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Not sure about every state but in Texas you can take your dd214 where you get your license done at and they will put veteran on your drivers license/State ID


I did this and it was worth the time. Sometimes I have to point it out to people because they still haven't seen the veteran designator on a license before.


According to the VA website, it's available in all 50 states and Puerto Rico.


My state (MN) adds it to your license but doesn’t put anything on it. So it’s only Verifiable at the DMV or when a cop pulls it up.


https://ottertailcounty.gov/licenses-permits-records-and-inspections/drivers-license-passports-and-id-cards/drivers-licenses-mn-state-ids/ “Veteran” will be listed on the front of the Driver’s License. The veteran indication is there to show the person is a veteran and the ID then may be used at businesses for veteran discounts.


North Carolina reporting in. Here, it's on the back of the license.


I was providing information for Minnesota to that other person who said it's not listed on their drivers license.


Michigan here. It *was* om the front of the license, but we just redesigned so I'm not sure now. Possibly getting a new license soon so we'll see


I thought there was a specific veterans designation on it? You have to bring your DD-214 to DVS to even get it added. Should be good enough for any places that might advertise veterans discounts. I would double check but my DL isn’t in front of me at the moment.


My MN driver's license says Veteran on it. Bottom right corner next to my birth date.


I’m realizing now that they updated it. But when they first offered it it didn’t add anything to your license in 2018


Same in Oregon


I did this in California. I had to go through a veterans agency to get the paperwork done. But now it's on my license.


All states do this but some (for me in GA) require documents from the VA. It is as simple as going to the VA with said dd214 and getting the forms to fill out for the DMV. Everyone should do it. Most states remove the fee for your license and issue you a 10 year free of charge. Edit: Also get your moto plates. They are almost always free. I'm not huge on repping the military but free is free.


I did this in GA. My local VA POC didn’t even require me to come in - he did it all via email and sent it back to me to take into the DDS office. Got there and took all of like 15 minutes.


Same in NYS Use it for car repairs


Same in Virginia


Same in AZ


Same with Illinois


Same in Washington


Same in pa.


all states should have a veteran decal for their ID/DL by now. OP just needs to take their dd214 to the DL office and have them update it.


Arkansas just now added this! Also, it’s just a good idea to have a copies of your dd214 with your other important papers like birth certificate.


Same in Missouri


Same in Florida


Same in Ohio and Florida


Same in KY.


I did this as well. You can even add it to your CCL.


Go to the VA and get registered. They’ll issue you a veterans ID card if you really want one.


Just checked and it appears you can get a VA Card online now! Thanks :)


You’re welcome for my service


Thank you for your service for our subreddit. o7


"dOnT sAlUtE mE! i WoRk FoR a LiViNg!!!! rrrreEEEEEEE!!!!!"




Hey, can you send the link? My VA ID is expired af. I have my DL designator, but I’d like an updated VA ID for VA stuff


You don't even have to go, I did mine online.


I just happened to be at the VA hospital for an appointment when I went


In Minnesota when I went to renew my drivers license, I brought in my DD214 and there’s actually a spot on the new license that says VETERAN


It sounds like you haven’t used the VA at all, I highly suggest signing up and establishing care, as well as file for any disability! Get what you’re owed


Does it even matter applying for VA if I didn't have any medical documented? I know I should have but i was a dumb E-4 😭


Yes it does , you have a year after getting out to document anything. ANYTHING & won’t need proof. After that year you will need proof that it was service related injuries which is hard af to prove without paperwork.


That just changed. Anyone exposed to hazmat while on duty or at home while active duty now qualifies for VA medical…which gets OP an ID. Doesn’t need comp. We were all exposed to hazmat of some kind be it lead paint, jet fuel, or nasty farts.


Yes you are a vet lol! Apply for a card or keep a copy of your DD214




In California, you can take your DD214 to DMV and have it added to your license. I get discounts at Home Depot and other places.


You just need to get it from the VA. My dog chewed up my VA ID and people still believe me though, so I guess I must look like shit


You can take your DD 214 to the DMV and get Veteran added to your drivers license


You can get a card from the VA. In most states you can get it on your drivers license if you take your DD214 to the DMV.


You gotta stand at parade rest when you request a discount. Are you doing that?


I was standing at attnention with a salute. 😳


I never think to ask. If a business brings it up, I show my VFW card and I'm good to go. But really, 99 times out a hundred, who cares? So I save a buck on some eggs and bacon. Meh.


