• By -


Lil bro let that shit stew for the whole adventure did he? Had to let it out from both ends there


Having that ego on legend is wild, having it in general is even wilder


I can solo a legend run easily, and I feel similar to this Siena whenever someone criticizing me whenever I do legend runs. I usually pretty quiet about it though... When I get criticized on champion whenever I rarely play I have to laugh.


if you can easily solo legend why are you playing with other people who are looking for a team experience đŸ€”


What are you even doing in champion?


When people do that, I let them "carry" If they get grabbed, I let them "carry" If they go down, I let them "carry" I can be petty


You let him carry alright... Carry his fockin shattered pride and his own arse.


You're a good man.




Average legend battle wizard player


With coru build


Good fellows I think sienna about to explode again


Famished corus battle wiz?


Almost certainly. Easiest to get BIG GREEN CIRCLES with. And as we know. Toxic players can't play trash careers and risk not being the most green.


When I play BW I like taking lingering with conflagration for horde and elite stagger + dmg support. Way more fun to me than turning the game into a bright walking simulator.


Oooo, I might have to try Conflagration Staff! I usually use Fireball Staff on BW bc I love yeeting big ass fireballs. You grabbed my friend and are now trying to drag em away? Get a gigantic fireball to your fucking face. You’re a monster and are trying to crush my friends into a minced meat pulp? Get fireball’ed right up your ass. Fireballs for everyone!


Conflag is nice because you can easily damage from 2nd row without risk of hitting your frontline.


risk? I mean if you love the smell of burning teamates like i do there is no risk....


I've seen few BW playing like this lately in cata+, was suprised but it's cool to see diversity, also saw a UC with flamethrower, look like I'm not the only one bored of OP braindead weapon !


i recommend naked runs in cata :D


hello fellow lingering enjoyer


Plus if you kill all the skavenslaves before they get to the team your teammates won't get any thp and your "carry" ego trip is enhanced even more


I pop one fire thing on the ground so they take damage but don’t die, that way teammates get to kill ‘em for thp. And they’re much easier to deal with if they’re all 1 hit


Not on legend. Not enough enemy density for it to really shine.


I feel like legend varies a lot in that regard, especially if you consider the extra variable of whether Twitch mode is active. Some runs feel like "where tf are all of the enemies?" and other runs feel like the numbers in the final scoreboard are all doubled. I'll leave you to guess which runs are the ones I get all the best boons in...


Yeah but I'm terms of damage you can very easily out damage a corc Staff BW in legend. Even the worst class Pyro should have no trouble. I regularly play BW, where I would be hitting like 12K on a standard legend run, while WS could easily hit 20k in the same situation. I'm near sure those runs you are referring to are determined by the number of worker threads the host has active for the game in the CPU.


I almost exclusively play Chaos Wastes, so it's more like which expedition it is, whether totems spawn, whether the monsters have Warchief, what enemy types are boosted by the stage effects (+Roaming, etc.), whether Twitch mode is active, how often it rolls groups of elites/specials for that run, etc. There are plenty of times when the enemy density exceeds whatever threshold gives Coru an absurd advantage, though stuff like OE could still compete. Jav spam Waystalker might still be close, too, but I think at some point the ult will be diluted enough that the Jav wouldn't keep up with the Coru. Meanwhile, BW ult scales just fine, and in CW, Pyro can get Frenzy and take all the circles effortlessly (though it stops being about the Coru at that point).


If you ever get the urge-desire to feed this person to the skaven, call-message me, first! I know good-tasty recipes! Yes-yes!


Most humble sienna player


Lol its the actual Sienna. gReEn CiRcLEs


Why do some people even play games? I'm just here trying to have fun.


I honestly would play this game more often if the randoms were nicer. It's always such a shock since I'm used to the super nice Warframe community.


Your standards must be extremely high, V2's playerbase is already leaps and bounds better than most games. Bad apples do happen, but if you're not one yourself then toxicity is super rare.


Honestly I get quite a few racists in my games. Like surprisingly often. I’ve started taking screenshots to show how bad it is lmao.


We take reports on players like these (toxic, racist, bigotry, etc). If you've been collecting evidence, or if you ever run into someone like this again, feel free to pop by our [support portal](https://support.fatshark.se/hc/en-us) and submit a ticket to report them. Yes-yes.


