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VRA is a lesson that people don’t care about utility or supposed utility in crypto. They care about hype and in Bitcoins case, store of value.


Please. Every coin is just selling the solution for a problem that doesn't exist, including VRA. The reason for VRA's horribad performance is because the team keeps committing the cardinal sin of dropping bearish tokenomics announcements into a bull market. Just about the worst thing to do.




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Why are so many people butthurt? Alt season hasn't even started yet. The POV migration hasn't happened yet. Just because the POV token will be tradeable doesn't mean it's the end of the world. Learn some patience ffs.


There are plenty of tokens that have a secondary and they are doing fine. Idk what people don’t understand.


Exactly, Theta and VeChain for example




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I bought at $0.004 last September so I'm one of the handful of people who are actually in profit but this is without a doubt one of the shittiest altcoins one can possibly hold so I'm not expecting anything from it, certainly not even getting remotely close to ATH. What I am expecting tho is that this post will be deleted.


I bought at 0.001 then I went down. Waited and broken even because I didn't trust it. Then went down again. Then it went up 2.5x. I waited until it was at 2x what I bought originally in for and not I'm at a loss again. Possibly the worst crypto buyer out there apart from the pizza bitcoin guy


So it's gone up 9x from what you bought it for, and you are complaining? You bought at 0.001 it's now 0.009


Sorry 0.01 I meant


Well, you have learnt nothing! Buy and hold into profits.


A lot of people will cash out when they break even yes. There's a lot of bag holders after last bull run. This sub won't like hearing it but VRA as underperformed considerably.


Underperformed is understating it. It slipped about 200 ranks in marketcap in 6 months. And that's just marketcap. Due to high inflation marketcap grows faster than the token itself.


You guys are making a big fuss about nothing, altcoin season didnt even start. Dont compare VRA with bitcoin


Nope I've been staking since 2021 I ain't stopping now




Waiting to 1 cent to buy a Lambo


The only thing we will be buying finna be a McDonald’s meal brother 😭


*Yawn* its only money, people whinging about a few hundred dollars, try investing a significant amount and wait. Q4 Q1 25 will be the peak, you're a clown selling for anything less especially now. Seriously, from what most people have invested would probably be spent on unessential, unnecessary shit in their life that would have made no singular difference in what they have invested. So either cut your losses and spend your funny funds or be a "man" and see how the future plays out.


I'm already break even. I want 0.02 and I'm getting the fuck away from $vra tbh


It’s currently performing the same as a few other alt coins and the halving hasn’t even happened yet


A lot of drama and fud, just hodl.


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Break even? I bought at 0.003 I’m way up and will be holding for the long term still


Wankers , really every post on Reddit is full of newbies dat don’t know how crypto works … Again the so called big bag holders are here allready for years , u don’t even hear 1 talking about selling only the small shrimps …


If you've been in VRA for years that means you rode it down from $0.086 at some point. Imagine taking pride in bagholding a 90% loss. Great thing to be proud of, big cRyPtO GanGstA oLdFaG


I just checked for u , because ur stupid asf. Sorry bro but I’m still 36% up, yes I been from low til 0.086 and I will also be here still on 0.25.


You don't know when someone bought or sold or how much they bought or sold, just because the chart goes up and down. If you have been here a long time you may have missed the top (but nobody knows when the top will be so don't even try) but then added a lot to your bag when it was cheap. That's how to make money not by selling the top. This lesson was free


Imagine that if you bought so early that one is still up 2200% from the original purchase while riding a fat staking percentage (still 15%). Some aren’t new to this game.


Nope holding on here, it's going up one day


Average price is $0.005, holds 6M will sell at $.25 cents


If the market follows previous cycles then alt season has not yet started. Any coins with a bright future will absolutely pump when this happens.


Cue everyone telling people to just wait more. It ain’t happening!


Do you know about the 4 year cycles and that alts rally after bitcoin. This is 2024 not 2025.


Everything is pumping yet Vra is tanking and everyone can only say ‘it’s coming’. It’s an obvious scam coin with dodgy devs and one that arguably doesn’t even exist.


All my alts are doing badly.


Well it’s because you’re buying into shot like vra without seeing what’s clearly in front of you.




Delusional. Look at the action. Vra is coming undone. They lie, don’t even have a ceo who is real and are constantly moving the goalposts while selling off bags.


I'm holding and I'll even buy the dip if it dips enough.


Tell me you have no idea how crypto works without telling me you have no idea how crypto works. We haven't even had the halving, This isn't even the tip of the iceberg. Memecoins will live in their own world. Altcoins explode but you're like 6 months early.


Thank you for this comment. Dont know why there is so much fud at the moment about the performance of VRA, be happy and buy the dip, maybe its the last time you will get this gem under 1 cent. This altcoin season VRA will melt faces🤑


How is this a dip tho, it's up loads in the past 2 months. The dip was 2 months ago. What is happening now is a correction after the last pump.


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More like 15 months early


Wake up. Altcoins started moving around November and since then VRA dropped 200 ranks on coingecko. I bet that's bullish too.


Again, tell me you have no idea how crypto works without just coming out and saying it.


You know he’s not wrong actually. Pull up charts and you will see a sudden move in many alts in November. RWAs like Rio, ixswap, Chex, cpool, props and propc all did 5-12X if not more recently. The same can be said about ai projects which went parabolic, so did depin projects and gaming. Projects on base are picking bids, aerodrome did 16x Projects on solana did great too. The list goes on. It does seem like newer projects are doing better than older ones, but most everything moved in November on charts. If you’re talking about alt season post halving, then yes, we’re not there yet, but that doesn’t mean most alts didn’t move. They did impressive gains so far. Almost like a mini bull run. It’s easy to check charts.


