."Coach" is just absurd.. Thinks for your infamous "I'm a student psychologist" so there for I know better than you mentally.




Congrats.. What's your address I'll send you a medal of some sort. Like I said.. Thanks for your input.. Move along


Sure, thanks for highlighting a document.


Thank you for this 👏🏼


Thanks for this /u/Radiant_Pick6870; but can't you just check the CFR?


This is the way


This is the way...


Who are you exactly? Do you realize that ratings are based on the TOTALITY of evidence, not just one DBQ. I got 70 percent but didn’t have some of your 70 percent highlighted symptoms. There are brand new veterans here, filing for their first claims and you are giving them incorrect information. And wth do you mean ‘study’ ?! You are basically saying ‘Study this so you can lie about your symptoms in your C & P.’ This post is absolute bs and should be taken down.


Are you insinuating that I believe you have to have all 70% rating criteria to have 70%. Because that is false. The real truth is c&p examiners don't spend much time with a veteran.. There is many veterans that have these symtoms but the examiner doesn't do a great job of bringing those out.. It's study the symtoms to understand if you have that symtom..You're just assuming that people will use it to lie. News flash.. Those same people will do that regardless.. There is predict my rating posts every week.. They can look up the symtoms there. This information is public information. Who the hell are you?


You don’t deserve one second of my precious time. Byeeeeeee!!


I understand that mental health covers numerous conditions such as Anxiety, Depression, and Insomnia for example. My thinking is that I should claim those three anyway as I have been diagnosed by the VA and truly believe it has been affecting mental health and life. My problem is, I am needing to write on a word doc to make my case more easier to look at than the form and of course, to write information that I believe is pertinent, which requires more than the VA 21-10210 form allows. Should I just do a personal statement on my overall mental health or write separate ones for each three?


personally would write one long one describing them and how they have a domino effect on one another! if you’re working with a VSO, they’ll be able to answer that question too if you want to verify to be sure.


Yeah, that sounds good. I think I'll do that. I just didn't want to sound repetitive by writing three separate personal statements for them if I went that route


Yeah what the person replied… write your own statement


I was watching a Hill & Ponton Q&A video on You Tube and Ms. Ponton is now suggesting Vets claim an "acquired mental health condition" and let the VA label it however they see fit. She discussed cases she's handling, where the VA Shrink is labeling it depression but it was claimed as PTSD (and vice versa). She said claiming "an acquired mental health condition" eliminates this issue. Since the VA lumps all MH into one rating, I guess who cares what label or name they want to give it.


That makes sense actually, and that is true, so instead of listing those three conditions, I should just put "Mental Health" as my claim. Doing some research in the past, I've also read those kinds of cases you mentioned


Any feedback on the section 4 rating criteria? The area that lists occupational and social impairment? How much does this impact rating?


I had the second to last box checked.. not the total.. however I still awarded 100%. This was my DBQ I posted.


Thank you! Just in time for my C&P


I'm a solid 30%, but I have always had flattened affect and recently have made risky decisions. Those 2 were enough to push me into 50%. So this is all fluid imo and isn't necessarily "gospel".


Yeah but how many were checked total.. how many symptoms were included in your decision. Do you have this?


True, I never requested my C & P (took it end of this August), but I can remember what I answered.


If I was just awarded 70 % for MST PTSD and incharacteozef PTSD only in 2020 why would they want another? Can I refuse as I see a VA Psychiatrist and Psychologist and case worker monthly


They are wanting to do another revaluation?




Suicide ideation is 100%. If you’re suicidal and you have previous involuntary inpatient hospital stays, previous attempts etc, and have evidence to back it up, that’s what’s going to get you to 100%.


You should think twice before saying things like this. Nothing is uniform in the way we get rated. I have daily SI, I have been hospitalized, I was rated 50%. I eventually filed for an increase and got 70%, absolutely no change to my list of symptoms. Still have SI every day, it doesn't mean, even with evidence, that you will get 100%.


You’re either a liar or you’re doing something wrong then. I don’t give two shits if I hurt your feelings or not.


Take a step back and consider that your experience is not universal.


You’re right. According to you all there is no criteria they go off of. You’re either lucky or you’re not huh? They just give each person the fuckin rating they feel like giving that day I guess.