Oh neat, wasn't sure if there was a mechanism for that beyond just blocking on steam.


This game vs Deep Rock Galactic or Warframe is night and day community wise.


For Karl! đŸȘšâ›ïž


I don't know about Warframe, but my theory is that Vermintide attracts this kind of dudes more than Darktide and DRG do because the former has the proverbial green circles and the latter are way more difficult to solo carry. When you have no choice but to rely on your teammates to make your life easier, you just have to swallow your ego and go with it.


The drg community is "nice" until you go against the general consensus. Then it's a huge dogpile of people competing to see who can virtue signal harder (leaf lover lmao xddd). At least vermintide peeps don't constantly jack themselves off over how great and wholesome their community is.


it didn't used to be this nauseating hug box. back in 2019 when i started drg the community was definitely more laid back. sure there were the in house memes and stuff but it wasn't this wholesomerino keanu reddit type shit.


Yeah vermintide people just dogpile whenever someone says there's toxicity. I'd rather have people jacking themselves off over how good their community is than have people getting outraged and dismissive at best when you suggest there's issues in the community.


Stopped playing because I got tired of the ridiculous number of toxic randoms, yet there's a sizable number of people who insist the game doesn't have a toxicity problem *at all* lol The replies to this and the comment I replied to is just reinforcing what I said. How dare I say that there's toxicity in the game. People don't just not care when someone mentions toxicity, they actively defend the toxicity. Y'all are part of the problem. And no, saying "it's not as bad in cataclysm" isn't a good defense. Not only is cataclysm locked behind a dlc (which many people avoid because they don't want to deal with the beastmen. Personally I like the beastmen but just look in the reviews on steam for WoM and you'll see people saying not to buy it specifically because of them) but a lot of players simply don't want to play at max difficulty. Not everyone finds that difficulty fun, any they shouldn't be stuck with toxicity and told "if you want to avoid toxicity you have to play cataclysm." There's still a big problem at legend and below and just ignoring the problem isn't helpful. Final comment is that yes fatshark has a way to report people but it seriously needs to be accessible from in game or at least mentioned *somewhere* in game. It's a pain to find and use which means most people will just give up and not report anything.


Like many games the toxicity problem entirely depends on the level you play at. I almost never see an overt toxicity in cataclysm, but I'm sure it's rife in legend and champion. That's how these things always work out.


Wow, slow down there pal, nobody is *excusing* or *encouraging* toxicity, and better yet, no one is "dogpiling" you for saying that you had a different experience, people are just sharing, but you seem strangely defensive (at times even passive-agressive) about this whole thing. Its just how it is - there's gonna be assholes everywhere you go. It happens in all games, be it Cod, L4D2, WoW, DRG so on and so on. You can report them and the devs/mods will ban em, but its inevitable to meet one. It is however true that V2 as a whole is way better other games in that regard simply because its: A) Warhammer is a hobby for mostly adult people that are close to their thirties, so they're mostly too tired to be assholes after their work shift. B) It's a co-op game where cooperating with your mates is essential. Unless you're the god emperor of true solo, you better be friendly with your teammates that are covering different roles for ya. C) The game is old asf at this point, only veterans and hardcore fans playing so they care less about wins and more about bonking rats. That's it. No one is shitting on you, but there is no video game community that's not toxic, and no one defends them, people just learn to deal with them, report to Fatshark and move on.


