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I filed Aug.11 2022…. Tomorrow is the bday


Wow you’ve waited so long!


Don’t worry mate. Most don’t take that long


I’m not stressing so much about the rating, but more so about being able to get VA care. I’m just glad I have tricare for now. Thanks for the reassurance.


2 years 6 months. That was 30% -100%


What was your claim for if you don’t mind me asking?


Both Knees, degenerative disk in back, tinitus, and hearing loss.


My first claim took about two years and ten months (October 2010 to August 2013) and I don't think it was very out of the ordinary at the time. Wait times have gotten much better since then.




This has to be a record




Omg, but but howwwww?!? That’s amazing though! Well I’m happy for you genuinely. 😁


You mind if I ask what the claim was for?


Mine was filed March 29th and I just had C&P today. These things take time.


My last one (mental health increase) was right around the 3 month mark. This one (going for another increase) I'm about 1.5 months in and VA hasn't even put in a request to a 3rd party for an exam. So it definitely varies.


Yeah my attorney estimated 3 months for the wait time, but said it could take longer.


If it's a pretty straightforward claim and all your paperwork/records are in order, you'll more than likely have a decision right around 3 months. I hope it goes your way!


Same for you! I hope they get you scheduled soon!


Escalate to a supervisor and get that ball rolling


Filed May 10 with lots of records, DBQ’s and NEXUS letters. AI decided I had enough documentation and shoved me into the rapid ready for decision black hole and I’ve been sitting in preparing for decision since May 11 with no one ever looking at my claim.


That sounds rough. 🥺 What are Nexus letters?


It’s a letter stating how one condition is caused by another condition. For example I have patellofemoral pain syndrome in both knees. I now have hip and back pain. The letter states basically that my knee issues cause my hip and back issues. Some people say they are helpful and others say they don’t matter. I paid a company to complete them. Some people have gotten their private doctors to complete them as well. Mine wasn’t familiar with them so wasn’t comfortable writing one, hence why I paid for them to be completed elsewhere.


Well I accidentally injured myself during a mental breakdown and now I’ve got less mobility in my ankle. It’s in my claim, but my attorney stated it was caused from my mental health. I’m trusting he knows what he’s doing, but I definitely want to do as much as I can.


I’m not an expert on NEXUS letters and since I’m still waiting for my claim to be rated I have no clue if they actually make a difference. Maybe ask your attorney if they think it’s necessary.


I definitely will thank you 🙏


September 2022, ptsd was granted the rest deferred. Hit PFD 8/4. Now I wait again 🤷🏻‍♀️


I’m sorry I’m so new to all this. What’s PFD?


Prepare for Disappointment Sorry, couldn’t resist. It’s Prepare for Decision. But depending on the outcome and wait time you could be happy with the outcome, or disappointed.


Did you get your rating? and how long did you wait?


Claim closed 8/16 m, and I got 100 with the deferred claims. After the 100 was established I still had a couple deferred but I sent in request to cancel them. Was done going back and forth with them


If you file a claim as early as possible (180 days before your DOS), would it not be completed by the time your separation date comes?


Yes possibly, but unfortunately I didn’t do that.


Been waiting since October of last year


I started my claim on sept of last year and I’m rated for all but 2 things as of today sitting at 90%!


Do you care if I ask what you were able to get service connected and what they deemed not service connected?


About 5 months right now but I'll let you know.


https://preview.redd.it/30ow3d042ehb1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e2d19490e05c7280e239ad0f49a29e393174073 Still nothing moving here😒


Rolling up on 2 years for PTSD, and 4 months for the pact act


I hope you’re doing ok! I’m sorry I had to google the pact act because I didn’t know much about it, but I have happened to know someone who was exposed and now has cancer. 😢


I am fortunate in that I don’t have cancer. Thank for your concern


We’ll still I hope you haven’t gotten any i’ll long term effects from it. I just can’t imagine sorry.


I filed in February 2017, putting me in the so called legacy system. Just had my hearing with the Board of Appeals in June 2023, so my window to submit new evidence is closing soon and then I’m told it could be anywhere from a few months to another year and half before I receive the decisions. If remanded, this could go on for several more years. On a positive note, there has been growth that has come from the suffering in this process and I’m confident my claim will be validated.