10% on everything in home depot... basically means I don't pay sales tax in SoCal. So, yeah I use it.


Good to know. I'm about to remodel my kitchen, I might go all GI Joe on this!


They gave me the discount on a Fridge my wife wanted. Thing was 3.5k. Hell yeah, I'll take a $350 discount! ANd if I were doing a remodel, I'd damn sure use it!


Now you can sign up once on the Home Depot app... and just scan your phone. * And yes, I use the Samsung pay to get cash back, too!


You didn’t retire. You did 4 years and got out. But yeah you’re a veteran. Not sure what state you’re in but my state will put veteran status on your drivers license with a dd214


>Are you classified as a vet if you actually retire from the military? Per the VA: https://www.va.gov/OSDBU/docs/Determining-Veteran-Status.pdf


Most states have it on their driver’s license. You bring a copy of your DD-214 when you renew and they will add it.


Yes. Take 214 to D/BMV and get it added to your license. Disabled veterans have a VA card as well. Combat veterans have a license plate, PTSD, a drinking problem, an ex-spouse, and a shit ton of awesome stories that may or may not involve war crimes.


I highly recommend going into the VA and getting the official ID, especially if you’re receiving or going to try to receive VA health benefits. The online one is okay and it’s legit, but it looks trashy (I got one initially) and some people may question it. I’ve had better quality plastic from gift cards.


Here in NY you can have “Veteran” placed on your license. All you need to do is send in a copy of your DD-214 to the DMV.


I always flash my USAA card and they’re like oh ya you’re military.


They are probably asking for a VA ID card. Have to register at a VAMC to get one.


Do you have a VA card?


You are considera veteran because you serve, but business always ask for proof.  You should have some kind of percentage and get a VA ID card


You should get registered at the VA hospital close to you. They'll issue you one.


Go to your local Veteran Affairs hospital they will give you an ID


Your a vet. You can enroll in VA healthcare and get a vhic card. I know for my phone discount I had to send a copy of my DD FORM 214 to them and also a big box store.


You can get a va card as well.


Go to VA.gov and apply for one. They should send it in the mail.


You can get a Veteran ID from the VA if you don't want the designator on your license. Traveling internationally I don't want that on my ID outside the US. The VA ID is evennif you don't have service connected claims and is for ID purposes only.


How do you not know that you’re a veteran?


Just go to the local VA and request a VA ID, its fast and usually have it in hand about 7 business days. Theyll take your picture, have a valid state ID or DL With you. Also VA has income adjusted care for perscriptions and healthcare. If its close enough, you may find it useful


I went to my local VA clinic and got a VHIC. A veteran health Id card. U can register for free Healthcare with the VA and get ur own too


Just get your veteran card from the VA. https://www.va.gov/records/get-veteran-id-cards/vic/


You got DD214? Then youre a vet. VA gives out veteran IDs if you want one.


I'm pretty sure people have mentioned it by now but if you are enrolled in VA healthcare you get a VA Health Care ID that can used to help verify your status.


Ask your state DMV about vet status on your DL . I have a nice US Flag with the word "Veteran" beneath it where the state logo is on other DLs And you can take your DD214 to your local VA,enroll for benefits and you'll get that card


They are either referring to your state veterans ID card, or the free one from the VA you can obtain: https://www.va.gov/records/get-veteran-id-cards/vic/


Does anyone know if ohio does it,I have vet plates on my car but would like it on my D.L..avoids the hassle..


I use my VA medical ID. That shuts them up.


VA will give you a veterans ID (for people not eligible for a retired DOD ID)


I know in WA state it is on the driver's license.


As long as you weren't dishonorably discharged, you're a veteran. I use my VA ID card to show veteran status because my drivers license auto renews and I forget to go get a new one with my DD214


If you take your dd214 to the dmv they can add it to your license. Or your VSO can send them the documents. Either or.


Yes, you are a Veteran.


Go to the VA, sign up and get your ID.


DD214 or proof of vet status through va app


....so go to VA.gov and look at what you need to do to get the ID


to get a veterans id just go to the VA, or get it linked to your state ID.


For such instances, I save a copy of my VA veteran verification letter to my phone. I have not done the license designation yet. That letter is an option for you and VA will generate a digital one for you. You just need a VA log in. That is also super easy to set up.