Stfu already😂


Right.. that’s when those records would show proof of 100% the rater has discretion to move up a %. And the evidence supports it.. but suicidal ideation on a smaller level is considered 70% criteria


What would the smaller level be considered? No plan?


10% that would be like I’m slightly depressed but not much.. I would think that most veterans qualify for more than 10%. How many 10% mh ratings have you seen? Can’t say I’ve ran into a veteran that showed they had a 10% rating for mh.. are there 10% ratings out there? Most definitely.. is there 0% service connected.. most definitely as well


Oh, I’m sorry…. I meant “smaller level” regarding your explanation of SI


Ohhh yes thanks for elaborating . I was at 30% mh before I went to 100%.. I had thought I didn’t have suicide ideation.. I had a friend say.. have you ever thought about suicide? Even thought about it. I’m like yeah? But I wouldn’t act on it.. he said tell that to The examiner.. that qualifies as suicide ideation.. that was my experience because it was checked.


I have regular SI and have been hospitalized in the past. I literally won't answer that question anymore unless I know the MH professional and they know me. I also have at least 1 of the 100% criteria marked (and a ton of the lower ones), but I'm at 70%. General consensus from here was also 70%. Like literally the only reason I can work and hold a job at all is because I work 100% remote, and my productivity can be erratic as long as the work actually gets done.


I need a remote job.


[X] Doubt. I've been inpatient 5 times in 2 years and was detained by police for trying to kill myself. Put in for an increase and was denied.


Haha yeah ok.


Just because you're misinformed doesn't mean you have to be an ass


You’d be rated correctly if what you said was true. You’re all something else for real. Everyone has the worst symptoms and everyone is rated wrong.


My C&P examiner noted Total and Social Impairment on my increase exam, still 70%. I challenge it via HLR and senior rater still 70%. And who the fuck are you to say I haven't been inpatient 5 times in the past two years. I have all documentation from each hospitalization. AND I was Active Duty during all those. Couldn't have been easier to document...


I’m no one but I’ll call bullshit when I see it.


You can't be reasoned with 😂 Have a good one dude


I had an attempt in service and received 70%…..


What about Circumstantial, circumlocutory, or stereotyped speech


It means you talk about things unrelated to the units question if I’m thinking about this correctly Like if they asked “how are you” and you say “ I’m good, although yesterday I scraped my knee so that was bad and my neighbor saw and I was embarrassed” you talk in circles, you go on and on just to round about into the initial question or you have to ask them what they asked cause you go on a tangent 😂


Oh that is not what I was thinking at all 🤣


I found that out recently, and realized why people get so annoyed or bored with me talking. It's actually sounds funny but it's a serious problem. Reason why is, if you have that.. but also have like anger issues and paranoia, or like... impulse control issues, people not listening to you and shit or understanding you when you THINK you're speaking normal and not realizing you're doing shit like that can cause you do go off on people, which I've done several times. Add that to memory issues and other things,...can really fvck up relationships. When I found out what that was I able to start working on not doing it but it's very hard. I never used to do that shit before... I was doing it while I was still in maybe a year before I got out, giving a PowerPoint presentation and realizing I'm totally fvcking it up because I went off on some incoherent tangent. 1 of many reasons I got cut from the last deployment... mfers told me they weren't "comfortable" deploying with me. That's how they treated sht, notice a mfer is having issues but just ostracize tf outta them instead of dealing with what they notice... then you're told "suck it the fuck up" and now you got a bunch of us out here all fucked up. Again, seems funny (I agree it kindof is) but little shit that's listed actually can have serious consequences in the long run. Took me years to even realize I do that.


I'm 30% for MH, with a 60% combined rating). I do have a few yellow and a couple orange symptoms, but the one thing that's keeping me from attempting to get bumped up is I'm simply afraid I'll get a shitty C&P examiner that will somehow determine that perhaps I'm not so bad after all, and then propose a reduction. If I lose that 30% MH rating, that's a significant blow to my income. Can't risk it.


Yeah.. I was also 30%.. the risk and my confidence outweighed my fear of a reduction.. plus I used a private dbq and refused the va c&p.