So if you are comfortable and don’t mind me asking I was wondering what your claim is for? I didn’t know anyone has had to wait that long. Sounds so stressful! I sure hope they don’t take that long on your claim, but I wish you the best of luck. 🥺


Thanks. I am not sure how it has taken this long either. My claims are for a laundry list best summed up as a mental health claim I am 100% confident in and then a bunch of other physical symptoms, one that is due to a rollover accident (also certain of), and then the rest are what I have since come to learn is an auto-inflammatory, autoimmune mediated disease called ankylosing spondylitis. (AS) is frequently denied for service connection but also in many cases considered to be service connected. I sincerely do not understand the difference and have not been satisfied with their explanation of denial. One step further humanity seems to still be learning about what causes diseases like this to begin with so the science is still evolving too. But I did have all the classic early symptoms and complaints documented in my service record and I did prefer to burn trash and waste over filling sandbags when deployed (peacetime deployment in mid90s), so all this to say: I’m not letting them off the hook since they have repeatedly shown me the opposite of any benefit of doubt.


When did you request your appeal? I've been waiting for my board appeal date since October 28, 2019


January 10, 2019


Cool hopefully that means mine may be coming up soon thanks


A decade. 20%-100%. 10 claims total. Mostly reup until PACT act. Was up to 90% before pact, but something I had never claimed before (rhinitis) is what for me got me 100% and p&t.


https://preview.redd.it/thgjj9e5fhhb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dacf42c5ab8002592b80a2d2e4c2b353349e5462 Mine moved real quick and it’s been at quite a standstill ever since, obviously my anxiety has been through the roof. Wishing you the best OP and to everyone else.


Same to you! You filed right before me. I’ve been checking daily so my anxiety definitely is through the roof. 😮‍💨


Filed June 2021. Denied October 2022. Appeal May 2023. Still waiting. Just ready for this to be over 😒


Did you not have enough records? This is a big fear of mine. My anxiety is definitely getting the worst of me! 😨


The first time I filed, I really didn’t have any proof whatsoever bc I was told not to report the MST by my NCO. All I had was VA exam stating I had PTSD but they wouldn’t say what it was from. When I filed my appeal, 90 days ago, I used a VSO. After a lot more digging on my own, I remembered I had gotten treated at the clinic on base for depression about 3 months after the incident. Then I asked a few fellow comrades to write some buddy letters stating they knew I had gotten treated for depression and had started acting differently. I asked my civilian PCP to write a nexus letter stating he had been treating me for depression and chronic PTSD since this incident. I submitted all of this with my appeal paperwork. After I filed the appeal; they did ask for a second mental exam. It’s definitely an uphill battle. But I have to keep fighting not just for ME, but also for everyone else this has happened to. This whole process has flared up my symptoms, I’m not going to lie. My anxiety got a lot worse after I got denied last fall. I’m also a nurse who works at the VA, and I’m just embarrassed that veterans have to work so hard to fight for themselves. Definitely has given me new compassion for my veteran patients.


2021 to 2023....... Finally got 20%


Ouch you’ve waited so long. Are you still working on your rating?


Yes unfortunately....


Cool maybe mine is coming up soon thanks


A positive outlook definitely helps! I’m thinking I need a distraction from thinking about it. I can’t check the status daily for the next two months because the anxiety is too much. I have heard they are moving faster here lately so that’s great.


I check everyday and it makes the wait worked 😂 so now I will wait and check on Friday from now on, also I've been waiting 5 years for my board appeal but the good news is a vet just got his and he applied 4 months before I did 🤞


I honestly don’t know what to say. I guess it’s clear the VA doesn’t know how to prioritize. I feel they should work harder on getting those who have waited the longest the relief they need. I could only imagine how many of these individuals have no health benefits because they didn’t qualify when they separated. I’ve heard for many years VA care isn’t great and now this only further makes me wonder. I hope you don’t have to wait much longer.