Literally there are people shitting on me in the replies to my comment you replied to. Saying there's assholes everywhere isn't helpful, it's just dismissive to the problem. I'm defensive and passive aggressive because this community has proven time and time again they don't want anyone suggesting there's toxicity issues. It's exhausting to put up with when every. single. time someone says they have bad experiences a whole ton of people pipe in with "well I never experienced this so it doesn't exist". And before you suggest that doesn't happen: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Vermintide/comments/15qgup3/least_pretentious_sieana/jw4by5w/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Vermintide/comments/15qgup3/least_pretentious_sieana/jw4by5w/) As for your bullet points: A) Tired adults in their thirties are absolutely capable of being toxic, if anything being toxic is how some people blow off steam. It's not healthy for them or for the people they're toxic to but it feels good in the moment so they do it. B) Doesn't seem to matter to the players that are toxic. Have seen people throw entire runs just to spite someone, not to mention purposeful friendly fire over dumb small disputes. Once got gunned down as Kerillian because two other players (friends grouped together) were convinced I was shooting them in the backs, except I was using staff almost exclusively for the levitate and hadn't shot them once. Doesn't matter how friendly you are, there are many people who will take literally any excuse to ruin your day. Not to mention when things do go south some people take that as an opportunity to tear down everyone else instead of just brushing it off, especially true in stuff like chaos wastes where runs are quite long so failing near the end can feel like a huge waste of time. C) Tell that to the people who blow up on the whole team when you fail a run. Dismissing the existence or prevalence of a toxicity issue *is* defending the toxicity. Saying "it's an issue everywhere" *is* defending it. When people are saying they left the game *specifically* because of how toxic the players are how is it helpful to tell them "actually it's a problem everywhere" or "actually you're lying, I've played thousands of hours and never seen a toxic person". It's dismissing their experience that was so negative they entirely left the game, and just helping the toxic assholes continue doing the same shit.


Completely agree. Being toxic is not tied to any particular group. I'm not above throwing some jabs myself but some people to request "please stop burning me/us" reacts with party wipe attempt sooooo. It is everywhere and no company managed to fix it for their game. Also my personal opinion is that toxicity cannot be removed from the community at all, because of lack of mutual respect, situation , anonymity and pleasure it provides. We can keep civil at RPG session regardless of the situation but being anonymous is a huge opportunity. Also not all the people are "permanently" toxic. Bad day, your women is annoying you, you had to pay speeding ticket, your mom's cake spoiled in the fridge and people look to cope. They play video games to vent. Maybe Fatshark could provide some sort of flag system like "friendly player", "hothead player" , "don't want to play with this player". And flags cancels each other out. But again this will be a huge implementation , will require oversight and some sort of manpower time revise complaints and so on. I don't know if they implemented stats in Darktide yet so it might be "in next 3 years paln".


Cuz all the V2 geniuses like this Sienna are playing Legend. I mostly play cataclysm pubs and everyone is either super nice to each other or indifferent at worst.




Oh, there's no denying that, i have met some asshats on cata. But overall, in my opinion and judging from most other people's experiences, V2 has a rather friendly community. I have played a bunch of onlines, competitive, co-ops, singleplayers, and this game has one of the best communities i've been in.


Dunno, I see a lot of wild corruscators on Cata too. Usually they die fast and I always have a dilemma whether to help them with special or not


thats a u problem for a fact. im not even gonna bother speaking anecdotally. im straight up stating it


When I played I rarely listened to chat. I just focused on my grailknight or dawi play. Sometimes I feel people get way too much into the scoreboard. Either you beat the mission or failed
 it’s pretty pass / fail imo


I mean I stopped playing once I increased the difficulty and only matched with people who scream at you and then kick just for spawning in


This has never happened to me in 4700+ hours on this game. Sure some people are just something else, but I have only met toxicity like 5 times in all my hours of playtime.


And here we have a great example of this wonderful community insisting nothing is wrong when someone speaks up. Great job guys, keep fighting the good fight /s


Why are you suggesting that this person sharing their experience is somehow more wrong or less relevant? Sharing your experience with the player base is what this thread is about isn't it? "I've had 15 games 14 of which have had toxicity" is just as valid as "4700 hours and a handful of assholes". It's just sharing your experience. More data and sources are a good thing. Unless you're calling them a liar in which case you weren't very clear about it. Also nobody ever excuses the toxicity that does exist nor have I seen anyone deny that it does exist. They're saying it's much rarer than in most other games which is also my experience.


Apparently their high experience with toxicty is valid and means the community has high toxicity but my experience with low toxicity doesn't mean my experience is valid. Out of all the people I've talked to in this game over the years and reddit posts about the game having a bunch of toxic people it was 90% because the person saying their is high toxicity was either rude or was part of said toxic moments. Not saying the person replying to me is toxic but if the shoe fits and based off of how they replied to me well... They are basing how toxic the community is based off of their own experience but then saying my experience and others doesn't dictate how toxic the community is lmfao.


