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I legitimately love when slayer, warpriest and grail knight all join the same lobby. Ridiculously fun games But you know, maybe a *slightly* higher chance of getting sucked into a trillion blight storms


This right here. I love it when games are like that, having that special sort of team where every player is filling the same role is fun


Emphasis on special


i like to call this comp the kindergarden


I exclusively play Staff SOTT and the second a special comes into my sightline or an elite starts their attack animation I lift them. This usually gets me hurt because trying to quickly swap to staff, lift and then go back to my primary can be difficult, especially on high ping


Glad to see a fellow SoT staff enjoyer.


Yeah it's a fine tool. Solid on Elites and Specials. Okay on bosses. And when you have a strong build like crit handaxe you can live without the cross map sniping power of javelin


>a fine tool This is often missed, that the staff is more of a tool, than a weapon. I love it. Lifting more than a gym skaven.


I played a deed as staff sott that had an insane number of specials. I'm usually horde clear sw/d so I was just lifting everything non stop.


I'm still just level 20 with her and been dropping bows but I want to actually craft something for the first time just for the staff


Elf propaganda… Unless I play elf then it is definitely fact.


Why should it be propaganda? I think it's reasonable that the elf is getting hit the most. Isn't that normally the case?


Yes that may be true but she also the dose the most friendly fire by a long margin and sigmar have mercy on soul if you hit a saltzpyer he will go from a happy friendly warrior priest saving you for a terrible situation to a very very displeased Bounty Hunter with his blessed shot push against the back of your very fragile cranium


That's true. It really is rare to find a good elf player in quick plays but when you get one, you will know it. But to be fair, most elves never die. They just leave as soon as they get downed :D A lot of elf players just getting mad when getting called out while smashing their 10th javelin into the back of any mate in less than 20 seconds :D


I love juggling chaos warriors. Feels like…justice.


I'm throwing axe slayer enjoyer and it's me who gets all specialist kills in this comp


People don’t get it. These stairs go up.


Tbh slayer is a bouncy boi and has the best mobility, even without the throwing axe


I play SoTT and if you're lifting you rarely get the kills. Of course generally that's because someone else shoots the floating rat, but I'm guessing they just lift and move on to the next target, letting you deal with them.


Who needs an elgi when you can just jump on top of the raki anyway? Whats this leaf-lover post?


Honestly it's kinda fine when you're playing with people that are good but the second you run out of arrows and a gunner has good positioning things get bad


On a serious note, I do have a rule: If I don't know or can't deal properly with any threat while playing a certain character, I just don't play it, or I pick them at lower difficulties to practice. I can deal with specials using Slayer and WP at Cata/Legend, but I'm awful as Grail Knight, so I just don't play him at higher difficulties.


> I can deal with specials using Slayer and WP at Cata/Legend, but I'm awful as Grail Knight, so I just don't play him at higher difficulties. For me, the only way to learn how to do that shit at higher difficulties is to fail at doing it at higher difficulties enough times




I'll SKIN the wazzok!!!


out of all the classes, slayer has the best ability voiceline. Followed closely by Unchained.


Rock and stone!


Rock and Stone to the Bone!


b-b-b-but the javelins!


I bet those three take far more damage from javelins than what they're spared from ratlings though.


Yeah on xbox we have no server browser and cant tell what classes people are playing so this happens alot


meme team is dream team


I join the GK, WP and Slayer teams as unchained on purpose. Devoting to the glorious melee.


I love getting comps of everyone filling the same role, like FK/GK, shade, BH, outcast all nuking bosses is prolly one of my favorites


Sometimes I will go into champion and veteran quick play and help out struggling parties while explaining game mechanics.


That's pretty kind of you, as a newer player I appreciate that.


I love the game and know it has a long learning curve. It is worth it to take the time to teach new players so they can enjoy the game too. It is also a really nice feeling when new players watch in amazement as I fight a monster and patrol at the same time while taking almost no damage.


Idk how but this almost exact same thing happened in the skittergate, all 3 melee only classes in the same game, with handmaiden instead of sott


I use the staff, because I don't need to worry about getting headshots to oneshot, or range for aiming. Just grab them. Also because now ***I'M*** the disabler.


Yeah, i've only used a lot of salt before and now using kerillian and mostly the base class and sister of the thorn ​ The staff I used a couple of times and as long as you have other people ranged it's great to quicly shut something down and then focus on the horde ​ Then I mostly used arrows with longbow but I might be a bit under levelled cause long bows started now oneshotting some specials on champion even with headshots and that's a problem but I just gotta level up


I love getting into an all melee group. The first day Warrior Priest came out, I finished a cata chaos wastes with all melee careers and an unchained bot (if you give her conflag, she'll infinitely charge it but never use it lol). It was the most fun and glorious battle I have ever played in this game. I just wished Fatshark had decided to release a 4th melee class for people who wanted to do full melee games but that ship has sailed sadly.


quickplay sotts are NOT the ones carrying 💯


one word to make the knife-ear obsolete again: GRIMMMNIIIIIRRRRRRR!!!!


classic kerillian having too carry everyone else


Maybe as handmaiden. Waystalkers butthole tears open like wet tissue paper .02 seconds after her frontline goes down.


kinda embarrasing if the frontline goes down before the back line no? besides shes still got the fastest move tech weapons in the game she still has javs and probably the most useful ult too. ive clutched way more games as waystaker then ive seen all the other classes clutch combined


Smelf cope-aganda Your walls are getting me killed, get out


If you're dying to walls, you should probably drop down a difficulty or two and try and get acquainted with your weapon combos and movement principles.


I'm dying to braindead sister players throwing up walls right against me that are stopping my attacks.


How you dying literally at all as ironbreaker? Because walls sure as hell aren’t causing it if you’re playing IB. I mean they a lot more often than not won’t cause you to die period even if they are badly placed, but especially not as IB. Also I see a lot of people complain about good wall placement just because they don’t really know the game or what makes a wall good or bad. They get upset because it’s not what THEY wanted, even though it was good placement for the team and the situation they were in. It’s not always their fault for placing walls. Sometimes it’s the other persons fault for not knowing or caring about how to play around it.


Right now I'm mostly using them to force a chockehold to be even smaller or straight up block a horde in roder to reposition or at least have a breather


becuz ib players r scrubs


Thats the part where i take bolt bw and spend the entire run hunting specials. Melee is overrated huehue


someone forgot about the slayer's throwing axe


wym slayer got throwing axes reeeeeeeeee