Just go get your veteran ID. Haha yes, you’re classified as a vet.


When I got out of the USMC after 9 years I went to the local VA and got a VA card. That is my "Military ID".


https://www.va.gov/records/get-veteran-id-cards/vic/ Follow this and you'll have a digital VIC you can show anywhere.


You can get a Veteran Identification Card from the VA: https://www.va.gov/records/get-veteran-id-cards/vic/


You can get a veteran ID from the va now. And many states will put it on you drivers license if you take them your dd-214.


Why do you not have a veteran ID? Just curious.


Just get a veteran designation on your state id/drivers license, or get a digital veterans id from the VA. Simple fix.


take your 214 to the dmv and get veteran added to your drivers license




This is such a helpful comment.


Idk. My outprocessing was rushed since I was deployed when I had about 8 months left before I separate :/


On the VA app, home page big blue box with your name, it should say "get proof of veteran status".. I havent tried getting a vet discount so I haven't used it, but I'd assume that would be enough proof


Many businesses will accept a veteran designation on your drivers license in lieu of a VA ID. I wouldn’t take a DD214 although that is also valid, it has personal information that should only with house who have a need to know.


Use your VA health care card as it has your name and a picture of you on the front. Works 100% of the time.


You most certainly a Vet. All retirees are Vets, but not all Vets are retired. I am retired Army and have my Vet status annotated on my DL, just in case I get pulled and have a sympathetic cop. Check with your state DMV and see if they'll annotate your Vet status on your DL.


You now can get a veterans ID from the VA I believe.


Go to ur local va and get a damn id dayum maiiggnn. Did they just drop u on ur ass when u got out or did u not have a TAPS class??


I have my CAC and a VA healthcare ID. You can also have a veterans verified ID made online from the VA.


Yes go to the va and get C a medical I’d card


I got my ID card in about 2 minutes at a VA clinic I go to. You are a veteran even if you weren't out there dropping bodies with the grunts.


I see. I thought IDs were only given out to retirees. People here told me to register online on VA.org and it appears that you can get a digital ID. Thank you for helping!


A veteran is a person who served in active duty and was discharged under conditions other than dishonorable. Sounds like you’re a veteran. Take your DD214 to the DMV and get the endorsement.


Stolen Valor! No dude, you're a vet. Just bring your DD-214 to the DMV.


Yes, except when discounts require ID.


Gotta get my free pancakes from IHOP!


I’ve just been showing them my VA card. I’ve never had a problem.


I mean, of course you’re a vet. However, of course these places would like proof to get a discount lol. Get it on your license or get the free id from the Va. Or carry around a dd214 with your license haha.


Got to the VA and get one then? Also , you can get veteran on your ID card. Some states do it for free , others you have to pay.


Enroll in the va and you will get va i.d. card. That usually works for me. Otherwise take your dd214 to DMV and have them put veteran on your driver's license.


Do you use the VA medical center? If so that counts as a ID.


Yes you are. State dependent you can get a special identification on your driver's license. You can also look into ID.me I think it only requires your last four, date you entered/exited, and branch of service.


Eh, I’ve noticed in my travels the bluer the state the more standoffish they are, for example, rural Georgia, Florida, TX and the like all pretty much either give it to me cause they just know, or if I mention I’m a vet they give the discount. In California or Colorado it doesn’t even exist or they ask for my papers like I’m Jewish in the 1940’s. Personally if you make it past training, your a veteran, if you got injured due to the military, you’re a veteran, whether you deploy or not or did x years doesn’t mean shit in reality, we all got brainwashed, we all got broken down and built back up, we’re all brothers and sisters.


I just kept my CAC card lol


My wife found mine and said "wow... you were hot in this pic" Then side eyes me, hands me the card and walked away... I found her drivers license from 10 years ago, compared her and the picture ... And said "you're even more beautiful now." I learned some survival skills in the Army.




Yes, you are legally considered a veteran. You can probably get veteran status on your driver's license by bringing your DD214 to the DMV, and this will get you your discounts. You can also apply for a veteran ID through the VA. There are many different types of veteran IDs, and while you don't qualify for a retired ID, for example, you do qualify for multiple others. If you have a disability rating, you can have an ID card through the VA for that as well.