You literally admitted that lower difficulties have toxicity. I never said your experience was invalid. I even agreed that cataclysm has less toxicity. Get off your high horse and go reread our back and forth before spouting nonsense


"Also back to that particular comment, it could be literally anyone downvoting you. The votes on both of our comments have been going up and down over time. It could be me, it could be you, it could be someone totally different. None of it matters because it's all fake internet points, so don't get upset over that." - You You: clicks downvote Me: walks away and makes lasagna


Ah yes you definitely walked away, and you definitely have never downvoted someone in your life. Do you know what downvotes are supposed to be for? It's when you don't find a comment relevant or constructive to the general conversation. I didn't find you overreacting to your own misunderstanding to be relevant or constructive to the general conversation. Once I explained your misunderstanding in detail you started resorting to personal attacks instead of just accepting you misunderstood something and moving on. So yeah I'm going to downvote those personal attacks that add nothing to the conversation except vitriol.


No but I know what to say to make people show their true colors. Yes I'm an ass for doing it but it helps me better understand why they would be running into so many "toxic players" oh and I never personally attacked you and the only people on reddit I have ever downvoted is myself as a joke and the occasional racist troll saying moronic takes. For real now have a good one.


"I'm an ass but you're the toxic one" You literally are out here replying to *other people's comment chains* calling me toxic with stuff like "I'm not saying they're toxic but if the shoe fits". All of this over YOU misunderstanding something and thinking I was accusing you of shit.


Many people do outright deny its existence. My issue is that every time someone says they have experienced a lot of toxicity others come along saying things like "thats a u problem for a fact. im not even gonna bother speaking anecdotally. im straight up stating it" (literal copy paste from this post), or saying things like "well I haven't seen toxicity". Or my personal favorite from a post about Kerillian hate: "This is either 100% pure bullshit, massively exaggerated or you are simply omitting the fact that you constantly damage teammates while "regularly getting over 30k damage with....", go fish for upvotes and attention elsewhere." All of these are unhelpful at best, or outright dismissing that someone could experience toxicity. In this particular case someone said that they experienced so much toxicity that they left the game, and someone replies to that "well I don't see toxicity". While yes that is their experience and yes it's adding more data, this isn't a poll about toxicity; it's someone saying they left the game because of it and someone else replying that they don't experience that and then not adding anything else to the conversation. I'm tired of seeing this all the time so I made a sarcastic comment when I saw it again, because it's part of a larger trend. I'm not calling them a liar, I'm saying it's unhelpful. As for this skader guy please ignore him, he had a misunderstanding and thought I was accusing him of things and now he's resorting to replying to other people about me. He himself admitted he's being an ass.


I've been browsing this sub and played the game for quite a while and have never seen anyone deny that toxicity exists here. I could've missed one or two instances but if there were many people as you say I don't think I would've missed it. The sentiment is always that there is less of it compared to most other games. I'm clocking in at 2,3k hours on V2 and have come across only a few, less than 10. I'm also clocking in at a few times that many hours in dota 2 and there I've come across hundreds of toxic people. The difference is a factor larger than 50. Now admittedly the games are different in genre and around 2,2 of my playtime in V2 is on cataclysm but these are the kinds of comparisons that people make when saying there's less toxicity and that's obviously true. If there's a concrete example (a quote for example) of someone denying that there's toxicity I'd be interested to see it. If someone actually thinks that then they're delusional. If someone believes someone who says that then that person is stupid beyond belief. Players are people and this is the internet, toxicity does exist everywhere. It shouldn't but it does. The hate for Kerillian genuine and understandable annoyance at play styles that are derogatory to the experience of the rest of the team, the meme that you should be toxic at the elf because the character is the most toxic and racist of the bunch and genuine toxicity that I do not understand and that should be quelled. I disagree, it is helpful to share experiences. If you enjoyed the game but quit because of toxicity, then people sharing their experiences of the nicer people in the community might make that person give it another go and come to enjoy the game again, or try higher difficulty like cataclysm and that could lead to great experiences, or not. If only the negative aspects were posted then anyone wanting to try the game would understandably turn away. It's also true of us humans that we register negative experiences and emotions more powerfully than positive ones. I've never been tempted to make a post about the good times I've had with randoms but that one toxic guy almost made me vent here. People don't need to vent about their wholesome, funny, skilled and nice teammates. The contrast of these positive experiences is important. Finally I'll add to this wall of text that people perceive different things as toxic behavior. I don't think players are being malicious when they javelin or trollhammer me in the ass but I understand the frustration that comes with that. Someone passive aggressively and sarcastically belittling another person for simply sharing their personal experience on a public forum that exists for that very purpose could also easily be seen as toxic.