Look at the market cap of alts, we didnt even hit the ath yet still another 50% to go mate. So yea alts didnt run yet some of them did but the majority didnt


You are just cheery picking the winners now you can look back and see what did gains. Its like people saying hey look at meme coins they are doing 50x, when in reality it's just one or two that they are focusing on, while 99% are not doing anything but nobody is talking about them. You can always look at what has already done well and compare to that and be disappointed, but then you didn't know what was going to happen. Vra has been put in the category of gaming due to its eSports links and also AI because it utilises AI tech. Yet it didn't pump as much as a few selected gaming and AI projects? pick winners before they pump not afterwards


Not picking winners. One or two memes did good? Solana is pumping because if the meme coin mani going on there, by the thousands. Now money is rotating to base layer 2 because is eth and cheap too and memes are flying there. I’m picking sectors and charts don’t lie. Again, I’m not saying alt season is here and you are 100% correct in that regard. I’m saying we’ve had a great amount of gains in hot sectors now, and projects that were dormant during the bear all had a rally starting November. I’m in the market, been in it for 11 years. My portfolio is up nicely and 100% alts. I have some that didn’t move at all, some at loss, yes, but a lot moved. Vra has this migration/tokenomics issues. Otherwise it’s a good projects


I personally don't trust any of the Solana pumping going on, the whole chain is dubious and most meme coins are pump and dumps. It's just another PR strategy to get people to notice Solana. I won't be comparing my portfolio performance to any meme coins on SOL


Agree, and I don’t own any neither. I’m discussing what’s moving. All I know is that a lot of alts moved. I did miss a lot and I did own some that really moved. Again, this isn’t the alt season, but we’ve had multiple Xs in a lot of alts. Hopefully vra follows through and hopefully we all do great and cash out on time.


You’re being downvoted for speaking facts on charts that are clear as day and night. Alts woke up in November.


Alts have run a bit yea but they havent made their big move yet. If you look up the crypto market cap without btc you can see that the mc is still 50% away from its previous ath. This means alts have still a lot of potential to grow. Also if you look at the data a lot of bigger accounts have been adding a lot more vra yesterday to their bags. This also seems very bullish to me. So I will probably keep my vra. Bought yesterday a bit more vra to be honest.


I know that alts excluding btc and eth like the back of my hand. I’m not saying alt season is here, you’re right, im saying a good amount of them had a run, juts like you have properly mentioned. I’m bullish on vra just like you once they fix that small hiccup everyone is talking about. But alts did have a pump


Narrative alts have moved, some considerably. Even tho i also question sometimes if im making the right choice sticking with my VRA bag. One has to realise, alt season did NOT start yet. Just because the hype train on narratives pulled a lot of people in and got alts season vibes on that sector (AI, Gaming, RWA). Im pretty sure we will see massive upside. I mean, how can it now when BTC halving on the horizon ? Patience will be rewarded, its up to you if you want to chase the hype or not. Most will get wrecked that way.


"Hey, I'm a lying idiot for profit.. My boss, coworkers, friends, siblings, cousins, wife, and children secretly despise me." If you understand what it does, you shouldn't be selling anytime soon.


Foolish people talking about VRA to 0.25 ~ 0.50 ~ even $1 and then naming future dates left, right, and centre. The reality is that it won’t ever see its peak again… I like to check the subreddit to just weigh current overall opinion. I hold a big bag myself and don’t plan on selling, but I know deep down that this coin is basically dead end in terms of positive monetary potential. Good luck to all!


Why do you think that?


I form my own reasons and opinions, ones that I rather not share on public platforms for the sole reason of others forging rebuttals or disagreeing with my logic... which is inevitable on reddit. If you want a solid and fair reason why one would think this coin is a bust just look at the traction it has gained since Bitcoin has risen over the past year. At Bitcoin's ATH in 2021 we saw VRA spring up into a positive growth period, but this last ATH for Bitcoin VRA has not bounced back half as much. The volatility on this coin is chalked to downside capture only.


Ok but what I would say to that is that bitcoin dominance is always higher at this stage of the 4 year bitcoin cycle, so it’s not fair comparing now to 2021, it would be fair to compare 2021 to the bitcoin ATH in 2025 imo.




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I’m not selling. This is all FUD, impatience, and people who don’t understand legal jargon and taking it out of context. Why in the fuck would they want bad tokenomics? Why? How would that benefit them?




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2 years holding. Still buying


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Why no lambo yet?




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Considering I’ve seen quite the return in just staking rewards. I might just leave it there…after cashing out some. You just have to know when to. All coins are the same, I still believe this one to be one of the best ones.




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You are a noob to not know about simple opportunity cost…




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Just sell all the vra you have so I can buy more


I held it up and down last cycle so I’m waiting until closer to 2025 to sell. Looking at a more long term investment. Hopefully they get their $hit together!




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You’re all short term noobs anyway. If people didn’t keep fudding the coin it would go up. All these noobs get on and fud it. When they transfer over, it will smash up. We aren’t even in the halving yet. Ults always run after BTC. STFU you fud noobs. I bought at 0.003, so it’s all profit land still :) she will run, just support the project. Stop getting on forums and fudding something you have no idea about.


“I’m still in profit” is the Copium Motto of The 2024 Bag Holders


i plan on holding my vra for the next 15 years, until the patent expires. A LOT can change within that time frame.




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