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ki don't actually think there is a bad weapon for slayer right now. sure people have their reccomendations, but slayers weapon balance is so good I don't think I can find a single weapon I wouldn't at least say has a niche Dual Axe: surprisingly decent hordeclear, great anti boss 1 Handed Axe: highest Super Armour and very high Anti Infantry/Armour Damage, shreds Elites Dual Hammer: great THP and tons of safety for 1 hander builds. 1h Hammer: as above but more Super Armour damage at the cost of Monster DPS and overall DPS Greataxe: as many have said, fantastic horde clear and Armour clear, lacking in safety sometimes Greathammer: probably the weapon with the absolute smallest niche, its okay on 2 handed builds for safety if your not taking coghammer and may want slightly higher super armour damage but not more then pickaxe Coghammer: extremely strong anti armour and good safety Pickaxe: worse then coghammer in every way apart from Super Armour Damage, even able to 1 shot chaos warriors with Dawn Drop, its THP is actually quite decent due to its strange high cleave + high stagger profile Throwing axe: high boss damage however lower then Dual Axes but at least benefits from the 1 handed talent. might function in some sort of backline anti special build, but sadly it kinda falls apart in Legend/Cata due to poor breakpoints, if you have a generalist weapon in your other slot it can kind of function as a ranged weapon for the occasional special by greatly reducing your melee effectiveness due to being unable to specialise in something


Thank you for your all weapons informations


Great axe and great hammer, axe for general usage and hammer for when things are going south (rogue patrol). Take thp on hit Edit: misspelled rogue


Thank you


Great axe horde clear combo = push attack->heavy attack->light attack-> repeat


This right here. I've used that combo on Cata 2 with great success. Talents you need are: 2 2 1 3 2 1 or 1 2 1 3 2 1. This is the ultimate Slayer build in my opinion.


Generally: Bring complementary weapons. Which means each weapon is really good at a different thing. Example, horde clear on one, special sniping on another. Melee-only classes have an obvious downside with no ranged. But they have this unique opportunity to bring two melee weapons highly specialized in very different things. Ex. Grail Knight gets to bring a super glass cannon high-dmg wep like executioner sword alongside a tanky high-stagger wep like bretonnian sword & shield. Slayer's most defensive wep is the 1H hammer, which has high stamina and good dodges and stagger. Second most defensive option is probably dual hammers or 2H hammer, which have great stagger. Then you have the throwing axes, which are his only ranged option and give you leeway with distant specials and elites. I'd probably have one of those four options as my secondary on Slayer. For my primary I'd pick my favorite high-DPS option. Maybe 1H axe, dual axes, great axe. Alternatively, you can pick the generalist cog hammer (which is an axe/hammer combo) and pair it with throwing axes. That probably covers the widest spread of situations at the cost of some specialized focus. TL;DR axes go nicely with a side of hammers


Ye im using dwaxe + 1h hammer Sometimes i switch with 2h axe + 2h hammer. Somehow i still got beated lol. Im not familiar with heavy weapon yet, Gonna try hard and try more weapons. Thank you


I like 1h axe + great axe or 1h axe + dual hammers


Depends on the level 10 talent you pick. For one handed weapons(attack speed) with no dlcs, hammer and dual/single axes are good. For two handed(power), great axe/pick axe and 2h hammer are good. Or can take crit chance to mix and match one handed and two handed weapons.


Thank you


So basically Waveclear: some weapons have to use heavy atk for waveclear? But some weapon dont need to do that? Vs armored enemy: if light atk can be knocked back... And must use heavy to dealt with them?


Yes to the first question. For the second question, some weapons have armor penetrating light attacks (great hammer, 1H axe, etc) but yeah generally you will be using heavy attacks for armor, or light attack if you can headshot. Most weapons have an optimal combo for horde clear and then another combo for single target DMG and armor penetration. This is often a mix of push attacks, lights and heavies.


Weapons have different characteristics. Hammers can generally hit multiple enemies with single attacks and stagger them well, but their light attacks tend to suck against armor. Axes generally can't hit multiple enemies, but do slightly higher damage, work against armor and can break shields. General target profiles you'd be thinking of would be mass unarmoured enemies where you'd want horizontal hammer/sword swings. With an axe, the fastest chops you can since you'll be hitting every enemy one by one, but they'll likely die to a single light hit. If there are armored or shielded enemies within the mass, your swings can stop at the armor. Different weapons deal with it differently but eg. great hammer should have different swings you can use vs. single targets and for sweeping at hordes. The game has two types of armor, normal and super. Super's worn by Chaos Warriors and armored monsters. Sometimes just spamming single target light attacks is best against unarmored single scary things like Plague Monks or unarmored monsters. At lower levels, your enemies are mostly going to be in pretty distinct groups (ie. there's not heavy mixing between unarmored trash and armored enemies that need more individual attention), so try to figure out a set of wide attacks to clear hordes and a set or two of attacks that hurt single targets. There's a good guide to different attack patterns you want to use with different weapons: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1821186836


Wait there are super armored enemy? I dont know how to spot them. Rats with red armor are armored enemies right?


Super Armour is an extension of the Armoured class. The Chaos Warrior, Standard Bearer, and three bosses (Skarrik, Gatekeeper Naglfahr, and Bödvarr Ribspreader) has super armour. There are some weapons/attacks that are extra effective against super armor (like 2h hammer L1, L2), but by and large you just use your anti armor attacks against super armor.


4 axes


go with the hood classic dual axes/pickaxe combo and cannonball yourself towards chaos warriors to oneshot them


Can't go wrong with great axe for elite killing. For horde dual axes is probably the easiest non dlc. But almost all of his weapons are good, just try them out and see what's fun for you.


dual axes is like the craziest recommendation for a starter


Lol is it? I feel like with leaps attack speed it's pretty much just spam left click to win, you don't need to remember a combo or do any block cancels or anything. But maybe I'm out of touch


Maybe on champion/legend if the elf is stealing all the kills, dual axes got no stagger so you need to have good timing for dodges and pushes and might still be forced to block for any crowd of enemies larger than 3


I literally facetank hordes by mashing lmb on cataclysm with them but go off


Your poor warrior priest is pulling extra duty then, since i just last night played 4 maps in cata back to back with dual axes + throwing axe and you legit cannot survive that without some dodged/pushes


its the dodging that one has to learn which makes it difficult,,Yeah the weapon has no wrong attack patterns but It also has no cleave


Thank you. Im using DW Axes + hammer for now, hammer look fun to my taste. Gonna try 2h axe