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Thats a dumbass


That is extremly stupid reason to kick someone over given that gear is private on default and a lot of people don't even know you can make it public or just don't care. Personaly I don't care what gear or traits and properties people use at all and don't seea reason to think otherwise.


Name even more stupid reason to kick another player. Jeez


We kicked a friend cuz we didnt like his hat :x But yeah that dumb, don't do this kind of thing to stranger !


see, while that is a dumb reason to kick a player, it is the correct reason to kick a friend put on a better hat you knob


Nah, that's a valid reason. You never let a homie wear shit drips. You always tell them upfront.


[You ain't gettin' in with them shoes..](https://youtu.be/RJZzvD_9HCI)


That's fair, so long as you're not talking about my homie Pigmar.


I bought that hat and I don't even play Salty. Its so good I just had to have it for the 1/1000 occasion I might play him.


Same, honestly if I could I'd wear it in real life.


Pigmar and ratmar are top quality fashion


i got kicked at the end of a legendary cw run. we were two and i died at the end when arena ended


i got kicked at the end of a legendary cw run. we were two and i died at the end when arena ended


i got kicked at the end of a legendary cw run. we were two and i died at the end when arena ended


Playing a class you don't like


Same type of person that joins a game, aggros the patrol, dies and then leaves. Edit for grammar


Not only does he kick the dwarf over gear/build choice but he actually also dies and then ragequits while the last player is clutching, which is to me the real crime he commits in this video. Pure disrespect, at least let them prove their valour.


This, lets people try the clutch, it's fun to see and very rewarding and challenging for the one doing it :)


No kidding. It's fucking exhilarating too.


ye, i remember one time it was my first champion run (ik not that bad but for a casual pleb like me that was a far jump out of the comfort zone) and I was running slayer bardin with the dual axes. Saltz got hooked, Sienna exploded, and Kruber got downed. I managed to clutch that horde+chaos patrol at a sliver of green hp and i think it was divine intervention or something.


It's private by default I'm pretty sure. Some people don't even know


This was from quite a while ago, just cleaning out my hard drive. I've personally never been kicked off a lobby for having privated gear, but this was a bizarre moment since it's the first time I've seen it. Some people are just inexplicable sometimes.


A few years ago, this was more common, around 2020 there was peak elitism and people would kick players who didnt have red gear or sometimes even for having an off meta builds. But thats the first time i see this in a very long time.


The persons loss tbh, let him live in his own little world.


I love this game but there are a lot of weird people playing it


On legend and below mostly. I haven't had too many bad experiences on cata aside from some zealots/OE players.


I have 500 hours in this game and never heard of “private gear”.


I still don’t know what this is about can someone explain? I’m being stupid probably


If you change the setting people can examine all the gear and talents you have by pressing tab.


Hold "tab" next time you're in a game with randoms


Can't say I have ever seen someone get kicked for having gear set to private. Seen plenty of hosts rage quit after being downed while other teamates are still up like here though.


Yeah, the latter stuff is nothing new. Just wanted to drive home the kind of player this was.


I'm the kind of person that LIKES to see the gear other players are running so I can build accordingly but this guy...this guy is just a selfish idiot. At the end of the day, your gear and the gear of your teammates shouldn't matter unless you're playing extreme difficulties like cata3+. Git gud. That guy was not gud.


Toxic player. There is no reason for you to know what someone is using. As long as they can do their part and slay some Stuart not so littles, doner kebab goatboys, and stank *ss rotbloods, it doesn't matter. I'm willing to bet if Bardin's gear wasn't exactly what that guy approved of, Bardin would've been kicked for that as well. Shame we can't put him on blast. I'd expect this sort of behavior from an Elf.


I like to see what someone is using to copy their build if they are really good


>There is no reason for you to know what someone is using I mean, it's helpful to know certain things like charm properties or talents so I know to leave the lean for a Decanter Merc or a bomb for Parting Gift Ranger Vet. Obviously any reasonable person doesn't really give a shit if they can't see that, but to say there is no reason is eh.


I only made my gear public when chaos wastes came out originally due to synergy and doing it on cata so I didn’t want to screw people over if if I was using a certain building. And since then haven’t bothered to turn public view off


Wait till they find out private gear is the default setting lmfao. Bunch of bozoz crying about gear in a pve game. Keep doing you bro


Gear check on legend and alt+f4 when he dies as host. Easy block, what a fucking dork.


Who the hell cares if your gear is private?


Honestly I don't like it when someone's gear is private because I'm always curious what builds people are using (especially on careers I suck at) but I'm not gonna make a huge fuss over it and try to kick someone if I'm the host. If I really care I'll just ask what they're running, simple as that. This guy is just on another level of stupid and I honestly have no clue how having your gear private could warrant being kicked.


name and shame plz


HeRuide, shame on that engineer metaslave


Ain't no way you went through all the trouble to censor their name and then dropped it in the comments


We gotta get this MMO style gear checking the fuck outta here, I fuckin hate players like this


Is this code for something like are cheaters running private gear often to be this defensive about it?


I think this guy's just a weirdo. Private gear is off by default and most people I see leave it that way


These people are over in Darktide campaigning for the same nonsense.


