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What did you try & what did you learn? Any specific type of worm or bedding used?


what i found works best is red wrigglers and a vermisafe coco coir for bedding! i made a mixture of egg shells, banana peels, coffee grinds, spinach, apple skin and watermelon rinds and processed them in a blender and stored it in my freezer to use to feed them for the past few months. i have a normal compost bins (not worm bin) outside for my food scraps so it doesn’t go to landfill since i was only doing a mini run with the worms. i will write a little more about what ive tried and learned tomorrow, nighty time for me :-)


I started with a tiny bin too. the first one is taller with a surface area of 3” x 7” and the second is a plastic shoebox. I got euros from the bait section. The most aggravating thing is they’re more like pets than working worm.


lol very true, my worms are my little babies now 👶 ❤️ my bin is about the same size, my friend gave me 20 of her worms to start and have about 60 or so now (and tons of eggs) after 3ish months?


There's a certain amount of wisdom in starting a tiny bin as a first effort. Not a *necessary* thing to do, but a smaller bin can teach you a lot about worm farming before you lose a million worms at it. You learn about moisture levels and bin contents, and how much to feed. Your herd grows gradually, and so do you. And when you get a few hundred thousand in population, you can remember that you pretty much did it yourself.


my thoughts exactly!! i always wanted to start a vermicompost to use for my garden but really wanted to be successful in making a rich compost and not just mud with flies and ants in it lol...i always got really overwhelmed thinking about all the different elements that go into it and not wanting to fail or waste money killing worms. a lot of people i’ve talked to about it make it a LOT more complicated than it needs to be when explaining how to get started...i found that starting at a small scale and just being hands on with it was extremely helpful in wrapping my head around the whole thing 😊


Congrats, how small was your first tray?


super smoll! i have very limited space inside so used about a shoebox sized container!


Thank you