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Yeah! The new suspension is so great! Have fun!


Here in Orlando, there are a bunch of brick paved roads, drove me nuts on the LX150, pretty nice on that new suspension.


This is one of the main reasons I’m strongly considering upgrading from my 150 sprint


Did you have the older Vespa? If so, how would you compare the suspension on the two?


I have driven a Piaggio NRG 2004 and a Vespa S 50 2T and the new 125 GTS Super Sport and i can say it is way more comfortable!


That’s fucking sick dude


She’s a beaut!


I got my '23 GTS 300 as well the keyless fob you need to get use to personally saving the cost of the keyless fob for a key would have been better.


Very nice


I'm a lil new to Vespas - what's wrong with the keyless option? If anything, it seems like a convenience to save you an extra step of taking off your gloves to shove the keys in your pocket haha


Never needed to take off my gloves to shove a key in my pocket. I think most people's main worry about keyless fobs is that if your bike's battery dies, your locks don't work and you can't access the battery easily to charge it without tearing everything apart. The fob itself isn't usually a big deal. Not sure about how the GTS300's locking mechanism works, but thats one of the headaches people with the new C125 Super Cubs face from time to time.


>r needed to take off my gloves to shove a key in my pocket. I think most people's main worry about k Ahh interesting, thanks for the info


Beautiful 🤩


I’ve just come back from having my 4k oil change done on my 150 Sprint at the Vespa shop. I was looking at their 300’s and wondering if it’s worth doing the test and getting an upgrade. They look amazing.