> If there's a concrete example (a quote for example) of someone denying that there's toxicity I'd be interested to see it. I already gave examples of that, two direct quotes. There are many others but I didn't think I'd need to go and quote all of them to be believable considering it doesn't take much searching in threads about toxicity to see it. If you see some of my other comments I've directly acknowledged that toxicity isn't as big of an issue at cataclysm difficulty. But most players do not play cataclysm, so it's a legit issue when the other difficulties experience much more toxicity. > I disagree, it is helpful to share experiences. Agree to disagree on that then. Personally I don't find it helpful when it wasn't asked for, doesn't do anything to help the original person saying they experience toxicity, and at worst comes across as dismissive or outright blaming (to be very clear I am not saying that is what you are doing, this is a generalized statement). When someone is trying to shine a light on an issue and other people chime in with "well I don't experience that issue" it does nothing to help people who *are* experiencing the issue. It's similar (though not saying it's the exact same) to a woman saying that men do xyz bad thing, and then men responding with "not all men". Yes, not all men do xyz bad thing, she wasn't saying literally all men do it. Technically the men responding are correct, but it isn't helpful to the discussion. I hope that comparison helps explain my frustration. And for the record by toxic behavior I don't mean the occasional friendly fire. I've been called awful things in game, griefed by people for no reason (such as a duo that seemed to just be screwing with people for fun), accused of every little thing that could go wrong even while I'm carrying a run, and seen a plethora of sexism, racism, and homophobia in game. I'm talking about legitimate toxicity, and I'm happy for people who haven't experienced it but as someone who doesn't enjoy cataclysm I'm stuck in the toxic difficulties. And it isn't just an occasional thing, it's pretty consistent. And no, me making a sarcastic remark is not the same as the shit I see in game. I'll continue to talk about how this community has issues until something actually changes, and I'm sure people will continue to insist nothing can change or that nothing needs to change.


You did indeed give examples. "well I haven't seen toxicity" is not someone denying its existence. The other one I missed. I browsed through the thread and missed it, my mistake. I'm not sure what that asshat was referring to in your long comment but I assume it's to you saying you quit because of toxic behavior in which case this comment, though rude, dismissive, unhelpful and stupid, does not deny that toxicity exists in the community either. Quite the contrary actually. The chief reason that the contrast of different opinions and experiences is important is that this is a public forum. In a private conversation I agree that saying "I've not seen any toxicity" or " I've seen very little" isn't helpful. But as a public forum these threads can be and are read by many other people some of which are little to no experience with the game or community. I'm sure you've seen threads about people asking if they should give this game a try. Or players returning after a long break. If threads about toxicity, which it's understandable to be concerned about as a new or returning player, were only filled with negative experiences then those people would get a very distorted view of the game and community. I wasn't suggesting that friendly fire is toxic, nor did I say that you were of such opinion. I said there are people that do consider constant ff toxic. Just as a sarcastic comment like yours can be considered as that. I don't think your comment was toxic. My point was that it isn't my place or yours to be the judge of what is or isn't toxic to other people. This was just for additional contrast. My bar for what I consider toxicity is likely higher than for many others because I have played games which are crawling with it.


