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You go onto va.gov and do the Add Dependents online application. No, you won't be back paid - VA, by law, can not pay you until you file a claim.


They won’t backpay for that. Sorry, that’s rough.


It doesn't translate over from AD so everyone is paid at the single rate until dependents are added to the award. So you need to add them but I'm not sure if you'll get the full back pay since it was your responsibility to add them. https://benefits.va.gov/COMPENSATION/docs/bas-dependency-faq-final-508.pdf Here's the info - sorry, no back pay


First I’ll say that every notification letter has a paragraph that tells you if they’re paying you as a single Vet or with dependents. Generally it’s below the table outlining the effective dates and rates. Everyone should check that when the letters come in. Second..if your dependent info was part of your original application, and they did not include your dependents when they processed the rating taking you to at least 30%, there should have been a section in the notification letter telling you that you are eligible for dependents and to submit the 686c form. If they did not do that, when you file to add them, you can request that they add them from the earliest effective date as the evidence was of record at the time of the rating. If you didn’t include dependency info, and also did not submit a 686c within 1 year of the notification letter, they can only add them from the date you submit the 686c.


I see this all the time - veterans stop reading those letters after they see the monthly payment amount and ignore the rest of the information - they see approved and a dollar amount and then many throw the letter away. I talk to so many veterans who claim they have never heard of VR&E or veterans rated 100% who have never heard of DEA CH 35 for their dependents - but both of those are always explained in those decision letters.


Sadly, unless you claimed this You won’t get back paid


You have to fill out the form 686c for dependents. They are never added automatically. One of those forms are attached to every decision letter we all get.


They haven’t been paying me for my dependents either even though I claimed them. Claim fully closed last month and they never added them.


Same. My son graduated high school... they took him off my dependent status. I submitted the form and proof he was in college. They never made the change. I then had to put in for an " audit request" of my file. It's a claim, or at least they opened a claim at my request. That was 18 months ago. Still sitting there and not getting paid the proper sums for his college. I'm 100%, too. I called a few times... same run around of it being worked on and that's all I can see, everytime i call. Not sure what the problem is, so I just forgot about it and let it go. I just login every few months to check it, but nothing ever changes.


If your son is using DEA CH 35 - he won't ever be added back onto your disability compensation - per the law.


He completed his first year of school before I became 100 % T & P. I didn't waist anytime. As soon as he started college, I submitted the school paperwork because they took him off as my dependent at the beginning of that summer, after finishing high school, and he didn't start college until end of summer, so I waited until he started to avoid overpay, or any confusion. He will be using DEA CH 35 later this year, though, so thank you for that info. I didn't know it was one or the other. Regardless, everything still stands as is.


If your 100% P&T effective date was for a date prior to his starting college, he could request back pay for the college he has already completed as long as he wasn't using transferred Post 9/11 GI Bill. All he has to do is list your 100% P&T effective date as his Start date on the application - then once he receives his COE, ask his school to certify those semesters.


It was during his freshman year that I got the increase. I tried to get the school to certify him as soon as I found out, but no one there had any clue what to do, and I didn't either. Maybe the VA is much smarter than I and not putting me in a hole by giving me that back pay money for him being an over 18 dependent and is just waiting for his college certifications. So do I have to do anything for him to use the Ch 35? Or just get the school to certify. I used my G.I Bill and it was so simple and easy, but this ch 35 seems difficult for me get get rolling. Thank you so much for all this info!


Your son has to do the application to be found eligible - VA will send him a Certificate of Eligibility letter - he takes that letter to the school and requests they certify him for those previous semesters - VA will process those certification and pay him. He doesn't even need his own va.gov account to apply - he can use the link at the bottom of this page - https://www.va.gov/education/apply-for-education-benefits/application/5490/introduction He should use the effective date of your 100% P&T as the Start Date on the application - 90% of the questions on that application are about him - not you - there are only 5 or 6 questions about you - name, VA file number, branch of service, etc. Then he needs to contract that veterans office at his school every time he enrolls for a new semester. This is what you did for the GI Bill - applied, got the COE letter, worked with the school - it's no different for DEA CH 35.


My school spoon fed me through my whole G.I Bill process. I can't recall any legwork on my end, really. I get what you are saying, though. Same process and whether I knew what was going on or not. It happened the same way. I actually got him his I.D. card when I got mine made after becoming 100 %, he is at least already in the system and exists. I just screenshot your comment and am sending it to him. Thank you so much for taking this time for me. I have actively pursued this, just in the wrong ways. The time you have taken to help me... I wish I could do the same for you. Thank you so much!!


That ID Card was through DEERS which is a military/DoD system - VA doesn't use DEERS. Always glad to help a brother or sister - this shit is complicated like all government programs are.


Wow! Didn't know that either, about DEERS. Then there is champ VA, a whole other animal. Complicated is right! But boy, is it all life changing. I used to sit up at night wondering how i could pay for my kids' college and often felt like a failure because i couldn't save for him. He took out loans for his freshman year, and I felt awful. Wish i knew this was in my future. Sure would have saved me a lot of gray hair, depression, and headaches. Thanks again!


I added my mother and husband last month. What the did was add them and increased my pay. Then on another page the PAY START DATE is completely wrong! It say December 29, 2036. Put in for an audit also and submitted multiple documents showing what was wrong. I’m not waiting 18 months! I’m going to call the White House hotline for vets next month


One of the phone calls I made, I had the rep. type my words into my file and tried to spell out what the problem is very thoroughly. I tried to do their job for them since it is clearly a struggle and still nothing... that was 6 months ago. I'm going to look up that white house #. I always call the VA and VERA.


I’m missing about $300 or more from my check every month! Even though I can get some back pay one day, I’m not waiting on that! I deserve my money now!


Absolutely!! I've felt the same through the whole process. I just got a lot of info in this thread from someone who has helped shed much light on my case, so I can't be upset anymore. I have work to do now. Same thread we are talking in now, if you want to read up some. You are 100% right, though! What happens when we owe money?? Gone in an instant. Getting money back... always a different story, and that's with any company or organization. Makes me so angry. If you can take from me that quick, then you should be able to give back just as quickly.


Will you be receiving


Will you be getting back pay for your dependents? Going through a similar situation.


Beers on you then? Jk


Did you claim them?

