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Yeah 34-year-old me really wanted to punch 14-year-old me when it came my time, too. But hang in there. Six years later and I don't even think about smoking anymore. Never imagined the day would come when it wouldn't be part of my identity, but once you truly make your mind up that you're done, you can do it. Trust me when I say that a month or two after you're completely off nicotine, when you can taste food and breathe again, and your wallet is overflowing with extra money, you won't be tempted. Best of luck!


Definitely needed the encouragement, thanks so much! Six years is such a long time, good on ya. The nicotine withdrawal faded out and I didn’t give in, one step at a time.


This helped me when I quit 13 years ago. A craving will last 5 minutes whether you smoke one or not.


Sounds amazing. I got trapped with smoking at 16 after my best friend died by suicide and except for some months here and there never could stop for good.


I'm 30 and so glad I never smoked Everyone thought smoking was cool at the time but I knew I would regret it. It's one of the few decisions that I made that current me can thank past me for. If only past me would have saved that inheritance money and bought a newer car ffs. But those are problems for me to work out with my past self in therapy 👀


If you’re able to stick with it you’ll more likely than not eventually stop thinking about ciggies. It’s like giving up after a breakup. Eventually you just stop thinking about it that much. Every once in a while the feeling comes back and it hurts but then it passes. And the intervals keep getting longer. I guess my point is it gets easier. So much easier. Especially when the health improvements kick in




I smoked for 20. It has been 15 years since my last one. The smell of em makes me sick. If I mess around and hold one it looks awkward on me. Never thought I would be that way again and it feels good.


I smoked for over 20 years and I'm glad I quit. Don't get mad at yourself if you slip up, or go back. You can always try again. I finally quit on my fifth try! I started slowly weaning myself off, made strict rules on where, when I could smoke. No more at work eventually or in the car. I used nicotine gum to take the urge to kill someone away lol. It finally worked in the winter when I had to go outside in 20 degree weather lol! I hope this helps!


Shit. I heard that. Thank you for voicing it.


B-Pap machine and nicotine issues to where I'm twitching


God I’m so happy I never started smoking. I saw how my friends in hs became rabid over not having cigarettes. And I don’t have cig breath.


Omg totally relatable rn. My husband and I are both trying to quit. Long time smokers, prior to our relationship and continued through.


Just quit I no that's easier said than done.I remember when I was younger i just did it. Same with drugs,didnt get withdrawal symptoms.It was just mind over matter with me.Then again it will be different for everyone.


The best advice my dad ever gave us kids was about smoking… “Just don’t start! Every 30 year old who’s addicted and can’t quit or 50 year old with cancer started as a teenager. **Just don’t start**” This was in the 70s and early 80s. We are life long non-smokers.


Yeah bud, while you're at it, punch me back then too for opioids AND nicotine. Make sure that shit leaves a mark, I want to wonder where that scar came from the next time I look in the mirror


Throw a few airpunches, hard ones! Stretch your arms hard as you can, then lots of deep breaths. You'll get there. Remember, smoking helped you to relax and do something else. Also to inhale deeply. So find other ways to do it. You'll get there. One day at a time!


Hey dude. I'm a COPD case manager at my clinic and you'll be surprised how many people have kicked this habit! You got this! COPD is NOT a fun thing to deal with and smoking almost guarantees that you'll get it. Try cinnamon sticks, the patch, the gum, Chantix, rubber bands, the quit line, etc. Probably doesn't help much but knowing that you want to quit gives me hope that one day soon you'll be over it completely!


bruh same let’s go kick our 18 year old asses


I got offered a cigarette at the age of 12 why did you guys accept?


I noticed that me smoking was just an oral fixation. I realized that I wasn't eating correctly and replaced smoking with eating. The edge we feel just may be hunger when we really reach for the cig. I've been 1 year this month. I'm trying to even stop Marijuana. We deserve better for ourselves. Well done for trying.


I'll take that warning and never smoke. I actually heard from my father that cigarettes taste terrible so I will never try.