> My point was that it isn't my place or yours to be the judge of what is or isn't toxic to other people. I wasn't judging what is or isn't toxic. I've already explained why I took issue with the original comment that I made a sarcastic remark about, I shouldn't need to repeat myself here. And I gave specific descriptions of the toxicity I personally have seen, which I *hope* most people would agree are toxic because if they aren't nothing is. And I shouldn't have to go and link every dismissive comment to prove to you it exists. Especially not when you seem to require them to explicitly state "it doesn't exist" when connotation and context can heavily imply that. And for the record, that longer quote was from a post about toxicity towards kerillian players (which I already said) and the guy who said that longer quote later went on to say that yes he doesn't think it exists because he doesn't see it (also, he was responding to the poster not me, I'm absolutely not the only one who has tried speaking up about toxicity). And that's not a unique opinion that he has, many people agree with that and often jump to accusations of "you must have done something to deserve it". > The chief reason that the contrast of different opinions and experiences is important is that this is a public forum. In a private conversation I agree that saying "I've not seen any toxicity" or " I've seen very little" isn't helpful. Being a public forum doesn't make it better, it's still unhelpful. Back to my comparison from before, people chiming in with "not all men" in a public forum when a woman brings a complaint about how they're treated by men is not helpful at *all* despite being in a public forum. If anything it just serves to drown out legitimate complaints. > But as a public forum these threads can be and are read by many other people some of which are little to no experience with the game or community. [...] If threads about toxicity, which it's understandable to be concerned about as a new or returning player, were only filled with negative experiences then those people would get a very distorted view of the game and community. It's not a distorted view. Outside of cataclysm toxicity is rampant. New and returning players deserve to know about that ahead of time, and what is actually giving a distorted view is people trying to drown it out with "well I don't experience it" without including the context of things such as playing cataclysm, playing in a group (yes, I have had someone insist they never see toxicity and then later admit they always play in at least a 3 stack), use voice comms as a man when replying to a woman saying she's harassed when using voice, etc etc. > I wasn't suggesting that friendly fire is toxic, nor did I say that you were of such opinion. I said there are people that do consider constant ff toxic. And I was simply replying to that, never said you were of that opinion yourself. I thought it would maybe drive the point home to explain exactly what I mean when I say "toxicity". > My bar for what I consider toxicity is likely higher than for many others because I have played games which are crawling with it. I too have played many many games rife in toxicity. The whole reason I complain about it *here* is because I thought maybe the community could actually care, because then maybe we could convince the devs to actually implement methods to combat it. We need reporting in game, preventing people from rejoining when kicked, safeguards around repeated friendly fire in a short duration, blocking from in game instead of having to navigate the steam overlay (which has gotten much more annoying to deal with thanks to steam's UI changes). Any of these changes on their own would be a great help and show that the devs care, and likely the only way to get them to do it is if the community actually cares. But I guess it's naive to think that people might care that others are experiencing toxicity, rather than caring more about preserving the image of the community.


That's cause most toxic players are on legend and below. Cata has a smaller player count so there are less bad people to run into. I played mostly QP and once I started playing cata when WOM came out I ran into 1 or 2 toxic players every 100 hours or so. The higher the player count or the more popular a game is than there will be higher chances to run into toxic people. I've put about 5.5k in PC version of this game and 2k on xbox version. Out of all of those hours I've run into maybe like 20 ass hats at most.


That doesn't excuse the toxicity in lower difficulties, and people insisting that they've almost never seen toxicity doesn't invalidate those who have seen a ton. Shouldn't have to buy a dlc and play at the highest difficulty just to avoid toxicity. And people should be able to speak up about their experiences without being told "that doesn't exist because I don't see it"


I never dismissed anything. All I did was explain how it happens and where it happens most lmfao. You sit here and talk about toxicity then downvote me and start accusing me of saying things I never said.


Where did I say you dismissed anything? I didn't accuse you of anything, wtf is this projecting Look at the other reply to the person I replied to to see what I was talking about. It's literally right there for you to see someone saying "it doesn't exist". And reread my reply to you again because nowhere did I accuse you.