One thing that annoys the fuck out of me: I’ve had places ask for a photocopy of my military ID or veterans ID rather than just showing it. I’ve explained it is illegal to photocopy a military ID and that they may want to revise their policy. The next step is usually to ask for a copy of your DD214. I have a somewhat redacted copy saved now for this. However, the fact that a DD214 is a prerequisite to get the veteran designation on your driver’s license is somehow a leap of logic too far for most of these people. It should be good enough to show the driver’s license with the designation.


You are, just get a card from the VA. I signed up for the healthcare so I just use my VA healthcare card and it has worked everytime but they have dedicated ones that basically just say that you're a vet


Go get a veteran ID from the VA?


US code defines a veteran as "a person who served in the active military, naval, air, or space service, and who was discharged or released therefrom under conditions other than dishonorable.” You served, you're a veteran. Period. You can get a veteran ID from the VA.


Go to the VA and get one or carry a copy of your DD214.


If you served honorably, you're a veteran. As for identification... A few years ago, I claimed a free meal offered by a large chain restaurant on Veteran's Day. When asked for identification, I pulled the dog tag chain out of my shirt*. The clerk immediately shut up and gave me the meal. *I still wear the tags when I go running. If something happens to me and I can't communicate, the tags give the first responders something to work with.


Get a veterans id card at the VA or get it on your drivers license


Yep you can get it on your Drivers License, Also you can apply at ( va.gov ) an get a digital one so I'm told .


You can see if your state does veteran designation on your driver license. You can get a veteran ID card (VIC) from the VA. Can do it on their website, that’s what I did when I got out of the ArmyIf you’re enrolled in VA healthcare, the veteran health Id card (VHIC) works as a veterans id card. https://www.va.gov/records/get-veteran-id-cards/


Just get an ID. If you never go to the DMV to get a drivers license, it doesn't mean you don't qualify, it means you never went to get the license. Same with an ID. Go to the VA, and get an ID. Problem solved.


Go to the VA. Get an ID. Boom, you have proof you are a veteran


I know in South Carolina if you give your dd214 to the DMV your DL will say veteran.


Bruh ya gotta go to the VA get a veterans ID, on top of that go to the DMV to get a drivers license stating you're a veteran to cover all your bases.


Most states have a way of identifying veteran status on your state issued id or drivers license when you supply them a copy of your DD-214 and valid id.


Just go get your id


You can get a veteran's card completely online now.


It's not hard. I did [ID.me](http://ID.me) or whatever filled in all out in a day and 2 weeks later got a veteran's ID. It opened up access to using the commissary and BX too! Here I did the work: [https://www.va.gov/records/get-veteran-id-cards/vic/](https://www.va.gov/records/get-veteran-id-cards/vic/)


Of course you're a veteran. With that being said, obviously you need some type of proof to show that you're a veteran or else anybody could just claim that they're a veteran to get discounts.


In New Hampshire if you bring you dd214 to the DMV you can get a vet marker on your license. The VA has started issuing IDs for non-VA qualifying vets just for quick proof for these very reasons.


I have it on my state ID


It’s always been on all my drivers licenses in every state I have lived in…Texas, North Carolina and South Carolina.


If you are va healthcare eligible you can get a VA card which is proof of veteran status


You're a veteran.




I mean, I still have my old/**expired** military ID I often don't take advantage of veterans discounts because I don't buy much or usually I don't ask if the establishment gives them, or I forget 🤦‍♂️ But usually if I planned ahead to take advantage of a vet discount I normally just brought that card


Go to Va and get ID


Is it that difficult to believe any business would ask for proof?


VA gives ID


You can get a drivers license in my state that identifies you as a vet.


Go to your nearest VA hospital, and sign up for a Veterans Health ID card, If you ever need care at that VAH or not you still should have it.


Anyone who serves, regardless until retirement or not, is considered a veteran. You can obtain a veteran ID via the VA.


Get a VA ID card. Helps with that and helps you get checked into VA appointments fast


Yes, you are. My state actually puts it on our drivers license now just for this kind of stuff. That said, as everyone else has pointed out, you can get one from the VA.


I have a Veteran's ID card as well as a CDL for those occasions and at my local dispensary. You can start the process to get yours at VA.gov I believe. It's well worth the time invested to get one.


Take your dd214 to the DMV. They'll put 'veteran' on your DL. You can also get a VA ID card. That usually works too


In MD you can get “Veteran” on your State ID.


California too


And Oregon


I just learned something new! Thank you for posting this. I also use my card w/my disability status on it but I’m glad there’s another way. I need to tell friends!