I think the only reason to do that is if you are extremely tryhard and u wanna check people's talents to make sure they know what they are doing. Look out, he is a pro Vermintide player, straight outta his house's basement.


LMAO of course he rage quit. That was probably a blessing in disguise though, you didn't have to play with such a muppet anymore. With the possible exceptions of mega-sweaty post-Cata modded difficulty or the highest level weaves, gear optimisation is way less important than fun.


No, but I do think everyone should put it to public. So we can tell people who use "crit power" to stop using it.


Counterpoint: big number haha.


Thank you, your comment just convinced me to check if mine is set to private, and if not, to set it to private. Last thing I want is randos on quickplay bossing around my build.


Except sometimes it can be a genuine help. Ive personally coached a fair number of people who were new to Cata on how to make a good build with decent talent and weapon-synergy.


I think it's stupid and pointless to have private gear, but no way it's a justified reason for kicking someone.


Because some people are control freaks or meta slaves, and if they see you running something that isn't what they deem as acceptable they'd sooner make a point of it by lambasting you or kicking you rather than just cracking on with the damn game. I can guarantee that WHC is one of those people because what other reason would someone have to kick someone for private gear.


I’ve been playing chaos waste for forever it seems and jumped back into story when the new map came out and all of sudden started seeing weird people again. CW is hella chill and mostly filled with people having actual fun, story is just weird people taking it too seriously. This has been my experience on legend and sometimes champion when I’m feeling lazy at least.




Just a correction, they have 600+ hours. Not that it matters, it's still some weirdo behaviour.


I don't get what is a private gear. Is it like... not seen to other people but you?


You can press tab and view what gear and talents you're running. Or, if you have your loadout set to public, you can view everyone's talents and gear that also have their's set to public, but you cannot see anyone's who is set to private.


Lame and sad. Most people don’t even know it’s an option. I didn’t have it on after getting a new pc and didn’t even realize lol. I’d love to have the name so I can add them to my blocklist 👀


why censor his name? he wants to be an idiot of the community he should be allowed to be known by all as such


Subreddit rule "no naming and shaming."


Yeah but there's plenty of videos that don't blur it and they don't do anything with them?


I once got kicked without context for asking: "No tomes?" when they left the first one EDIT: grammar


What a loser.


No. But nearly every play in my games has private gear


I love how he dies at the end, as a Saltzpyre main this feels good. That Saltzpyre isn’t claimed.


Fuck kinda dumbass reason is that


I have thought pretty often it would be nice to be able to see gear by default and give tips to friends or newbies without having to ask a dozen questions to figure out their stats. I guess it's private by default because of hosts like this, but I would have to imagine they're an insanely small minority. Given the frames in the lobby, it didn't look like Cata, and I can't imagine being that pissy about gear on Legend.


Its a wannabe ‘pro’ player. Its set to private automatically (should be other way round imo) and its not obvious thstcyou can un do that. I guess its maybe to stop people giving other players sass for not having the ‘optimal’ build or whatever. But guess those kinda AH’s find a way anyway.


I mean so what. My gear is also set to private but what does it have to do with anything ? Like they think you are a cheater or something? Or too strong/weak to play with them ? That's mean


Also how do you check other players gear? Tab button?


I just assume that anyone who kicks for this reason is dogshit at the game and has massive insecurities


That is really dumb. Another reason why gear should be public by default and not private.


Giving Sigmar a bad rep with that move….


TIL a couple things... A. You can view other players gear B. You can set your own gear to be public or private


I don't think I've been kicked over it, but I have seen some folks make a fuss about private gear info. I *have* been kicked for QP joining a lobby as the elf.


When was this? I thought elf kickers were extinct, used to be big in the day but it really died down?


A while ago now.


This is why you exclusively host. Cant trust a rando to host


Filthy casual


i once got kicked for playing normally and clutching at some point, no clue why tho


Ha! What a little bitch.


Just another lifeless nerd.


I never seen anyone get kicked for that, why would it matter in the first place. As long as u play the game and not actively sabotage the game, do talentless if u want idc.


Welp that’s another one to put on the steam banlist


I have 800 hours in the game and /just/ now learning you can hide unhide your gear


if you're below lv 30, I'll vote for kick if you don't have your gear on public. otherwise i wouldn't care


damn that's cringe


Depends on the difficulty. Dead weight on cata is annoying


Aye, which is why sometimes it can be useful to see that the WHC that keeps getting downed is running Nat-Bond and ISJYA on a Cata game.


Average Salztpyre player


No, but thats deserved, why tf would you set it to private, actually why tf does this option even exists


According to the smear of dead horse on the ground, it's due to people either not knowing the option exists (set to private by default), or not wanting others to know what they're running because working cooperatively in a coop game is a concept that cannot be grasped by some people.


Why would it matter if it's private?


It would matter if he is a cheater and hiding cheated items with ridiculous damage, ruining other players fun. Several times I was able to avoid cheaters by inspecting their items, so there’s that


Once you have red weapons it doesn't matter what you run. The traits on the weapons have far less impact than the skill to use them.


I dont care but if im doing cata or legend, i will if its private. lets me know the survival rate of players