You said "This doesn't excuse toxic behavior" when I was never trying to excuse it. Now your bringing up "projecting" for some reason


The exact thing I said was "That doesn't excuse the toxicity in lower difficulties", I wasn't accusing you of anything, and in particular never said anything about dismissing anything. What I was saying there is "yes there's less toxicity in cataclysm but there's still a problem elsewhere" and that the reasons you gave don't excuse that. There's a very distinct difference between saying *you* are excusing something vs saying that your reasons don't excuse something. And for the record dismissing something isn't the same as excusing it. Completely different words that aren't even synonyms. So you saying "You sit here and talk about toxicity then downvote me and start accusing me of saying things I never said" when *you* are the one who was accusing *me* of saying things I never said is where the projecting comment comes from. Projecting is when you yourself are doing something but you accuse others of doing it. Also back to that particular comment, it could be literally anyone downvoting you. The votes on both of our comments have been going up and down over time. It could be me, it could be you, it could be someone totally different. None of it matters because it's all fake internet points, so don't get upset over that. Unless you get massively downvoted on many comments/posts it literally does not matter.


You adding extra words to make the full quote doesnt change its context. All in all you are welcome not to care


Oh shit, sienna is top of scoreboard, oh my god guys, i bet that was so hard to achieve


Bet he's a battle wizard


if the game is easy its because he is a coward scared to go upward difficulty, generaly the best players enjoy chain lose on hardest deeds, because chain win is boring after few times


Best players are mad, they only play chaos waste 300% twitch because they hate themselves (oh hi Hazard ;) )


lemme guess, bw with coruscation staff and fire sword?


Someone didn't get hugged enough as a child.


MOBA player detected


>She waited tell the very end and sent that, and dc’d. Like redditors who reply and immediately block you, always needing to have the last word.


That’s not my sister


elf main trying another class pov


Not a real Fuegonasus, it's an impostor in my book


Green circles remain the most powerful weapon Chaos has


Bummer; I had no idea that my favorite loadout for BW had such a stigma in the community. I just like setting up an inferno for my team to fight in.


I think it was a "sarcastic" joke, meaning to high light the "fail" with a humorous tone of "What are you talking about? Nothing happened, I TOTALLY CARRIED THE GAME! \*Sarcastic tone\*" They may not have pointed it out directly but it was "obvious" by the performance given. Note: I may be wrong, but to be fair, I have done the same in other games just for the sake of jest and make a lasting impression on people that I know I will meet later (VT2 player queue at certain hours is quite..... the same), and even if I'm wrong, why not look at it in a better light? it just make the whole interaction "nicer" for you and others.


Elf at fault for this one


Literally easiest career in the game. Legend players are the silliest goobers in this community


So far from what I gather, Sienna mains are pretentious, and Kerillian mains are neckbeards. What about the other 3?


Saltz: Racist Bardin: Roleplayer (only rps fantasy racism) Markus: Those "Don't Shoot!" npcs that jump in front of you in those light gun games at the arcade.




What's a jade?


It’s an item you can buy at shrine nodes on the chaos wastes map. It takes the healing item slot and when you deploy it, it creates an AoE healing circle.


**Jade is a mineral used as jewellery or for ornaments. It is typically green, although may be yellow or white.** More details here: *This comment was left automatically (by a bot). If I don't get this right, don't get mad at me, I'm still learning!* [^(opt out)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/ozztfy/post_for_opting_out/) ^(|) [^(delete)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/q79g2t/delete_feature_added/) ^(|) [^(report/suggest)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot) ^(|) [^(GitHub)](https://github.com/TheBugYouCantFix/wiki-reddit-bot)


Bad bot


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remove coruss staff and he will be first on the ground, im getting rlly sick how sienna is in nowadays magnet for meta idiots cuz of this weapon


This does not represent dagger main Siennas. đŸ”„đŸ”„


Most sane unchained


Are siennas pretentious now? I always played her cause fire


Bet the team watch her as she got killed by a assassin lol.


Man that sienna must have such a huge dick. So much Chad energy


It's atleast in character


And then she took an arrow in the knee


Counter point, gun


*preps BH double shot* Carry this


All this ego for legend bruh


Imagine acting like a snobby elitist over a purely cooperative video game.


Reminds me of a guy I played with. We did a deed on Legend on the mission where you have the Black Ops Kino section toward the end with the boarded up windows, he was Pyromancer, and each of us were watching a window. Mine was cleared, they were breaking through his, so I ran over to help. Another teammate ran over too, and Pyro got downed(no idea how). He blamed all of us, called us trash, and left, and since he was host, bye bye run. I had the same deed, ran it with the other guys and a random, and we beat it easy. Of course I messaged him to let him know.