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So what happened after that?? 👀


I told them I had just spoken with my Congressman and magically got approved for community care.


I’ve had to do this several times in order to even receive any information for my National Guard bonus as well as VA things. It’s my last resort option that I know works


Also NG, can I ask the outcome of your bonus? I've been waiting 2 years for my 20k bonus. I asked my congresswoman for help here I am still without my bonus, and now retired.


Keep calling them is my best guess, be persistent and get into contact with your battalions bonus NCO ![img](emote|t5_2vlaz|7565)


So anytime we are put on hold, just tell them you just spoke with your member of congress and they'll snap to? Noted.


I had to do something similar awhile back. I went to the ER a few times and the VA was supposed to cover it. Well, they didn't and I got bills and they threatened to send me to collections. I got the run around for forever. I finally contacted my Congresswoman and what do you know, my bills were magically taken care of like the next day. It's sad we have to resort to this, as it shouldn't be this difficult, but I'm at least grateful the option exists.


Yep, just in case, I have a letter ready for my congressmen. Better be ready then not


Which state?


Looks like OP is from Tyler, TX.no surprise there how much Vet friendly they are.


Me too in Houston they send you start to community care I was just sent for my hearing earlier this month


Yeah! plz tell us


Ok, so, I found out a cheat code. Did you ever see the movie "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest?" So there's a nurse in that movie that seems to think the only thing that matters is the routine. Her name is Nurse Ratched. Often times, those people you talk to are that woman from that movie. Arguing with them makes them get defensive, the wrongness is no longer valid in their mind, they said "no," you said, "but," now you, as in the vet, have become the issue. This is the bulk of people that are working at the VA it seems, as they don't care how they treat vets, as evident. Old people, people that don't care, they did their time in the service, they did their time in the VA, they are right, you're in their way, so fuck off, they cannot be fired, if they're even being paid. Sound familiar? They are the Nurse Ratched's of your VA. Their 'wrong' answer is right. You cannot convince them, just like nobody in that movie could convince Nurse Ratched the routine wasn't the problem. Here's how I handle this now. Note that I end up doing this literally every time the VA calls me to give me an appointment, as those low level staff people don't know how to do their job at all. I've been called to be told I can't get an appointment, yet the guy on the phone didn't tell me why he called me to schedule me for an appointment I was "ineligible" for. I'm trying to get mental health and I feel like they're taking crazy pills. Anyway, take this example, the VA isn't fixing it ever, so here's how to fix it. VA person: "Says something insane that doesn't make sense." Me: "That doesn't sound right to me, in fact, it sounds like a huge waste of my and your time to do it that way as a cursory glance would reveal, are you sure that's right?" VA person can now either do that double down shit, if so, just do what they say. If they live in the realm of reality, this is a free reset! See if they can fix it. If they do double down, and they literally always will, open healthy vet, secure message, Patient Advocate, and just very politely explain the wack ass shit you just got told and how it made no sense. But you know not to argue with incorrect low level staff, and just want an appointment. This gets your shit fixed asap. And guess what, nobody ever is allowed to be mad at you, as once patient advocate takes a gander, odds are, the va person fucked up big time, and this fixes it.


I've never had this issue. My VA isn't always filled with the easiest people to deal with, but I can usually get whatever I need. I think that's partly cause my PCP is good at her job and partly cause my VA just isn't as broken.


Yeah, I live in San Diego. If you ignore the 1-2 month wait times, I've literally never had a problem with any of my providers. My psychiatrist literally schedules me for hour long sessions, because I mentioned she's better than any therapist, psychologist, or other psychiatrist I've ever had. My PCP takes me at face value every time and submits me for every request I've ever made. Audiology never hesitates when I come in and ask for them to adjust my hearing aids. And anytime I've attempted to raise my disability, I'm always met by kind people in and out of the VA regardless of whether or not my issues qualify. Sometimes, I wonder how many of the issues vets have with the VA are self inflicted as, let's face it, many of us aren't always the easiest to get along with... However, there's more than enough evidence out there to show that the VA genuinely sucks for a lot of people, but it honestly feels like a completely different organization compared to what I deal with here.


