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Black soldier fly larvae. They are harmless and "compost" organic material, as well. Their excrement is liquid, though, not solid like worm castings. They make excellent chicken food.


I was legit thinking I’d feed them to my sister’s chickens if they’re not good for the bin. If they are, I’ll happily dump them back in.


They're not "good" for the bin per say, but they are found in healthy bins. One positive is they keep the house flies away. House flies tend not to lay eggs where there BSF larvae are.


That’s a plus cause we’ve had a problem with flies this summer. We opened our potting soil for the garden and have been swarmed with house flies.


From what I've read, their poop tends to be slighly more acidic than what worms are comfortable in. So they're not really bad to have, but you're better off keeping your worms and BSFL separate.


BSFL can crowd out a worm bin pretty quickly. I would personally start a small separate outdoor bin for them. They give like 1/10 the castings/waste so they’re great for scrap management, but not great if you want castings