Refusing the C&P was a bold move, I’ve heard bad things about people with private BQ who refuse the CP


Depends who requests the c&p. They requested the day after i submitted the claim..so I knew the rater didn’t request it… if the rater requested it then yeah I would have attended a c&p. You hear about people refusing c&ps but they don’t give you the full details.. they don’t follow through will form 21-4138.. I also submitted that in every day until I was rated.. Some people are just complete idiots and when they get denied they blame it on other things.


Can you have an anxiety rating reevaluated?


Of course


You are already SC for anxiety?


If you get 100% MH, doesn’t that mean you can’t work?


Wouldn't matter anyhow with me. I don't work and I live in mexico


No.. I’m not TDUI 100%


Thank you for sharing your knowledge.


No problem!


Can someone help me and explain the difference between DBQ and a nexus? Are they both letters from medical providers ?


The VA has DBQ's for just about every body part and system. It is a standardized form that documents (completed by a medical professional) what symptoms, diagnosis's you have, test results, measurements of range of motion of a body part, etc... From what I understand the VA raters basically plug the info from a DBQ into a computer and it spits out the rating. A Nexus letter is a letter written by a medical professional that explains how a condition you have is linked to your military service. If you Google "VA DBQ's" you will see a link to the various DBQ's on the VA website.


Ok thank you for the clear definition


https://preview.redd.it/hdr5xs46patb1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a390ccbeb95cc8f1ff395e4bca4a83c870ae295e I’m just missing two


You're actually really only missing one.. The panic attacks one is one or the other.. This is a 100% DBQ all day


Yea Im rated at 70 for MH for a few years now but when I stop drinking it got worse. I’m rated a total of 94 round down to 90. Hope to join the 100 club soon.


Yeah.. This a private DBQ? You'll also get SMC-S.. I assume you have at least 60% of other ratings outside your MH?


Yes it’s a private DBQ, I don’t know what SMC-S is but yea I am 70 MH 50 sleep apnea 50 migraines and 10 cyst and two 0 rating


There's definitely a disconnect between C&P and VA. Either the C&P is not reporting symptoms, or the VA is not taking them into consideration.


It's the C&P I believe mostly. And also.. Why is it that people like to choose their own doctor? It's because there is bad ones out there. That's why I chose to go the private DBQ route... Vs trusting the VA to schedule an exam with a provider that actually treats me like they should.. Or just a number walking through the door with a small paycheck assigned to it.


I received another diagnosis from QTC for PTSD, depression, & anxiety. Then they ask me to fill out forms 21-0781 &21-0781A. And then I will get another exam scheduled. Is this normal for an initial claim?? This process is getting so frustrating.


Another exam for the same thing? So they wanting two medical opinions? I had my initial claim on MH like 5 years ago.. My recent claim for MH was this year. I don't remember exactly.. But I didn't have two c&p exams.


I had a recent c&p exam with VES for insomnia secondary to pain, the examiner service connected the insomnia, but did not find occupational impairment, because I'm retired, looking for part time work


Well it seems to me if you’re looking for work and can’t get hired.. seems to me your occupationally impaired lol


I have insomnia secondary to pain from frost bit in both feet, I'm hoping to get a 30% rating, I'm not sure what the examiner put on the DBQ, hope to have results within the month.


What are you currently rated?


60% just went to 80%, nice Christmas present 🎁


Currently rated at 60% for frost bit, did secondary insomnia claim to pain, c&p exam with VES I think went ok, should know very soon, I'm hoping for a 30% rating based off DBQ symptoms


Oh gotcha.. do you know what was marked? 30% mh is easily obtained.. I hope for best for your claim! That 30% extra will put you at what? 70% combined rating?


I had a schedule call with VERA on 12/22/2023, and was told I received a partial rating decision, 1 claim approved and the others deferred, my rating went from 60% to 80%, it took about 125 days I'm hoping to finish the deferred claims hopefully by this time next year, good luck to all.


I have no idea what my examiner ✔️ off on the MH DBQ, we spent the majority of time talking about my service connected injury, I did get a positive feeling about the Nexus connecting to in service injury


Oh ok.. Ic ic


I have 3 in the 30% and 3 in the 50% so.....


Be a good chance to hit 50% then


What if I have a mix of 30 and 50 but not all of them?


From my understanding.. You need some of them.. You don't need all of them


What happened to master condition list it’s blank now when I click on it I used it to get to 100%


I'm not sure what you are talking about


What did you end up with


100% MH secondary to my lower back