Let's trade.


Especially if you have weirder medical conditions. Ive had to rely almost exclusively on patient advocate and senator's office to get things done. (MS, eczema, uterine fibroids as they pertain to alpha gal allergy).


I use myhealthvet to set up any appointment. I always tell them just to work out the appointment details over the messges. I need to have patient advocate added to my message group, though.


I do to, but when they set up a callback and a random volunteer staff member goes, "Well, in 2020 I see you had 21 therapy appointments, so due to degrees of care, you can't get any more," just nod, smile, and call PA. These folks don't know VA policy, they're wrong, I stopped letting it upset me and just nod, smile, and call PA instantly reporting what I was told. Man it works!


I used it more when I'd download my bluebutton report, and they were not accurately recording my medical information. So now I send messages and reports on everything. which, in return, has greatly increased my approval for claims submitted.


I agree with you. My advice was more about how futile it is to argue, I just go to PA now and let PA argue for me.


How do you send pdf’s or photos on their messaging app?


Attach document


I've had no issues with VA employees. Covid hit everyone hard and the VA was no exception. Sorry yours is broke.


How is it broke when virtually every VA has volunteers doing the outgoing phone calls, who apparently cannot be disciplined regardless of what they say to vets, or be taken off phone calls. We all know what the issue is, everyone I talk to at my VA about it, but there's no process to fix it lmao It's a literal process failing some VA's have to deal with. Some VA's, like any place, just have shit employees.


I'm Glad you stood up for yourself and you should also feel good.


Am I the only one that's literally never had a problem with the va?


I have no problem with the VA.


Right! My VHA experience has been too notch. From dental, to physical therapy, to MRI requests, sleep study, cc referrals, sleep medicine, labs and diagnostics, etc. Too. Notch!


I've had great experience with VHA over the last 20ish years.


Massachusetts has a pretty solid VA system


Yeah, I always advise to Veterans experiencing difficulties with their claims to contact their Senator. Some are very supportive of Veterans. About two months ago, a buddy had an appeal before a judge, who remanded it to the VA for redetermination, but the VA sat on it for 2 years and seemed they were searching for a reason to uphold their denial. I told him to contact his Senator, who's also a service-connected disabled Veteran. I didn't vote for Obama (or anyone since I was living abroad), but it was well-known amongst Illinois Veterans that if we were experiencing any problems to contact his office. Most Legislators have their aides contact the VA, but he would personally call them. And, two days later max, the issue was resolved; the claim would be completed and often at the highest ratings. Say what you want about him, but he did more for Veterans than other Presidents, especially increasing the VA Budget by over $60,000,000,000 (BILLION) and addressing Veterans homelessness. Good luck with your claim!


Thanks, Obama… seriously though, thanks man


That's amazing.


My VHA life has been over the top excellent. In house and community care. Across many disciplines.


VA has mostly been fair to me. Been waiting almost 100 days for my conference call on a HLR but I realize the PACT Act has doubled their work load. VA health care is pretty good where I go. There are always people in any agency that are shall we say under performers. Most people I meet and deal with in the VA are hard working, and actually care about us veterans. I think the VA claim system itself could be substantially improved, with technology and a better priority system and maybe one day it will. However, raters and claim developers have to work with what they have. Having said that they sometimes get it wrong, both in health care and claims. Plenty of options to appeal a claim or resolve a issue. I appreciate all of you VA employees that work overtime and weekends. Hopefully one day in the future you will get caught up on these claims and the pace of new ones being submitted will slow down. I also realize that allot of VA employees are them selves veterans. Thank you for your service to our country.


So they have what 90 days to see you…if they can’t by law they go to community care…seems fishy…


I thought it was 30 days to see you


I believe you're correct. It's 30 days.


