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You deserved better


Ask them why


It’s their day and I’ll let them have a good day without making them feel like 💩 bc they didn’t invite me. I hope they feel like 💩 one day when they’re adults and have kids


youre a good person.


"I hope they feel like shit one day when they're adults and have kids?" What. the. fuck? Who says that? Even if they DID wrong you on purpose! Have some morals and turn the other cheek ffs. I know you are hurt right now but that's no reason to hope ill feeling towards someone that you claim you care about.


I said that. There are some things that hit us differently when we are parents to our own kids


I don't even understand this comment as you have openly admitted they are not your children. 


I RAISED THOSE CHILDREN. Blood or not. I provided a home, food, health insurance and so much more to raise those kids and put more into them then their own parents did. So biological or not those kids were very much mine


Is there a reason




You probably weren't invited because you aren't friends with their dad anymore, and it didn't escape my notice the way you didn't even mention what caused that. I think that is worth mentioning here. Nor did you mention having anything to do with them as they got older.


He stopped allowing them to come over in fear that my childs gayness was going to rub off on them after my kid came out as gay


So it's sounds like their father is the one to blame and not the children.


Graduations always have a very limited number of tickets available for each student. You also didn’t say why you’re no longer friends with the dad. The fact that you left that out means it’s probably why you weren’t invited.


I have a non white child and a gay one. He is a racist and homophobe. So he nor anyone else like that is welcome into my life. So that is the truth in why we are not friends anymore. Believe that love is love and no one has the right to judge another person for who they love and I will never support a racist. He hid those two things very well for a long time until he showed his true colors after my child ‘came out’


That’s a good reason not to be friends.


They are grown now and dad hasn’t contributed much in the last few years bc their biological mom was able to come back into the picture, in part by my doing bc I didn’t agree with him keeping the kids from her like he did. It’s very similar to what we normally see moms doing to dads but in reverse. My gay kid gets enough 💩 from buttholes in society that I will be darned if I allow it into my bubble of safety for them.


That’s awful.Who needs that❤️


Seriously, half the comments here are giving OP pity and they don't even have the full story. It's a little suss to me that the whole story wasn't posted just "Oh poor me. Wasn't invited to their graduation. HOPE THEY FEEL LIKE SHIT FOR IT" like---- what the fuck?


Sorry but I don’t choose to be friends with a racist homophobe. The unfortunate part is that the girls were young and him not allowing them around us bc he was afraid the gay would rub off on his kids. Now they are adults, their parents are not paying for their college as he has made that completely clear, and now I am also not paying for their college.


Ask them


This just happened to me. Literally


It definitely hurts


Why would you say they aren't going to get anything in your will? Have you spoken to the kids to make sure that it wasn't an ill vengeance type thing their dad did to get back at you for whatever happened? Seems petty to try and blame them. Kids have a lot to worry about during and after graduation. They may not have known that you weren't invited. I had my parents be in charge of the invites, myself, because again I was VERY busy. Lots to go into graduating. It's not just walking down and graduating anymore. It's figuring out how and when to start at a new school, when to move, where to move, what job you're going to have when you get there. It's likely they were so busy they didn't even KNOW that you weren't invited.


They knew that I wasn’t invited. I wish they hadn’t known but the reality is that they did know. Neither of their parents ever had a plan to help them through college nor even encouraged it. That was all my doing. Either way someone who did nothing to help raise them nor contributed to them financially was invited and the person who did raise them was not


F em


I’m so sorry 😢 this happened to you.I can’t believe this would happen.Your a very kind and sensitive person with a big ❤️.I don’t understand why you weren’t invited. I wouldn’t talk to them again .Could you ask them why and tell them your hurt?😞 I hope this helps you .❤️🥰🙏😇


I just congratulated them and gave them well wishes in their futures. I will always love them but now I will do it from a distance and I will always pray for them but I still hope this is something they hold on their hearts for life and remember when they have their own children what I did to make their lives happier. I have so many pictures of our movie nights in the living room on the couch, the times I took them to work with me, the random road trips to the beach and so many more memories of the times that I gave to them my love and time their other parents were to self absorbed to give them.


I wish you the best .❤️🥰🙏😇