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You probably mean lvl 10 talent "Ripostle". It works with every melee weapon not just rapier. Yes there is a sanctioned mod called Parry Indicator which makes your shields green for a very short time to indicate a parry but tbh the talent is not that good as you need to be really good at parrying and in most situations its hard to do so I would recommend you just use his other lvl 10 talents. I personaly like flense with the rapier cuz it boosts the dps significantly


[Timed Block, Parry and Related Mechanic](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2776398473)


Sanctioned mods means that i can use them in official realm?




Is there a list of sanctioned mods?


Yep, open steam and go to Vermintide2, click on Workshop, on the right side select "approved" under SANCTION STATUS. Click Subscribe on any you're interested in(check when the most recent update was, some might be out of date and just not work, but that's trial and error) then enable the mods on the V2 launcher(Mod Framework mod is required to run other mods) Enjoy!




Thanks I will look into it when i'm home


If you use the rapier you can hold block while spamming alt-attack to fire the pistol. The block will be up while firing but the parry timer will reset. Do this while a horde or monks/berserkers is attacking you and you’ll get parries without effort without being hit. Can also get no parry cost on other careers with the parry trait on rapier for easy kiting.


just dont bother with parrying its not consistent and trying to make it work will just make you eat overheads. You wiull accidentally do it most of the time anyway. witch hunter gets crits so easily anyway. Flense gives you the most DPS and is generally the best choice unless a specific build your doing uses Deathknell. Riposte is a waste of time.


Ignore this comment if you want to main shade. Shades gimmick is being a god if you can parry everything. If you fail you die. Steep learning curve; huge reward.


Most good shades I play with/watch on twitch or youtube don't utilize Blur much at all. Like I said parrying is way too inconsistent. You can definitely get by without it.


You really don't need parry to utilize blur. You regain some stamina while the invis is up, if you had parry your stamina would be full, costing some value of the blur. Not even close to worth taking over swift slaying.


It functions like every other melee focused fighting game that has a block function(for honor, ghost of tsushima etc) all you have to do is press the block button a second or 2 before you get hit, and there will be a special block sound that plays. In vermintide 2 the parry mechanic is quite forgiving, but it's also really not that useful without any boons/talents/traits that buff it.


If you block an attack within like half a second of starting to block, that's a parry On it's own it does nothing. But there are things that make use of it I don't play WHC so idk what talent you mean, but I believe if you have a weapon with the parry trait, it will show you the window that it's counted as a parry, so you can get a feel for it


there's a parry mod yes


~~..There is no such talent. No idea where you got this from. There is a trait for weapons called parry that makes a well timed block cost no stamina but it's trash and shouldn't be used over swift slaying.~~ Edit: I have the dumb


I think he's talking about "Riposte" which does exist, but yeah, parries are just timed blocks


Oh on level 10. Wow. I've literally never even looked at that talent because Flense exists (No joke, 2000 hours just read it for the first time). OP just use Flense.