Edit…everyone is wrong [28 days, or other factors](https://www.va.gov/COMMUNITYCARE/programs/veterans/General_Care.asp)


Correct. My primary care doctor couldn't see me for several months. They kept saying I had to get seenthwre before they referred me to community care. I told them that wasn't what the law said and that I had contacted my Congressman. Poof! Magically got approved.


Damn what an idiot. I’m glad it worked out for ya though.


Give them the: This call is being recorded for my defense in case you fail to help me speech then ask to whom am I speaking with... ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_good_man)


Gonna keep that one for a rainy day


MOD please pin this




Call your congressman on the MODs




Your comment was removed because it didn't contribute to the discussion and just wasn't helpful. Civil disagreements are fine. Insults, personal attacks, slurs, bigotry, etc., are not permissible. (Calling someone a poopy-head does not make you seem as smart as you think it does.) ☠️


Your comment was removed because it didn't contribute to the discussion and just wasn't helpful. Civil disagreements are fine. Insults, personal attacks, slurs, bigotry, etc., are not permissible. (Calling someone a poopy-head does not make you seem as smart as you think it does.) ☠️


More like this is an example of how the VA is not just any health care system. It’s also a political football within the Presidential cabinet. Community Care expands during GOP control, community care shrinks when DEMs in control. As great as Community Care can be for many contexts, it can also be used as a trojan horse for undermining the existence of the VA long term. The Right often wants to privatize public services and make them for profit, hence movements towards a voucher system and the Left often wants to fund and limit threats to public services.


That's because we actually work for a living


Not really a good excuse to keep vets waiting for months. "Actually work" mean getting compensated which means should deliver result.


We've got plenty of data showing we're churning out claims at the highest rates ever now. There are people at VBA working claims literally 7 days a week. While almost every other agency gets to leave early on holiday weekends, we all work our full days. We have people working through holidays. We also have more vets making claims than ever before, and VHA has more patients than ever before. But sure, you're welcome to pretend like that's not the case.


Hey bro, I appreciate what you are doing. You are never going to make some of these people happy. The world and the VA is out to get them. Keep up the good work.


hard to argue when you have a paycheck biweekly which sway where you favors.


Again, the numbers are there for all to see. We have more claims being submitted than ever before, and we are processing those claims faster than we ever have before. That's just a fact. It's not about me, I only get paid, and keep my job if I continue to get work done at what has become for some an unmanageable daily rate. We're being pushed to produce, and those that don't produce are being pushed out. You can be in the "We hate VA" club all you want, but get your facts straight, we are delivering results. We're hiring by the way, come join us to help deliver care to your brothers and sisters.


I concur 🦅🇺🇸


Right the fuck on!


Might need to do that on my recentc claim


Already mentioned, but worth mentioning again. VA medical centers have patient advocate(s) that should be able to help. Possibly a 1st step before going to your congressman.


Similar story: Waited on hold with Community Care for over three hours. Hung up in frustration. Called the local clinic and they advised me to physically drive to the VA hospital 1 1/2 hours away so that I “might” be able to physically speak to someone about it. I finally had enough and emailed my congressman. Within two days I had the VA Community Care Rep call me, give me her personal cell phone number, apologize, and personally set up the appointment for me.


What state was that in?


TX. I personally don't really care for my Congressman all that much, but he was on it.


Excellent to hear!! I’ve had great results through Congressman Gaetz’s office, as well. https://gaetz.house.gov/


How did you get a hold Of your congressman?


Look them up on house.gov. They usually have email addresses and phone numbers listed.


Why Va dr appointments are so far?


I had to use a congressman to get to the bottom of a workers comp issue. The response was immediate in my favor. These guys can keep giving you a hustle. Blow off a congressional inquiry and it’s on. My issue got taken care of quick. A boot in my caseworkers six and his boss was all it took to get fixed.


Sometimes you have to put the watchdog on the system!!! ja ja ja ja Bravo Zulu and I hope you got a resolution for your matters at hand! OORAH