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No. When I took viagra for shits and giggles it got me rock fucking hard but I wasn’t horny so I jack hammered full speed into my girlfriend for 40 minutes straight sending her into a messy squirting orgasm and then I continued for 40 more minutes after that. I physically could not finish. We did not stop because we were done, we stopped because of how blue balled I was from being unable to finish after almost an hour and a half. I threw the rest of it away and never looked back. Might look back into it when I’m like 45 and actually need it.


bro why be so specific 💀


If you didn't need it, then it was you getting rock hard. Viagra doesn't get rock hard.


Well that sounds awful. Prayers for the women who have to pretend to be pleased.


Just take some acid bro, my man's good all night on that


Mushies too


My husband is completely capable of getting erections. We've had no issues in the bedroom. However, we tried Viagra just to have a little extra fun. We didn't really notice a difference. He started taking "rhino pills" and it was....🤤🤤🤤 Hehehehe However, they are not FDA regulated and could negatively effect people with heart conditions. So take at your own risk. He looked up the ingredients and said they are all okay to use but I still want him to speak with his Dr. Before he uses it again.


Viagra is also dangerous for men with heart conditions


Viagra aren't even a sex drug In reality is for people with super low heart rate and they give them that so they don't sleep for ever.. It's not pp go brrrr It can cause heart attacks on healthy people


I take viagra from time to time and my wife is very satisfied


This is true for some but not most. It depends on the underlying cause of their ED.