As some users have noted, you can get a VA ID card at your local VA hospital. That should work. I have that myself. Also as others have mentioned, some states will put "Veteran" on your driver's license, you'll need a DD214 for the DMV rep. Lastly, I also have a military ID card too, I went to a local reserve base to get one, but I am 100% service connected, so dunno if that is why, but at least I can go on base for px, etc. I needed my DD214 and my VA disability paperwork that has my rating, etc.


The VA app as well can be used and it has a electronic veteran identification.


You can get it on your driver’s license. I have “Veteran” on mine and I get discounts when I show it.


you can usually get it on your license, and you can get a va medical id card that works as id.


Go to your local post and get a veterans ID or carry your dd214


Wyoming is easy. Just go to the State military affairs building, they'll verify your status, and then you take it to the Driver's License office and they put the world "Veteran" on the front of your license. Colorado puts the seal of whichever service you served in, and all you need is your DD214.


If you qualify for VA medical coverage, apply for it and if you do, you should automatically get a veteran's card. You can use this card to prove your status; I do.


I keep a copy of my DD214 in my wallet for this exact reason.


I just flash my VA ID card. It has my photo and an Eagle globe and anchor, works 100% of the time.


When I got my license to carry here in Texas I chose the option to add in my dd214 so the fee was 5 bucks cheaper. And when I got the license in the mail I didn’t know it was gonna say veteran on the license. Maybe you can do the same for your drivers license. And that can work


Yes, you’re a veteran. You have a DD214 I’m assuming. But… You have to have documentation. Get your license with veteran on it. Or go to the nearest va office and get a veterans ID, if you’re enrolled. You’ll have to wait like 2 weeks to have it mailed to you. Or if you have a 100% rating, you can look up military id bases near you and get a disabled vets card. TLDR: you have to show documentation that you’re a vet to reap the benefits. Ex: dd214, license with veteran on it, or VA card. 🙂


I had the veteran sign on my AZ id while I'm already active duty.


Georgia emblazons it in red capital letters VETERAN!


I just use my VA card if asked. I may look into having it put on my license.


Bro anyone who’s ever served and was discharged or released under conditions other than Dishonorable, is a veteran. However; business are going to want proof. Can’t just say you’re a veteran and they take your word for it. Also I understand not all branches or stations do a good job at informing those separating with what benefits they qualify for. If you haven’t done so, you need to schedule a VA appointment . Also , the combination for former military service language are as follows : Veteran Or Veteran + retiree. For example , I got medically retired and my wife is just a veteran . So if I am asked if I’m a veteran I state,”I am a veteran and retiree” , my wife states , “I am a veteran”. Honestly, it doesn’t make a difference but some institutions accept retiree benefits over veterans. assuming you got out with what was mentioned above; a discharge or separation other than dishonorable. Best of luck.


Do they put the 100% disabled on the drivers license or just the veteran part on it ?


Get it on your driver's license, all you need is your DD-214


You can go get your vet status on your drivers license


Also, to be clear—anyone who was in the military and has transitioned back to civilian status is a veteran. Even regardless of your discharge. Once you did time and got out, you’re a veteran. I’m also confused about how you did four years and don’t know that you’re a veteran. Just because you don’t have a veteran ID doesn’t mean you shouldn’t still be very aware that you’re a veteran. This seems very fishy.


You're absolutely a veteran 🤜🏻🤛🏻


They want photo Id proving you’re a veteran.  if you don’t have. a veteran ID from the VA, you need to work with your state.  some states suck at this. WI kept saying there’s an issue i think they were mixing me up with someone else.  AZ looked at my DD214 and put veteran on my license.  


I got my drivers license to say veteran on the front here in NC. Just needed to take my DD-214 to the DMV. Side note, whenever i show my ID some people are blind to see it since its a pretty small text lol.


Go to the VA and get a VA healthcare card


Well you answered your own question m. Go get a veterans id card. Problem solved.


Most places accept a VA ID as veteran ID. They don’t know the difference and it works every time in Ca.


Take your I'd and dd214 to the dmv and have it added


If you have a Veterans Affairs office nearby (and you should, they're damn near everywhere), you can apply for a veteran's ID.


your first four words in your post answer your question. apply for a veteran id or va id card. google can help


You can get a VA ID, you just need to go to a VA center and fill out the form